20,349 research outputs found

    A structured approach for the engineering of biochemical network models, illustrated for signalling pathways

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbn026Quantitative models of biochemical networks (signal transduction cascades, metabolic pathways, gene regulatory circuits) are a central component of modern systems biology. Building and managing these complex models is a major challenge that can benefit from the application of formal methods adopted from theoretical computing science. Here we provide a general introduction to the field of formal modelling, which emphasizes the intuitive biochemical basis of the modelling process, but is also accessible for an audience with a background in computing science and/or model engineering. We show how signal transduction cascades can be modelled in a modular fashion, using both a qualitative approach { Qualitative Petri nets, and quantitative approaches { Continuous Petri Nets and Ordinary Differential Equations. We review the major elementary building blocks of a cellular signalling model, discuss which critical design decisions have to be made during model building, and present ..

    Development of a novel 3D simulation modelling system for distributed manufacturing

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    This paper describes a novel 3D simulation modelling system for supporting our distributed machine design and control paradigm with respect to simulating and emulating machine behaviour on the Internet. The system has been designed and implemented using Java2D and Java3D. An easy assembly concept of drag-and-drop assembly has been realised and implemented by the introduction of new connection features (unified interface assembly features) between two assembly components (modules). The system comprises a hierarchical geometric modeller, a behavioural editor, and two assemblers. During modelling, designers can combine basic modelling primitives with general extrusions and integrate CAD geometric models into simulation models. Each simulation component (module) model can be visualised and animated in VRML browsers. It is reusable. This makes machine design re-configurable and flexible. A case study example is given to support our conclusions

    Design of a simulation environment for laboratory management by robot organizations

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    This paper describes the basic concepts needed for a simulation environment capable of supporting the design of robot organizations for managing chemical, or similar, laboratories on the planned U.S. Space Station. The environment should facilitate a thorough study of the problems to be encountered in assigning the responsibility of managing a non-life-critical, but mission valuable, process to an organized group of robots. In the first phase of the work, we seek to employ the simulation environment to develop robot cognitive systems and strategies for effective multi-robot management of chemical experiments. Later phases will explore human-robot interaction and development of robot autonomy

    Integration of a failure monitoring within a hybrid dynamic simulation environment

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    The complexity and the size of the industrial chemical processes induce the monitoring of a growing number of process variables. Their knowledge is generally based on the measurements of system variables and on the physico-chemical models of the process. Nevertheless this information is imprecise because of process and measurement noise. So the research ways aim at developing new and more powerful techniques for the detection of process fault. In this work, we present a method for the fault detection based on the comparison between the real system and the reference model evolution generated by the extended Kalman filter. The reference model is simulated by the dynamic hybrid simulator, PrODHyS. It is a general object-oriented environment which provides common and reusable components designed for the development and the management of dynamic simulation of industrial systems. The use of this method is illustrated through a didactic example relating to the field of Chemical Process System Engineering

    Shingle 2.0: generalising self-consistent and automated domain discretisation for multi-scale geophysical models

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    The approaches taken to describe and develop spatial discretisations of the domains required for geophysical simulation models are commonly ad hoc, model or application specific and under-documented. This is particularly acute for simulation models that are flexible in their use of multi-scale, anisotropic, fully unstructured meshes where a relatively large number of heterogeneous parameters are required to constrain their full description. As a consequence, it can be difficult to reproduce simulations, ensure a provenance in model data handling and initialisation, and a challenge to conduct model intercomparisons rigorously. This paper takes a novel approach to spatial discretisation, considering it much like a numerical simulation model problem of its own. It introduces a generalised, extensible, self-documenting approach to carefully describe, and necessarily fully, the constraints over the heterogeneous parameter space that determine how a domain is spatially discretised. This additionally provides a method to accurately record these constraints, using high-level natural language based abstractions, that enables full accounts of provenance, sharing and distribution. Together with this description, a generalised consistent approach to unstructured mesh generation for geophysical models is developed, that is automated, robust and repeatable, quick-to-draft, rigorously verified and consistent to the source data throughout. This interprets the description above to execute a self-consistent spatial discretisation process, which is automatically validated to expected discrete characteristics and metrics.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. Submitted for publication and under revie

    DEVS-based intelligent control of space adapted fluid mixing

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    The development is described of event-based intelligent control system for a space-adapted mixing process by employing the DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification) formalism. In this control paradigm, the controller expects to receive confirming sensor responses to its control commands within definite time windows determined by its DEVS model of the system under control. The DEVS-based intelligent control paradigm was applied in a space-adapted mixing system capable of supporting the laboratory automation aboard a Space Station

    Extending the DEVS Formalism with Initialization Information

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    DEVS is a popular formalism to model system behaviour using a discrete-event abstraction. The main advantages of DEVS are its rigourous and precise specification, as well as its support for modular, hierarchical construction of models. DEVS frequently serves as a simulation "assembly language" to which models in other formalisms are translated, either giving meaning to new (domain-specific) languages, or reproducing semantics of existing languages. Despite this rigourous definition of its syntax and semantics, initialization of DEVS models is left unspecified in both the Classic and Parallel DEVS formalism definition. In this paper, we extend the DEVS formalism by including an initial total state. Extensions to syntax as well as denotational (closure under coupling) and operational semantics (abstract simulator) are presented. The extension is applicable to both main variants of the DEVS formalism. Our extension is such that it adds to, but does not alter the original specification. All changes are illustrated by means of a traffic light example
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