19,313 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic study of early-type multiple stellar systems II. New binary subsystems

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    Context. This work is part of a long-term spectroscopic study of a sample of 30 multiple stars with early-type components. In this second paper we present the results of six multiple systems in which new stellar components have been detected. Aims. The main aim is to increase the knowledge of stellar properties and dynamical structure of early-type multiple stellar systems. Methods. Using spectroscopic observations taken over a time baseline of more than 5 years we measured RVs by cross-correlations and applied a spectral disentangling method to double-lined systems. Besides the discovery of objects with double-lined spectra, the existence of new spectroscopic subsystems have been inferred from the radial velocity variations of single-lined components and through the variation of the barycentric velocity of double-lined subsystems. Orbital elements have been calculated when possible. Results. Seven new stellar components and two members that we expect to confirm with new observations have been discovered in the six studied multiples. We present orbital parameters for two double-lined binaries and preliminary orbits for three single-lined spectroscopic binaries. Five of the six analysed systems are quadruples, while the remaining has five components distributed in four hierarchical levels. These multiplicity orders are in fact lower limits, since these systems lack high-resolution visual observations and additional hierarchical level might exist in that separation range. Conclusions. The six analysed systems have greater multiplicity degree and a more complex hierarchical structure than previously known, which suggests that high-order multiple systems are significantly more frequent that it is currently estimated. The long term spectroscopic monitoring of multiple systems has shown to be useful for the detection of companions in intermediate hierarchical levels.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Obliquities of Kepler Stars: Comparison of Single- and Multiple-Transit Systems

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    The stellar obliquity of a transiting planetary system can be constrained by combining measurements of the star's rotation period, radius, and projected rotational velocity. Here we present a hierarchical Bayesian technique for recovering the obliquity distribution of a population of transiting planetary systems, and apply it to a sample of 70 Kepler Objects of Interest. With ~95% confidence we find that the obliquities of stars with only a single detected transiting planet are systematically larger than those with multiple detected transiting planets. This suggests that a substantial fraction of Kepler's single-transiting systems represent dynamically hotter, less orderly systems than the "pancake-flat" multiple-transiting systems.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Ap

    New triple systems in the RasTyc sample of stellar X-ray sources

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    During the study of a large set of late-type stellar X-ray sources, we discovered a large fraction of multiple systems. In this paper we investigate the orbital elements and kinematic properties of three new spectroscopic triple systems as well as spectral types and astrophysical parameters (T_eff, log g, vsin i, log N(Li)) of their components. We conducted follow-up optical observations, both photometric and spectroscopic at high resolution, of these systems. We used a synthetic approach and the cross-correlation method to derive most of the stellar parameters. We estimated reliable radial velocities and deduced the orbital elements of the inner binaries. The comparison of the observed spectra with synthetic composite ones, obtained as the weighted sum of three spectra of non-active reference stars, allowed us to determine the stellar parameters for each component of these systems. We found all are only composed of main sequence stars. These three systems are certainly stable hierarchical triples composed of short-period inner binaries plus a tertiary component in a long-period orbit. From their kinematics and/or Lithium content, these systems result to be fairly young.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (on July 22, 2008

    Observations of Hierarchical Solar-Type Multiple Star Systems

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    Twenty multiple stellar systems with solar-type primaries were observed at high angular resolution using the PALM-3000 adaptive optics system at the 5 m Hale telescope. The goal was to complement the knowledge of hierarchical multiplicity in the solar neighborhood by confirming recent discoveries by the visible Robo-AO system with new near-infrared observations with PALM-3000. The physical status of most, but not all, of the new pairs is confirmed by photometry in the Ks band and new positional measurements. In addition, we resolved for the first time five close sub-systems: the known astrometric binary in HIP 17129AB, companions to the primaries of HIP 33555, and HIP 118213, and the companions to the secondaries in HIP 25300 and HIP 101430. We place the components on a color-magnitude diagram and discuss each multiple system individually.Comment: Accepted to Astronomical Journa

    Limits on the primordial stellar multiplicity

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    Most stars - especially young stars - are observed to be in multiple systems. Dynamical evolution is unable to pair stars efficiently, which leads to the conclusion that star-forming cores must usually fragment into \geq 2 stars. However, the dynamical decay of systems with \geq 3 or 4 stars would result in a large single-star population that is not seen in the young stellar population. Additionally, ejections would produce a significant population of hard binaries that are not observed. This leads to a strong constraint on star formation theories that cores must typically produce only 2 or 3 stars. This conclusion is in sharp disagreement with the results of currently available numerical simulations that follow the fragmentation of molecular cores and typically predict the formation of 5--10 seeds per core. In addition, open cluster remnants may account for the majority of observed highly hierarchical higher-order multiple systems in the field.Comment: A&A in press, 5 pages (no figures

    Multiple Stellar Evolution: a population synthesis algorithm to model the stellar, binary, and dynamical evolution of multiple-star systems

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    In recent years, observations have shown that multiple-star systems such as hierarchical triple and quadruple-star systems are common, especially among massive stars. They are potential sources of interesting astrophysical phenomena such as compact object mergers, leading to supernovae, and gravitational wave events. However, many uncertainties remain in their often complex evolution. Here, we present the population synthesis code Multiple Stellar Evolution (MSE), designed to rapidly model the stellar, binary, and dynamical evolution of multiple-star systems. MSE includes a number of new features not present in previous population synthesis codes: (1) an arbitrary number of stars, as long as the initial system is hierarchical, (2) dynamic switching between secular and direct N-body integration for efficient computation of the gravitational dynamics, (3) treatment of mass transfer in eccentric orbits, which occurs commonly in multiple-star systems, (4) a simple treatment of tidal, common-envelope, and mass transfer evolution in which the accretor is a binary instead of a single star, (5) taking into account planets within the stellar system, and (6) including gravitational perturbations from passing field stars. MSE, written primarily in the C++ language, will be made publicly available and has few prerequisites; a convenient Python interface is provided. We give a detailed description of MSE and illustrate how to use the code in practice. We demonstrate its operation in a number of examples.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (fixed typos and updated references). 35 pages, 8 figures. Code can be found at https://github.com/hamers/ms

    Proto-Brown Dwarf Disks as Products of Protostellar Disk Encounters

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    The formation of brown dwarfs via encounters between proto-stars has been confirmed with high-resolution numerical simulations with a restricted treatment of the thermal conditions. The new results indicate that young brown dwarfs (BDs) formed this way are disk-like and often reside in multiple systems. The newly-formed proto-BDs disks are up to 18 AU in size and spin rapidly making small-scale bipolar outflows, fragmentation and the possible formation of planetary companions likely as have recently been observed for BDs. The object masses range from 2 to 73 Jupiter masses, distributed in a manner consistent with the observed sub-stellar initial mass function. The simulations usually form multiple BDs on eccentric orbits about a star. One such system was hierarchical, a BD binary in orbit around a star, which may explain recently observed hierarchical systems. One third of the BDs were unbound after a few thousand years and interactions among orbiting BDs may eject more or add to the number of binaries. Improvements over prior work include resolution down to a Jupiter mass, self-consistent models of the vertical structure of the initial disks and careful attention to avoid artificial fragmentation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
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