18 research outputs found

    Android Application Security Scanning Process

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    This chapter presents the security scanning process for Android applications. The aim is to guide researchers and developers to the core phases/steps required to analyze Android applications, check their trustworthiness, and protect Android users and their devices from being victims to different malware attacks. The scanning process is comprehensive, explaining the main phases and how they are conducted including (a) the download of the apps themselves; (b) Android application package (APK) reverse engineering; (c) app feature extraction, considering both static and dynamic analysis; (d) dataset creation and/or utilization; and (e) data analysis and data mining that result in producing detection systems, classification systems, and ranking systems. Furthermore, this chapter highlights the app features, evaluation metrics, mechanisms and tools, and datasets that are frequently used during the app’s security scanning process

    An Analysis of Security System for Intrusion in Smartphone Environment

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    FAMC: Face Authentication for Mobile Concurrence

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    It has been observed in the last decades that face recognition has acquired a large amount of attention and curiosity. Benefits of this have been seen in quite a few applications. An architecture which has been implemented earlier addresses the face analysis domain. As compared to other biometrics, face recognition is more advantageous but it is particularly subject to spoofing. The whole cost of the system increases since the accuracy of this technique involves the estimation of the three dimensionality of faces. An effective and efficient solution for face spoofing has been proposed in the paper. The growing use of mobile devices has been a growing concern due to their ability to store and exchange sensitive data. Thus this has given encouragement to the interest of people, to exploit their abilities, from one side, and to protect users from malicious data, on the other side. It is important to develop and deliver secure access in this scenario and identification protocols on mobile platforms are another upcoming aspect that also requires attention to deal on the commercial and social use of identity management system. After all these conclusions, the earlier architecture proposes biometrics as the choice for technology which has been also implemented and described in the earlier architecture. The earlier architecture is designed for mobile devices. This architecture thus acts as an embedded application that provides both verification and identification functionality. It includes identity management to support social activities. Examples of identity management system are finding doubles in a social network. Privacy has been provided by these functionalities which help to overcome the security concern. The architecture of FAMC: Face Authentication for Mobile Concurrence is modular. Functionalities like image acquisition, anti-spoofing, face detection, face segmentation; feature extraction and face matching have been provided by its implementation. The behavior of FAMC allows for recognition and best biometrics sample selection. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150310


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    When an end user attempts to download an app on the Google Play Store they receive two related items that can be used to assess the potential threats of an application, the list of permissions used by the application and the textual description of the application. However, this raises several concerns. First, applications tend to use more permissions than they need and end users are not tech-savvy enough to fully understand the security risks. Therefore, it is challenging to assess the threats of an application fully by only seeing the permissions. On the other hand, most textual descriptions do not clearly define why they need a particular permission. These two issues conjoined make it difficult for end users to accurately assess the security threats of an application. This has lead to a demand for a framework that can accurately determine if a textual description adequately describes the actual behavior of an application. In this Master Thesis, we present pDroid (short for privateDroid), a market-independent framework that can compare an Android application’s textual description to its internal behavior. We evaluated pDroid using 1562 benign apps and 243 malware samples, and pDroid correctly classified 91.4% of malware with a false positive rate of 4.9%

    Behaviour Profiling for Mobile Devices

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    With more than 5 billion users globally, mobile devices have become ubiquitous in our daily life. The modern mobile handheld device is capable of providing many multimedia services through a wide range of applications over multiple networks as well as on the handheld device itself. These services are predominantly driven by data, which is increasingly associated with sensitive information. Such a trend raises the security requirement for reliable and robust verification techniques of users.This thesis explores the end-user verification requirements of mobile devices and proposes a novel Behaviour Profiling security framework for mobile devices. The research starts with a critical review of existing mobile technologies, security threats and mechanisms, and highlights a broad range of weaknesses. Therefore, attention is given to biometric verification techniques which have the ability to offer better security. Despite a large number of biometric works carried out in the area of transparent authentication systems (TAS) and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), each have a set of weaknesses that fail to provide a comprehensive solution. They are either reliant upon a specific behaviour to enable the system to function or only capable of providing security for network based services. To this end, the behaviour profiling technique is identified as a potential candidate to provide high level security from both authentication and IDS aspects, operating in a continuous and transparent manner within the mobile host environment.This research examines the feasibility of a behaviour profiling technique through mobile users general applications usage, telephone, text message and multi-instance application usage with the best experimental results Equal Error Rates (EER) of 13.5%, 5.4%, 2.2% and 10% respectively. Based upon this information, a novel architecture of Behaviour Profiling on mobile devices is proposed. The framework is able to provide a robust, continuous and non-intrusive verification mechanism in standalone, TAS or IDS modes, regardless of device hardware configuration. The framework is able to utilise user behaviour to continuously evaluate the system security status of the device. With a high system security level, users are granted with instant access to sensitive services and data, while with lower system security levels, users are required to reassure their identity before accessing sensitive services.The core functions of the novel framework are validated through the implementation of a simulation system. A series of security scenarios are designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel framework to verify legitimate and imposter activities. By employing the smoothing function of three applications, verification time of 3 minutes and a time period of 60 minutes of the degradation function, the Behaviour Profiling framework achieved the best performance with False Rejection Rate (FRR) rates of 7.57%, 77% and 11.24% for the normal, protected and overall applications respectively and with False Acceptance Rate (FAR) rates of 3.42%, 15.29% and 4.09% for their counterparts

