44 research outputs found

    Articulatory features for robust visual speech recognition

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    Articulatory features for robust visual speech recognition

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-105).This thesis explores a novel approach to visual speech modeling. Visual speech, or a sequence of images of the speaker's face, is traditionally viewed as a single stream of contiguous units, each corresponding to a phonetic segment. These units are defined heuristically by mapping several visually similar phonemes to one visual phoneme, sometimes referred to as a viseme. However, experimental evidence shows that phonetic models trained from visual data are not synchronous in time with acoustic phonetic models, indicating that visemes may not be the most natural building blocks of visual speech. Instead, we propose to model the visual signal in terms of the underlying articulatory features. This approach is a natural extension of feature-based modeling of acoustic speech, which has been shown to increase robustness of audio-based speech recognition systems. We start by exploring ways of defining visual articulatory features: first in a data-driven manner, using a large, multi-speaker visual speech corpus, and then in a knowledge-driven manner, using the rules of speech production. Based on these studies, we propose a set of articulatory features, and describe a computational framework for feature-based visual speech recognition. Multiple feature streams are detected in the input image sequence using Support Vector Machines, and then incorporated in a Dynamic Bayesian Network to obtain the final word hypothesis. Preliminary experiments show that our approach increases viseme classification rates in visually noisy conditions, and improves visual word recognition through feature-based context modeling.by Ekaterina Saenko.S.M

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Adaptation and Augmentation: Towards Better Rescoring Strategies for Automatic Speech Recognition and Spoken Term Detection

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    Selecting the best prediction from a set of candidates is an essential problem for many spoken language processing tasks, including automatic speech recognition (ASR) and spoken keyword spotting (KWS). Generally, the selection is determined by a confidence score assigned to each candidate. Calibrating these confidence scores (i.e., rescoring them) could make better selections and improve the system performance. This dissertation focuses on using tailored language models to rescore ASR hypotheses as well as keyword search results for ASR-based KWS. This dissertation introduces three kinds of rescoring techniques: (1) Freezing most model parameters while fine-tuning the output layer in order to adapt neural network language models (NNLMs) from the written domain to the spoken domain. Experiments on a large-scale Italian corpus show a 30.2% relative reduction in perplexity at the word-cluster level and a 2.3% relative reduction in WER in a state-of-the-art Italian ASR system. (2) Incorporating source application information associated with speech queries. By exploring a range of adaptation model architectures, we achieve a 21.3% relative reduction in perplexity compared to a fine-tuned baseline. Initial experiments using a state-of-the-art Italian ASR system show a 3.0% relative reduction in WER on top of an unadapted 5-gram LM. In addition, human evaluations show significant improvements by using the source application information. (3) Marrying machine learning algorithms (classification and ranking) with a variety of signals to rescore keyword search results in the context of KWS for low-resource languages. These systems, built for the IARPA BABEL Program, enhance search performance in terms of maximum term-weighted value (MTWV) across six different low-resource languages: Vietnamese, Tagalog, Pashto, Turkish, Zulu and Tamil

    Goal-directed cross-system interactions in brain and deep learning networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNN) have recently emerged as promising models for the mammalian ventral visual stream. However, how ventral stream adapts to various goal-directed influences and coordinates with higher-level brain regions during learning remain poorly understood. By incorporating top-down influences involving attentional cues, linguistic labels and novel category learning into DNN models, the thesis offers an explanation for how the tasks we do shape representations across levels in models and related brain regions including ventral visual stream, HPC and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) via a theoretical modelling approach. The thesis include three main contributions. In the first contribution, I developed a goal-directed attention mechanism which extends general-purpose DNN with the ability to reconfigure itself to better suit the current task goal, much like PFC modulates activity along the ventral stream. In the second contribution, I uncovered how linguistic labelling shapes semantic representation by amending existing DNN to both predict the meaning and the categorical label of an object. Supported by simulation results involving fine-grained and coarse-grained labels, I concluded that differences in label use, whether across languages or levels of expertise, manifest in differences in the semantic representations that support label discrimination. In the third contribution, I aimed to better understand cross-brain mechanisms in a novel learning task by combining insights on labelling and attention obtained from preceding efforts. Integrating DNN with a novel clustering model built off from SUSTAIN, the proposed account captures human category learning behaviour and the underlying neural mechanisms across multiple interacting brain areas involving HPC, vmPFC and the ventral visual stream. By extending models of the ventral stream to incorporate goal-directed cross-system coordination, I hope the thesis can inform understanding of the neurobiology supporting object recognition and category learning which in turn help us advance designs of deep learning models

