6,819 research outputs found

    Hardware/Software Codesign

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    The current state of the art technology in integrated circuits allows the incorporation of multiple processor cores and memory arrays, in addition to application specific hardware, on a single substrate. As silicon technology has become more advanced, allowing the implementation of more complex designs, systems have begun to incorporate considerable amounts of embedded software [3]. Thus it becomes increasingly necessary for the system designers to have knowledge on both hardware and software to make efficient design tradeoffs. This is where hardware/software codesign comes into existence

    Hardware/software codesign methodology for fuzzy controller implementation

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    This paper describes a HW/SW codesign methodology for the implementation of fuzzy controllers on a platform composed by a general-purpose microcontroller and specific processing elements implemented on FPGAs or ASICs. The different phases of the methodology, as well as the CAD tools used in each design stage, are presented, with emphasis on the fuzzy system development environment Xfuzzy. Also included is a practical application of the described methodology for the development of a fuzzy controller for a dosage system

    Reconfigurable Computing and Hardware/Software Codesign

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    none3Article ID 731830 - EditorialPLAKS T. P; SANTAMBROGIO M. D; D. SCIUTOPLAKS T., P; Santambrogio, MARCO DOMENICO; Sciuto, Donatell

    Communication Estimation for Hardware/Software Codesign

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    This paper presents a general high level estimation model of communication throughput for the implementation of a given communication protocol. The model, which is part of a larger model that includes component price, software driver object code size and hardware driver area, is intended to be general enough to be able to capture the characteristics of a wide range of communication protocols and yet to be sufficiently detailed as to allow the designer or design tool to efficiently explore tradeoffs between throughput, bus widths, burst/non-burst transfers and data packing strategies. Thus it provides a basis for decision making with respect to communication protocols/components and communication driver design in the initial design space exploration phase of a co-synthesis process where a large number of possibilities must be examined and where fast estimators are therefore necessary. The full model allows for additional (money)cost, software code size and hardware area tradeoffs to be ..

    A Codesign Case Study in Computer Graphics

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    This paper describes a codesign case study where a computer graphics application is examined with the intention to speed up its execution. The application is specified as a C program, and is characterized by the lack of a simple compute-intensive kernel. The hardware/software partitioning is based on information obtained from software profiling and the resulting design is validated through cosimulation. A locally developed interface model, Merlin, is used as the basis for co-simulation. The achieved speed-up is estimated based on an analysis of profile information. 1 Introduction Codesign, i.e., the combined development of hardware and software, can be roughly classified as follows: ffl Co-development of both hardware and software from a specification which does not favor either implementation strategy. ffl Hardware design of instruction set processors. Aside from hardware design, it also involves software analysis to optimize the instruction set. ffl Speed-up of an existing softwa..

    Hardware-Software Codesign Algorithms

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    Tento diplomový projekt se zabývá souběžným návrhem programového a technického vybavení vestavěných systémů. Zahrnuje jednak obecný popis celého tohoto procesu , jednak je tento postup ilustrován na návrhu, simulaci a implementaci FIR filtru. Je zde obsažen také popis návrhového programu Polis a simulačního systému Ptolemy. Závěr projektu je věnován generování simulačních modelů v jazyce VHDL včetně následné syntézy.This master's thesis deals with a parallel design of the program and a technical equipment of embedded systems. It involves both a general description of the whole process and an illustration of the design, a simulation and implementation of the FIR filter. It also includes a description of the proposed program Polis and the simulation system Ptolemy. The conclusion of the project is devoted to a generation of simulation models in VHDL language incl. a subsequent synthesis.

    Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign

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    Codesign is a unified methodology to develop complex systems with hardware and software components. EDgAR, a platform for hardware/software codesign is described, which is intended to prototype complex digital systems. It employs programmable logic devices (MACHs and FPGAs) and a transputer-based parallel architecture. This platform and its associated methodology reduce the systems production cost, decreasing the time for the design and the test of the prototypes. The EDgAR supporting tools are introduced, which were conceived to specify systems at an high-level of abstraction, with a standard language and to allow a high degree of automation on the synthesis process. This platform was used to emulate an integrated circuit for image processing purposes

    Accelerating board games through Hardware/Software Codesign

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    Board games applications usually offer a great user experience when running on desktop computers. Powerful high-performance processors working without energy restrictions successfully deal with the exploration of large game trees, delivering strong play to satisfy demanding users. However, nowadays, more and more game players are running these games on smartphones and tablets, where the lower computational power and limited power budget yield a much weaker play. Recent systems-on-a-chip include programmable logic tightly coupled with general-purpose processors enabling the inclusion of custom accelerators for any application to improve both performance and energy efficiency. In this paper, we analyze the benefits of partitioning the artificial intelligence of board games into software and hardware. We have chosen as case studies three popular and complex board games, Reversi, Blokus, and Connect6. The designs analyzed include hardware accelerators for board processing, which improve performance and energy efficiency by an order of magnitude leading to much stronger and battery-aware applications. The results demonstrate that the use of hardware/software codesign to develop board games allows sustaining or even improving the user experience across platforms while keeping power and energy low