36 research outputs found

    Intelligent algorithm for trapezoidal interval valued neutrosophic network analysis

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    The shortest path problem has been one of the most fundamental practical problems in network analysis. One of the good algorithms is Bellman-Ford, which has been applied in network, for the last some years. Due to complexity in the decision-making process, the decision makers face complications to express their view and judgment with an exact number for single valued membership degrees under neutrosophic environment. Though the interval number is a special situation of the neutrosophic, it did not solve the shortest path problems in an absolute manner. Hence, in this work, the authors have introduced the score function and accuracy function of trapezoidal interval valued neutrosophic numbers with their illustrative properties. These properties provide important theoretical base of the trapezoidal interval valued neutrosophic number. Also, they proposed an intelligent algorithm called trapezoidal interval valued neutrosophic version of Bellman’s algorithm to solve neutrosophic shortest path problem in network analysis. Further, comparative analysis has been made with the existing algorithm

    New Challenges in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications

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    Neutrosophic theory has representatives on all continents and, therefore, it can be said to be a universal theory. On the other hand, according to the three volumes of “The Encyclopedia of Neutrosophic Researchers” (2016, 2018, 2019), plus numerous others not yet included in Encyclopedia book series, about 1200 researchers from 73 countries have applied both the neutrosophic theory and method. Neutrosophic theory was founded by Professor Florentin Smarandache in 1998; it constitutes further generalization of fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy theories. The key distinction between the neutrosophic set/logic and other types of sets/logics lies in the introduction of the degree of indeterminacy/neutrality (I) as an independent component in the neutrosophic set. Thus, neutrosophic theory involves the degree of membership-truth (T), the degree of indeterminacy (I), and the degree of non-membership-falsehood (F). In recent years, the field of neutrosophic set, logic, measure, probability and statistics, precalculus and calculus, etc., and their applications in multiple fields have been extended and applied in various fields, such as communication, management, and information technology. We believe that this book serves as useful guidance for learning about the current progress in neutrosophic theories. In total, 22 studies have been presented and reflect the call of the thematic vision. The contents of each study included in the volume are briefly described as follows. The first contribution, authored by Wadei Al-Omeri and Saeid Jafari, addresses the concept of generalized neutrosophic pre-closed sets and generalized neutrosophic pre-open sets in neutrosophic topological spaces. In the article “Design of Fuzzy Sampling Plan Using the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution”, the authors Muhammad Zahir Khan, Muhammad Farid Khan, Muhammad Aslam, and Abdur Razzaque Mughal discuss the use of probability distribution function of Birnbaum–Saunders distribution as a proportion of defective items and the acceptance probability in a fuzzy environment. Further, the authors Derya Bakbak, Vakkas Uluc¸ay, and Memet S¸ahin present the “Neutrosophic Soft Expert Multiset and Their Application to Multiple Criteria Decision Making” together with several operations defined for them and their important algebraic properties. In “Neutrosophic Multigroups and Applications”, Vakkas Uluc¸ay and Memet S¸ahin propose an algebraic structure on neutrosophic multisets called neutrosophic multigroups, deriving their basic properties and giving some applications to group theory. Changxing Fan, Jun Ye, Sheng Feng, En Fan, and Keli Hu introduce the “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method Using Heronian Mean Operators under a Bipolar Neutrosophic Environment” and test the effectiveness of their new methods. Another decision-making study upon an everyday life issue which empowered us to organize the key objective of the industry developing is given in “Neutrosophic Cubic Einstein Hybrid Geometric Aggregation Operators with Application in Prioritization Using Multiple Attribute Decision-Making Method” written by Khaleed Alhazaymeh, Muhammad Gulistan, Majid Khan, and Seifedine Kadry

    Vector Similarity Measures of Q-Linguistic Neutrosophic Variable Sets and Their Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method

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    Since language is used for thinking and expressing habits of humans in real life, the linguistic evaluation for an objective thing is expressed easily in linguistic terms/values. However, existing linguistic concepts cannot describe linguistic arguments regarding an evaluated object in two-dimensional universal sets (TDUSs)

    Algorithms for possibility linguistic single-valued neutrosophic decision-making based on COPRAS and aggregation operators with new information measures

