423 research outputs found

    Evaluation of order picking systems using simulation

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    Sipari? toplama faaliyetleri, tedarik zinciri yönetiminde, hem üretim sistemleri açısından (montaj istasyonlarına alt parçaların tedarik edilmesi), hem de dağıtım i?lemleri açısından (mü?teri taleplerinin kar?ılanması) kritik rol oynamaktadır. Mü?teri sipari?lerindeki eğilimler, az sayıda ve yüksek miktarlarda sipari?lerin çok sayıda ve dü?ük miktarlarda sipari?lere dönü?tüğünü göstermektedir. Diğer yandan, talep edilen sipari? teslim süreleri ise her geçen gün kısalmaktadır. Bu deği?imler, i?letmelerin piyasada rekabet edebilmeleri için etkin ve esnek bir sipari? toplama sistemi benimsemelerini gerektirmektedir. Sipari? toplama süreci, tüm lojistik operasyonlarını ve mü?teriye sağlanan hizmet seviyesini büyük ölçüde etkilemektedir. Ayrıca, sipari? toplama süreci toplam depolama maliyetlerinin yarıdan fazlasını olu?turmaktadır. Bu nedenle, sipari? toplama faaliyetlerinin en etkin ?ekilde gerçekle?tirilmesi i?letmeler için büyük önem ta?ımaktadır. Bu çalı?manın amacı, sipari? toplama süresini kısaltarak, sipari? toplama etkinliğini arttırmaya yönelik deği?iklikler için sipari? toplama sistemini değerlendirmek ve geli?tirmektir. Sipari? toplama süresi, ürünlerin depolama alanlarından belirli bir mü?teri talebini kar?ılamak amacıyla toplanması süreci için geçen zamandır. Bu çalı?mada, ürünlerin depolama alanlarına atanma kararları ve rotalama metotları gibi kritik faktörlerin yanı sıra, daha önce gerçekle?tirilmi? çalı?malarda sıkça rastlanmayan depolama alanlarının ikmali problemi dikkate alınmı?tır. Bo?alan rafların yeniden doldurulması kararında, (S, s) envanter politikası uygulanmı?tır. Böylece, sipari? toplama sistemi dinamik olarak modellenmi?tir. Sipari? toplama performansını geli?tirmek için, bağlantı elemanları üreten bir firmanın ambarı temel alınarak olu?turulmu? hipotetik bir ambar üzerinde vii çalı?ılmı?tır. Ambara ait farklı benzetim modelleri olu?turulmu?, depolama ve rotalama politikalarının alternatif kombinasyonları geli?tirilerek bu benzetim modellerinde kullanılmı?tır. Elde edilen benzetim sonuçlarına göre, en küçük sipari? toplama süresini veren depolama ve rotalama politikası kombinasyonu belirlenmi?tir. Son olarak, benzetim sonuçları üzerinde bazı istatistiksel analiz metotları uygulanmı?tır Order picking activities play a critical role in supply chain management in terms of both production systems (supplying components to assembly operations) and distribution operations (meeting customer demands). Trends in customer orders reveal that orders are transformed from few-and-large orders to many-and-small ones. On the other hand, lead times of customer orders get consistently shorter. Because of these changes, companies need to adopt an effective and flexible order picking system in order to remain competitive in the market. Order picking affects both overall logistic operations and service level provided to customers. Additionally, order picking process constitutes more than half of the total warehousing cost. For these reasons, it is crucial for companies to design and perform an effective order picking process. The aim of this study is evaluating and improving of the order picking system so as to minimize the order retrieval time while increasing the picking efficiency. Order retrieval time can be defined as the time elapsed for the process of retrieving products from storage area to meet a specific customer demand. Besides the critical factors such as storage assignment decisions and routing methods, replenishment problem of the storage areas, which is rarely addressed in the previous studies, has been taken into consideration in this study. Replenishment of the empty storage locations has been conducted by using the (S, s) inventory policy. Thus, the order picking system was modeled as a dynamic system. A hypothetical distribution warehouse, based on the real life warehouse of a company specialized in production of fasteners, has been studied in order to improve the order picking performance. Alternative combinations of routing and storage policies have been developed. Moreover, different simulation models of the order picking process were constructed. In these models, proposed alternative storage and v routing policies were operated. According to the simulation results, the storage policy and routing policy combination which provides the shortest order retrieval time is determined. Finally, using simulation results, some statistical analysis methods have been implemented

    Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010

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    Tool flow management in batch manufacturing systems for cylindrical components

