283,018 research outputs found

    Maximising parent involvement in the pedestrian safety of 4 to 6 year old children: Final report

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    In Australia pedestrian injury is the leading specific cause of death among 5-9 year old children, and pedestrian injuries among 0-14 year old children in 1999-20000 were the second highest cause of hospitalisation. This mortality and morbidity can be attributed largely to unsafe road environments and under 10 year old children\u27s significant deficits in cognitive and perceptual abilities when crossing roads. For all children under 10 years learning to cross the road needs to be taught by parents in the same way that children learn to swim i.e. under close adult supervision and in the \u27real\u27 environment where the skills can be adequately practised, through discovery and problem solving, at their own pace and with positive feedback from a caring adult..

    Occupational therapy students’ views of health promotion

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    With the increased interest in the contribution of occupational therapists to health promotion, the College of Occupational Therapists (2004a) recommended that pre-registration programmes should prepare graduates for practice which includes health promotion. This study ascertained the views of second year occupational therapy students about health promotion. Thirty five (30%) students responded to a self report questionnaire and demonstrated positive views about the future relationship between health promotion and occupational therapy. The students thought health promotion should be included in the education of occupational therapists and did not think that there had bee

    Qualitative study of pilot payment aimed at increasing general practitioners' antismoking advice to smokers

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    OBJECTIVES: To elicit general practitioners' and practice nurses' accounts of changes in their clinical practice or practice organisation made to claim a pilot health promotion payment. To describe attitudes towards the piloted and previous health promotion payments. DESIGN: Qualitative, semistructured interview study. SETTING: 13 general practices in Leicester. PARTICIPANTS: 18 general practitioners and 13 practice nurses. RESULTS: Health professionals did not report substantially changing their clinical practice to claim the new payments and made only minimal changes in practice organisation. The new health promotion payment did not overcome general practitioners' resistance towards raising the issue of smoking when they felt that doing so could cause confrontation with patients. General practitioners who made the largest number of claims altered the way in which they recorded patients' smoking status rather than raising the topic of smoking more frequently with patients. Participants had strong negative views on die new payment, feeling it would also be viewed negatively by patients. They were, however, more positive about health promotion payments that rewarded "extra" effort-for example, setting up practice based smoking cessation clinics. CONCLUSIONS: General practitioners and practice nurses were negative about a new health promotion payment, despite agreeing to pilot it. Health promotion payments do not automatically generate effective health promotion activity, and policymakers should consider careful piloting and evaluation of future changes in health promotion payments

    Pengaruh Promosi Kesehatan Tentang Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Remaja Di Sma Sandika

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    Background: Adolescents at the age of 13-20 years begin to recognize the opposite sex and there is a desire to fulfill their sexual needs, so that it can cause unwanted pregnancy. The prevalence of unwanted pregnancies in the world in 2012 was 85%. So the need for health promotion in schools is necessary. Objective: To determine the effect of health promotion on unwanted pregnancy on the level of knowledge and attitudes of adolescents at Sandika High School. Method: This study used the one group pretest-posttest design with Pre Experimental Design technique, the number of samples was 84 respondents with the Cluster Random Sampling technique. Bivariate analysis uses the Wilcoxon Test. Results: The number of respondents was more than 17 years old 41 (48,8%), male gender 42 (50,0%) dan female 42 (50,0%) responden. Level of knowledge of adolescents before health promotion more knowledge level both 53 (63,1%) and after health promotion more the level of good knowledge as much as 73 (86,9%) respondents, more attitudes of adolescents before being given moderate attitude health promotion as many as 49 (58,3%) respondents and after being given health promotion more moderate attitudes as many as 64 (76,2 %) respondents. the influence of the level of knowledge before and after health promotion with a p value = 0.001, which means that there is an effect of health promotion about unwanted pregnancy on the level of knowledge of adolescents There are attitudinal influences before and after health promotion with p value = 0.001 which means there is an influence about unwanted pregnancy towards adolescent attitudes. Suggestion: Hold collaboration with health centers in improving the system of adolescent reproductive system healt

