507 research outputs found

    A Search For Principles of Basal Ganglia Function

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    The basal ganglia are a group of subcortical nuclei that contain about 100 million neurons in humans. Different modes of basal ganglia dysfunction lead to Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease, which have debilitating motor and cognitive symptoms. However, despite intensive study, both the internal computational mechanisms of the basal ganglia, and their contribution to normal brain function, have been elusive. The goal of this thesis is to identify basic principles that underlie basal ganglia function, with a focus on signal representation, computation, dynamics, and plasticity. This process begins with a review of two current hypotheses of normal basal ganglia function, one being that they automatically select actions on the basis of past reinforcement, and the other that they compress cortical signals that tend to occur in conjunction with reinforcement. It is argued that a wide range of experimental data are consistent with these mechanisms operating in series, and that in this configuration, compression makes selection practical in natural environments. Although experimental work is outside the present scope, an experimental means of testing this proposal in the future is suggested. The remainder of the thesis builds on Eliasmith & Anderson's Neural Engineering Framework (NEF), which provides an integrated theoretical account of computation, representation, and dynamics in large neural circuits. The NEF provides considerable insight into basal ganglia function, but its explanatory power is potentially limited by two assumptions that the basal ganglia violate. First, like most large-network models, the NEF assumes that neurons integrate multiple synaptic inputs in a linear manner. However, synaptic integration in the basal ganglia is nonlinear in several respects. Three modes of nonlinearity are examined, including nonlinear interactions between dendritic branches, nonlinear integration within terminal branches, and nonlinear conductance-current relationships. The first mode is shown to affect neuron tuning. The other two modes are shown to enable alternative computational mechanisms that facilitate learning, and make computation more flexible, respectively. Secondly, while the NEF assumes that the feedforward dynamics of individual neurons are dominated by the dynamics of post-synaptic current, many basal ganglia neurons also exhibit prominent spike-generation dynamics, including adaptation, bursting, and hysterses. Of these, it is shown that the NEF theory of network dynamics applies fairly directly to certain cases of firing-rate adaptation. However, more complex dynamics, including nonlinear dynamics that are diverse across a population, can be described using the NEF equations for representation. In particular, a neuron's response can be characterized in terms of a more complex function that extends over both present and past inputs. It is therefore straightforward to apply NEF methods to interpret the effects of complex cell dynamics at the network level. The role of spike timing in basal ganglia function is also examined. Although the basal ganglia have been interpreted in the past to perform computations on the basis of mean firing rates (over windows of tens or hundreds of milliseconds) it has recently become clear that patterns of spikes on finer timescales are also functionally relevant. Past work has shown that precise spike times in sensory systems contain stimulus-related information, but there has been little study of how post-synaptic neurons might use this information. It is shown that essentially any neuron can use this information to perform flexible computations, and that these computations do not require spike timing that is very precise. As a consequence, irregular and highly-variable firing patterns can drive behaviour with which they have no detectable correlation. Most of the projection neurons in the basal ganglia are inhibitory, and the effect of one nucleus on another is classically interpreted as subtractive or divisive. Theoretically, very flexible computations can be performed within a projection if each presynaptic neuron can both excite and inhibit its targets, but this is hardly ever the case physiologically. However, it is shown here that equivalent computational flexibility is supported by inhibitory projections in the basal ganglia, as a simple consequence of inhibitory collaterals in the target nuclei. Finally, the relationship between population coding and synaptic plasticity is discussed. It is shown that Hebbian plasticity, in conjunction with lateral connections, determines both the dimension of the population code and the tuning of neuron responses within the coded space. These results permit a straightforward interpretation of the effects of synaptic plasticity on information processing at the network level. Together with the NEF, these new results provide a rich set of theoretical principles through which the dominant physiological factors that affect basal ganglia function can be more clearly understood

    Goal-Directed Decision Making with Spiking Neurons.

