16 research outputs found

    A new method for simplification and compression of 3D meshes

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    We focus on the lossy compression of manifold triangle meshes. Our SwingWrapper approach partitions the surface of an original mesh M into simply-connected regions, called triangloids. We compute a new mesh M\u27. Each triangle of M\u27 is a close approximation of a pseudo-triangle of M. By construction, the connectivity of M\u27 is fairly regular and can be compressed to less than a bit per triangle using EdgeBreaker or one of the other recently developed schemes. The locations of the vertices of M\u27 are compactly encoded with our new prediction scheme, which uses a single correction parameter per vertex. For example, a variety of popular models retiled with our approach yield 10 times fewer triangles without exceeding an error of 1% of the radius of the bounding ball. Vertices of M\u27 are encoded with an average of 6 bits, which results in a total storage of 0.4 bits per triangle of the original mesh. The proposed solution may also be used to encode crude meshes for adaptive transmission and for controlling subdivision surfaces

    Planar Graphs, via Well-Orderly Maps and Trees

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    On Compact Encoding of Pagenumber kk Graphs

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    In this paper we show an information-theoretic lower bound of kn - o(kn) on the minimum number of bits to represent an unlabeled simple connected n-node graph of pagenumber k. This has to be compared with the efficient encoding scheme of Munro and Raman of 2kn + 2m + o(kn+m) bits (m the number of edges), that is 4kn + 2n + o(kn) bits in the worst-case. For m-edge graphs of pagenumber k (with multi-edges and loops), we propose a 2mlog2k + O(m) bits encoding improving the best previous upper bound of Munro and Raman whenever m ≤ 1 / 2kn/log2 k. Actually our scheme applies to k-page embedding containing multi-edge and loops. Moreover, with an auxiliary table of o(m log k) bits, our coding supports (1) the computation of the degree of a node in constant time, (2) adjacency queries with O(logk) queries of type rank, select and match, that is in O(logk *minlogk / loglogm, loglogk) time and (3) the access to δ neighbors in O(δ) runs of select, rank or match;

    3D Compression: from A to Zip a first complete example

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    Imagens invadiram a maioria das publicacações e comunicacões contemporâneas. Esta expansão acelerou-se com o desenvolvimento de métodos eficientes de compressão da imagem. Hoje o processo da criação de imagens é baseado nos objetos multidimensionais gerados por CAD, simulações físicas, representações de dados ou soluções de problemas de otimização. Esta variedade das fontes motiva o desenho de esquemas de compressão adaptados a classes específicas de modelos. O lançamento recente do Google Sketch’up com o seu armazém de modelos 3D acelerou a passagem das imagens bidimensionais às tridimensionais. Entretanto, este o tipo de sistemas requer um acesso rápido aos modelos 3D, possivelmente gigantes, que é possível somente usando de esquemas eficientes da compressão. Esse trabalho faz parte de um tutorial ministrado no Sibgrapi 2007.Images invaded most of contemporary publications and communications. This expansion has accelerated with the development of efficient schemes dedicated to image compression. Nowadays, the image creation process relies on multidimensional objects generated from computer aided design, physical simulations, data representation or optimisation problem solutions. This variety of sources motivates the design of compression schemes adapted to specific class of models. The recent launch of Google Sketch’up and its 3D models warehouse has accelerated the shift from two-dimensional images to three-dimensional ones. However, these kind of systems require fast access to eventually huge models, which is possible only through the use of efficient compression schemes. This work is part of a tutorial given at the XXth Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (Sibgrapi 2007)

    Spectral compression of mesh geometry

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    Mesh compression: Theory and practice.

