19 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the Search Strategy to Update Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering

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    Context: Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) have been adopted within Software Engineering (SE) for more than a decade to provide meaningful summaries of evidence on several topics. Many of these SLRs are now potentially not fully up-to-date, and there are no standard proposals on how to update SLRs in SE. Objective: The objective of this paper is to propose guidelines on how to best search for evidence when updating SLRs in SE, and to evaluate these guidelines using an SLR that was not employed during the formulation of the guidelines. Method: To propose our guidelines, we compare and discuss outcomes from applying different search strategies to identify primary studies in a published SLR, an SLR update, and two replications in the area of effort estimation. These guidelines are then evaluated using an SLR in the area of software ecosystems, its update and a replication. Results: The use of a single iteration forward snowballing with Google Scholar, and employing as a seed set the original SLR and its primary studies is the most cost-effective way to search for new evidence when updating SLRs. Furthermore, the importance of having more than one researcher involved in the selection of papers when applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria is highlighted through the results. Conclusions: Our proposed guidelines formulated based upon an effort estimation SLR, its update and two replications, were supported when using an SLR in the area of software ecosystems, its update and a replication. Therefore, we put forward that our guidelines ought to be adopted for updating SLRs in SE.Comment: Author version of manuscript accepted for publication at the Information and Software Technology Journa


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    Innovation and data hold a significant job as the principal wellspring of learning exercises in the period of modern upset 4.0 which changes generally manual frameworks into advanced frameworks. The reason for computerized learning is to furnish understudies with another learning circumstance and learning environment on the grounds that customary learning techniques are presently not appropriate for the ongoing understudy learning circumstance. Utilizing a variety of learning applications, which make it easier for learning activities to be more efficient and effective while also expanding knowledge, is one way to make use of technology. The goal of this study was to find out how the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker app is used in education during the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. A relevant literature review was used in this scientific study, which contributes to the research's discussion. Learning using the Kvisoft Flipbook Creator application which is one of the product that can change over PDF records into intuitive advanced books as an elective answer for help understudy learning in the time of the Modern Upset 4.0. As a result, making digital books out of learning materials is a smart way to create a more engaging, interactive, and communicative learning environment and help students comprehend what the teacher is teaching

    Environmental Campaign Through Social Media as Strengthening Civic Engagement

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    Environmental problems are problems faced by all humans in various parts of the world. Overcoming these environmental problems requires awareness and involvement of citizens in protecting and preserving the environment. The involvement of citizens in protecting and preserving the environment can be done through campaigns related to the environment. In thedigital era, the development of social media is very fast and has the benefit of making it easierfor someone to share information and communicate. The development of social media in thedigital era certainly affects the involvement of citizens in dealing with environmental problems. This article aims to find out how campaigns to preserve the environment through social media can strengthen civic engagement. This research is a type of qualitative research with literature study methods and descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that in the digital era, social media has an influence on strengthening civic engagement in campaigns to preserve the environment. Campaigns to preserve the environment through social media are mostly carried out by the younger generation and environmental activists through content related to environmental issues posted through their personal and community social media.Keywords: Campaign; Environment; Social media; Civic Engagement

    Penerapan Perhitungan Bunga Majemuk dan Anuitas pada Angsuran

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    Matematika adalah salah satu disiplin ilmu yang mandiri dengan penerapan yang luas terhadap bidang-bidang lain, sehingga matematika berguna menjadi alat bantu dalam pemecahan berbagai macam masalah. Anuitas memiliki tiga komponen dasar perhitungan yaitu besar pinjaman, besar bunga, dan jangka waktu dan jumlah periode pembayaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan library reseacrh atau kajian pustaka sebagai sumber dari pengumpulan hasil penelitian. Proses penelitian library research dilakukan dengan tijauan literatur dan menganalisis topik pembahasan relevan yang digabungkan. Kajian pustaka dilakukan tanpa observasi langsung atau tanpa riset lapangan yang memanfaatkan sumber mulai dari buku, jurnal, kamus, dokumen, majalah dan sumber lain. Dalam sistem perbankan konvensional bunga terdapat biaya dana (cost of fund) atau biaya modal (cost of capital). Besar kecil jumlah bunga adalah beban terhadap peminjam (debitur) sangat tergantung pada waktu, jumlah pinjaman, dan tingkat bunga yang berlaku. Pada penerapan bunga majemuk, periode merupakan sebuah interval dalam melakukan perhitungan bunga majemuk. Besar kecilnya jumlah pembayaran pada setiap interval tergantung dari jumlah pinjaman, jangka waktu, dan tingkat bunga adalah penentuan untuk melakukan anuitas. Penerapan anuitas dapat dibagi menjadi dua jenis berdasarkan bentuk anuitas, ada simple anuity (anuitas sederhana) dan complex anuity (anuitas kompleks) Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan tentang penerapan perhitungan pada Bunga majemuk dan anuitas, penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa semakin banyak interval perhitungan bunga maka akan semakin besar juga bunga yang harus dibayar. Dalam anuitas konsep bunga sangat diperlukan untuk menentukan besarnya nilai anuitas awal dan nilai anuitas akhir

    Digestibility and Physicochemical Properties of Brown Rice and Black Glutinous Rice under a Combination of Heat-Moisture Treatments and Citric Acid