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    The objective of the research is to study the design of and operating strategies for advanced tool flow systems in highly automated turning systems. A prototype workstation has been built to aid this process. The thesis consists of three main parts. In the first part the current flexible manufacturing technology is reviewed with emphasis laid on tool flow and production scheduling problems. The 'State-of-the-Art' turning systems are studied, to highlight the requirement of the computer modelling of tool flow systems. In the second part, the design of a computer model using fast modelling algorithms is reported. The model design has concentrated on the tool flow system performance forecasting and improving. Attention has been given to the full representation of highly automatic features evident in turning systems. A number of contemporary production scheduling rules have been incorporated into the computer model structure, with the objectives of providing a frontend to the tool flow model, and to examine the tool flow problems interactively with the production scheduling rules. The user-interface of the model employs conversational type screens for tool flow network specification and data handling, which enhances its user friendliness greatly. An effective, fast, and easy to handle data base management system for tool, part, machine data entries has been· built up to facilitate the model performance. The third part of the thesis is concerned with the validation and application of the model with industry supplied data to examine system performance, and to evaluate alternative strategies. Conclusions drawn from this research and the recommendations for further work are finally indicated

    Agent-based material transportation scheduling of AGV systems and its manufacturing applications

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3743号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/9/10 ; 早大学位記番号:新6114Waseda Universit

    Performance Improvement Through Benchmarking for Small and Medium Manufacturers (SMM)

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    Die wichtigsten Kostenfaktoren innerhalb einer Lieferkette lassen sich drei Kategorien zuordnen: Produktions-, Transport-und Lagerkosten. Die Strukturen dieser operativen Kosten im Hinblick auf die Gesamtkosten variieren stark je nach Industriesektor. Produktionskosten stellen dennoch die höchste Kostenart in fast allen Branchen dar, weniger bedeutend folgen danach jeweils die Transport- und Lagerkosten. Die Optimierung einer dieser Kategorien ohne Rücksicht auf die anderen kann zur Erhöhung der Gesamtkosten sowie der allgemeinen Leistungsfähigkeit führen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit dem „production distribution problem“ wobei synchronisierte Strategien entwickelt werden können, um die Leistung der Supply Chain zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Gesamtkosten zu minimieren. Dazu wurde eine Fallstudie aus der Realität untersucht, nämlich das Praxisbeispiel eines Herstellers von Waschmitteln. Zwei Hauptszenarien werden bewertet. Das erste Szenario ist der konventionelle Plan, wobei die Hersteller dominieren. Dies bedeutet, dass der Hersteller findet seinen eigenen optimalen Job-Scheduling-Plan, während die Distribution versucht mit Hilfe dessen ihren optimalen Plan zu finden. Dadurch erhöhen sich die Distributionskosten. Das zweite Szenario betrifft die Synchronisation der Produktions-, Lagerhaltungs- und Transportzeitpläne. Ein zu diesem Zweck entwickeltes Java-Programm und die Job-Scheduling-Software Simal wurden für die Modellierung der konventionellen und integrierten Szenarien verwendet. Beide Szenarien wurden verglichen und validiert. Die Fallstudie betrachtet mehrere Produkte sowie ein schwer zu planendes flowshop- System. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Gesamtkosten, einschließlich der Einrichtungs-, Lager- und Transportkosten, minimiert werden können, wenn das synchronisierte System angewendet wird.The main cost factors within a supply chain can be put into the categories of production, transportation, and inventory costs. The composition of these operational costs relative to total costs varies largely by industry. However, production cost is the largest of all in almost all the industries, followed by transportation and inventory costs. Optimizing one of these categories without consideration of the others may increase the total cost and reduce the overall performance. This dissertation deals with the production distribution problem of developing synchronized strategies to improve the supply chain performance and to minimize the total cost. A real case study is investigated. This real-life case study is a powder detergent plant located in Libya. There are two main scenarios evaluated. The first scenario is the conventional plan, where the manufacturer dominates. This means the manufacturer finds his own optimum job-scheduling plan, and the distributor tries to find the optimum plan according to it. This will increase the distribution cost. The second scenario involves synchronizing the production, inventory and transportation schedules. A Java program and SimAl (job-schedulingsoftware) were constructed for modelling conventional and integrated scenarios. The two scenarios were compared and validated. The case study considered multiple products and a flowshop system which is difficult to schedule. The results show that the total costs, including setup, inventory and transportation, can be minimized when the synchronized system is applied

    The impact of tool allocation policies on selected performance measures for flexible manufacturing systems