    Low Resource Efficient Speech Retrieval

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    Speech retrieval refers to the task of retrieving the information, which is useful or relevant to a user query, from speech collection. This thesis aims to examine ways in which speech retrieval can be improved in terms of requiring low resources - without extensively annotated corpora on which automated processing systems are typically built - and achieving high computational efficiency. This work is focused on two speech retrieval technologies, spoken keyword retrieval and spoken document classification. Firstly, keyword retrieval - also referred to as keyword search (KWS) or spoken term detection - is defined as the task of retrieving the occurrences of a keyword specified by the user in text form, from speech collections. We make advances in an open vocabulary KWS platform using context-dependent Point Process Model (PPM). We further accomplish a PPM-based lattice generation framework, which improves KWS performance and enables automatic speech recognition (ASR) decoding. Secondly, the massive volumes of speech data motivate the effort to organize and search speech collections through spoken document classification. In classifying real-world unstructured speech into predefined classes, the wildly collected speech recordings can be extremely long, of varying length, and contain multiple class label shifts at variable locations in the audio. For this reason each spoken document is often first split into sequential segments, and then each segment is independently classified. We present a general purpose method for classifying spoken segments, using a cascade of language independent acoustic modeling, foreign-language to English translation lexicons, and English-language classification. Next, instead of classifying each segment independently, we demonstrate that exploring the contextual dependencies across sequential segments can provide large classification performance improvements. Lastly, we remove the need of any orthographic lexicon and instead exploit alternative unsupervised approaches to decoding speech in terms of automatically discovered word-like or phoneme-like units. We show that the spoken segment representations based on such lexical or phonetic discovery can achieve competitive classification performance as compared to those based on a domain-mismatched ASR or a universal phone set ASR

    A Mobile App For Practicing Finnish Pronunciation Using Wav2vec 2.0

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    As Finland attracts more foreign talents, there are demands for self-learning tools to help second language (L2) speakers learn Finnish with proper feedback. However, there are few resources in L2 data in Finnish, especially focusing on the beginner level for adults. Moreover, since L2 adults are mainly busy studying or working in Finland, the application must allow users to practice anytime, anywhere. This thesis aims to address the above issues by developing a mobile app for beginner Finnish L2 learners to practice their pronunciation. The app would evaluate the users' speech samples, give feedback on their pronunciation, and then provide them with instructions in the form of text, photos, audio, and videos to help them improve their pronunciation. Due to the limited resources available, this work explores the wav2vec 2.0 model's capability for the application. We trained our models with the native Finnish speakers' corpus and used them to provide pronunciation feedback on L2 samples without any L2 training data. The results show that the models can detect mispronunciation on phoneme level about 60% of the time (Recall rate) compared to a native Finnish listener. By adding regularizations, selecting training datasets, and using a smaller model size, we achieved a comparable Recall rate of approximately 63% with a slightly lower Precision of around 29%. Compared to the state-of-the-art model in Finnish Automatic Speech Recognition, the trade-off resulted in a significantly faster response time

    Automatic Phoneme Recognition using Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient and Dynamic Time Warping

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    A phoneme recognition process is performed by using the Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) feature extraction technique and an unknown test pattern is compared with the pre-recorded reference pattern by using the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm to determine the similarity between them

    Personalising synthetic voices for individuals with severe speech impairment.

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    Speech technology can help individuals with speech disorders to interact more easily. Many individuals with severe speech impairment, due to conditions such as Parkinson's disease or motor neurone disease, use voice output communication aids (VOCAs), which have synthesised or pre-recorded voice output. This voice output effectively becomes the voice of the individual and should therefore represent the user accurately. Currently available personalisation of speech synthesis techniques require a large amount of data input, which is difficult to produce for individuals with severe speech impairment. These techniques also do not provide a solution for those individuals whose voices have begun to show the effects of dysarthria. The thesis shows that Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based speech synthesis is a promising approach for 'voice banking' for individuals before their condition causes deterioration of the speech and once deterioration has begun. Data input requirements for building personalised voices with this technique using human listener judgement evaluation is investigated. It shows that 100 sentences is the minimum required to build a significantly different voice from an average voice model and show some resemblance to the target speaker. This amount depends on the speaker and the average model used. A neural network analysis trained on extracted acoustic features revealed that spectral features had the most influence for predicting human listener judgements of similarity of synthesised speech to a target speaker. Accuracy of prediction significantly improves if other acoustic features are introduced and combined non-linearly. These results were used to inform the reconstruction of personalised synthetic voices for speakers whose voices had begun to show the effects of their conditions. Using HMM-based synthesis, personalised synthetic voices were built using dysarthric speech showing similarity to target speakers without recreating the impairment in the synthesised speech output