49 research outputs found

    A new approach for global synchronization in hierarchical scheduled real-time systems

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    We present our ongoing work to improve an existing synchronization protocol SIRAP for hierarchically scheduled real-time systems. A less pessimistic schedulability analysis is presented which can make the SIRAP protocol more efficient in terms of calculated CPU resource needs. In addition and for the same reason, an extended version of SIRAP is proposed, which decreases the interference from lower priority tasks. The new version of SIRAP has the potential to make the protocol more resource efficient than the original one

    Ada real-time services and virtualization

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    Virtualization techniques have received increased attention in the field of embedded real-time systems. Such techniques provide a set of virtual machines that run on a single hardware platform, thus allowing several application programs to be executed as though they were running on separate machines, with isolated memory spaces and a fraction of the real processor time available to each of them.This papers deals with some problems that arise when implementing real-time systems written in Ada on a virtual machine. The effects of virtualization on the performance of the Ada real-time services are analysed, and requirements for the virtualization layer are derived. Virtual-machine time services are also defined in order to properly support Ada real-time applications. The implementation of the ORK+ kernel on the XtratuM supervisor is used as an example

    A New Dynamic Round Robin and SRTN Algorithm with Variable Original Time Slice and Intelligent Time Slice for Soft Real Time Systems

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    The main objective of the paper is to improve the Round Robin (RR) algorithm using dynamic ITS by coalescing it with Shortest Remaining Time Next (SRTN) algorithm thus reducing the average waiting time, average turnaround time and the number of context switches. The original time slice has been calculated for each process based on its burst time.This is mostly suited for soft real time systems where meeting of deadlines is desirable to increase its performance. The advantage is that processes that are closer to their remaining completion time will get more chances to execute and leave the ready queue. This will reduce the number of processes in the ready queue by knocking out short jobs relatively faster in a hope to reduce the average waiting time, turn around time and number of context switches. This paper improves the algorithm [8] and the experimental analysis shows that the proposed algorithm performs better than algorithm [6] and [8] when the processes are having an increasing order, decreasing order and random order of burst time.Comment: 07 pages; International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol 16, No. 1(9) February 201

    Towards budgeting in real-time calculus : deferrable servers

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    Budgeting of resources is an often used solution for guaranteeing performance of lower priority tasks. In this paper, we take a formal approach to the modeling of a deferrable server budgeting strategy, using real-time calculus. We prove a scheduling theorem for deferrable servers, and as a corollary show that an earlier claim of Davis and Burns, that periodic servers dominate deferrable servers with respect to schedulability, no longer holds when the context of the comparison is slightly generalized

    The CONCERTO methodology for model-based development of avionics SW

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    20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015 (Ada-Europe 2015), 22 to 26, Jun, 2015, Madrid, Spain.The development of high-integrity real-time systems, including their certification, is a demanding endeavour in terms of time, skills and effort involved. This is particularly true in application domains such as the avionics, where composable design is to be had to allow subdividing monolithic systems into components of smaller complexity, to be outsourced to developers subcontracted down the supply chain. Moreover, the increasing demand for computational power and the consequent interest in multicore HW architectures complicates system deployment. For these reasons, appropriate methodologies and tools need to be devised to help the industrial stakeholders master the overall system design complexity, while keeping manufacturing costs affordable. In this paper we present some elements of the CONCERTO platform, a toolset to support the end-to-end system development process from system modelling to analysis and validation, prior to code generation and deployment. The approach taken by CONCERTO is demonstrated for an illustrative avionics setup, however it is general enough to be applied to a number of industrial domains including the space, telecom and automotive. We finally reason about the benefits to an industrial user by comparing to similar initiatives in the research landscape

    Compositional Schedulability Analysis of Hierarchical Real-Time Systems

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    Embedded systems are complex as a whole but consist of smaller independent modules interacting with each other. This structure makes them amenable to compositional design. Real-time embedded systems consist of realtime workloads having deadlines. Compositional design of such systems can be done using real-time components arranged in a scheduling hierarchy. Each component consists of some real-time workload and a scheduling policy for the workload. To simplify schedulability analysis for such systems, analysis should be done compositionally using interfaces that abstract timing requirement of components. To facilitate analysis of dynamically changing systems, the framework should also support incremental analysis. In this paper, we overview our approach to compositional and incremental schedulability analysis of hierarchical real-time systems. We describe a compositional analysis technique that abstracts resource requirement of components using periodic resource models. To support incremental analysis and resource bandwidth minimization, we describe an extension to this interface model. Each extended interface consists of multiple periodic resource models for different periods. This allows the selection of a periodic model that can schedule the system using minimum bandwidth. We also account for context switch overhead of components in these extended interfaces. We then describe an associative composition technique for such interfaces, that supports incremental analysis

    Schedulability Analysis for Certification-friendly Multicore Systems

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    This paper presents a new schedulability test for safety-critical software undergoing a transition from single-core to multicore systems - a challenge faced by multiple industries today. Our migration model, consisting of a schedulability test and execution model, is distinguished by three aspects consistent with reducing transition cost. First, it assumes externally-driven scheduling parameters, such as periods and deadlines, remain fixed (and thus known), whereas exact computation times are not. Second, it adopts a globally synchronized conflict-free I/O model that leads to a decoupling between cores, simplifying the schedulability analysis. Third, it employs global priority assignment across all tasks on each core, irrespective of application, where budget constraints on each application ensure isolation. These properties enable us to obtain a utilization bound that places an allowable limit on total task execution times. Evaluation results demonstrate the advantages of our scheduling model over competing resource partitioning approaches, such as Periodic Server and TDMA.Ope

    Hierarchical Scheduling for Real-Time Periodic Tasks in Symmetric Multiprocessing

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    In this paper, we present a new hierarchical scheduling framework for periodic tasks in symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) platforms. Partitioned and global scheduling are the two main approaches used by SMP based systems where global scheduling is recommended for overall performance and partitioned scheduling is recommended for hard real-time performance. Our approach combines both the global and partitioned approaches of traditional SMP-based schedulers to provide hard real-time performance guarantees for critical tasks and improved response times for soft real-time tasks. Implemented as part of VxWorks, the results are confirmed using a real-time benchmark application, where response times were improved for soft real-time tasks while still providing hard real-time performance