464 research outputs found

    Robot virtual prototype in ADAMS

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    Tato práce se zabývá vytvořením virtuálního modelu robotu v ADAMS a co-simulačním propojením tohoto modelu s návrhem řízení v Matlab/Simulink. Robotem je segway Pierot vytvořený v rámci předchozích závěrečných prací. Obsahem této práce je vytvoření multi-body modelu, volba pohonu vytvoření co-simulačního propojení a samotná co-simulace.The goal of this work is to create virtual model of robot in ADAMS and co-simulation link between ADAMS and control system in Matlab/Simulink. Robot is segway robot called Pierot, created as the result of past final works. In this work is described creation of robot's multi-body model, choice of the motor, creation of co-simulation link and co-simulation itself.

    Matematičko modeliranje i neizrazito upravljanje mehanizmom za poravnavanje i podizanje

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    The moving process of a leveling and erecting mechanism is complicated, which involves six hydraulic cylinders. The research established mathematical model and optimized the moving process of the leveling and erecting mechanism. Kinematic analysis of the mechanism was accomplished. Mathematical model of the hydraulic system was established. Working scheme was designed consisting of workflow, trajectory planning, leveling strategy and control method. The mechanical, hydraulic and control models were respectively established in Pro/E, ADAMS, AMESim and Simulink software. Co-simulation was carried out to validate the designed scheme. Experiment was completed on a platform. The results of simulation and experiment indicate that the designed scheme is feasible. Fuzzy adaptive PID controller has an excellent effect in controlling the leveling and erecting mechanism.Gibanja mehanizma za poravnavanje i podizanje složeni je proces koji uključuje šest hidrauličkih cilindara. Istraživanje postavlja matematički model i optimizira proces gibanja mehanizma za poravnavanje i podizanje. Provedena je kinematička analiza mehanizma. Postavljen je matematički model hidrauličkog sustava. Radni program načinjen je uključujući tijek rada, planiranje trajektorije, strategiju poravnavanja i metodu upravljanja. Mehanički, hidraulički i upravljački modeli redom su izvedeni u Pro/E, ADAMS, AMESim i Simulink programskim paketima. Provedena je kosimulacija za validaciju načinjenog radnog programa. Eksperiment je proveden na stvarnoj platformi. Rezultati simulacije i eksperimenta ukazuju na izvedivost predloženog radnog programa. Neizraziti adaptivni PID regulator daje odličan efekt pri upravljanju mehanizma za poravnavanje i podizanje