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    UNLABELLED: Behavioral and neuroscientific data on reward-based decision making point to a fundamental distinction between habitual and goal-directed action selection. The formation of habits, which requires simple updating of cached values, has been studied in great detail, and the reward prediction error theory of dopamine function has enjoyed prominent success in accounting for its neural bases. In contrast, the neural circuit mechanisms of goal-directed decision making, requiring extended iterative computations to estimate values online, are still unknown. Here we present a spiking neural network that provably solves the difficult online value estimation problem underlying goal-directed decision making in a near-optimal way and reproduces behavioral as well as neurophysiological experimental data on tasks ranging from simple binary choice to sequential decision making. Our model uses local plasticity rules to learn the synaptic weights of a simple neural network to achieve optimal performance and solves one-step decision-making tasks, commonly considered in neuroeconomics, as well as more challenging sequential decision-making tasks within 1 s. These decision times, and their parametric dependence on task parameters, as well as the final choice probabilities match behavioral data, whereas the evolution of neural activities in the network closely mimics neural responses recorded in frontal cortices during the execution of such tasks. Our theory provides a principled framework to understand the neural underpinning of goal-directed decision making and makes novel predictions for sequential decision-making tasks with multiple rewards. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Goal-directed actions requiring prospective planning pervade decision making, but their circuit-level mechanisms remain elusive. We show how a model circuit of biologically realistic spiking neurons can solve this computationally challenging problem in a novel way. The synaptic weights of our network can be learned using local plasticity rules such that its dynamics devise a near-optimal plan of action. By systematically comparing our model results to experimental data, we show that it reproduces behavioral decision times and choice probabilities as well as neural responses in a rich set of tasks. Our results thus offer the first biologically realistic account for complex goal-directed decision making at a computational, algorithmic, and implementational level.This research was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (J.F., Grant PBBEP3 146112) and the Wellcome Trust (J.F. and M.L.).This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by the Society for Neuroscience

    Reinforcement Learning

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    Brains rule the world, and brain-like computation is increasingly used in computers and electronic devices. Brain-like computation is about processing and interpreting data or directly putting forward and performing actions. Learning is a very important aspect. This book is on reinforcement learning which involves performing actions to achieve a goal. The first 11 chapters of this book describe and extend the scope of reinforcement learning. The remaining 11 chapters show that there is already wide usage in numerous fields. Reinforcement learning can tackle control tasks that are too complex for traditional, hand-designed, non-learning controllers. As learning computers can deal with technical complexities, the tasks of human operators remain to specify goals on increasingly higher levels. This book shows that reinforcement learning is a very dynamic area in terms of theory and applications and it shall stimulate and encourage new research in this field

    A Review of Findings from Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology as Possible Inspiration for the Path to Artificial General Intelligence

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    This review aims to contribute to the quest for artificial general intelligence by examining neuroscience and cognitive psychology methods for potential inspiration. Despite the impressive advancements achieved by deep learning models in various domains, they still have shortcomings in abstract reasoning and causal understanding. Such capabilities should be ultimately integrated into artificial intelligence systems in order to surpass data-driven limitations and support decision making in a way more similar to human intelligence. This work is a vertical review that attempts a wide-ranging exploration of brain function, spanning from lower-level biological neurons, spiking neural networks, and neuronal ensembles to higher-level concepts such as brain anatomy, vector symbolic architectures, cognitive and categorization models, and cognitive architectures. The hope is that these concepts may offer insights for solutions in artificial general intelligence.Comment: 143 pages, 49 figures, 244 reference

    Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machines

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    Restricted Boltzmann machines are a generative neural network. They summarize their input data to build a probabilistic model that can then be used to reconstruct missing data or to classify new data. Unlike discrete Boltzmann machines, where the data are mapped to the space of integers or bitstrings, continuous Boltzmann machines directly use floating point numbers and therefore represent the data with higher fidelity. The primary limitation in using Boltzmann machines for big-data problems is the efficiency of the training algorithm. This paper describes an efficient deterministic algorithm for training continuous machines

    Unsupervised clustering of IoT signals through feature extraction and self organizing maps

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    This thesis scope is to build a clustering model to inspect the structural properties of a dataset composed of IoT signals and to classify these through unsupervised clustering algorithms. To this end, a feature-based representation of the signals is used. Different feature selection algorithms are then used to obtain reduced feature spaces, so as to decrease the computational cost and the memory demand. Thus, the IoT signals are clustered using Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and then evaluatedope
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