45,074 research outputs found

    Review of sensors for remote patient monitoring

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    Remote patient monitoring (RPM) of physiological measurements can provide an efficient method and high quality care to patients. The physiological signals measurement is the initial and the most important factor in RPM. This paper discusses the characteristics of the most popular sensors, which are used to obtain vital clinical signals in prevalent RPM systems. The sensors discussed in this paper are used to measure ECG, heart sound, pulse rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure and respiration rate, which are treated as the most important vital data in patient monitoring and medical examination


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang bangun alat pemeriksa tandatanda vital dengan hanya mengukur temperatur suhu tubuh, jumlah detak jantung per-menit dan jumlah frekuensi pernapasan per-menit pada tubuh manusia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium elektronika lantai 1 dan pengujian alat dilaksanakan di puskesmas Kec.Tambora – Jakarta Barat. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan mikrokontroler arduino nano sebagai kontrol pada alat, modul pulse sensor sebagai pembaca data detak jantung, sensor DS18B20 sebagai pembaca suhu tubuh dan modul sound sensor sebagai pembaca jumlah pernapasan per-menit. Sumber tenaga dari alat menggunakan baterai Liion 3.7 Volt dan modul charger TP4056 sebagai pengatur sumber tegangan yang berfungsi untuk media pengisian ulang baterai pada alat yang dibuat. Hasil pengujian tingkat akurasi nilai error pada penelitian ini, diproleh ± 0.22% pada pengukuran suhu tubuh, ± 1.21% pada pengukuran jumlah detak jantung per-menit dan ± 1.7% pada pengukuran jumlah napas per-menit. Kesimpulan yang didapat pada penelitian ini, bahwa alat pemeriksa tanda-tanda vital berhasil dibuat dan dapat mengukur temperatur suhu, jumlah detak jantung per-menit dan jumlah frekuensi pernapasan per-menit pada tubuh manusia. The purpose of this study was to design checker tool wake vital signs by simply measuring the temperature of the body temperature, the number of heartbeat per minute and the number of respiratory rate per minute on the human body. This research was conducted in the laboratory one floor electronics and testing tools implemented in the clinic Kec.Tambora - West Jakarta. In this study, using a microcontroller arduino nano as a control on the appliance, the module pulse sensor as heart rate data reader, sensor temperature DS18B20 as readers and reader modules sound sensor as the number of respiratory-per-minute. Power source of the tool using a Li-ion battery 3.7 Volt and charger modules TP4056 as a regulator voltage source which serves to media recharging the battery on a tool created. The test results accuracy rate error value in this study, obtained ± 0.22% at body temperature measurement, ± 1.21% in the measurement of the number of heartbeat per minute and ± 1.7% in the measurement of the number of breaths per minute. The conclusion in this study, that checker tool vital signs has been created and can measure the temperature of the temperature, the number of heartbeat per minute and the number of respiratory rate per minute on the human body

    Technology applications

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    A summary of NASA Technology Utilization programs for the period of 1 December 1971 through 31 May 1972 is presented. An abbreviated description of the overall Technology Utilization Applications Program is provided as a background for the specific applications examples. Subjects discussed are in the broad headings of: (1) cancer, (2) cardiovascular disease, (2) medical instrumentation, (4) urinary system disorders, (5) rehabilitation medicine, (6) air and water pollution, (7) housing and urban construction, (8) fire safety, (9) law enforcement and criminalistics, (10) transportation, and (11) mine safety

    Do patients with suspected heart failure and preserved left ventricular systolic function suffer from "diastolic heart failure" or from misdiagnosis? A prospective descriptive study

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    OBJECTIVES: To characterise the clinical features of patients with suspected heart failure but preserved left ventricular systolic function to determine if they have other potential causes for their symptoms rather than being diagnosed with 'diastolic heart failure.' DESIGN: Prospective descriptive study. SETTING: Outpatient based direct access echocardiography service. PARTICIPANTS: 159 consecutive patients with suspected heart failure referred by general practitioners. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Symptoms (including shortness of breath, ankle oedema, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea) and history of coronary heart disease and chronic pulmonary disease. Transthoracic echocardiography, body mass index, pulmonary function tests, and electrocardiography. RESULTS: 109 of 159 participants had suspected heart failure in the absence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction, valvular heart disease, or atrial fibrillation. Of these 109, 40 were either obese or very obese, 54 had a reduction in forced expiratory volume in 1 second to </=70%, and 97 had a peak expiratory flow rate </=70% of normal. Thirty one patients had a history of angina, 12 had had a myocardial infarction, and seven had undergone a coronary artery bypass graft. Only seven patients lacked a recognised explanation for their symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: For most patients with a diagnosis of heart failure but preserved left ventricular systolic function there is an alternative explanation for their symptoms-for example, obesity, lung disease, and myocardial ischaemia-and the diagnosis of diastolic heart failure is rarely needed. These alternative diagnoses should be rigorously sought and managed accordingly

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 141)

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    This special bibliography lists 267 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1975

    Advanced sensors technology survey

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    This project assesses the state-of-the-art in advanced or 'smart' sensors technology for NASA Life Sciences research applications with an emphasis on those sensors with potential applications on the space station freedom (SSF). The objectives are: (1) to conduct literature reviews on relevant advanced sensor technology; (2) to interview various scientists and engineers in industry, academia, and government who are knowledgeable on this topic; (3) to provide viewpoints and opinions regarding the potential applications of this technology on the SSF; and (4) to provide summary charts of relevant technologies and centers where these technologies are being developed

