593 research outputs found

    Four decades of research on the open-shop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan

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    One of the basic scheduling problems, the open-shop scheduling problem has a broad range of applications across different sectors. The problem concerns scheduling a set of jobs, each of which has a set of operations, on a set of different machines. Each machine can process at most one operation at a time and the job processing order on the machines is immaterial, i.e., it has no implication for the scheduling outcome. The aim is to determine a schedule, i.e., the completion times of the operations processed on the machines, such that a performance criterion is optimized. While research on the problem dates back to the 1970s, there have been reviving interests in the computational complexity of variants of the problem and solution methodologies in the past few years. Aiming to provide a complete road map for future research on the open-shop scheduling problem, we present an up-to-date and comprehensive review of studies on the problem that focuses on minimizing the makespan, and discuss potential research opportunities

    Conflict-Free Routing of Mobile Robots

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    The recent advances in perception have enabled the development of more autonomous mobile robots in the sense that they can operate in a more dynamic environment where obstacles surrounding the robot emerge, disappear, and move. The increased perception of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) allows them to plan detailed on-line trajectories in order to avoid previously unforeseen obstacles, making AMRs useful in dynamic environments where humans, traditional fork-lifts, and also other mobile robots operate. These abilities contributed to increase automation in logistic applications. This thesis discusses how to efficiently operate a fleet of AMRs and make sure that all tasks are successfully completed.Assigning robots to specific delivery tasks and deciding the routes they have to travel can be modelled as a variant of the classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), the combinatorial optimization problem of designing routes for vehicles. In related research it has been extended to scheduling routes for vehicles to serve customers according to predetermined specifications, such as arrival time at a customer, amount of goods to deliver, etc.In this thesis we consider to schedule a fleet of robots such that areas avoid being congested, delivery time-windows are met, the need for robots to recharge is considered, while at the same time the robots have freedom to use alternative paths to handle changes in the environment. This particular version of the VRP, called CF-EVRP (Conflict-free Electrical Vehicle Routing Problem) is motivated by an industrial need. In this work we consider using optimizing general purpose solvers, in particular, MILP and SMT solvers are investigated. We run extensive computational analysis over well-known combinatorial optimization problems, such as job shop scheduling and bin-packing problems, to evaluate modeling techniques and the relative performance of state-of-the-art MILP and SMT solvers.We propose a monolithic model for the CF-EVRP as well as a compositional approach that decomposes the problem into sub-problems and formulate them as either MILP or SMT problems depending on what fits each particular problem best. The performance of the two approaches is evaluated on a set of CF-EVRP benchmark problems, showing the feasibility of using a compositional approach for solving practical fleet scheduling problems

    Mixed integer linear programming models for Flow Shop Scheduling with a demand plan of job types

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Central european journal of operations research. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://www.doi.org/10.1007/s10100-018-0553-8This paper presents two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models that extend two basic Flow Shop Scheduling problems: Fm/prmu/Cmax and Fm/block/Cmax. This extension incorporates the concept of an overall demand plan for types of jobs or products. After using an example to illustrate the new problems under study, we evaluated the new models and analyzed their behaviors when applied to instances found in the literature and industrial instances of a case study from Nissan’s plant in Barcelona. CPLEX solver was used as a solution tool and obtained acceptable results, allowing us to conclude that MILP can be used as a method for solving Flow Shop Scheduling problems with an overall demand plan.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fast Scheduling of Multi-Robot Teams with Temporospatial Constraints

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    Novel approaches to cyclic job-shop problems with transportation

