4,860 research outputs found

    Comparing two haptic interfaces for multimodal graph rendering

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    This paper describes the evaluation of two multimodal interfaces designed to provide visually impaired people with access to various types of graphs. The interfaces consist of audio and haptics which is rendered on commercially available force feedback devices. This study compares the usability of two force feedback devices: the SensAble PHANToM and the Logitech WingMan force feedback mouse in representing graphical data. The type of graph used in the experiment is the bar chart under two experimental conditions: single mode and multimodal. The results show that PHANToM provides better performance in the haptic only condition. However, no significant difference has been found between the two devices in the multimodal condition. This has confirmed the advantages of using multimodal approach in our research and that low-cost haptic devices can be successful. This paper introduces our evaluation approach and discusses the findings of the experiment

    Designing Haptic Interfaces to Uncover Gestural Patterns in Children

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    Children with sensory processing differences such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may have different gestural patterns compared to their neurotypical peers. However, the evaluation of sensory differences is complicated and subjective, especially when it\u27s related to the tactile sense. Haptic interfaces (i.e., tools that transmit information through touch) allow changing vibrotactile patterns to stimulate children\u27s tactile senses, affecting how children interact with the interface. Therefore, haptic interfaces can be used to collect data on how users interact with them and uncover their gestural patterns. However, it is unclear how to design active haptic interfaces vibration using touch (e.g., mobile phone), wearables (e.g., smartwatch), or ultrasonic (e.g., Stratos) to support the data collection of gesture interaction. As the first step in this work, we proposed the design of Feel and Touch, a haptic game that could be developed for different haptic interfaces, such as mobile, wearable, and ultrasonic. In future work, we proposed to develop the game in the three interfaces and evaluate their usefulness and effectiveness in collecting gestural data, especially for children with ASD. We would like to thank: Ivonne Monarca and Monica Tentori from CICESE Research center

    Web-based haptic applications for blind people to create virtual graphs

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    Haptic technology has great potentials in many applications. This paper introduces our work on delivery haptic information via the Web. A multimodal tool has been developed to allow blind people to create virtual graphs independently. Multimodal interactions in the process of graph creation and exploration are provided by using a low-cost haptic device, the Logitech WingMan Force Feedback Mouse, and Web audio. The Web-based tool also provides blind people with the convenience of receiving information at home. In this paper, we present the development of the tool and evaluation results. Discussions on the issues related to the design of similar Web-based haptic applications are also given

    Pneumatic Haptic Interfaces

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    An instrumentation system for direct measurement of the thermal conductivity of a small sample of a highly insulating material has been devised. As used here, (1) "small" signifies having dimensions of the order of two centimeters - significantly less than the sizes of specimens for which prior devices for direct measurement of thermal conductivity have been designed; and (2) "highly insulating" signifies having thermal conductivity of the order of that of air. The heart of the system is an assembly that includes two copper disks - one electrically heated, the other cooled with chilled water. The disks are separated by a guard ring made of strong, thermally insulating polymethacrylamide foam. The sample fits between the copper disks and within the ring (see figure). Matched thermocouples are used to measure the temperatures of the heated and cooled disks. The heated and cooled disks are affixed to larger foam disks, and the essentially still air in the gap between the larger disks insulates the sides of the specimen. This air gap region can be further divided by extending the foam ring into the gap region. The entire assembly as described thus far is lightly clamped together by means of nylon threaded rods and is placed inside a cylindrical chamber wherein the temperature is maintained at a set value (typically, 25 C)

    A first investigation into the effectiveness of Tactons

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    This paper reports two experiments relating to the design of Tactons (or tactile icons). The first experiment investigated perception of vibro-tactile "roughness" (created using amplitude modulated sinusoids), and the results indicated that roughness could be used as a parameter for constructing Tactons. The second experiment is the first full evaluation of Tactons, and uses three values of roughness identified in the first experiment, along with three rhythms to create a set of Tactons. The results of this experiment showed that Tactons could be a successful means of communicating information in user interfaces, with an overall recognition rate of 71%, and recognition rates of 93% for rhythm and 80% for roughness

