573 research outputs found

    DualTable: A Hybrid Storage Model for Update Optimization in Hive

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    Hive is the most mature and prevalent data warehouse tool providing SQL-like interface in the Hadoop ecosystem. It is successfully used in many Internet companies and shows its value for big data processing in traditional industries. However, enterprise big data processing systems as in Smart Grid applications usually require complicated business logics and involve many data manipulation operations like updates and deletes. Hive cannot offer sufficient support for these while preserving high query performance. Hive using the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for storage cannot implement data manipulation efficiently and Hive on HBase suffers from poor query performance even though it can support faster data manipulation.There is a project based on Hive issue Hive-5317 to support update operations, but it has not been finished in Hive's latest version. Since this ACID compliant extension adopts same data storage format on HDFS, the update performance problem is not solved. In this paper, we propose a hybrid storage model called DualTable, which combines the efficient streaming reads of HDFS and the random write capability of HBase. Hive on DualTable provides better data manipulation support and preserves query performance at the same time. Experiments on a TPC-H data set and on a real smart grid data set show that Hive on DualTable is up to 10 times faster than Hive when executing update and delete operations.Comment: accepted by industry session of ICDE201

    Analysis and evaluation of MapReduce solutions on an HPC cluster

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Computers & Electrical Engineering. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2015.11.021[Abstract] The ever growing needs of Big Data applications are demanding challenging capabilities which cannot be handled easily by traditional systems, and thus more and more organizations are adopting High Performance Computing (HPC) to improve scalability and efficiency. Moreover, Big Data frameworks like Hadoop need to be adapted to leverage the available resources in HPC environments. This situation has caused the emergence of several HPC-oriented MapReduce frameworks, which benefit from different technologies traditionally oriented to supercomputing, such as high-performance interconnects or the message-passing interface. This work aims to establish a taxonomy of these frameworks together with a thorough evaluation, which has been carried out in terms of performance and energy efficiency metrics. Furthermore, the adaptability to emerging disks technologies, such as solid state drives, has been assessed. The results have shown that new frameworks like DataMPI can outperform Hadoop, although using IP over InfiniBand also provides significant benefits without code modifications.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TIN2013-42148-

    Scheduling in Mapreduce Clusters

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    MapReduce is a framework proposed by Google for processing huge amounts of data in a distributed environment. The simplicity of the programming model and the fault-tolerance feature of the framework make it very popular in Big Data processing. As MapReduce clusters get popular, their scheduling becomes increasingly important. On one hand, many MapReduce applications have high performance requirements, for example, on response time and/or throughput. On the other hand, with the increasing size of MapReduce clusters, the energy-efficient scheduling of MapReduce clusters becomes inevitable. These scheduling challenges, however, have not been systematically studied. The objective of this dissertation is to provide MapReduce applications with low cost and energy consumption through the development of scheduling theory and algorithms, energy models, and energy-aware resource management. In particular, we will investigate energy-efficient scheduling in hybrid CPU-GPU MapReduce clusters. This research work is expected to have a breakthrough in Big Data processing, particularly in providing green computing to Big Data applications such as social network analysis, medical care data mining, and financial fraud detection. The tools we propose to develop are expected to increase utilization and reduce energy consumption for MapReduce clusters. In this PhD dissertation, we propose to address the aforementioned challenges by investigating and developing 1) a match-making scheduling algorithm for improving the data locality of Map- Reduce applications, 2) a real-time scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous Map- Reduce clusters, and 3) an energy-efficient scheduler for hybrid CPU-GPU Map- Reduce cluster. Advisers: Ying Lu and David Swanso

    BDEv 3.0: energy efficiency and microarchitectural characterization of Big Data processing frameworks

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Future Generation Computer Systems. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2018.04.030[Abstract] As the size of Big Data workloads keeps increasing, the evaluation of distributed frameworks becomes a crucial task in order to identify potential performance bottlenecks that may delay the processing of large datasets. While most of the existing works generally focus only on execution time and resource utilization, analyzing other important metrics is key to fully understanding the behavior of these frameworks. For example, microarchitecture-level events can bring meaningful insights to characterize the interaction between frameworks and hardware. Moreover, energy consumption is also gaining increasing attention as systems scale to thousands of cores. This work discusses the current state of the art in evaluating distributed processing frameworks, while extending our Big Data Evaluator tool (BDEv) to extract energy efficiency and microarchitecture-level metrics from the execution of representative Big Data workloads. An experimental evaluation using BDEv demonstrates its usefulness to bring meaningful information from popular frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark and Flink.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; TIN2016-75845-PMinisterio de Educación; FPU14/02805Ministerio de Educación; FPU15/0338

    Evaluation and optimization of Big Data Processing on High Performance Computing Systems

