3,533 research outputs found

    Heritage Recording and 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning

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    The importance of landscape and heritage recording and documentation with optical remote sensing sensors is well recognized at international level. The continuous development of new sensors, data capture methodologies and multi-resolution 3D representations, contributes significantly to the digital 3D documentation, mapping, conservation and representation of landscapes and heritages and to the growth of research in this field. This article reviews the actual optical 3D measurement sensors and 3D modeling techniques, with their limitations and potentialities, requirements and specifications. Examples of 3D surveying and modeling of heritage sites and objects are also shown throughout the paper

    Airborne laser bathymetry for documentation of submerged archaeological sites in shallow water

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    Knowledge of underwater topography is essential to the understanding of the organisation and distribution of archaeological sites along and in water bodies. Special attention has to be paid to intertidal and inshore zones where, due to sea-level rise, coastlines have changed and many former coastal sites are now submerged in shallow water. Mapping the detailed inshore topography is therefore important to reconstruct former coastlines, identify sunken archaeological structures and locate potential former harbour sites. However, until recently archaeology has lacked suitable methods to provide the required topographical data of shallow underwater bodies. Our research shows that airborne topo-bathymetric laser scanner systems are able to measure surfaces above and below the water table over large areas in high detail using very short and narrow green laser pulses, even revealing sunken archaeological structures in shallow water. Using an airborne laser scanner operating at a wavelength in the green visible spectrum (532 nm) two case study areas in different environmental settings (Kolone, Croatia, with clear sea water; Lake Keutschach, Austria, with turbid water) were scanned. In both cases, a digital model of the underwater topography with a planimetric resolution of a few decimeters was measured. While in the clear waters of Kolone penetration depth was up to 11 meters, turbid Lake Keutschach allowed only to document the upper 1.6 meters of its underwater topography. Our results demonstrate the potential of this technique to map submerged archaeological structures over large areas in high detail providing the possibility for systematic, large scale archaeological investigation of this environment

    From survey to fem analysis for documentation of built heritage: The case study of villa revedin-bolasco

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    In the last decade advances in the fields of close-range photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and Computer Vision (CV) have enabled to collect different kind of information about a Cultural Heritage objects and to carry out highly accurate 3D models. Additionally, the integration between laser scanning technology and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is gaining particular interest in recent years for structural analysis of built heritage, since the increasing computational capabilities allow to manipulate large datasets. In this note we illustrate the approach adopted for surveying, 3D modeling and structural analysis of Villa Revedin-Bolasco, a magnificent historical building located in the small walled town of Castelfranco Veneto, in northern Italy. In 2012 CIRGEO was charged by the University of Padova to carry out a survey of the Villa and Park, as preliminary step for subsequent restoration works. The inner geometry of the Villa was captured with two Leica Disto D3a BT hand-held laser meters, while the outer walls of the building were surveyed with a Leica C10 and a Faro Focus 3D 120 terrestrial laser scanners. Ancillary GNSS measurements were also collected for 3D laser model georeferencing. A solid model was then generated from the laser global point cloud in Rhinoceros software, and portion of it was used for simulation in a Finite Element Analysis (FEA). In the paper we discuss in detail all the steps and challenges addressed and solutions adopted concerning the survey, solid modeling and FEA from laser scanning data of the historical complex of Villa Revedin-Bolasco

    From TLS survey to 3d solid modeling for documentation of built heritage: The case study of porta savonarola in Padua

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    It is a matter of fact that 3D visualisation and proper documentation of cultural objects helps to preserve the history and memories of historic buildings, archaeological sites and cultural landscapes, and supports economic growth by stimulating cultural tourism. Preservation, visualisation and recreation of valuable historical and architectural objects and places has always been a serious challenge for specialists in the field. Today, the rapid developments in the fields of close-range photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and computer vision (CV) enable to carry out highly accurate 3D models so as to be extremely effective and intuitive for users who have stringent requirements and high expectations. In this note we present the results of the survey and 3D modeling of an ancient gate, Porta Savonarola, located within the remains of the medieval town walls surrounding the historical city center of Padua, Italy. The work has been undertaken within the framework of the project \u201cWalls Multimedia Museum\u201d (WMM) promoted by the local private association \u201cPadua Walls Committee\u201d. The goal of the project was to develop a prototype of an \u201cextended\u201d virtual museum, spreaded along most interesting locations of the town walls. The survey of the ancient gate was performed with a Leica C10 and P20 terrestrial laser scanners. Once the acquired scans were properly merged together, a solid model was generated from the global point cloud, and plans and elevations were extracted from it for restoration purposes. A short multimedia video was also created for the \u201cWalls Multimedia Museum\u201d, showing both the outer and inner part of the gate. In the paper we will discuss all the steps and challenges addressed to provide the 3D solid model of Porta Savonarola from the TLS data

    Innovative strategies for 3D visualisation using photogrammetry and 3D scanning for mobile phones

