325 research outputs found

    An improved robot for bridge inspection

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    This paper presents a significant improvement from the previous submission from the same authors at ISARC 2016. The robot is now equipped with low-cost cameras and a 2D laser scanner which is used to monitor and survey a bridge bearing. The robot is capable of localising by combining a data from a pre-surveyed 3D model of the space with real-time data collection in-situ. Autonomous navigation is also performed using the 2D laser scanner in a mapped environment. The Robot Operating System (ROS) framework is used to integrate data collection and communication for navigation

    Design and implementation of a domestic disinfection robot based on 2D lidar

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    In the battle against the Covid-19, the demand for disinfection robots in China and other countries has increased rapidly. Manual disinfection is time-consuming, laborious, and has safety hazards. For large public areas, the deployment of human resources and the effectiveness of disinfection face significant challenges. Using robots for disinfection therefore becomes an ideal choice. At present, most disinfection robots on the market use ultraviolet or disinfectant to disinfect, or both. They are mostly put into service in hospitals, airports, hotels, shopping malls, office buildings, or other places with daily high foot traffic. These robots are often built-in with automatic navigation and intelligent recognition, ensuring day-to-day operations. However, they usually are expensive and need regular maintenance. The sweeping robots and window-cleaning robots have been put into massive use, but the domestic disinfection robots have not gained much attention. The health and safety of a family are also critical in epidemic prevention. This thesis proposes a low-cost, 2D lidar-based domestic disinfection robot and implements it. The robot possesses dry fog disinfection, ultraviolet disinfection, and air cleaning. The thesis is mainly engaged in the following work: The design and implementation of the control board of the robot chassis are elaborated in this thesis. The control board uses STM32F103ZET6 as the MCU. Infrared sensors are used in the robot to prevent from falling over and walk along the wall. The Ultrasonic sensor is installed in the front of the chassis to detect and avoid the path's obstacles. Photoelectric switches are used to record the information when the potential collisions happen in the early phase of mapping. The disinfection robot adopts a centrifugal fan and HEPA filter for air purification. The ceramic atomizer is used to break up the disinfectant's molecular structure to produce the dry fog. The UV germicidal lamp is installed at the bottom of the chassis to disinfect the ground. The robot uses an air pollution sensor to estimate the air quality. Motors are used to drive the chassis to move. The lidar transmits its data to the navigation board directly through the wires and the edge-board contact on the control board. The control board also manages the atmosphere LEDs, horn, press-buttons, battery, LDC, and temperature-humidity sensor. It exchanges data with and executes the command from the navigation board and manages all kinds of peripheral devices. Thus, it is the administrative unit of the disinfection robot. Moreover, the robot is designed in a way that reduces costs while ensuring quality. The control board’s embedded software is realized and analyzed in the thesis. The communication protocol that links the control board and the navigation board is implemented in software. Standard commands, specific commands, error handling, and the data packet format are detailed and processed in software. The software effectively drives and manages the peripheral devices. SLAMWARE CORE is used as the navigation board to complete the system design. System tests like disinfecting, mapping, navigating, and anti-falling were performed to polish and adjust the structure and functionalities of the robot. Raspberry Pi is also used with the control board to explore 2D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms, such as Hector, Karto, and Cartographer, in Robot Operating System (ROS) for the robot’s further development. The thesis is written from the perspective of engineering practice and proposes a feasible design for a domestic disinfection robot. Hardware, embedded software, and system tests are covered in the thesis

    Development of a ground robot for indoor SLAM using Low‐Cost LiDAR and remote LabVIEW HMI

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    The simultaneous localization and mapping problem (SLAM) is crucial to autonomous navigation and robot mapping. The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a ground robot that implements SLAM to test the performance of the low‐cost RPLiDAR A1M8 by DFRobot. The HectorSLAM package, available in ROS was used with a Raspberry Pi to implement SLAM and build maps. These maps are sent to a remote desktop via TCP/IP communication to be displayed on a LabVIEW HMI where the user can also control robot. The LabVIEW HMI and the project in its entirety is intended to be as easy to use as possible to the layman, with many processes being automated to make this possible. The quality of the maps created by HectorSLAM and the RPLiDAR were evaluated both qualitatively and quanitatively to determine how useful the low‐cost LiDAR can be for this application. It is hoped that the apparatus developed in this project will be used with drones in the future for 3D mapping