    Realizing low-impedance rendering in admittance-type haptic interfaces using the input-to-state stable approach

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    © 2017 IEEE. This paper proposes an approach to enlarge the impedance range of admittance-type haptic interfaces. Admittance-type haptic interfaces have advantages over impedance-type haptic interfaces in the interaction with high impedance virtual environments. However, the performance of admittance-type haptic interfaces is often limited by the lower boundary of the impedance that can be achieved without stability issue. Especially, it is well known that low value of inertia in an admittance model often causes unstable interaction. This paper extends recently proposed input-to-state stable approach [1] to further lower down the achievable impedance in admittance-type haptic interfaces with less conservative constraint compared with the passivity-based approaches. The primary challenge was identifying the nonlinear hysteresis components which are essential for the implementation of the input-to-state stable approach. Through experimental investigation and after separating and merging the admittance model and the position controller, the partial admittance model (from the measured human force to the desired velocity) and the velocity controller (from the velocity tracking error to the controller force) were found having counter-clockwise hysteresis nonlinear behavior. Therefore, it allows implementing the one-port input-to-state stable (ISS) approach for making both components dissipative and ISS. An additional advantage of the proposed ISS approach is the easiness of the implementation. No model information is required, and the network representation is not necessary, unlike the passivity-based approaches. Series of experiments verified the effectiveness of the proposed approach in term of significantly lowering the achievable impedance value compared with what the time-domain passivity approach can render


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    Haptics is the science of applying touch (tactile) sensation and control to interaction with computer applications. The devices used to interact with computer applications are known as haptic interfaces. These devices sense some form of human movement, be it finger, head, hand or body movement and receive feedback from computer applications in form of felt sensations to the limbs or other parts of the human body. Examples of haptic interfaces range from force feedback joysticks/controllers in video game consoles to tele-operative surgery. This thesis deals with haptic interfaces involving hand movements. The first experiment involves using the end effector of a robotic manipulator as an interactive device to aid patients with deficits in the upper extremities in passive resistance therapy using novel path planning. The second experiment involves the application of haptic technology to the human-vehicle interface in a steer-by-wire transportation system using adaptive control

    Unimanual and Bimanual Weight Perception of Virtual Objects with a new Multi-finger Haptic Interface

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    Accurate weight perception is important particularly in tasks where the user has to apply vertical forces to ensure safe landing of a fragile object or precise penetration of a surface with a probe. Moreover, depending on physical properties of objects such as weight and size we may switch between unimanual and bimanual manipulation during a task. Research has shown that bimanual manipulation of real objects results in a misperception of their weight: they tend to feel lighter than similarly heavy objects which are handled with one hand only [8]. Effective simulation of bimanual manipulation with desktop haptic interfaces should be able to replicate this effect of bimanual manipulation on weight perception. Here, we present the MasterFinger-2, a new multi-finger haptic interface allowing bimanual manipulation of virtual objects with precision grip and we conduct weight discrimination experiments to evaluate its capacity to simulate unimanual and bimanual weight. We found that the bimanual ‘lighter’ bias is also observed with the MasterFinger-2 but the sensitivity to changes of virtual weights deteriorated

    Optimal dimensional synthesis of force feedback lower arm exoskeletons

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    This paper presents multi-criteria design optimization of parallel mechanism based force feedback exoskeletons for human forearm and wrist. The optimized devices are aimed to be employed as a high fidelity haptic interfaces. Multiple design objectives are discussed and classified for the devices and the optimization problem to study the trade-offs between these criteria is formulated. Dimensional syntheses are performed for optimal global kinematic and dynamic performance, utilizing a Pareto front based framework, for two spherical parallel mechanisms that satisfy the ergonomic necessities of a human forearm and wrist. Two optimized mechanisms are compared and discussed in the light of multiple design criteria. Finally, kinematic structure and dimensions of an optimal exoskeleton are decided