    Identifying and combating cyber-threats in the field of online banking

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    This thesis has been carried out in the industrial environment external to the University, as an industrial PhD. The results of this PhD have been tested, validated, and implemented in the production environment of Caixabank and have been used as models for others who have followed the same ideas. The most burning threats against banks throughout the Internet environment are based on software tools developed by criminal groups, applications running on web environment either on the computer of the victim (Malware) or on their mobile device itself through downloading rogue applications (fake app's with Malware APP). Method of the thesis has been used is an approximation of qualitative exploratory research on the problem, the answer to this problem and the use of preventive methods to this problem like used authentication systems. This method is based on samples, events, surveys, laboratory tests, experiments, proof of concept; ultimately actual data that has been able to deduce the thesis proposal, using both laboratory research and grounded theory methods of data pilot experiments conducted in real environments. I've been researching the various aspects related to e-crime following a line of research focusing on intrinsically related topics: - The methods, means and systems of attack: Malware, Malware families of banker Trojans, Malware cases of use, Zeus as case of use. - The fixed platforms, mobile applications and as a means for malware attacks. - forensic methods to analyze the malware and infrastructure attacks. - Continuous improvement of methods of authentication of customers and users as a first line of defense anti- malware. - Using biometrics as innovative factor authentication.The line investigating Malware and attack systems intrinsically is closed related to authentication methods and systems to infect customer (executables, APP's, etc.), because the main purpose of malware is precisely steal data entered in the "logon "authentication system, to operate and thus, fraudulently, steal money from online banking customers. Experiments in the Malware allowed establishing a new method of decryption establishing guidelines to combat its effects describing his fraudulent scheme and operation infection. I propose a general methodology to break the encryption communications malware (keystream), extracting the system used to encrypt such communications and a general approach of the Keystream technique. We show that this methodology can be used to respond to the threat of Zeus and finally provide lessons learned highlighting some general principles of Malware (in general) and in particular proposing Zeus Cronus, an IDS that specifically seeks the Zeus malware, testing it experimentally in a network production and providing an effective skills to combat the Malware are discussed. The thesis is a research interrelated progressive evolution between malware infection systems and authentication methods, reflected in the research work cumulatively, showing an evolution of research output and looking for a progressive improvement of methods authentication and recommendations for prevention and preventing infections, a review of the main app stores for mobile financial services and a proposal to these stores. The most common methods eIDAMS (authentication methods and electronic identification) implemented in Europe and its robustness are analyzed. An analysis of adequacy is presented in terms of efficiency, usability, costs, types of operations and segments including possibilities of use as authentication method with biometrics as innovation.Este trabajo de tesis se ha realizado en el entorno industrial externo a la Universidad como un PhD industrial Los resultados de este PhD han sido testeados, validados, e implementados en el entorno de producción de Caixabank y han sido utilizados como modelos por otras que han seguido las mismas ideas. Las amenazas más candentes contra los bancos en todo el entorno Internet, se basan en herramientas software desarrolladas por los grupos delincuentes, aplicaciones que se ejecutan tanto en entornos web ya sea en el propio ordenador de la víctima (Malware) o en sus dispositivos móviles mediante la descarga de falsas aplicaciones (APP falsa con Malware). Como método se ha utilizado una aproximación de investigación exploratoria cualitativa sobre el problema, la respuesta a este problema y el uso de métodos preventivos a este problema a través de la autenticación. Este método se ha basado en muestras, hechos, encuestas, pruebas de laboratorio, experimentos, pruebas de concepto; en definitiva datos reales de los que se ha podido deducir la tesis propuesta, utilizando tanto investigación de laboratorio como métodos de teoría fundamentada en datos de experimentos pilotos realizados en entornos reales. He estado investigando los diversos aspectos relacionados con e-crime siguiendo una línea de investigación focalizada en temas intrínsecamente relacionadas: - Los métodos, medios y sistemas de ataque: Malware, familias de Malware de troyanos bancarios, casos de usos de Malware, Zeus como caso de uso. - Las plataformas fijas, los móviles y sus aplicaciones como medio para realizar los ataques de Malware. - Métodos forenses para analizar el Malware y su infraestructura de ataque. - Mejora continuada de los métodos de autenticación de los clientes y usuarios como primera barrera de defensa anti- malware. - Uso de la biometría como factor de autenticación innovador. La línea investiga el Malware y sus sistemas de ataque intrínsecamente relacionada con los métodos de autenticación y los sistemas para infectar al cliente (ejecutables, APP's, etc.) porque el objetivo principal del malware es robar precisamente los datos que se introducen en el "logon" del sistema de autenticación para operar de forma fraudulenta y sustraer así el dinero de los clientes de banca electrónica. Los experimentos realizados en el Malware permitieron establecer un método novedoso de descifrado que estableció pautas para combatir sus efectos fraudulentos describiendo su esquema de infección y funcionamiento Propongo una metodología general para romper el cifrado de comunicaciones del malware (keystream) extrayendo el sistema utilizado para cifrar dichas comunicaciones y una generalización de la técnica de Keystream. Se demuestra que esta metodología puede usarse para responder a la amenaza de Zeus y finalmente proveemos lecciones aprendidas resaltando algunos principios generales del Malware (en general) y Zeus en particular proponiendo Cronus, un IDS que persigue específicamente el Malware Zeus, probándolo experimentalmente en una red de producción y se discuten sus habilidades y efectividad. En la tesis hay una evolución investigativa progresiva interrelacionada entre el Malware, sistemas de infección y los métodos de autenticación, que se refleja en los trabajos de investigación de manera acumulativa, mostrando una evolución del output de investigación y buscando una mejora progresiva de los métodos de autenticación y de la prevención y recomendaciones para evitar las infecciones, una revisión de las principales tiendas de Apps para servicios financieros para móviles y una propuesta para estas tiendas. Se analizan los métodos más comunes eIDAMS (Métodos de Autenticación e Identificación electrónica) implementados en Europa y su robustez y presentamos un análisis de adecuación en función de eficiencia, usabilidad, costes, tipos de operación y segmentos incluyendo un análisis de posibilidades con métodos biométricos como innovación.Postprint (published version