    Path planning, modelling and simulation for energy optimised mobile robotics

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    This thesis is concerned with an investigation of a solution for mobile robotic platforms to minimize the usage of scarce energy that is available and is not wasted following traditionally planned paths for complex terrain environments. This therefore addresses the need to reduce the total energy cost during a field task or mission. A path planning algorithm is designed by creating a new approach of artificial potential field method that generates a planned path, utilising terrain map. The new approach has the capability of avoiding the local minimum problems which is one of the major problems of traditional potential field method. By solving such problems gives a reliable solution to establish a required path. Therefore the approach results in an energy efficient path of the terrain identified, instead obvious straight line of the terrain. A literature review is conducted which reviews the mainstream path planning algorithms with the applications in mobile robotic platforms was analysed. These path planning algorithms are compared for the purpose of energy optimized planning, which concludes the method of artificial potential field as the path planning algorithm which has the most potential and will be further investigated and improved in this research. The methodology of designing, modelling and simulating a mobile robotic platform is defined and presented for the purpose of energy optimized path planning requirement. The research is to clarify the needs, requirements, and specifications of the design. A complete set of models which include mechanical and electrical modelling, functional concept modelling, modelling of the system are established. Based on these models, an energy optimized path planning algorithm is designed. The modelling of force and the kinematics is established to validate and evaluate the result of the algorithm through simulations. Moreover a simulation environment is established which is constructed for multi perspective simulation. This also enables collaborative simulation using Simulink and ADAMS to for simulating a path generated by the path planning algorithm and assess the energy consumption of the driven and steering mechanism of an exemplar system called AgriRover. This simulation environment allows the capture of simulated result of the total energy consumption, therefore outlines the energy cost behaviour of the AgriRover. A total of two sets of paths was tested in the fields for validation, one being generated by the energy optimized path planning algorithm and the other following a straight path. During the field tests the total cost of energy was captured . Two sets of results are compared with each other and compared with the simulation. The comparison shows a 21.34% of the energy saving by deploying the path generated with the energy optimized path planning algorithm in the field test. This research made the following contribution to knowledge. A comparison and grading of mainstream path planning algorithms from energy optimisation perspective is undertaken using detailed evaluation criteria, including computational power required, extendibility, flexibility and more criteria that is relevant for the energy optimized planning purpose. These algorithms have not been compared from energy optimisation angle before, and the research for energy optimised planning under complex terrain environments have not been investigated. Addressing these knowledge gaps, a methodology of designing, modelling and simulating a mobile platform system is proposed to facilitate an energy optimized path planning. This , leads to a new approach of path planning algorithm that reduces unnecessary energy spend for climbing of the terrain, using the terrain data available. Such a methodology derives several novel methods: Namely, a method for avoiding local minimum problem for artificial potential field path planning using the approach of approximation; A method of achieving high expendability of the path planning algorithm, where this method is capable of generate a path through a large map in a short time; A novel method of multi perspective dynamic simulation, which is capable of simulating the behaviour of internal mechanism and the overall robotic mobile platform with the fully integrated control, The dynamic simulation enables prediction of energy consumption; Finally, a novel method of mathematically modelling and simplifying a steering mechanism for the wheel based mobile vehicle was further investigated.This thesis is concerned with an investigation of a solution for mobile robotic platforms to minimize the usage of scarce energy that is available and is not wasted following traditionally planned paths for complex terrain environments. This therefore addresses the need to reduce the total energy cost during a field task or mission. A path planning algorithm is designed by creating a new approach of artificial potential field method that generates a planned path, utilising terrain map. The new approach has the capability of avoiding the local minimum problems which is one of the major problems of traditional potential field method. By solving such problems gives a reliable solution to establish a required path. Therefore the approach results in an energy efficient path of the terrain identified, instead obvious straight line of the terrain. A literature review is conducted which reviews the mainstream path planning algorithms with the applications in mobile robotic platforms was analysed. These path planning algorithms are compared for the purpose of energy optimized planning, which concludes the method of artificial potential field as the path planning algorithm which has the most potential and will be further investigated and improved in this research. The methodology of designing, modelling and simulating a mobile robotic platform is defined and presented for the purpose of energy optimized path planning requirement. The research is to clarify the needs, requirements, and specifications of the design. A complete set of models which include mechanical and electrical modelling, functional concept modelling, modelling of the system are established. Based on these models, an energy optimized path planning algorithm is designed. The modelling of force and the kinematics is established to validate and evaluate the result of the algorithm through simulations. Moreover a simulation environment is established which is constructed for multi perspective simulation. This also enables collaborative simulation using Simulink and ADAMS to for simulating a path generated by the path planning algorithm and assess the energy consumption of the driven and steering mechanism of an exemplar system called AgriRover. This simulation environment allows the capture of simulated result of the total energy consumption, therefore outlines the energy cost behaviour of the AgriRover. A total of two sets of paths was tested in the fields for validation, one being generated by the energy optimized path planning algorithm and the other following a straight path. During the field tests the total cost of energy was captured . Two sets of results are compared with each other and compared with the simulation. The comparison shows a 21.34% of the energy saving by deploying the path generated with the energy optimized path planning algorithm in the field test. This research made the following contribution to knowledge. A comparison and grading of mainstream path planning algorithms from energy optimisation perspective is undertaken using detailed evaluation criteria, including computational power required, extendibility, flexibility and more criteria that is relevant for the energy optimized planning purpose. These algorithms have not been compared from energy optimisation angle before, and the research for energy optimised planning under complex terrain environments have not been investigated. Addressing these knowledge gaps, a methodology of designing, modelling and simulating a mobile platform system is proposed to facilitate an energy optimized path planning. This , leads to a new approach of path planning algorithm that reduces unnecessary energy spend for climbing of the terrain, using the terrain data available. Such a methodology derives several novel methods: Namely, a method for avoiding local minimum problem for artificial potential field path planning using the approach of approximation; A method of achieving high expendability of the path planning algorithm, where this method is capable of generate a path through a large map in a short time; A novel method of multi perspective dynamic simulation, which is capable of simulating the behaviour of internal mechanism and the overall robotic mobile platform with the fully integrated control, The dynamic simulation enables prediction of energy consumption; Finally, a novel method of mathematically modelling and simplifying a steering mechanism for the wheel based mobile vehicle was further investigated