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información. 524V01[Resumo] Hoxe en día, moitas organizacións empregan tecnoloxías Big Data para extraer información de grandes volumes de datos. A medida que o tamaño destes volumes crece, satisfacer as demandas de rendemento das aplicacións de procesamento de datos masivos faise máis difícil. Esta Tese céntrase en avaliar e optimizar estas aplicacións, presentando dúas novas ferramentas chamadas BDEv e Flame-MR. Por unha banda, BDEv analiza o comportamento de frameworks de procesamento Big Data como Hadoop, Spark e Flink, moi populares na actualidade. BDEv xestiona a súa configuración e despregamento, xerando os conxuntos de datos de entrada e executando cargas de traballo previamente elixidas polo usuario. Durante cada execución, BDEv extrae diversas métricas de avaliación que inclúen rendemento, uso de recursos, eficiencia enerxética e comportamento a nivel de microarquitectura. Doutra banda, Flame-MR permite optimizar o rendemento de aplicacións Hadoop MapReduce. En xeral, o seu deseño baséase nunha arquitectura dirixida por eventos capaz de mellorar a eficiencia dos recursos do sistema mediante o solapamento da computación coas comunicacións. Ademais de reducir o número de copias en memoria que presenta Hadoop, emprega algoritmos eficientes para ordenar e mesturar os datos. Flame-MR substitúe o motor de procesamento de datos MapReduce de xeito totalmente transparente, polo que non é necesario modificar o código de aplicacións xa existentes. A mellora de rendemento de Flame-MR foi avaliada de maneira exhaustiva en sistemas clúster e cloud, executando tanto benchmarks estándar coma aplicacións pertencentes a casos de uso reais. Os resultados amosan unha redución de entre un 40% e un 90% do tempo de execución das aplicacións. Esta Tese proporciona aos usuarios e desenvolvedores de Big Data dúas potentes ferramentas para analizar e comprender o comportamento de frameworks de procesamento de datos e reducir o tempo de execución das aplicacións sen necesidade de contar con coñecemento experto para elo.[Resumen] Hoy en día, muchas organizaciones utilizan tecnologías Big Data para extraer información de grandes volúmenes de datos. A medida que el tamaño de estos volúmenes crece, satisfacer las demandas de rendimiento de las aplicaciones de procesamiento de datos masivos se vuelve más difícil. Esta Tesis se centra en evaluar y optimizar estas aplicaciones, presentando dos nuevas herramientas llamadas BDEv y Flame-MR. Por un lado, BDEv analiza el comportamiento de frameworks de procesamiento Big Data como Hadoop, Spark y Flink, muy populares en la actualidad. BDEv gestiona su configuración y despliegue, generando los conjuntos de datos de entrada y ejecutando cargas de trabajo previamente elegidas por el usuario. Durante cada ejecución, BDEv extrae diversas métricas de evaluación que incluyen rendimiento, uso de recursos, eficiencia energética y comportamiento a nivel de microarquitectura. Por otro lado, Flame-MR permite optimizar el rendimiento de aplicaciones Hadoop MapReduce. En general, su diseño se basa en una arquitectura dirigida por eventos capaz de mejorar la eficiencia de los recursos del sistema mediante el solapamiento de la computación con las comunicaciones. Además de reducir el número de copias en memoria que presenta Hadoop, utiliza algoritmos eficientes para ordenar y mezclar los datos. Flame-MR reemplaza el motor de procesamiento de datos MapReduce de manera totalmente transparente, por lo que no se necesita modificar el código de aplicaciones ya existentes. La mejora de rendimiento de Flame-MR ha sido evaluada de manera exhaustiva en sistemas clúster y cloud, ejecutando tanto benchmarks estándar como aplicaciones pertenecientes a casos de uso reales. Los resultados muestran una reducción de entre un 40% y un 90% del tiempo de ejecución de las aplicaciones. Esta Tesis proporciona a los usuarios y desarrolladores de Big Data dos potentes herramientas para analizar y comprender el comportamiento de frameworks de procesamiento de datos y reducir el tiempo de ejecución de las aplicaciones sin necesidad de contar con conocimiento experto para ello.[Abstract] Nowadays, Big Data technologies are used by many organizations to extract valuable information from large-scale datasets. As the size of these datasets increases, meeting the huge performance requirements of data processing applications becomes more challenging. This Thesis focuses on evaluating and optimizing these applications by proposing two new tools, namely BDEv and Flame-MR. On the one hand, BDEv allows to thoroughly assess the behavior of widespread Big Data processing frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark and Flink. It manages the configuration and deployment of the frameworks, generating the input datasets and launching the workloads specified by the user. During each workload, it automatically extracts several evaluation metrics that include performance, resource utilization, energy efficiency and microarchitectural behavior. On the other hand, Flame-MR optimizes the performance of existing Hadoop MapReduce applications. Its overall design is based on an event-driven architecture that improves the efficiency of the system resources by pipelining data movements and computation. Moreover, it avoids redundant memory copies present in Hadoop, while also using efficient sort and merge algorithms for data processing. Flame-MR replaces the underlying MapReduce data processing engine in a transparent way and thus the source code of existing applications does not require to be modified. The performance benefits provided by Flame- MR have been thoroughly evaluated on cluster and cloud systems by using both standard benchmarks and real-world applications, showing reductions in execution time that range from 40% to 90%. This Thesis provides Big Data users with powerful tools to analyze and understand the behavior of data processing frameworks and reduce the execution time of the applications without requiring expert knowledge

    Multi-Objective Big Data Optimization with jMetal and Spark

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    Big Data Optimization is the term used to refer to optimization problems which have to manage very large amounts of data. In this paper, we focus on the parallelization of metaheuristics with the Apache Spark cluster computing system for solving multi-objective Big Data Optimization problems. Our purpose is to study the influence of accessing data stored in the Hadoop File System (HDFS) in each evaluation step of a metaheuristic and to provide a software tool to solve these kinds of problems. This tool combines the jMetal multi-objective optimization framework with Apache Spark. We have carried out experiments to measure the performance of the proposed parallel infrastructure in an environment based on virtual machines in a local cluster comprising up to 100 cores. We obtained interesting results for computational e ort and propose guidelines to face multi-objective Big Data Optimization problems.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech