98 research outputs found

    Cold Storage Data Archives: More Than Just a Bunch of Tapes

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    The abundance of available sensor and derived data from large scientific experiments, such as earth observation programs, radio astronomy sky surveys, and high-energy physics already exceeds the storage hardware globally fabricated per year. To that end, cold storage data archives are the---often overlooked---spearheads of modern big data analytics in scientific, data-intensive application domains. While high-performance data analytics has received much attention from the research community, the growing number of problems in designing and deploying cold storage archives has only received very little attention. In this paper, we take the first step towards bridging this gap in knowledge by presenting an analysis of four real-world cold storage archives from three different application domains. In doing so, we highlight (i) workload characteristics that differentiate these archives from traditional, performance-sensitive data analytics, (ii) design trade-offs involved in building cold storage systems for these archives, and (iii) deployment trade-offs with respect to migration to the public cloud. Based on our analysis, we discuss several other important research challenges that need to be addressed by the data management community

    High-Performance Persistent Caching in Multi- and Hybrid- Cloud Environments

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    Il modello di lavoro noto come Multi Cloud sta emergendo come una naturale evoluzione del Cloud Computing per rispondere alle nuove esigenze di business delle aziende. Un tipico esempio è il modello noto come Cloud Ibrido dove si ha un Cloud Privato connesso ad un Cloud Pubblico per consentire alle applicazioni di scalare al bisogno e contemporaneamente rispondere ai bisogni di privacy, costi e sicurezza. Data la distribuzione dei dati su diverse strutture, quando delle applicazioni in esecuzione su un centro di calcolo devono utilizzare dati memorizzati remotamente, diventa necessario accedere alla rete che connette le diverse infrastrutture. Questo ha grossi impatti negativi su carichi di lavoro che consumano dati in modo intensivo e che di conseguenza vengono influenzati da ritardi dovuti alla bassa banda e latenza tipici delle connessioni di rete. Applicazioni di Intelligenza Artificiale e Calcolo Scientifico sono esempi di questo tipo di carichi di lavoro che, grazie all’uso sempre maggiore di acceleratori come GPU e FPGA, diventano capaci di consumare dati ad una velocità maggiore di quella con cui diventano disponibili. Implementare un livello di cache che fornisce e memorizza i dati di calcolo dal dispositivo di memorizzazione lento (remoto) a quello più veloce (ma costoso) dove i calcoli sono eseguiti, sembra essere la migliore soluzione per trovare il compromesso ottimale tra il costo dei dispositivi di memorizzazione offerti come servizi Cloud e la grande velocità di calcolo delle moderne applicazioni. Il sistema cache presentato in questo lavoro è stato sviluppato tenendo conto di tutte le peculiarità dei servizi di memorizzazione Cloud che fanno uso di API S3 per comunicare con i clienti. La soluzione proposta è stata ottenuta lavorando con il sistema di memorizzazione distribuito Ceph che implementa molti dei servizi caratterizzanti la semantica S3 ed inoltre, essendo pensato per lavorare su ambienti Cloud si inserisce bene in scenari Multi Cloud

    RAID Organizations for Improved Reliability and Performance: A Not Entirely Unbiased Tutorial (1st revision)

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    RAID proposal advocated replacing large disks with arrays of PC disks, but as the capacity of small disks increased 100-fold in 1990s the production of large disks was discontinued. Storage dependability is increased via replication or erasure coding. Cloud storage providers store multiple copies of data obviating for need for further redundancy. Varitaions of RAID based on local recovery codes, partial MDS reduce recovery cost. NAND flash Solid State Disks - SSDs have low latency and high bandwidth, are more reliable, consume less power and have a lower TCO than Hard Disk Drives, which are more viable for hyperscalers.Comment: Submitted to ACM Computing Surveys. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2306.0876

    Fifth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This document contains copies of those technical papers received in time for publication prior to the Fifth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies held September 17 - 19, 1996, at the University of Maryland, University Conference Center in College Park, Maryland. As one of an ongoing series, this conference continues to serve as a unique medium for the exchange of information on topics relating to the ingestion and management of substantial amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. This year's discussion topics include storage architecture, database management, data distribution, file system performance and modeling, and optical recording technology. There will also be a paper on Application Programming Interfaces (API) for a Physical Volume Repository (PVR) defined in Version 5 of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Reference Model (RM). In addition, there are papers on specific archives and storage products