    Optimization of a Parallel Mechanism Design with Respect to a Stewart Platform Control Design

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá návrhem modelu dynamiky paralelního manipulátoru optimálního pro účely návrhu řízení. Zvolený přístup je založen na modelování dynamiky systému v simulačním prostředí Matlab SimMechanics následovaném linearizací modelu. Výsledný stavový lineární model mimo jiné umožňuje snadné posouzení řiditelnosti a pozorovatelnosti modelu. Díky své relativní jednoduchosti je model také výpočetně nenáročný. Přístup je demonstrován na návrhu dvouvrstvého řízení SimMechanics modelu Stewartovy platformy, na kterém bylo následně navržené řízení úspěšně testováno. Podstatná část práce obsahuje přístup k modelování neurčitých parametrů dynamického modelu Stewartovy platformy a stejnosměrného motoru Maxon RE 35 a jeho výsledky. Předložený přístup je založen na modelování parametrické neurčitosti způsobem, kdy je neurčitost definována individuálně pro jednotlivé prvky stavových matic modelu. Samotná neurčitost je potom určena rozdílem mezi jednotlivými parametry příslušných matic nominálního modelu a modelu se stanovenou maximální neurčitostí parametrů. Výsledný neurčitostní model je vzhledem ke své stavové reprezentaci vhodný pro návrh regulátoru založeném na metodách návrhu robustního řízení, například minimalizaci normy H-nekonečno. Popsaná metoda byla použita pro kompenzaci posunu mezi pracovními body, okolo kterých je prováděna linearizace a pro kompenzaci nepřesnosti modelování vybraných parametrů modelů Stewartovy platformy a stejnosměrného motoru. Získané modely (v prostředí SimMechanics a neurčitostní model) byly experimentálně porovnány s chováním jednoho z lineárních pohonů Stewartovy platformy. Rozdíl v datech obdržených ze simulace v prostředí SimMechanics a naměřených na reálném stroji byl téměř kompletně pokryt neurčitostním modelem. Prezentovaná metoda neurčitostního modelování je velice univerzální a aplikovatelná na libovolný stavový model.The proposed work is dealing with an optimal model of a parallel manipulator dynamics for a control design purposes. The approach is based on modeling of the system dynamics in Matlab Simmechanics followed by the model linearization. The obtained linear model may be simply inspected from the controllability and observability point of view. It is also computational modest thanks to its simplicity. This is demonstrated on designing of a two – layer control for a model of a Stewart platform. The control based on such a linear model was successfully tested on the original nonlinear model. The essential part of the the work is dealing with modeling of uncertain parameters in the dynamic model of the Stewart platform and DC motor Maxon RE 35. The proposed approach is based on modeling of a parametric uncertainty where the uncertainty is defined individually for particular elements of the model state matrices. The uncertainty itself is set by the difference between parameters of corresponding matrices of the nominal linear model and model with maximally perturbed parameters. The obtained uncertain model is for its form suitable for the robust control design methods, for example via minimizing an H-infinity norm. The method was used for a compensation of the shifting of the linearization operating points in the Stewart platform and for compensation of the modeling inaccuracy of selected parameters in the Stewart platform and the DC motor model. The obtained models (SimMechanics and uncertain state - space) were compared with the single linear actuator of the Stewart platform. The difference between the simulated SimMechanics model and measured data was almost completely covered by the uncertain model. The method is highly versatile and applicable on any state-space model.