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    3D model generation through Photogrammetry is a modern overlay of digital information representing real world objects in a virtual world. The immediate scope of this study aims at generating 3D models using imagery and overcoming the challenge of acquiring accurate 3D meshes. This research aims to achieve optimised ways to document raw 3D representations of real life objects and then converting them into retopologised, textured usable data through mobile phones. Augmented Reality (AR) is a projected combination of real and virtual objects. A lot of work is done to create market dependant AR applications so customers can view products before purchasing them. The need is to develop a product independent photogrammetry to AR pipeline which is freely available to create independent 3D Augmented models. Although for the particulars of this research paper, the aim would be to compare and analyse different open source SDK’s and libraries for developing optimised 3D Mesh using Photogrammetry/3D Scanning which will contribute as a main skeleton to the 3D-AR pipeline. Natural disasters, global political crisis, terrorist attacks and other catastrophes have led researchers worldwide to capture monuments using photogrammetry and laser scans. Some of these objects of “global importance” are processed by companies including CyArk (Cyber Archives) and UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre, who work against time to preserve these historical monuments, before they are damaged or in some cases completely destroyed. The need is to question the significance of preserving objects and monuments which might be of value locally to a city or town. What is done to preserve those objects? This research would develop pipelines for collecting and processing 3D data so the local communities could contribute towards restoring endangered sites and objects using their smartphones and making these objects available to be viewed in location based AR. There exist some companies which charge relatively large amounts of money for local scanning projects. This research would contribute as a non-profitable project which could be later used in school curriculums, visitor attractions and historical preservation organisations all over the globe at no cost. The scope isn’t limited to furniture, museums or marketing, but could be used for personal digital archiving as well. This research will capture and process virtual objects using Mobile Phones comparing methodologies used in Computer Vision design from data conversion on Mobile phones to 3D generation, texturing and retopologising. The outcomes of this research will be used as input for generating AR which is application independent of any industry or product

    A geodatabase for multisource data applied to cultural heritage: The case study of Villa Revedin Bolasco

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    In this paper we present the results of the development of a Web-based archiving and documenting system aimed to the management of multisource and multitemporal data related to cultural heritage. As case study we selected the building complex of Villa Revedin Bolasco in Castefranco Veneto (Treviso, Italy) and its park. Buildings and park were built in XIX century after several restorations of the original XIV century area. The data management system relies on a geodatabase framework, in which different kinds of datasets were stored. More specifically, the geodatabase elements consist of historical information, documents, descriptions of artistic characteristics of the building and the park, in the form of text and images. In addition, we used also floorplans, sections and views of the outer facades of the building extracted by a TLS-based 3D model of the whole Villa. In order to manage and explore these rich dataset, we developed a geodatabase using PostgreSQL and PostGIS as spatial plugin. The Web-GIS platform, based on HTML5 and PHP programming languages, implements the NASA Web World Wind virtual globe, a 3D virtual globe we used to enable the navigation and interactive exploration of the park. Furthermore, through a specific timeline function, the user can explore the historical evolution of the building complex

    Close range mini Uavs photogrammetry for architecture survey

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    The survey of historical façades contains several bottlenecks, mainly related to the geometrical structure, the decorative framework, the presence of natural or artificial obstacles, the environment limitations. Urban context presents additional restrictions, binding by ground acquisition activity and leading to building data loss. The integration of TLS and close-range photogrammetry allows to go over such stuff, not overcoming the shadows effect due to the ground point of view. In the last year the massive use of UAVs in survey activity has permitted to enlarge survey capabilities, reaching a deeper knowledge in the architecture analysis. In the meanwhile, several behaviour rules have been introduced in different countries, regulating the UAVs use in different field, strongly restricting their application in urban areas. Recently very small and light platforms have been presented, which can partially overcome these rules restrictions, opening to very interesting future scenarios. This article presents the application of one of these very small RPAS (less than 300 g), equipped with a low-cost camera, in a close range photogrammetric survey of an historical building façade in Bologna (Italy). The suggested analysis tries to point out the system accuracy and details acquisition capacity. The final aim of the paper is to validate the application of this new platform in an architectonic survey pipeline, widening the future application of close-range photogrammetry in the architecture acquisition process

    Applied surveying education : documenting cultural heritage in 3D in the city of Ghent (Belgium) using laser scanning and photo modelling

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    For several years the city of Ghent (Belgium) and the Ghent University, Department of Geography have been working together to document and measure important cultural heritage sites in 3D. The partnership enables master students in Geomatics and Surveying at the Ghent University to take part in a project driven measuring campaign. During the project, students use and compare several 3D data acquisition methods. This allows the students to implement their theoretical knowledge in the field. The used methods are analysed and critically compared by the students. Through this hands-on-training, students are encouraged to think “outside the box”. When problems occur, they are stimulated to think how these problems could have happened and most importantly how they can solve them. The documentation of these historic monuments in Ghent will be used during future renovation works and archaeological research. This paper will discuss the measurements in the Ghent City Museum (Stadsmuseum or STAM). The following methods are applied during the extensive field work: engineering surveying using total station and GNSS, photo modelling and laser scanning. The deliverables are created in a CAD or GIS environment. After successful completion of the course, students have gained a significant expertise concerning the processing of topographic data, 3D point clouds and imagery in an integrated way. This knowledge can be used after their studies to assess which equipment is most suitable for any given survey project. The final products of the photo modelling and the laser scanning process is a 3D model. Furthermore, digital elevation models and orthorectified images of the historic monument can be created. The orthorectified images are visualised and processed into high resolution orthophoto plans, in a CAD or GIS environment
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