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    The allocation of cutting tools to machines is an important concern for managers of flexible manufacturing systems. This research was conducted to study the impact of four tool allocation strategies on five performance measures, contingent upon three part-type selection rules. In addition, the average tool inventory and tool consumption rates were evaluated for each tool policy and selection rule. The four tool allocation policies consisted of the bulk exchange, tool migration, tool sharing, and resident tooling. The five performance measures consisted of the average flowtime of parts, the average machine utilization, the robot utilization, the percentage of parts late, and the mean lateness. Simulation was used to study the impact of the tooling strategies on the performance measures. Analysis of variance procedures, graphical comparison charts and Bonferroni multiple comparison tests were used to analyze the data. The results show that clustering tools, based on group technology, is the preferred method for allocating cutting tools to machines. Tool sharing was the preferred tool allocation strategy. Also, tool allocation policies that require tool changes, after a part\u27s machining cycle, increase part flowtimes because parts are delayed in the system due to the increase in tool changing activities. In addition, tool allocation strategies based on tool clustering methods reduced the utilization of resources. The results of this study show that bulk exchange produced lower tool consumption rates per production period during the early periods of production. During the middle and later production periods, tool sharing produced lower tool consumption rates. This study concluded that grouping tools based on the commonality of tool usage results in a lower average inventory per production period. Furthermore, this study showed that the uneven distribution of part-types to machine, under tool clustering methods, affected the average mean lateness of part-type. Moreover, no part-type selection rule outperformed another on ail performance measures. The earliest due date rule produced the lowest mean lateness values for all tool policies. Tool policies that produce low mean flowtimes may not produce low mean lateness values. Managerial implications are discussed with respect to the findings from this study. Further research is needed to evaluate flexible manufacturing systems, which include using different part-type selection rules, machine failures, and hybrids of tool allocation strategies

    A Mathematical Model to Improve the Performance of Logistics Network

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    The role of logistics nowadays is expanding from just providing transportation and warehousing to offering total integrated logistics. To remain competitive in the global market environment, business enterprises need to improve their logistics operations performance. The improvement will be achieved when we can provide a comprehensive analysis and optimize its network performances. In this paper, a mixed integer linier model for optimizing logistics network performance is developed. It provides a single-product multi-period multi-facilities model, as well as the multi-product concept. The problem is modeled in form of a network flow problem with the main objective to minimize total logistics cost. The problem can be solved using commercial linear programming package like CPLEX or LINDO. Even in small case, the solver in Excel may also be used to solve such model

    Development of deterministic collision-avoidance algorithms for routing automated guided vehicles

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    A manufacturing job spends a small portion of its total flow time being processed on machines, and during the remaining time, either it is in a queue or being transported from one work center to another. In a fully automated material-handling environment, automated guided vehicles (AGV) perform the function of transporting the jobs between workstations, and high operational costs are involved in these material-handling activities. Consequently, the AGV route schedule dictates subsequent work-center scheduling. For an AGV job transportation schedule to be effective, the issue of collisions amongst AGV during travel needs to be addressed. Such collisions cause stalemate situations that potentially disrupt the flow of materials in the job shop, adding to the non-value time of job processing, and thus, increase the material handling and inventory holding costs. The current research goal was to develop a methodology that could effectively and efficiently derive optimal AGV routes for a given set of transportation requests, considering the issue of collisions amongst AGV during travel. As part of the solution approach in the proposed work, an integer linear program was formulated in Phase I with the capability of optimally predicting the AGV routes for a deterministic set of transportation requests. Collision avoidance constraints were developed in this model. The model was programmed using OPL / Visual Basic, and the program feasibility were experimentally analyzed for different problem domain specifications. Due to the complexity and combinatorial nature of the formulation in Phase I, computationally it was expected to be NP-Hard. Hence, to improve the computation prediction capability (estimation of upper bounds), it was required that in Phase II, heuristics be developed to relax the computational complexity of the original problem. In Phase III, experimental techniques were used to compute the lower and upper bounds of the original problem. The performances of the different heuristics were compared using experimental analysis

    A Mathematical Model to Improve the Performance of Logistics Network

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    The role of logistics nowadays is expanding from just providing transportation and warehousing to offering total integrated logistics. To remain competitive in the global market environment, business enterprises need to improve their logistics operations performance. The improvement will be achieved when we can provide a comprehensive analysis and optimize its network performances. In this paper, a mixed integer linier model for optimizing logistics network performance is developed. It provides a single-product multi-period multi-facilities model, as well as the multi-product concept. The problem is modeled in form of a network flow problem with the main objective to minimize total logistics cost. The problem can be solved using commercial linear programming package like CPLEX or LINDO. Even in small case, the solver in Excel may also be used to solve such model.Keywords: logistics network, integrated model, mathematical programming, network optimizatio

    Heuristic scheduling algorithms for dedicated and flexible manufacturing systems

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