    Feedforward model with cascading proportional derivative active force control for an articulated arm mobile manipulator

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    This thesis presents an approach for controlling a mobile manipulator (MM) using a two degree of freedom (DOF) controller which essentially comprises a cascading proportional-derivative (CPD) control and feedforward active force control (FAFC). MM possesses both features of mobile platform and industrial arm manipulator. This has greatly improved the performance of MM with increased workspace capacity and better operation dexterity. The added mobility advantage to a MM, however, has increased the complexity of the MM dynamic system. A robust controller that can deal with the added complexity of the MM dynamic system was therefore needed. The AFC which can be considered as one of the novelties in the research creates a torque feedback within the dynamic system to allow for the compensation of sudden disturbances in the dynamic system. AFC also allows faster computational performance by using a fixed value of the estimated inertia matrix (IN) of the system. A feedforward of the dynamic system was also implemented to complement the IN for a better trajectory tracking performance. A localisation technique using Kalman filter (KF) was also incorporated into the CPD-FAFC scheme to solve some MM navigation problems. A simulation and experimental studies were performed to validate the effectiveness of the MM controller. Simulation was performed using a co-simulation technique which combined the simultaneous execution of the MSC Adams and MATLAB/Simulink software. The experimental study was carried out using a custom built MM experimental rig (MMer) which was developed based on the mechatronic approach. A comparative studies between the proposed CPD-FAFC with other type of controllers was also performed to further strengthen the outcome of the system. The experimental results affirmed the effectiveness of the proposed AFC-based controller and were in good agreement with the simulation counterpart, thereby verifying and validating the proposed research concepts and models

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest

    Virtual prototype-based kinematic modeling and simulation of a multi-mode amphibious robot

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    The amphibious robot, which has the capability of multi-mode motion, can maneuver diverse environments with high mobility and adaptability. These are employed in the area of reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, and monitoring. The existing amphibious robots have lower maneuverability over the crawling period on uneven and slope surfaces on the land. In this paper, a kinematic model of the amphibious robot based on virtual prototyping is designed for multi-mode locomotion. ADAMS (Automated dynamic analysis of mechanical systems) is a multi-body dynamic solver adopted to build the simulation model for the robot. The novel amphibious robot employs a Rockerbogie mechanism equipped with wheel paddles. The locomotion analysis on land involves straight-going and obstacle negotiation, which is simulated using ADAMS. The simulation analysis result demonstrates increased maneuverability, achieving a robot's velocity of robot 1.6 m/s. Normal forces on the front and rear wheels show equal load distribution, contributing more to the robot’s equilibrium over uneven terrain. The simulation result reflects the accurate kinematic characteristics of the amphibious robot and provides a theoretical basis for developing an algorithm for robot motion control and optimization. Further, this research will concentrate on the kinematic simulation maneuvering in water mode with the wheel paddle

    Design and modeling of a space docking mechanism for cooperative on-orbit servicing

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    This dissertation addresses the design procedure of a docking mechanism for space applications, in particular, on-orbit servicing of cooperative satellites. The mechanism was conceived to comply with the technical specifications of the STRONG mission. The objective of this mission is to deploy satellite platforms using a space tug with electric propulsion. This mission is part of the SAPERE project, which focuses on space exploration and access to space. A docking mechanism is used for recovering the misalignments left by the guidance, navigation, and control system of the servicer satellite when approaching the customer spacecraft. However, most importantly, the mechanism must safely dissipate the energy associated with the relative velocities between the spacecraft upon contact. Five concepts were considered as possible candidates for the docking mechanism: a system based on the Stewart-Gough platform with a position controller, a Stewart-Gough platform with impedance control, a central passive mechanism (probe-drogue), a central active mechanism, and a mechanism equipped with articulated arms. Several trade-off criteria were defined and applied to the concepts. The result of this trade study was the selection of the central passive mechanism as the most balanced solution. This mechanism is composed of a probe and a conical frustum equipped with a socket to capture the probe. It was further developed and tested using mathematical models of the docking maneuver. The results of the simulations showed that the passiveness of the system prevented the docking maneuver from being fully accomplished. Consequently, a second design iteration was performed. In this new iteration, the degrees of freedom of the mechanism were increased by adding two controlled linear axes in series with the degrees of freedom of the preliminary design. The electromechanical actuators and transmissions of this mechanism were selected following the guidelines of The ECSS standards. Also, in this case, numerical models were used to assess the functioning of the docking system. The results produced by these models demonstrated the suitability of the mechanism for completing the docking operation defined by the mission’s specifications. Furthermore, the results also showed the architecture and functioning of the mechanism to be possibly suitable for other cooperative docking operations between small and mid-sized satellites. In addition, the definition of the mechanical details as well as the control architecture led to the complete design of an engineering prototype for laboratory tests. In this regard, the laboratory tests were defined with the scope of verifying the different operating modes of the docking mechanism. The test rig was designed to be equipped with a serial manipulator connected to the female part of the mechanism through a force and torque module. The objective will be to simulate the relative motion between the docking halves using different techniques to generate the trajectory of the manipulator

