11 research outputs found

    Developing a Framework for Exploring Factors Affecting on Trust in M-Commerce using Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    Mobile Commerce is a developing and maturing area of electronic Commerce, where customers andvendors can interact via the service providers through a wireless network and mobile devices forinformation retrieval and transaction processing. In mobile transactions trust is an essential constituent inmobile commerce transactions .This study aims to clarify the factors that affect on trust in mobilecommerce, and then evaluate and asses these factors by AHP method. This paper provides a theory basedframework that helps to customers to make a right decision while they would like to shop via mobilefacilities in mobile browsers. For this purpose the contribution of different scientific approaches isexamined. By combining these approaches a framework for the classification is derived for trust model.Keywords: AHP method, Mobile Commerce, Trust, Security

    Security concerns and trust in the adoption of m-commerce

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    Purpose – to deeply examine customer perception on how the determinants of trust and perceived risk affect their intention to adopt mobile commerce. Design/methodology/approach – literature review, conceptual framework, modelling method, quantitative survey methodology (questionnaire instrument). Findings – the perception of risk in terms of privacy, m-payments, m-commerce legislation and quality of delivered products has negative effect on the intention to adopt mobile commerce, good reputation of online vendors, enticing promises, good encryption security and transparency, reduces the effect of risk and increases the intention to use m-commerce. The availability of easy to understand and find policies has positive effect on the intention to use m-commerce. When customers feel free of risks and have high level of trust in the intention to use mobile commerce, they actually adopt it. Research limitation/implications – this empirical research contributed to the theory by exploring the factors that influence or deter the adoption of m-commerce. However, the UTAUT model, simple random sampling method and case studies on how online vendors perform towards this topic are worth exploring by future researchers. Practical implications – the research results show that mobile technology manufacturers and developers should improve both software and wireless network security, online vendors should improve their online reputation, transparency, and mobile website navigation. Lawmakers should improve m-commerce legislation to better protect customers in case of dispute with online vendors. Originality/value – previous researchers have never focused solely and in-depth on the determinants of perceived risk and trust. Moreover, this object had never been examined in the Greek Population

    A Study in the Effect of Individual and Environmental Factors and Readiness for E-Business in Developing Countries’ Universities

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    Faculty members of the universities and higher education institutions are considered as the most influential social classes in the development of public culture. This important feature do achieves more importance in development of social competencies. One of the important social competencies in contemporary society is the use of electronic resources that are directly related to the level of preparedness of the people. This study examines the level of readiness for e-business activities among the Universities' faculty members in Iran and the related influential factors. The research method is of descriptive-survey type. The statistical population of this study included all faculty members of Iranian University among which 122 units were selected for data collection through stratified random sampling based on Cochran formula. According to the results of this study, the readiness for e-business among the faculty members at initial application stage was obtained. Direct influence of individual factors (risk, perceived benefits, trust, knowledge, experience, function perception) and environmental factors (E's infrastructure of the country and socio-cultural factors) over readiness for e-business activities amongst the faculty members were confirmed and the related impact for each of the factors was obtained as 0.524% and 0.323% respectively

    A Services Theory Approach to Online Service Applications

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    From online multi-player games to web search, the web is now populated by a multitude of online applications. The main question we try to answer in this paper is which of those applications can be characterized as traditional services and therefore benefit from the concepts, techniques, and methods developed in traditional services theory. Our answer is to define online service applications as applications where (1) the user does not control most means of production; (2) the user is a significant part of the input to the production process. We then discuss how some traditional service techniques can be applied to online service applications by considering aspects of the design and evaluation of the human-computer interface (HCI) of online services. 1

    Early Detection of Online Auction Opportunistic Sellers Through the Use of Negative-Positive Feedback

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    Apparently fraud is a growth industry. The monetary losses from Internet fraud have increased every year since first officially reported by the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) in 2000. Prior research studies and third-party reports of fraud show rates substantially higher than eBay’s reported negative feedback rate of less than 1%. The conclusion is most buyers are withholding reports of negative feedback. Researchers Nikitov and Stone in a forensic case study of a single opportunistic eBay seller found buyers sometimes embedded negative comments in positive feedback as a means of avoiding retaliation from sellers and damage to their reputation. This category of positive feedback was described as “negative-positive” feedback. An example of negative-positive type feedback is “Good product, but slow shipping.” This research study investigated the concept of using negative-positive type feedback as a signature to identify potential opportunistic sellers in an online auction population. As experienced by prior researchers using data extracted from the eBay web site, the magnitude of data to be analyzed in the proposed study was massive. The nature of the analysis required - judgment of seller behavior and contextual analysis of buyer feedback comments – could not be automated. The traditional method of using multiple dedicated human raters would have taken months of labor with a correspondingly high labor cost. Instead, crowdsourcing in the form of Amazon Mechanical Turk was used to reduce the analysis time to a few days and at a fraction of the traditional labor cost. The research’s results found that the presence of subtle buyer behavior in the form of negative-positive type feedback comments are an inter-buyer signal indicating that a seller was behaving fraudulently. Sellers with negative-positive type feedback were 1.82 times more likely to be fraudulent. A correlation exists between an increasing number of negative-positive type feedback comments and an increasing probability that a seller was acting fraudulently. For every one unit increase in the number of negative-positive type feedback comments a seller was 4% more likely to be fraudulent

    A qualidade do relacionamento e a lealdade no comércio eletronico

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    Orientador : Paulo Henrique Muller PradoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa: Curitiba, 17/03/2009Inclui bibliografia e anexosÁrea de concentração: Estratégia e organizaçõe

    Determinantes de la influencia del WOM en la prescripción de medicamentos: La perspectiva del facultativo sanitario

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    El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral se centra en analizar en qué medida diferentes aspectos vinculados con el WOM influyen, o no, en la decisión de prescripción de un medicamento nuevo por parte del profesional sanitario o médico. Una profunda revisión de la literatura ha permitido identificar los factores determinantes de la adopción del WOM, y seleccionar aquellos que, según nuestro contexto de análisis (prescripción de un medicamento nuevo por parte del profesional sanitario) pueden jugar un papel clave en tal decisión. Con ello, nuestro interés concreto se centra en conocer cómo las características del mensaje (eg. la diagnosticidad percibida del nuevo medicamento a partir de la comunicación WOM, la riqueza del mensaje y su fuerza de recomendación), la credibilidad del laboratorio, y el vínculo emocional que el profesional sanitario tenga con el delegado comercial de dicho laboratorio, influyen en la actitud del médico hacia la prescripción del medicamento y en su intención de prescribirlo. Adicionalmente, queremos conocer si el modelo propuesto y, en definitiva, la fuerza de las relaciones planteadas entre las variables objeto de interés es igual, o significativamente distinta, en una situación final de prescripción real, que una situación final de no prescripción de dicho medicamento. Sobre una muestra de 150 médicos se constata que todas las relaciones propuestas son significativas a excepción de la influencia de la riqueza del mensaje en la actitud hacia la prescripción. Adicionalmente, se constata que las relaciones propuestas no se dan de la misma forma en una situación real de prescripción que en una situación real de no prescripción. Los resultados obtenidos permiten generar un conocimiento aplicable a los diferentes laboratorios farmacéuticos en el lanzamiento de nuevos fármacos