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    Scheduling problems can be found in almost any field of application in the real world. These problems may not only have different characteristics but they also imply more or less complex requirements. One specific class within this domain is the cyclic job-shop problem. It occurs in various areas reaching from industrial production planning down to the systems architecture of computers. With manufacturers in particular, one can find increasing demand for effective solution methods in order to tackle these scheduling problems efficiently. This thesis will deal with the Cyclic Job-Shop Problem with Blocking and Transportation. It arises in modern manufacturing companies, where the products move automatically between the different workstations, for instance. The problem itself is not new to the research community, but hardly any work has been done in solving it. Within this thesis we will try to close this gap and present some first approaches, discussing the structure of the problem and how it can be solved. As a result, we will provide three different solution methods, including an integer programming formulation, which is solved with a commercial solver, a branch and bound algorithm and a tabu search heuristic. All algorithms are tested on a range of data sets and compared with each other. Additionally, we have worked on a polynomial solvable subproblem, which has gained more interest in the literature. As a result, a new polynomial algorithm, that outperforms the existing ones in theory as well as in empirical tests (except for some special cases) is presented. This thesis concludes with a discussion about ideas of how to improve the presented methods and some other extensions to the investigated problem

    Energy and Route Optimization of Moving Devices

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    This thesis highlights our efforts in energy and route optimization of moving devices. We have focused on three categories of such devices; industrial robots in a multi-robot environment, generic vehicles in a vehicle routing problem (VRP) context, automatedguided vehicles (AGVs) in a large-scale flexible manufacturing system (FMS). In the first category, the aim is to develop a non-intrusive energy optimization technique, based on a given set of paths and sequences of operations, such that the original cycle time is not exceeded. We develop an optimization procedure based on a mathematical programming model that aims to minimize the energy consumption and peak power. Our technique has several advantages. It is non-intrusive, i.e. it requires limited changes in the robot program and can be implemented easily. Moreover,it is model-free, in the sense that no particular, and perhaps secret, parameter or dynamic model is required. Furthermore, the optimization can be done offline, within seconds using a generic solver. Through careful experiments, we have shown that it is possible to reduce energy and peak-power up to about 30% and 50% respectively. The second category of moving devices comprises of generic vehicles in a VRP context. We have developed a hybrid optimization approach that integrates a distributed algorithm based on a gossip protocol with a column generation (CG) algorithm, which manages to solve the tested problems faster than the CG algorithm alone. The algorithm is developed for a VRP variation including time windows (VRPTW), which is meant to model the task of scheduling and routing of caregivers in the context of home healthcare routing and scheduling problems (HHRSPs). Moreover,the developed algorithm can easily be parallelized to further increase its efficiency. The last category deals with AGVs. The choice of AGVs was not arbitrary; by design, we decided to transfer our knowledge of energy optimization and routing algorithms to a class of moving devices in which both techniques are of interest. Initially, we improve an existing method of conflict-free AGV scheduling and routing, such that the new algorithm can manage larger problems. A heuristic version of the algorithm manages to solve the problem instances in a reasonable amount of time. Later, we develop strategies to reduce the energy consumption. The study is carried out using an AGV system installed at Volvo Cars. The results are promising; (1)the algorithm reduces performance measures such as makespan up to 50%, while reducing the total travelled distance of the vehicles about 14%, leading to an energy saving of roughly 14%, compared to the results obtained from the original traffic controller. (2) It is possible to reduce the cruise velocities such that more energy is saved, up to 20%, while the new makespan remains better than the original one

    Supervisory machine control by predictive-reactive scheduling

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    SIMAID: a rapid development methodology for the design of acyclic, bufferless, multi-process and mixed model agile production facilities for spaceframe vehicles

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    The facility layout problem (FL) is a non-linear, NP-complete problem whose complexity is derived from the vast solution space generated by multiple variables and interdependent factors. For reconfigurable, agile facilities the problem is compounded by parallelism (simultaneity of operations) and scheduling issues. Previous work has either concentrated on conventional (linear or branched) facility layout design, or has not considered the issues of agile, reconfigurable facilities and scheduling. This work is the first comprehensive methodology incorporating the design and scheduling of parallel cellular facilities for the purpose of easy and rapid reconfiguration in the increasingly demanding world of agile manufacturing. A novel three-stage algorithm is described for the design of acyclic (asynchronous), bufferless, parallel, multi-process and mixed-model production facilities for spaceframe-based vehicles. Data input begins with vehicle part processing and volume requirements from multiple models and includes time, budget and space constraints. The algorithm consists of a powerful combination of a guided cell formation stage, iterative solution improvement searches and design stage scheduling. The improvement iterations utilise a modified (rules-based) Tabu search applied to a constant-flow group technology, while the design stage scheduling is done by the use of genetic algorithms. The objective-based solution optimisation direction is not random but guided, based on measurement criteria from simulation. The end product is the selection and graphic presentation of the best solution out of a database of feasible ones. The case is presented in the form of an executable program and three real world industrial examples are included. The results provide evidence that good solutions can be found to this new type and size of heavily constrained problem within a reasonable amount of time

