925,430 research outputs found

    Rock Slopes from Mechanics to Decision Making

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    http://lmrwww.epfl.ch/Eurock/Eurock2010/files/papers%20grouped.pdfRock slope instabilities are discussed in the context of decision making for risk assessment and management. Hence, the state of the slope and possible failure mechanism need to be defined first. This is done with geometrical and mechanical models for which recent developments are presented. This leads with appropriate consideration of uncertainties to risk determination and to the description of tools for risk management through active and passive countermeasures, including warning systems. The need for sensitivity analysis is then demonstrated, and final comments address updating through information collection.National Science Foundation (U.S.)MIT-Portugal ProgramPortuguese Science and Technology FoundationNorwegian Geotechnical Institute (International Centre for Geohazards)United States. Dept. of Energ

    Засади комплексного механізму формування інноваційно-сприятливого середовища на підприємстві

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    Розроблено концептуальні засади комплексного механізму формування інноваційно-сприятливого середовища підприємства на основі розвитку його інноваційної культури, який розглядається як відкрита, динамічна, адаптивна систему, що здатна до саморозвитку. Розкрито особливості взаємодії складових підсистем цього механізму. Отримані результати формують науково-методичне підґрунтя активізації переходу вітчизняних промислових підприємств на інноваційний шлях розвитку. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/36820Разработано концептуальные основы комплексного механизма формирования инновационно-благоприятной среды предприятия на базе развития его инновационной культуры, который рассматривается как открытая, динамичная, адаптивная система, способная к саморазвитию. Раскрыто особенности взаимодействия составляющих подсистем этого механизма. Полученные результаты формируют научно-методическую основу активизации перехода отечественных промышленных предприятий на инновационный путь развития. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/36820Conceptual principles of complex mechanism of formation the enterprise’s innovative environment was developed based on enterprise’s innovative culture. This involves the interaction of coordinate tools and methods of regulating and fostering innovations at the micro and macro levels. The scheme of interaction of mechanisms involved in the formation of innovative environment at the state level (region or industry) and at the level of the separate enterprise was developed. The scheme of adaptation of the innovative enterprises’ internal conditions to the external conditions was proposed. Innovative culture of the enterprise is the basis for innovative environment formation at the enterprise level. Therefore, innovative culture management underlies the formation of a favorable environment for innovation. Accordingly, the graphical information models were developed: diagnostics of the enterprise’s innovative culture state, including its components and their elements; management of innovative culture development based on the results of diagnostics When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3682

    The role of resource efficiency in engineering education

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    Part of: Seliger, Günther (Ed.): Innovative solutions : proceedings / 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Berlin, Germany, 23rd - 25th September, 2013. - Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2013. - ISBN 978-3-7983-2609-5 (online). - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-40276. - pp. 90–95.The purpose of this paper is to address various issues of resource efficiency in the perspective of engineering education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with particular focus on Occupied Palestinian Territory (Palestine). First, the paper reviews the concept of resource efficiency from several perspectives including energy, electricity and water related challenges, material management and solid waste management. Then the current state of the education and training is discussed along with some details regarding the developed resource accounting perspective for engineering education. Open knowledge platform is foreseen to aid the transition from problem to solution, bringing engineering education up front to tackle the resource efficiency challenges in the MENA region. Finally, capacity building through university graduates is considered as an important mechanism for raising awareness in resource efficiency

    CSR disclosure and state ownership: implications for earnings management and market value

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    Purpose This paper explores the relationship between earnings management and firms' value through the moderating effect of the missing elements – corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and state ownership in Russian companies. The main argument of the paper is that CSR disclosure can be used as a mitigating mechanism to weaken the negative relationship between earnings manipulation and market value. Additionally test whether state ownership is an important moderating factor in this relationship are conducted as state has always played an important role in the emerging Russian market. Design/methodology/approach The hypotheses are tested on panel data for 223 publicly listed Russian firms for the period 2012–2018. A number of robustness tests are used to check the obtained results for consistency. Following previous research GMM method is employed to address endogeneity concerns. Findings Supported by stakeholder theory, it is observed that firms that disclosed more CSR information experience a weaker negative relationship between earnings management and market value because investors and other stakeholders positively evaluate a positive CSR image. This negative effect of earnings management on market value is even weaker for state-owned companies as market participants appreciate involvement of state-owned companies in CSR activities and place greater expectations on these firms to be responsible without clear understanding whether these actions are “window dressing” for this type of companies or not. Originality/value The study results provide new insights into the relation between earnings management, firm's value, CSR disclosure and state ownership in emerging-market firms. The paper highlight the importance of considering country-specific factors, such as state ownership, while analysing the market reaction on CSR disclosure and earnings management since the institutional peculiarities may help to explain differences in the obtained results.© Tatiana Garanina. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcodefi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Формування системи показників стратегічного управління підприємствами в рамках стратегії соціо-еколого-економічного розвитку регіонів