    Sixth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies Held in Cooperation with the Fifteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems

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    This document contains copies of those technical papers received in time for publication prior to the Sixth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies which is being held in cooperation with the Fifteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems at the University of Maryland-University College Inn and Conference Center March 23-26, 1998. As one of an ongoing series, this Conference continues to provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to the management of large volumes of data. The Conference encourages all interested organizations to discuss long term mass storage requirements and experiences in fielding solutions. Emphasis is on current and future practical solutions addressing issues in data management, storage systems and media, data acquisition, long term retention of data, and data distribution. This year's discussion topics include architecture, tape optimization, new technology, performance, standards, site reports, vendor solutions. Tutorials will be available on shared file systems, file system backups, data mining, and the dynamics of obsolescence

    Enhancing the Programmability of Cloud Object Storage

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    En un món que depèn cada vegada més de la tecnologia, les dades digitals es generen a una escala sense precedents. Això fa que empreses que requereixen d'un gran espai d'emmagatzematge, com Netflix o Dropbox, utilitzin solucions d'emmagatzematge al núvol. Mes concretament, l'emmagatzematge d'objectes, donada la seva simplicitat, escalabilitat i alta disponibilitat. No obstant això, aquests magatzems s'enfronten a tres desafiaments principals: 1) Gestió flexible de càrregues de treball de múltiples usuaris. Normalment, els magatzems d'objectes són sistemes multi-usuari, la qual cosa significa que tots ells comparteixen els mateixos recursos, el que podria ocasionar problemes d'interferència. A més, és complex administrar polítiques d'emmagatzematge heterogènies a gran escala en ells. 2) Autogestió de dades. Els magatzems d'objectes no ofereixen molta flexibilitat pel que fa a l'autogestió de dades per part dels usuaris. Típicament, són sistemes rígids, la qual cosa impedeix gestionar els requisits específics dels objectes. 3) Còmput elàstic prop de les dades. Situar els càlculs prop de les dades pot ser útil per reduir la transferència de dades. Però, el desafiament aquí és com aconseguir la seva elasticitat sense provocar contenció de recursos i interferències en la capa d'emmagatzematge. En aquesta tesi presentem tres contribucions innovadores que resolen aquests desafiaments. En primer lloc, presentem la primera arquitectura d'emmagatzematge definida per programari (SDS) per a magatzems d'objectes que separa les capes de control i de dades. Això permet gestionar les càrregues de treball de múltiples usuaris d'una manera flexible i dinàmica. En segon lloc, hem dissenyat una nova abstracció de polítiques anomenada "microcontrolador" que transforma els objectes comuns en objectes intel·ligents, permetent als usuaris programar el seu comportament. Finalment, presentem la primera plataforma informàtica "serverless" guiada per dades i elàstica, que mitiga els problemes de col·locar el càlcul prop de les dades.En un mundo que depende cada vez más de la tecnología, los datos digitales se generan a una escala sin precedentes. Esto hace que empresas que requieren de un gran espacio de almacenamiento, como Netflix o Dropbox, usen soluciones de almacenamiento en la nube. Mas concretamente, el almacenamiento de objectos, dada su escalabilidad y alta disponibilidad. Sin embargo, estos almacenes se enfrentan a tres desafíos principales: 1) Gestión flexible de cargas de trabajo de múltiples usuarios. Normalmente, los almacenes de objetos son sistemas multi-usuario, lo que significa que todos ellos comparten los mismos recursos, lo que podría ocasionar problemas de interferencia. Además, es complejo administrar políticas de almacenamiento heterogéneas a gran escala en ellos. 2) Autogestión de datos. Los almacenes de objetos no ofrecen mucha flexibilidad con respecto a la autogestión de datos por parte de los usuarios. Típicamente, son sistemas rígidos, lo que impide gestionar los requisitos específicos de los objetos. 3) Cómputo elástico cerca de los datos. Situar los cálculos cerca de los datos puede ser útil para reducir la transferencia de datos. Pero, el desafío aquí es cómo lograr su elasticidad sin provocar contención de recursos e interferencias en la capa de almacenamiento. En esta tesis presentamos tres contribuciones que resuelven estos desafíos. En primer lugar, presentamos la primera arquitectura de almacenamiento definida por software (SDS) para almacenes de objetos que separa las capas de control y de datos. Esto permite gestionar las cargas de trabajo de múltiples usuarios de una manera flexible y dinámica. En segundo lugar, hemos diseñado una nueva abstracción de políticas llamada "microcontrolador" que transforma los objetos comunes en objetos inteligentes, permitiendo a los usuarios programar su comportamiento. Finalmente, presentamos la primera plataforma informática "serverless" guiada por datos y elástica, que mitiga los problemas de colocar el cálculo cerca de los datos.In a world that is increasingly dependent on technology, digital data is generated in an unprecedented way. This makes companies that require large storage space, such as Netflix or Dropbox, use cloud object storage solutions. This is mainly thanks to their built-in characteristics, such as simplicity, scalability and high-availability. However, cloud object stores face three main challenges: 1) Flexible management of multi-tenant workloads. Commonly, cloud object stores are multi-tenant systems, meaning that all tenants share the same system resources, which could lead to interference problems. Furthermore, it is now complex to manage heterogeneous storage policies in a massive scale. 2) Data self-management. Cloud object stores themselves do not offer much flexibility regarding data self-management by tenants. Typically, they are rigid, which prevent tenants to handle the specific requirements of their objects. 3) Elastic computation close to the data. Placing computations close to the data can be useful to reduce data transfers. But, the challenge here is how to achieve elasticity in those computations without provoking resource contention and interferences in the storage layer. In this thesis, we present three novel research contributions that solve the aforementioned challenges. Firstly, we introduce the first Software-defined Storage (SDS) architecture for cloud object stores that separates the control plane from the data plane, allowing to manage multi-tenant workloads in a flexible and dynamic way. For example, by applying different service levels of bandwidth to different tenants. Secondly, we designed a novel policy abstraction called microcontroller that transforms common objects into smart objects, enabling tenants to programmatically manage their behavior. For example, a content-level access control microcontroller attached to an specific object to filter its content depending on who is accessing it. Finally, we present the first elastic data-driven serverless computing platform that mitigates the resource contention problem of placing computation close to the data

    A storage architecture for data-intensive computing

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    The assimilation of computing into our daily lives is enabling the generation of data at unprecedented rates. In 2008, IDC estimated that the "digital universe" contained 486 exabytes of data [9]. The computing industry is being challenged to develop methods for the cost-effective processing of data at these large scales. The MapReduce programming model has emerged as a scalable way to perform data-intensive computations on commodity cluster computers. Hadoop is a popular open-source implementation of MapReduce. To manage storage resources across the cluster, Hadoop uses a distributed user-level filesystem. This filesystem --- HDFS --- is written in Java and designed for portability across heterogeneous hardware and software platforms. The efficiency of a Hadoop cluster depends heavily on the performance of this underlying storage system. This thesis is the first to analyze the interactions between Hadoop and storage. It describes how the user-level Hadoop filesystem, instead of efficiently capturing the full performance potential of the underlying cluster hardware, actually degrades application performance significantly. Architectural bottlenecks in the Hadoop implementation result in inefficient HDFS usage due to delays in scheduling new MapReduce tasks. Further, HDFS implicitly makes assumptions about how the underlying native platform manages storage resources, even though native filesystems and I/O schedulers vary widely in design and behavior. Methods to eliminate these bottlenecks in HDFS are proposed and evaluated both in terms of their application performance improvement and impact on the portability of the Hadoop framework. In addition to improving the performance and efficiency of the Hadoop storage system, this thesis also focuses on improving its flexibility. The goal is to allow Hadoop to coexist in cluster computers shared with a variety of other applications through the use of virtualization technology. The introduction of virtualization breaks the traditional Hadoop storage architecture, where persistent HDFS data is stored on local disks installed directly in the computation nodes. To overcome this challenge, a new flexible network-based storage architecture is proposed, along with changes to the HDFS framework. Network-based storage enables Hadoop to operate efficiently in a dynamic virtualized environment and furthers the spread of the MapReduce parallel programming model to new applications