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    Three-dimensional meshes (3D meshes, for short) are fast becoming an emerging media type, used in a variety of application domains such as engineering design, manufacture, architecture, bio-informatics, medicine, entertainment, commerce, science, defense, etc. The volume of data of this media type that is being circulated on the internet is increasing very rapidly and is being used as frequently as other media types like text, audio (1D), images and video (2D). Hence, 3D meshes need good processing and visualization methods. Also, the sizes of these meshes are much greater than the other media types mentioned above and often exceeds the memory and bandwidth available for their storage and transmission. Compression schemes for such large 3D meshes have become a subject of intense study lately. Meshes are either made up of triangles or quadrilaterals. Meshes made up of only triangles are called triangle meshes and meshes made up of quadrilaterals are called quadrilateral meshes (quad meshes, for short). A mesh is described by specifying its geometry (vertex coordinates) and its connectivity (adjacencies of the triangles or quadrilaterals). Previous research on mesh compression has been mostly for triangle meshes. Quad meshes were traditionally handled by first triangulating them and then applying triangle mesh compression techniques. In order to avoid this additional triangulation step, a direct technique is proposed for compressing and decompressing the connectivity of quad meshes. This technique takes a quad mesh as input and encodes its connectivity as a sequence of opcodes which can be restored back to the quad mesh, using the decompression technique. A data structure called EdgeTable is introduced to aid in the traversal of a quad mesh during compression. Also, a technique based on constrained Delaunay triangulation for reconstructing the connectivity of a 2D mesh from its geometry and a minimum set of edges is proposed. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1393. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Compact connectivity representation for triangle meshes

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    Many digital models used in entertainment, medical visualization, material science, architecture, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and mechanical Computer Aided Design (CAD) are defined in terms of their boundaries. These boundaries are often approximated using triangle meshes. The complexity of models, which can be measured by triangle count, increases rapidly with the precision of scanning technologies and with the need for higher resolution. An increase in mesh complexity results in an increase of storage requirement, which in turn increases the frequency of disk access or cache misses during mesh processing, and hence decreases performance. For example, in a test application involving a mesh with 55 million triangles in a machine with 4GB of memory versus a machine with 1GB of memory, performance decreases by a factor of about 6000 because of memory thrashing. To help reduce memory thrashing, we focus on decreasing the average storage requirement per triangle measured in 32-bit integer references per triangle (rpt). This thesis covers compact connectivity representation for triangle meshes and discusses four data structures: 1. Sorted Opposite Table (SOT), which uses 3 rpt and has been extended to support tetrahedral meshes. 2. Sorted Quad (SQuad), which uses about 2 rpt and has been extended to support streaming. 3. Laced Ring (LR), which uses about 1 rpt and offers an excellent compromise between storage compactness and performance of mesh traversal operators. 4. Zipper, an extension of LR, which uses about 6 bits per triangle (equivalently 0.19 rpt), therefore is the most compact representation. The triangle mesh data structures proposed in this thesis support the standard set of mesh connectivity operators introduced by the previously proposed Corner Table at an amortized constant time complexity. They can be constructed in linear time and space from the Corner Table or any equivalent representation. If geometry is stored as 16-bit coordinates, using Zipper instead of the Corner Table increases the size of the mesh that can be stored in core memory by a factor of about 8.PhDCommittee Chair: Rossignac, Jarek; Committee Co-Chair: Frost, David; Committee Member: Lindstrom, Peter; Committee Member: Liu, C. Karen; Committee Member: Turk, Gre