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    У статті запропоновані підходи до формування системи показників стратегічного управління відповідно до рекомендацій Глобальної Ініціативи зі звітності та системи звітності підприємств до державних органів контролю; розраховано коефіцієнти значущості окремих показників відповідно до такого критерію ефективності діяльності підприємства, як продуктивність праці; доведена необхідність використання в системі стратегічного управління підприємством комплексних показників соціальної, екологічної та економічної діяльності підприємства; розроблено механізм формування стратегії підприємства у рамках стратегії розвитку певних кластерів та регіонів. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17078В статье предложены подходы к формированию системы показателей стратегического управления в соответствии с рекомендациями Глобальной Инициативы по отчетности и системы отчетности предприятий государственным контролирующим органам; рассчитаны коэффициенты значимости отдельных показателей соответственно такому критерию эффективности деятельности предприятия, как производительность труда; доказана необходимость использования в системе стратегического управления предприятием комплексных показателей социальной, экологической и экономической деятельности предприятия; разработан механизм формирования стратегии предприятия в рамках стратегии развития определенных кластеров и регионов. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17078The article presents approaches to formation of system rates of strategic management in compliance with the recommendations of Global Initiative as to the reporting system of enterprises to state controlling authorities; the significance factor of certain rates is calculated according to the criterion of enterprise activity efficiency as the work efficiency; the necessity of complex rates of social, ecological and economic activity of enterprise use in the system of strategic management of enterprise is proved; the formation mechanism of enterprise strategy in the field of development strategy of certain clusters and regions is developed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1707

    Actions speak louder than words: designing transdisciplinary approaches to enact solutions

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    Sustainability science uses a transdisciplinary research process in which academic and non-academic partners collaborate to identify a common problem and co-produce knowledge to develop more sustainable solutions. Sustainability scientists have advanced the theory and practice of facilitating collaborative efforts such that the knowledge created is usable. There has been less emphasis, however, on the last step of the transdisciplinary process: enacting solutions. We analyzed a case study of a transdisciplinary research effort in which co-produced policy simulation information shaped the creation of a new policy mechanism. More specifically, by studying the development of a mechanism for conserving vernal pool ecosystems, we found that four factors helped overcome common challenges to acting upon new information: creating a culture of learning, co-producing policy simulations that acted as boundary objects, integrating research into solution development, and employing an adaptive management approach. With an increased focus on these four factors that enable action, we can better develop the same level of nuanced theoretical concepts currently characterizing the earlier phases of transdisciplinary research, and the practical advice for deliberately designing these efforts

    The Study of Methodology of Formation of the Complex Mechanism of Strategic Management of Building Enterprise

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    Strategic objectives and principles that support them should automatically transform into a company concept, detail its status, express intent of the owner and management of the company, when working with customers and the public. Therefore, the implementation of strategic objectives and principles should be formed by the model of complex mechanism of strategic management. Mechanisms of strategic management can be represented as a set of factors; organizational, economic, motivational, technical and technological, legal and policy interventions that convert strategic management to the new, desired state. In practice, these mechanisms are so closely interrelated with each other that it is difficult to separate any natural factor, which is not included in the different mechanism of strategic management but rather belongs to factors of a different nature. Therefore, the selection of strategic management mechanisms on the principle of uniformity is made only by the presence of the main features: economic, organizational, motivational, technical, technological or legal. The fundamental difference between the proposed complex mechanism of strategic management of building enterprise management mechanism, is that the mechanism of strategic management has a modulated condition for achieving the future goals of the company and the future survival under fierce competition. Simulated version of our integrated strategic management mechanism of building company is able to achieve the strategic goals under different business operations. The actual mechanism of strategic management is always specific, and is always aimed at achieving specific goals through the implementation of specific strategies. It is formed whenever administrative decision has taken place by the coordination of all the elements of management mechanism. Some properties have long-term mechanism of action, other properties - a short-term. Strategic management deals with long-term goals, because it is essential in the formation of long-term mechanism of action. Thus, the formation mechanism of strategic management is carried out repeatedly in accordance to the objectives and strategies of the company to promote a certain goal. The result of these influences will bring the facility into compliance with management objectives. If you unable to mobilize the right amount of resources, you have to review or management techniques or readjust management objectives

    Basis Token Consistency: A Practical Mechanism for Strong Web Cache Consistency

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    With web caching and cache-related services like CDNs and edge services playing an increasingly significant role in the modern internet, the problem of the weak consistency and coherence provisions in current web protocols is becoming increasingly significant and drawing the attention of the standards community [LCD01]. Toward this end, we present definitions of consistency and coherence for web-like environments, that is, distributed client-server information systems where the semantics of interactions with resource are more general than the read/write operations found in memory hierarchies and distributed file systems. We then present a brief review of proposed mechanisms which strengthen the consistency of caches in the web, focusing upon their conceptual contributions and their weaknesses in real-world practice. These insights motivate a new mechanism, which we call "Basis Token Consistency" or BTC; when implemented at the server, this mechanism allows any client (independent of the presence and conformity of any intermediaries) to maintain a self-consistent view of the server's state. This is accomplished by annotating responses with additional per-resource application information which allows client caches to recognize the obsolescence of currently cached entities and identify responses from other caches which are already stale in light of what has already been seen. The mechanism requires no deviation from the existing client-server communication model, and does not require servers to maintain any additional per-client state. We discuss how our mechanism could be integrated into a fragment-assembling Content Management System (CMS), and present a simulation-driven performance comparison between the BTC algorithm and the use of the Time-To-Live (TTL) heuristic.National Science Foundation (ANI-9986397, ANI-0095988