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    The objective of this work is to introduce the concept of the possibility linguistic single-valued neutrosophic set (PLSVNS) for better dealing with the imprecise and uncertain information during the decision-making process. The prominent characteristics of this set are that it considers two distinctive sorts of information such as the membership, indeterminacy, non-membership degrees, and their corresponding possibility degree. In it, first, we stated some operational laws, score and accuracy functions, comparison laws between the pairs of the set. Then, we define weighted averaging and geometric aggregation operators (AOs) to collaborate the PLSVNSs into a single one. Further, we present two algorithms based on a complex proportional assessment (COPRAS) method and AOs based method under PLSVNS information to solve the decision-making problems. In these methods, the information related to weights of decision makers and criteria is determined with the help of a distance and entropy measures. Finally, a practical real-life example is provided to expose the materialness and the viability of our work

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    Fuzzy Techniques for Decision Making 2018

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    Zadeh's fuzzy set theory incorporates the impreciseness of data and evaluations, by imputting the degrees by which each object belongs to a set. Its success fostered theories that codify the subjectivity, uncertainty, imprecision, or roughness of the evaluations. Their rationale is to produce new flexible methodologies in order to model a variety of concrete decision problems more realistically. This Special Issue garners contributions addressing novel tools, techniques and methodologies for decision making (inclusive of both individual and group, single- or multi-criteria decision making) in the context of these theories. It contains 38 research articles that contribute to a variety of setups that combine fuzziness, hesitancy, roughness, covering sets, and linguistic approaches. Their ranges vary from fundamental or technical to applied approaches

    Multiple Attribute Decision-Making Method Using Linguistic Cubic Hesitant Variables

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    Linguistic decision making (DM) is an important research topic in DM theory and methods since using linguistic terms for the assessment of the objective world is very fitting for human thinking and expressing habits

    Algebraic structures of neutrosophic triplets, neutrosophic duplets, or neutrosophic multisets. Volume II

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    The topics approached in this collection of papers are: neutrosophic sets; neutrosophic logic; generalized neutrosophic set; neutrosophic rough set; multigranulation neutrosophic rough set (MNRS); neutrosophic cubic sets; triangular fuzzy neutrosophic sets (TFNSs); probabilistic single-valued (interval) neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set; neutro-homomorphism; neutrosophic computation; quantum computation; neutrosophic association rule; data mining; big data; oracle Turing machines; recursive enumerability; oracle computation; interval number; dependent degree; possibility degree; power aggregation operators; multi-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM); expert set; soft sets; LA-semihypergroups; single valued trapezoidal neutrosophic number; inclusion relation; Q-linguistic neutrosophic variable set; vector similarity measure; fundamental neutro-homomorphism theorem; neutro-isomorphism theorem; quasi neutrosophic triplet loop; quasi neutrosophic triplet group; BE-algebra; cloud model; fuzzy measure; clustering algorithm; and many more

    New logarithmic operational laws and their applications to multiattribute decision making for single-valued neutrosophic numbers

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    Neutrosophic set, initiated by Smarandache, is a novel tool to deal with vagueness considering the truth, indeterminacy and falsity memberships satisfying the condition that their sum is less than 3. This set can be used to characterize the information more accurately than the intuitionistic fuzzy set. Under this set, the objective of this manuscript is to present some new operational laws called as logarithm operational laws with real number base k for the single-valued neutrosophic (SVN) numbers. Various desirable properties of the proposed operational laws are contemplated. Further, based on these laws, different weighted averaging and geometric aggregation operators are developed

    Simplified neutrosophic indeterminate decision making method with decision makers’ indeterminate ranges

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    There exists the indeterminate situations of truth, falsity, indeterminacy degrees due to the uncertainty and inconsistency of decision makers’ arguments in a complicated decision making (DM) problem. Then, existing neutrosophic set cannot describe the indeterminate information of truth, falsity, indeterminacy degrees. It is noted that the simplified neutrosophic set (SNS) is depicted by truth, falsity, indeterminacy degrees, while a neutrosophic number (NN) can be flexibly depicted by its determinate part and its indeterminate part. Regarding the indeterminate situations of truth, falsity, indeterminacy degrees in indeterminate DM problems, this study first presents a simplified neutrosophic indeterminate set (SNIS) to express the hybrid information of SNS and NN and defines the score, accuracy, and certainty functions of simplified neutrosophic indeterminate elements (SNIEs) with indeterminate ranges to compare SNIEs. Then, we introduce a SNIE weighted arithmetic averaging (SNIEWAA) operator and a SNIE weighted geometric averaging (SNIEWGA) operator to aggregate simplified neutrosophic indeterminate information. Next, a multi-attribute DM approach with decision makers’ indeterminate ranges is established regarding the SNIEWAA and SNIEWGA operators in SNIS setting. Finally, the proposed DM approach is applied in a DM example on choosing a suitable slope design scheme to indicate the applicability and suitability of the proposed approach