    Mesh Compression

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    Die Kompression von Netzen ist eine weitgefächerte Forschungsrichtung mit Anwendungen in den verschiedensten Bereichen, wie zum Beispiel im Bereich der Handhabung extrem großer Modelle, beim Austausch von dreidimensionalem Inhalt über das Internet, im elektronischen Handel, als anpassungsfähige Repräsentation für Volumendatensätze usw. In dieser Arbeit wird das Verfahren der Cut-Border Machine beschrieben. Die Cut-Border Machine kodiert Netze, indem ein Teilbereich durch das Netz wächst (region growing). Kodiert wird die Art und Weise, wie neue Netzelemente dem wachsenden Teilbereich einverleibt werden. Das Verfahren der Cut-Border Machine kann sowohl auf Dreiecksnetze als auch auf Tetraedernetze angewendet werden. Trotz der einfachen Struktur des Verfahrens kann eine sehr hohe Kompressionsrate erzielt werden. Im Falle von Tetraedernetzen erreicht die Cut-Border Machine die beste Kompressionsrate von allen bekannten Verfahren. Die einfache Struktur der Cut-Border Machine ermöglicht einerseits die Realisierung direkt in Hardware und ist auch als Implementierung in Software extrem schnell. Auf der anderen Seite erlaubt die Einfachheit eine theoretische Analyse des Algorithmus. Gezeigt werden konnte, dass für ebene Triangulierungen eine leicht modifizierte Version der Cut-Border Machine lineare Laufzeiten in der Zahl der Knoten erzielt und dass die komprimierte Darstellung nur linearen Speicherbedarf benötigt, d.h. nicht mehr als fünf Bits pro Knoten. Neben der detaillierten Beschreibung der Cut-Border Machine mit mehreren Verbesserungen und Optimierungen, enthält die Arbeit eine Einführung zu Netzen und geeigneten Datenstrukturen und entwickelt mehrere Kodierungsverfahren, die im Bereich der Netzkompression Anwendung finden. Eine breite Übersicht verwandter Arbeiten gibt Einblick in des Forschungsgebiet. Weiterhin wird die Effizienz mehrerer in der Literatur beschriebener Verfahren verbessert. Insbesondere konnte die algorithmisch erzielte obere Schranke für die KodiMesh Compression is a broad research area with applications in a lot of different areas, such as the handling of very large models, the exchange of three dimensional content over the internet, electronic commerce, the flexible representation of volumetric data and so on. In this thesis the mesh compression method of the Cut-Border Machine is described. The Cut-Border Machine encodes meshes by growing a region through the mesh and encoding the way, in which the mesh elements are incorporated into the growing region. The Cut-Border Machine can be applied to triangular and tetrahedral meshes. Although the method is not too complicated, it achieves very good compression rates. In the tetrahedral case the Cut-Border Machine performs best among all known methods. The simple nature of the Cut-Border Machine allows on the one hand for a hardware implementation and performs also as software implementation extremely well. On the other hand the simplicity allows for a theoretical analysis of the Cut-Border Machine. It could be shown, that for planar triangulations a slightly modified version of the Cut-Border Machine runs in linear time in the number of vertices and that the compressed representation only consumes linear storage space, i.e. no more than five bits per vertex. Besides the detailed description of the Cut-Border Machine with several improvements and optimizations, the thesis gives an introduction to meshes and appropriate data structures, develops several coding techniques useful for mesh compression and gives a broad overview of related work. Furthermore the author improves the encoding efficiency of several other compression techniques. In particular could the algorithmically achieved upper bound for the encoding of planar triangulations be improved to ten percent above the theoretical limit, what is the best known result up to now

    Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Strasser

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    Die vorliegende Festschrift ist Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Wolfgang Straßer zu seinem 60. Geburtstag gewidmet. Eine Reihe von Wissenschaftlern auf dem Gebiet der Computergraphik, die alle aus der "Tübinger Schule" stammen, haben - zum Teil zusammen mit ihren Schülern - Aufsätze zu dieser Schrift beigetragen. Die Beiträge reichen von der Objektrekonstruktion aus Bildmerkmalen über die physikalische Simulation bis hin zum Rendering und der Visualisierung, vom theoretisch ausgerichteten Aufsatz bis zur praktischen gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Anwendung. Diese thematische Buntheit verdeutlicht auf anschauliche Weise die Breite und Vielfalt der Wissenschaft von der Computergraphik, wie sie am Lehrstuhl Straßer in Tübingen betrieben wird. Schon allein an der Tatsache, daß im Bereich der Computergraphik zehn Professoren an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen aus Tübingen kommen, zeigt sich der prägende Einfluß Professor Straßers auf die Computergraphiklandschaft in Deutschland. Daß sich darunter mehrere Physiker und Mathematiker befinden, die in Tübingen für dieses Fach gewonnen werden konnten, ist vor allem seinem Engagement und seiner Ausstrahlung zu verdanken. Neben der Hochachtung vor den wissenschaftlichen Leistungen von Professor Straßer hat sicherlich seine Persönlichkeit einen entscheidenden Anteil an der spontanten Bereischaft der Autoren, zu dieser Festschrift beizutragen. Mit außergewöhnlich großem persönlichen Einsatz fördert er Studenten, Doktoranden und Habilitanden, vermittelt aus seinen reichen internationalen Beziehungen Forschungskontakte und schafft so außerordentlich gute Voraussetzungen für selbständige wissenschafliche Arbeit. Die Autoren wollen mit ihrem Beitrag Wolfgang Straßer eine Freude bereiten und verbinden mit ihrem Dank den Wunsch, auch weiterhin an seinem fachlich wie menschlich reichen und bereichernden Wirken teilhaben zu dürfen