    Retrospective study of the association between neutering status and changes secondary to degenerative mitral valve disease

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaMyxomatous mitral valve disease is the most common cardiovascular disease reported in dogs. Although many patients may remain asymptomatic, some of them progress to left-sided congestive heart failure and develop clinical signs. Little has yet been published regarding the possible influence of the neutering status on changes secondary to myxomatous mitral valve disease. This study aims to assess a possible correlation between neutering status and myxomatous mitral valve disease. A retrospective study was conducted and included all the cases diagnosed with myxomatous mitral valve disease, consulted at the Cardiology service of the University of Liverpool. To help assess the association between neutering status and cardiac remodelling, dogs were categorized into four groups: FE (female entire), FN (female neutered), ME (male entire) and MN (male neutered). Retrospective review of echocardiographic data, signalment, and underlying diseases were performed. Echocardiographic measurements were made through offline analysis. Echocardiographic measurements were then compared between groups. Five hundred and eighty-two dogs (n = 582) were included: female entire (n = 24), female neutered (n = 235), male entire (n = 115) and male neutered (n = 208). Left ventricular internal diameter at end diastole (LVIDd), left atrial dimension to the aortic root diameter (LA:Ao) and left atrium maximal dimension to the aortic root dimension (LAmax:Ao) were significantly different between ME and MN, with ME dogs presenting higher mean values for LVIDd and higher median LA:Ao and LAmax:Ao measurements. Left ventricular internal diameter at end systole (LVIDs) was not significantly different between ME and MN. There were no significant differences between FE and FN groups. This study shows that neutering status may influence the development of myxomatous mitral valve disease in male dogs and that entire male dogs could be at higher risk of developing cardiac remodelling secondary to myxomatous mitral valve disease. On the other hand, neutering status doesn’t seem to have an influence on disease progression in female dogs.RESUMO - Estudo retrospetivo da associação entre a esterilização e alterações secundárias à doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral - A doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral é a doença cardiovascular mais prevalente em cães. Apesar da maior parte dos pacientes permanecerem assintomáticos, alguns podem progredir para insuficiência cardíaca esquerda e desenvolver sinais clínicos. Até hoje, existem poucas publicações sobre o possível efeito que a esterilização possa ter no desenvolvimento da doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se existe de facto uma relação entre a esterilização e a doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral. Foi realizado um estudo retrospetivo que incluiu todos os casos diagnosticados com doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral consultados no serviço de Cardiologia da Universidade de Liverpool. Para avaliar a relação entre a esterilização e a presença de remodelação cardíaca, os cães foram categorizados em quatro grupos: FE (fêmeas inteiras), FN (fêmeas esterilizadas), ME (machos inteiros) e MN (machos castrados). A história pregressa e os dados ecocardiográficos dos animais foram revistos retrospetivamente e as medidas ecocardiográficas foram obtidas por medição offline. Estas medições foram depois comparadas entre os diferentes grupos. Quinhentos e oitenta e dois cães (n = 582) foram incluídos: fêmeas inteiras (n = 24), fêmeas esterilizadas (n = 235), machos inteiros (n = 115) e machos castrados (n = 208). Nos resultados obtidos, o diâmetro interno do ventrículo esquerdo no final da diástole (LVIDd), o rácio átrio esquerdo-aorta (LA:Ao) e o rácio diâmetro máximo do átrio esquerdo-aorta (LAmax:Ao) foram estatisticamente significativos entre machos inteiros e machos castrados. Os machos inteiros apresentaram não só um LVIDd médio superior, como também uma mediana de LA:Ao e LAmax:Ao superior aos machos castrados. Ao mesmo tempo, o diâmetro interno do ventrículo esquerdo no final da sístole (LVIDs) não mostrou ser estatisticamente significativo entre machos inteiros e machos castrados e nenhum dos parâmetros ecocardiográficos anteriormente referidos revelou ser estatisticamente significativo entre fêmeas inteiras e fêmeas esterilizadas. Este estudo demonstra que a esterilização poderá influenciar o desenvolvimento da doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral e que os cães machos inteiros poderão apresentar um maior risco de desenvolver remodelação cardíaca secundária a esta doença. No entanto, a esterilização não aparenta influenciar a progressão desta doença em cadelas.N/

    Protocol of the SOMNIA project : an observational study to create a neurophysiological database for advanced clinical sleep monitoring

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    Introduction Polysomnography (PSG) is the primary tool for sleep monitoring and the diagnosis of sleep disorders. Recent advances in signal analysis make it possible to reveal more information from this rich data source. Furthermore, many innovative sleep monitoring techniques are being developed that are less obtrusive, easier to use over long time periods and in the home situation. Here, we describe the methods of the Sleep and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Monitoring with Non-Invasive Applications (SOMNIA) project, yielding a database combining clinical PSG with advanced unobtrusive sleep monitoring modalities in a large cohort of patients with various sleep disorders. The SOMNIA database will facilitate the validation and assessment of the diagnostic value of the new techniques, as well as the development of additional indices and biomarkers derived from new and/or traditional sleep monitoring methods. Methods and analysis We aim to include at least 2100 subjects (both adults and children) with a variety of sleep disorders who undergo a PSG as part of standard clinical care in a dedicated sleep centre. Full-video PSG will be performed according to the standards of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Each recording will be supplemented with one or more new monitoring systems, including wrist-worn photoplethysmography and actigraphy, pressure sensing mattresses, multimicrophone recording of respiratory sounds including snoring, suprasternal pressure monitoring and multielectrode electromyography of the diaphragm
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