    A shared-disk parallel cluster file system

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Informática Pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaToday, clusters are the de facto cost effective platform both for high performance computing (HPC) as well as IT environments. HPC and IT are quite different environments and differences include, among others, their choices on file systems and storage: HPC favours parallel file systems geared towards maximum I/O bandwidth, but which are not fully POSIX-compliant and were devised to run on top of (fault prone) partitioned storage; conversely, IT data centres favour both external disk arrays (to provide highly available storage) and POSIX compliant file systems, (either general purpose or shared-disk cluster file systems, CFSs). These specialised file systems do perform very well in their target environments provided that applications do not require some lateral features, e.g., no file locking on parallel file systems, and no high performance writes over cluster-wide shared files on CFSs. In brief, we can say that none of the above approaches solves the problem of providing high levels of reliability and performance to both worlds. Our pCFS proposal makes a contribution to change this situation: the rationale is to take advantage on the best of both – the reliability of cluster file systems and the high performance of parallel file systems. We don’t claim to provide the absolute best of each, but we aim at full POSIX compliance, a rich feature set, and levels of reliability and performance good enough for broad usage – e.g., traditional as well as HPC applications, support of clustered DBMS engines that may run over regular files, and video streaming. pCFS’ main ideas include: · Cooperative caching, a technique that has been used in file systems for distributed disks but, as far as we know, was never used either in SAN based cluster file systems or in parallel file systems. As a result, pCFS may use all infrastructures (LAN and SAN) to move data. · Fine-grain locking, whereby processes running across distinct nodes may define nonoverlapping byte-range regions in a file (instead of the whole file) and access them in parallel, reading and writing over those regions at the infrastructure’s full speed (provided that no major metadata changes are required). A prototype was built on top of GFS (a Red Hat shared disk CFS): GFS’ kernel code was slightly modified, and two kernel modules and a user-level daemon were added. In the prototype, fine grain locking is fully implemented and a cluster-wide coherent cache is maintained through data (page fragments) movement over the LAN. Our benchmarks for non-overlapping writers over a single file shared among processes running on different nodes show that pCFS’ bandwidth is 2 times greater than NFS’ while being comparable to that of the Parallel Virtual File System (PVFS), both requiring about 10 times more CPU. And pCFS’ bandwidth also surpasses GFS’ (600 times for small record sizes, e.g., 4 KB, decreasing down to 2 times for large record sizes, e.g., 4 MB), at about the same CPU usage.Lusitania, Companhia de Seguros S.A, Programa IBM Shared University Research (SUR


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    The performance gap between processors and storage systems has been increasingly critical overthe years. Yet the performance disparity remains, and further, storage energy consumption israpidly becoming a new critical problem. While smarter caching and predictive techniques domuch to alleviate this disparity, the problem persists, and data storage remains a growing contributorto latency and energy consumption.Attempts have been made at data layout maintenance, or intelligent physical placement ofdata, yet in practice, basic heuristics remain predominant. Problems that early studies soughtto solve via layout strategies were proven to be NP-Hard, and data layout maintenance todayremains more art than science. With unknown potential and a domain inherently full of uncertainty,layout maintenance persists as an area largely untapped by modern systems. But uncertainty inworkloads does not imply randomness; access patterns have exhibited repeatable, stable behavior.Predictive information can be gathered, analyzed, and exploited to improve data layouts. Ourgoal is a dynamic, robust, sustainable predictive engine, aimed at improving existing layouts byreplicating data at the storage device level.We present a comprehensive discussion of the design and construction of such a predictive engine,including workload evaluation, where we present and evaluate classical workloads as well asour own highly detailed traces collected over an extended period. We demonstrate significant gainsthrough an initial static grouping mechanism, and compare against an optimal grouping method ofour own construction, and further show significant improvement over competing techniques. We also explore and illustrate the challenges faced when moving from static to dynamic (i.e. online)grouping, and provide motivation and solutions for addressing these challenges. These challengesinclude metadata storage, appropriate predictive collocation, online performance, and physicalplacement. We reduced the metadata needed by several orders of magnitude, reducing the requiredvolume from more than 14% of total storage down to less than 12%. We also demonstrate how ourcollocation strategies outperform competing techniques. Finally, we present our complete modeland evaluate a prototype implementation against real hardware. This model was demonstrated tobe capable of reducing device-level accesses by up to 65%
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