    Space Exploration Robotic Systems - Orbital Manipulation Mechanisms

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    In the future, orbital space robots will assist humans in space by constructing and maintaining space modules and structures. Robotic manipulators will play essential roles in orbital operations. This work is devoted to the implemented designs of two different orbital manipulation mechanical grippers developed in collaboration with Thales Alenia Space Italy and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – California Institute of Technology. The consensus to a study phase for an IXV (Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle) successor, a preoperational vehicle called SPACE RIDER (Space Rider Reusable Integrated Demonstrator for European Return), has been recently enlarged, as approved during last EU Ministerial Council. One of the main project task consists in developing SPACE RIDER to conduct on orbit servicing activity with no docking. SPACE RIDER would be provided with a robotic manipulator system (arm and gripper) able to transfer cargos, such as scientific payloads, from low Earth orbiting platforms to SPACE RIDER cargo bay. The platform is a part of a space tug designed to move small satellites and other payloads from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit (GEO) and viceversa. The assumed housing cargo bay requirements in terms of volume (<100l) and mass (<50kg) combined with the required overall arm dimensions (4m length), and mass of the cargo (5-30kg) force to developing an innovative robotic manipulator with the task-oriented end effector. It results in a seven degree-of-freedom arm to ensure a high degree of dexterity and a dedicate end-effector designed to grasp the cargo interface. The gripper concept developed consists in a multi-finger hand able to lock both translational and rotational cargo degrees of freedom through an innovative underactuation strategy to limit its mass and volume. A configuration study on the cargo handle interface was performed together with some computer aided design models and multibody analysis of the whole system to prove its feasibility. Finally, the concept of system control architecture, the test report and the gripper structural analysis were defined. In order to be able to accurately analyze a sample of Martian soil and to determine if life was present on the red planet, a lot of mission concepts have been formulating to reach Mars and to bring back a terrain sample. NASA JPL has been studying such mission concepts for many years. This concept is made up of three intermediate mission accomplishments. Mars 2020 is the first mission envisioned to collect the terrain sample and to seal it in sample tubes. These sealed sample tubes could be inserted in a spherical envelope named Orbiting Sample (OS). A Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) is the notional rocket designed to bring this sample off Mars, and a Rendezvous Orbiting Capture System (ROCS) is the mission conceived to bring this sample back to Earth through the Earth Entry Vehicle (EEV). MOSTT is the technical work study to create new concepts able to capture and reorient an OS. This maneuver is particularly important because we do not know an OS incoming orientation and we need to be able to capture, to reorient it (2 rotational degrees of freedom), and to retain an OS (3 translational degrees of freedom and 2 rotational ones). Planetary protection requirements generate a need to enclose an OS in two shells and to seal it through a process called Break-The-Chain (BTC). Considering the EEV would return back to Earth, the tubes orientation and position have to be known in detail to prevent any possible damage during the Earth hard landing (acceleration of ∼1300g). Tests and analysis report that in order for the hermetic seals of the sample tubes to survive the impact, they should be located above an OS equator. Due to other system uncertainties an OS presents the potential requirement to be properly reoriented before being inserted inside the EEV. Planetary protection issues and landing safety are critical mission points and provide potential strict requirements to MOSTT system configuration. This task deals with the concept, design, and testbed realization of an innovative electro-mechanical system to reorient an OS consistent with all the necessary potential requirements. One of these electro-mechanical systems consists of a controlled-motorized wiper that explores all an OS surface until it engages with a pin on an OS surface and brings it to the final home location reorienting an OS. This mechanism is expected to be robust to the incoming OS orientation and to reorient it to the desired position using only one degree of freedom rotational actuator