    Telecommunication Systems

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    This book is based on both industrial and academic research efforts in which a number of recent advancements and rare insights into telecommunication systems are well presented. The volume is organized into four parts: "Telecommunication Protocol, Optimization, and Security Frameworks", "Next-Generation Optical Access Technologies", "Convergence of Wireless-Optical Networks" and "Advanced Relay and Antenna Systems for Smart Networks." Chapters within these parts are self-contained and cross-referenced to facilitate further study

    Development of an M-commerce security framework

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    Research shows how M-Commerce has managed to find its way to previously inaccessible parts of the world as a major Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tool for development due to widespread introduction of mobile phones in remote areas. M-Commerce has offered valuable advantages: anytime, anywhere, more personal, more location-aware, more context-aware, more age aware, always online and instant connectivity. But this is not without its problems, of which security is high on the list. The security issues span the whole M-Commerce spectrum, from the top to the bottom layer of the OSI network protocol stack, from machines to humans. This research proposes a threat-mitigation modular framework to help address the security issues lurking in M-Commerce systems being used by marginalised rural community members. The research commences with a literature survey carried out to establish security aspects related to M-Commerce and to determine requirements for a security framework. The framework classifies M-Commerce security threat-vulnerability-risks into four levels: human behaviour and mobile device interaction security, mobile device security, M-Commerce access channel security, wireless network access security. This is followed by a review of the supporting structures or related frameworks that the proposed framework could leverage to address security issues on M-Commerce systems as ICT4D initiatives. The proposed security framework based on the requirements discovered is then presented. As a proof-of-concept, a case study was undertaken at the Siyakhula Living Lab at Dwesa in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa in order to validate the components of the proposed framework. Following the application of the framework in a case study, it can be argued that the proposed security framework allows for secure transacting by marginalised users using M-Commerce initiatives. The security framework is therefore useful in addressing the identified security requirements of M-Commerce in ICT4D contexts