    A Platform for Indoor Localisation, Mapping, and Data Collection using an Autonomous Vehicle

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    Everyone who has worked with research knows how rewarding experimenting and developing new algorithms can be. However in some cases, the hard part is not the invention of these algorithms, but their evaluation. To try and make that evaluation easier, this thesis focuses on the collection of data that can be used as positional ground truths using an autonomous measurement platform. This should assist Combain Mobile AB in the evaluation and improvement of their Wi-Fi based indoor positioning service. How and which parts of the open-source community’s work in the Robot Operating System (ROS) project to utilise is not obvious. This thesis therefore sets out to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) which is capable of supporting two different use cases: measure and explore inside an unknown environment, and measure inside a known environment given a map. This effectively leaves Combain with a viable product, and indirectly helps the community by aiding it in comparing and recommending the best tools and software libraries for the task. The result of this thesis ends up recommending the following for measuring inside an unknown environment: the Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (SLAM) algorithm Google Cartographer for navigation, and the exploration algorithm Hector Exploration for planning the exploration. To measure inside a known environment the following is recommended: the Adaptive Monte Carlo Localisation (AMCL) positioning algorithm and the Spanning Tree Covering algorithm.Data har mĂ„nga anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„den inom bĂ„de forskning och industri. I detta examensarbete skapades en platform som sjĂ€lvgĂ„ende kan anvĂ€ndas för att samla in stora mĂ€ngder data frĂ„n omgivningen

    Flightmare: A Flexible Quadrotor Simulator

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    Currently available quadrotor simulators have a rigid and highly-specialized structure: either are they really fast, physically accurate, or photo-realistic. In this work, we propose a paradigm-shift in the development of simulators: moving the trade-off between accuracy and speed from the developers to the end-users. We use this design idea to develop a novel modular quadrotor simulator: Flightmare. Flightmare is composed of two main components: a configurable rendering engine built on Unity and a flexible physics engine for dynamics simulation. Those two components are totally decoupled and can run independently from each other. This makes our simulator extremely fast: rendering achieves speeds of up to 230 Hz, while physics simulation of up to 200,000 Hz. In addition, Flightmare comes with several desirable features: (i) a large multi-modal sensor suite, including an interface to extract the 3D point-cloud of the scene; (ii) an API for reinforcement learning which can simulate hundreds of quadrotors in parallel; and (iii) an integration with a virtual-reality headset for interaction with the simulated environment. We demonstrate the flexibility of Flightmare by using it for two completely different robotic tasks: learning a sensorimotor control policy for a quadrotor and path-planning in a complex 3D environment

    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping and Tag-Based Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This paper presents navigation techniques for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in a virtual simulation of an indoor environment using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and April Tag markers to reach a target destination. In many cases, UAVs can access locations that are inaccessible to people or regular vehicles in indoor environments, making them valuable for surveillance purposes. This study employs the Robot Operating System (ROS) to simulate SLAM techniques using LIDAR and GMapping packages for UAV navigation in two different environments. In the Tag-based simulation, the input topic for April Tag in ROS is camera images, and the calibration of position with a tag is done through assigning a message to each ID and its marker image. On the other hand, navigation in SLAM was achieved using a global and local planner algorithm. For localization, an Adaptive Monte-Carlo Localization (AMCL) technique has been used to identify factors contributing to inconsistent mapping results, such as heavy computational load, grid mapping accuracy, and inadequate UAV localization. Furthermore, this study analyzed the April Tag-based navigation algorithm, which showed satisfactory outcomes due to its lighter computing requirements. It can be ascertained that by using ROS packages, the simulation of SLAM and Tag-based UAV navigation inside a building can be achieved. &nbsp