    Simulation in Automated Guided Vehicle System Design

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    The intense global competition that manufacturing companies face today results in an increase of product variety and shorter product life cycles. One response to this threat is agile manufacturing concepts. This requires materials handling systems that are agile and capable of reconfiguration. As competition in the world marketplace becomes increasingly customer-driven, manufacturing environments must be highly reconfigurable and responsive to accommodate product and process changes, with rigid, static automation systems giving way to more flexible types. Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVS) have such capabilities and AGV functionality has been developed to improve flexibility and diminish the traditional disadvantages of AGV-systems. The AGV-system design is however a multi-faceted problem with a large number of design factors of which many are correlating and interdependent. Available methods and techniques exhibit problems in supporting the whole design process. A research review of the work reported on AGVS development in combination with simulation revealed that of 39 papers only four were industrially related. Most work was on the conceptual design phase, but little has been reported on the detailed simulation of AGVS. Semi-autonomous vehicles (SA V) are an innovative concept to overcome the problems of inflexible -systems and to improve materials handling functionality. The SA V concept introduces a higher degree of autonomy in industrial AGV -systems with the man-in-the-Ioop. The introduction of autonomy in industrial applications is approached by explicitly controlling the level of autonomy at different occasions. The SA V s are easy to program and easily reconfigurable regarding navigation systems and material handling equipment. Novel approaches to materials handling like the SA V -concept place new requirements on the AGVS development and the use of simulation as a part of the process. Traditional AGV -system simulation approaches do not fully meet these requirements and the improved functionality of AGVs is not used to its full power. There is a considerflble potential in shortening the AGV -system design-cycle, and thus the manufacturing system design-cycle, and still achieve more accurate solutions well suited for MRS tasks. Recent developments in simulation tools for manufacturing have improved production engineering development and the tools are being adopted more widely in industry. For the development of AGV -systems this has not fully been exploited. Previous research has focused on the conceptual part of the design process and many simulation approaches to AGV -system design lack in validity. In this thesis a methodology is proposed for the structured development of AGV -systems using simulation. Elements of this methodology address the development of novel functionality. The objective of the first research case of this research study was to identify factors for industrial AGV -system simulation. The second research case focuses on simulation in the design of Semi-autonomous vehicles, and the third case evaluates a simulation based design framework. This research study has advanced development by offering a framework for developing testing and evaluating AGV -systems, based on concurrent development using a virtual environment. The ability to exploit unique or novel features of AGVs based on a virtual environment improves the potential of AGV-systems considerably.University of Skovde. European Commission for funding the INCO/COPERNICUS Projec

    An application of an ethernet based protocol for communication and control in automated manufacturing

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    The exchange of information in the industrial environment is essential in order to achieve complete integration and control of manufacturing processes. At present the majority of devices present in the shop floor environment are still used as stand alone machines. They do not take advantage of the possibilities offered by a communication link to improve the manufacturing process. The subject of this research has been centered on the development of a simple, flexible and inexpensive support system for communication and control of manufacturing processes. As a result, a system with these features has been proposed and implemented on a simulated workcell. The area footwear manufacturing was chosen for modelling the workcell. The components of the manufacturing support system were developed using an object oriented approach which allowed modularity and software reuse. In order to achieve communication between the components, a communication protocol was developed following the process defined in the rapid protocol implementation framework. Ethernet was selected for implementing the lower levels of the protocol. Java, a new object oriented programming language used for the implementation of the system, showed that it could became a promising language for the implementation of manufacturing applications. In particular the platform independence feature of the language allows the immediate porting of applications to systems with different features. The manufacturing cell simulation had shown that the times associated with the manufacturing support system operations are compatible for its use in applications where the response times are in the order of one second
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