    Trans-adaption of successful cigarette smoking intervention to randomised school-based cannabis intervention trial

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    Despite the emergence of cannabis use as a public health issue of significance in the 21st Century, no school-based interventions specifically addressing cannabis use have been reported in the literature. The prevalence of adolescent cannabis use has risen during the 1990s while the age of onset has decreased. This three-year trial seeks to trans-adapt a successful school-based cigarette smoking program underpinned by harm minimisation (HM) theory (including abstinence messages), into a school-based cannabis intervention trial. This innovative intervention will be compared to the largely abstinence-based drug use prevention activities currently used in W A. The first and second years of the project have been successful in establishing and conducting this school-based cluster randomised control trial. In summary, under the direction of an experienced management team, the project has recruited 24 Perth metropolitan high schools - the required number to provide sufficient power to detect hypothesised differences between intervention and comparison students. Within these schools, active parental consent to participate in data collection for the project was obtained from over 3,300 students after the initial letter and two reminders to parents (69% consent rate). Baseline data were collected from nearly 3,100 students (93% of those eligible), 2953 students at post-test 1 and 2701 students at the end of the second year of intervention (Post-test 2). In addition, data were collected at each of these time points from English and Health Education teachers, and school principals

    Maternal awareness of health promotion, parental and preschool childhood obesity

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    Aim: To investigate the association between parental and preschool childhood obesity, as well as maternal awareness of public health promotion on healthy eating with parental and preschool childhood obesity. Methods: Data were collected by measuring the height and weight of two hundred randomly selected three-year old children and their parents. Details of the early feeding and dietary styles and level of health promotion awareness were assessed in faceto-face structured health interviews with the parents. Results: There were statistically significant relationships between childhood obesity and parents’ obesity (r=0.2; p<0.001). A higher proportion of overweight and obese preschool children showed that their mothers lacked awareness of health promotion as compared to children with normally accepted weight (χ2 (6, n=200)=17.32, p=0.008). Maternal awareness of health promotion on healthy eating appeared to have a protective effect against overweight/obesity in three year old children (odds ratio=0.38, 95% CI=0.20 to 0.70). Furthermore, a higher proportion of overweight/obesity mothers had no awareness of health promotion as compared to mothers with normally accepted weight (χ 2 (4, n=200)=13.29, p=0.01). Maternal awareness of health promotion appeared to also have a protective effect against overweight/obesity in mothers (odds ratio=0.51, 95% CI=0.28 to 0.95). Conclusions: This study showed the protective effect of maternal awareness of health promotion on maternal and preschool childhood obesity. Additionally, this study showed that overweight and obese preschool children had parents who were also overweight and obese.peer-reviewe

    Health promotion research: dilemmas and challenges

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    OBJECTIVE—To analyse dilemmas and challenges in health promotion research, and to generate ideas for future development.
METHOD—The analysis is based on authors' experiences in working in the field of research and action in health promotion and on experiences of others as found in literature.
RESULTS—The assumptions underlying scientific research as based in the biomedical design are difficult to meet in community-based health promotion research. Dilemmas are identified in relation to the possibility of defining the independent and dependent variables beforehand and the intermingling of these variables (the intervention and outcome dilemma), the difficulty in quantifying the desired outcomes (the number dilemma), and the problem of diffusion of the programme to the control group (the control group dilemma).
CONCLUSION—Research in health promotion has specific reasons to reconsider the approach towards research, the selection of outcome variables, and research techniques. Strategies and methods to make activities and their outcomes clear are discussed and criteria to judge confidence and applicability of research findings are presented.

Keywords: health promotion research; research dilemmas; research challenge

    Main findings and Recommendations

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    This study aimed to enhance the evidence base on health promotion issues related to minority ethnic groups, refugees/asylum seekers and Gypsy Travellers in Wales. The study objectives were to: identify gaps in the existing evidence base of health needs and health promotion issues for the study groups identify existing good practice of health services and promotion for the study groups explore ways of delivering health promotion policy/programmes targeting these groups in a culturally and socially sensitive manner, and to identify issues for further research
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