    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping and Tag-Based Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This paper presents navigation techniques for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in a virtual simulation of an indoor environment using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and April Tag markers to reach a target destination. In many cases, UAVs can access locations that are inaccessible to people or regular vehicles in indoor environments, making them valuable for surveillance purposes. This study employs the Robot Operating System (ROS) to simulate SLAM techniques using LIDAR and GMapping packages for UAV navigation in two different environments. In the Tag-based simulation, the input topic for April Tag in ROS is camera images, and the calibration of position with a tag is done through assigning a message to each ID and its marker image. On the other hand, navigation in SLAM was achieved using a global and local planner algorithm. For localization, an Adaptive Monte-Carlo Localization (AMCL) technique has been used to identify factors contributing to inconsistent mapping results, such as heavy computational load, grid mapping accuracy, and inadequate UAV localization. Furthermore, this study analyzed the April Tag-based navigation algorithm, which showed satisfactory outcomes due to its lighter computing requirements. It can be ascertained that by using ROS packages, the simulation of SLAM and Tag-based UAV navigation inside a building can be achieved. &nbsp

    Optimal Wheelchair Multi-LiDAR Placement for Indoor SLAM

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    One of the most prevalent technologies used in modern robotics is Simultaneous Localization and Mapping or, SLAM. Modern SLAM technologies usually employ a number of different probabilistic mathematics to perform processes that enable modern robots to not only map an environment but, also, concurrently localize themselves within said environment. Existing open-source SLAM technologies not only range in the different probabilistic methods they employ to achieve their task but, also, by how well the task is achieved and by their computational requirements. Additionally, the positioning of the sensors in the robot also has a substantial effect on how well these technologies work. Therefore, this dissertation is dedicated to the comparison of existing open-source ROS implemented 2D SLAM technologies and in the maximization of the performance of said SLAM technologies by researching optimal sensor placement in a Intelligent Wheelchair context, using SLAM performance as a benchmark

    O2S: Open-source open shuttle

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    Currently, commercially available intelligent transport robots that are capable of carrying up to 90kg of load can cost \5000orevenmore.Thismakesreal−worldexperimentationprohibitivelyexpensiveandlimitstheapplicabilityofsuchsystemstoeverydayhomeorindustrialtasks.Asidefromtheirhighcost,themajorityofcommerciallyavailableplatformsareeitherclosed−source,platform−specificorusedifficult−to−customizehardwareandfirmware.Inthiswork,wepresentalow−cost,open−sourceandmodularalternative,referredtohereinas"open−sourceopenshuttle(O2S)".O2Sutilizesoff−the−shelf(OTS)components,additivemanufacturingtechnologies,aluminiumprofiles,andaconsumerhoverboardwithhigh−torquebrushlessdirectcurrent(BLDC)motors.O2Sisfullycompatiblewiththerobotoperatingsystem(ROS),hasamaximumpayloadof90kg,andcostslessthan5000 or even more. This makes real-world experimentation prohibitively expensive and limits the applicability of such systems to everyday home or industrial tasks. Aside from their high cost, the majority of commercially available platforms are either closed-source, platform-specific or use difficult-to-customize hardware and firmware. In this work, we present a low-cost, open-source and modular alternative, referred to herein as "open-source open shuttle (O2S)". O2S utilizes off-the-shelf (OTS) components, additive manufacturing technologies, aluminium profiles, and a consumer hoverboard with high-torque brushless direct current (BLDC) motors. O2S is fully compatible with the robot operating system (ROS), has a maximum payload of 90kg, and costs less than 1500. Furthermore, O2S offers a simple yet robust framework for contextualizing simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms, an essential prerequisite for autonomous robot navigation. The robustness and performance of the O2S were validated through real-world and simulation experiments. All the design, construction and software files are freely available online under the GNU GPL v3 license at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/K83X7. A descriptive video of O2S can be found at https://osf.io/v8tq2
