13 research outputs found

    Debugging Trait Errors as Logic Programs

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    Rust uses traits to define units of shared behavior. Trait constraints build up an implicit set of first-order hereditary Harrop clauses which is executed by a powerful logic programming engine in the trait system. But that power comes at a cost: the number of traits in Rust libraries is increasing, which puts a growing burden on the trait system to help programmers diagnose errors. Beyond a certain size of trait constraints, compiler diagnostics fall off the edge of a complexity cliff, leading to useless error messages. Crate maintainers have created ad-hoc solutions to diagnose common domain-specific errors, but the problem of diagnosing trait errors in general is still open. We propose a trait debugger as a means of getting developers the information necessary to diagnose trait errors in any domain and at any scale. Our proposed tool will extract proof trees from the trait solver, and it will interactively visualize these proof trees to facilitate debugging of trait errors.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Blame Tracking and Type Error Debugging

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    In this work, we present an unexpected connection between gradual typing and type error debugging. Namely, we illustrate that gradual typing provides a natural way to defer type errors in statically ill-typed programs, providing more feedback than traditional approaches to deferring type errors. When evaluating expressions that lead to runtime type errors, the usefulness of the feedback depends on blame tracking, the defacto approach to locating the cause of such runtime type errors. Unfortunately, blame tracking suffers from the bias problem for type error localization in languages with type inference. We illustrate and formalize the bias problem for blame tracking, present ideas for adapting existing type error debugging techniques to combat this bias, and outline further challenges

    Novice Type Error Diagnosis with Natural Language Models

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    Strong static type systems help programmers eliminate many errors without much burden of supplying type annotations. However, this flexibility makes it highly non-trivial to diagnose ill-typed programs, especially for novice programmers. Compared to classic constraint solving and optimization-based approaches, the data-driven approach has shown great promise in identifying the root causes of type errors with higher accuracy. Instead of relying on hand-engineered features, this work explores natural language models for type error localization, which can be trained in an end-to-end fashion without requiring any features. We demonstrate that, for novice type error diagnosis, the language model-based approach significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art data-driven approach. Specifically, our model could predict type errors correctly 62% of the time, outperforming the state-of-the-art Nate's data-driven model by 11%, in a more rigorous accuracy metric. Furthermore, we also apply structural probes to explain the performance difference between different language models.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    GPT-3-powered type error debugging: investigating the use of large language models for code repair

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    Type systems are responsible for assigning types to terms in programs. That way, they enforce the actions that can be taken and can, consequently, detect type errors during compilation. However, while they are able to ag the existence of an error, they often fail to pinpoint its cause or provide a helpful error message. Thus, without adequate support, debugging this kind of errors can take a considerable amount of effort. Recently, neural network models have been developed that are able to understand programming languages and perform several downstream tasks. We argue that type error debugging can be enhanced by taking advantage of this deeper understanding of the language’s structure. In this paper, we present a technique that leverages GPT-3’s capabilities to automatically fix type errors in OCaml programs. We perform multiple source code analysis tasks to produce useful prompts that are then provided to GPT-3 to generate potential patches. Our publicly available tool, Mentat, supports multiple modes and was validated on an existing public dataset with thousands of OCaml programs. We automatically validate successful repairs by using Quickcheck to verify which generated patches produce the same output as the user-intended fixed version, achieving a 39% repair rate. In a comparative study, Mentat outperformed two other techniques in automatically fixing ill-typed OCaml programs.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDP/50014/2020. Francisco Ribeiro and José Nuno Macedo acknowledge FCT PhD grants SFRH/BD/144938/2019 and 2021.08184.BD, respectively. Additional funding: JSPS KAKENHI-JP19K20248

    Type Debugging with Counter-Factual Type Error Messages Using an Existing Type Checker

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    The cause of a type error can be very difficult to find for the Hindley-Milner type system. Consequently many solutions have been proposed, but they are hardly used in practice. Here we propose a new solution that provides counter-factual type error messages; these messages state what types specific subexpressions in a program should have (in contrast to the types they actually have) to remove a type error. Such messages are easy-to-understand, because programers are already familiar with them. Furthermore, our solution is easy-to-implement, because it reuses an existing type checker as a subroutine. We transform an ill-typed program into a well-typed program with additional λ-bound variables. The types of these λ-bound variables yield actual and counter-factual type information. That type information plus intended types added as type annotations direct the search of the type debugger

    A Calculus for Variational Programming

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    Variation is ubiquitous in software. Many applications can benefit from making this variation explicit, then manipulating and computing with it directly---a technique we call "variational programming". This idea has been independently discovered in several application domains, such as efficiently analyzing and verifying software product lines, combining bounded and symbolic model-checking, and computing with alternative privacy profiles. Although these domains share similar core problems, and there are also many similarities in the solutions, there is no dedicated programming language support for variational programming. This makes the various implementations tedious, prone to errors, hard to maintain and reuse, and difficult to compare. In this paper we present a calculus that forms the basis of a programming language with explicit support for representing, manipulating, and computing with variation in programs and data. We illustrate how such a language can simplify the implementation of variational programming tasks. We present the syntax and semantics of the core calculus, a sound type system, and a type inference algorithm that produces principal types

    Delta Debugging Type Errors with a Blackbox Compiler

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    Debugging type errors is a necessary process that programmers, both novices and experts alike, face when using statically typed functional programming languages. All compilers often report the location of a type error inaccurately. This problem has been a subject of research for over thirty years. We present a new method for locating type errors: We apply the Isolating Delta Debugging algorithm coupled with a blackbox compiler. We evaluate our implementation for Haskell by comparing it with the output of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler; overall we obtain positive results in favour of our method of type error debugging

    Debugging Type Errors with a Blackbox Compiler

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    Type error debugging can be a laborious yet necessary process for programmers of statically typed functional programming languages. Often a compiler compounds this by inaccurately reporting the location of a type error, a problem that has been a subject of research for over thirty years. However, despite its long history, the solutions proposed are often reliant on direct modifications to the compiler, often distributed in the form of patches. These patches append another level of arduous activity to the task of debugging, keeping them modernised to the ever-changing programming language they support. This thesis investigates an additional option; the blackbox compiler. Split into three central parts, it shows the individual solutions involved in using a blackbox compiler to debug type errors in functional programming languages. First is a demonstration of how the combination of a blackbox compiler and a generic debugging algorithm can successfully locate type errors. Next tackled is a side-effect of this new combination, the introduction of extra errors, combated with a new speed boosted algorithm, evaluated with a proposed framework based on Data Science techniques to quantify the quality of a type error debugger. Lastly, the algorithms employed throughout this thesis, along with the blackbox compiler, have agnostic properties, they do not need language-specific knowledge. Thus, the final part presents utilising the agnostic abilities for an agnostic debugger to locate type errors