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    Brown rice and black glutinous rice are rich in nutrients and fiber the body needs. The difference between brown and black glutinous rice lies in the starch content, namely amylose, and amylopectin, which can affect digestibility. Low digestibility rice can lower blood glucose levels, so it is needed for people with diabetes and obesity. This study modified brown rice and black glutinous rice with double modification HMT-crosslinking with citric acid and Crosslinking-HMT with various variations to determine the physicochemical properties and the lowest digestibility of brown rice and black glutinous rice. Multiple modifications can reduce digestibility, but a modification of HMT 25%-Crosslinking 20% showed the lowest digestibility in black glutinous rice. Differences in amylose and amylopectin levels in the sample can cause differences in the decrease in solubility and swelling power. The lowest solubility was found in brown rice with the HMT 25%-Crosslinking 20% variation, and the lowest swelling power in the brown rice sample with the HMT 25%-Crosslinking 20% variation. The formation of new covalent bonds after the crosslinking modification process can be identified by FTIR in the 1735 cm-1 reg


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    Parents have a major contribution in shaping the personality of a child. One of them is through the parenting style given by parents to their children. There are three types of parenting that parents can apply to their children, namely: democratic parenting, permissive parenting and authoritarian parenting. Democratic parenting is a parenting style in which parents encourage children to talk about what they want. Authoritarian parenting is parenting where parents are the makers of all decisions, children must be submissive, obedient and may not ask questions. Meanwhile, permissive parenting has the characteristics of parents giving full freedom for what their children want to do. The choice of parenting style must be considered as to how it impacts the child's development. Not only physical development but the development of the child's personality. There are several differences in parenting styles given by parents to their children. This is influenced by several factors including socioeconomic level, education level, personality, and the number of children they have

    Analisis Pengaruh Maintenance Terhadap Performance Peralatan Doppler Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (DVOR)

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    Studi sebelumnya atau studi terkait sangat penting dalam karya ilmiah atau penelitian. Karena belum terdapat pembahasan mengenai pengaruh maintenance terhadap performance peralatan DVOR, maka analisis ini diperlukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh maintenance terhadap performance peralatan DVOR. Dalam pelayanan navigasi penerbangan, peralatan DVOR harus dalam keadaan siap beroperasi, terpelihara serta terawat, maka diperlukan prosedur pemeliharaan (maintenance) dan pelaporan yang telah ditetapkan dalam SKEP 157 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pedoman Pemeliharan dan Pelaporan Peralatan Fasilitas Elektronika dan Listrik Penerbangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kulitatif dan kajian literatur. Penelitian ini dapat menunjukkan bahwa maintenance memiliki hubungan dan berdampak pada performance peralatan untuk mencapai hasil yang optimal.In research or scientific work, previous research or related studies are essential. This investigation is required to ascertain the impact of maintenance on the performance of DVOR equipment because there hasn't been much debate regarding how maintenance affects DVOR equipment's performance. SKEP 157/IX/2003 concerning Guidelines for Maintenance and Reporting of Electronic and Electrical Aviation Facilities specifies maintenance procedures and reporting requirements for DVOR equipment in order for it to be used in aviation navigation services. The study's findings suggest that maintenance has an impact on how well the equipment works to produce desirable results

    Application of the socio-ecological system framework to forest fire risk management: A systematic literature review

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    Although increasing concern about climate change has raised awareness of the fundamental role of forest ecosystems, forests are threatened by human-induced impacts worldwide. Among them, wildfire risk is clearly the result of the interaction between human activities, ecological domains, and climate. However, a clear understanding of these interactions is still needed both at the global and local levels. Numerous studies have proven the validity of the socioecological system (SES) approach in addressing this kind of interdisciplinary issue. Therefore, a systematic review of the existing literature on the application of SES frameworks to forest ecosystems is carried out, with a specific focus on wildfire risk management. The results demonstrate the existence of different methodological approaches that can be grouped into seven main categories, which range from qualitative analysis to quantitative spatially explicit investigations. The strengths and limitations of the approaches are discussed, with a specific reference to the geographical setting of the works. The research suggests the importance of local community involvement and local knowledge consideration in wildfire risk management. This review provides a starting point for future research on forest SES and a supporting tool for the development of a sustainable wildfire risk adaptation and mitigation strategy

    Quantum computing challenges in the software industry. A fuzzy AHP-based approach

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    ContextThe current technology revolution has posed unexpected challenges for the software industry. In recent years, the field of quantum computing (QC) technologies has continued to grow in influence and maturity, and it is now poised to revolutionise software engineering. However, the evaluation and prioritisation of QC challenges in the software industry remain unexplored, relatively under-identified and fragmented.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study is to identify, examine and prioritise the most critical challenges in the software industry by implementing a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (F-AHP).MethodFirst, to identify the key challenges, we conducted a systematic literature review by drawing data from the four relevant digital libraries and supplementing these efforts with a forward and backward snowballing search. Second, we followed the F-AHP approach to evaluate and rank the identified challenges, or barriers.ResultsThe results show that the key barriers to QC adoption are the lack of technical expertise, information accuracy and organisational interest in adopting the new process. Another critical barrier is the lack of standards of secure communication techniques for implementing QC.ConclusionBy applying F-AHP, we identified institutional barriers as the highest and organisational barriers as the second highest global weight ranked categories among the main QC challenges facing the software industry. We observed that the highest-ranked local barriers facing the software technology industry are the lack of resources for design and initiative while the lack of organisational interest in adopting the new process is the most significant organisational barrier. Our findings, which entail implications for both academicians and practitioners, reveal the emergent nature of QC research and the increasing need for interdisciplinary research to address the identified challenges.</p