960 research outputs found


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    As technology scales into the nanometer regime ground bounce noise and heat dissipation immunity are becoming important metric of comparable importance to leakage current, active power, delay and area for the analysis and design of complex arithmetic logic circuits. In this paper, low leakage 1bit PFAL full adder cells are proposed for mobile applications with low ground bounce noise and heat dissipation in the circuits using adiabatic logic. The simulations are done using DSCH &MicrowindSoftware

    Preserving Minors’ Rights After Casey: The “New Battlefield” of Negligence and Strict Liability Statutes

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    Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN) is one of the major problems in today highspeed circuits. Power-Ground voltage fluctuation is significantly increasing due to L ∗ (di/dt)) noise known as Power-Ground bounce and can be one major noise source in modern and mixed-signal circuit design. In this thesis first SSN and its sources are studied followed by some theoretical analysis, then we present some clock shapes that cause in SSN reduction. In this thesis, we investigate different clocking techniques in order to reduce SSN. The effect of rise/fall time variation, applying sinusoidal, multi-segment and harmonic suppressed clocks have been investigated and verified by proper circuit simulations. Multi-segment clock shape and harmonic suppression clock shape produce less noise in comparison to conventional clock, so using them as clock of the whole system can be act as noise reduction technique

    Modeling and optimal design of shorting vias to suppress radiated emission in high-speed alternating PCB planes

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    An analytical mode analysis of vias in the multilayered printed-circuit-board periphery is developed to suppress the electromagnetic radiation induced by ground bounce. After separating the even and odd modes in alternating planes, the far-field radiation of parallel plates is derived using Huygens' principle. It is mainly contributed by the odd mode excitation, while the even mode sets a lower bound on the radiation level from the system when shorting vias are inserted between alternating ground plates. For the odd-mode radiation, a canonical problem is then constructed and analytically solved by applying image theory. Based on that, a systematic approach to achieve the optimum suppression design is developed for the various geometry parameters of the shorting vias, including the pitch, radius, and distance to the board edge. Full-wave simulation and measurement are also presented and the good agreement with the theoretical prediction validates the correctness and efficiency of the present analysis and design

    Ground bounce in digital VLSI circuits

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    Fabrication and optimization of N-Cu2O thin film using electrodeposition method for homojunction solar cell

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    Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is a promising semiconductor that has been getting attention as the alternative material for solar cell application. It is abundant, low cost and non-toxic to the environment. A homojunction Cu2O is said to provide high conversion efficiency for solar cell. However, as Cu2O is a natural p-type semiconductor, it is a challenge to make an n-type Cu2O. In this study, n-Cu2O was prepared by using electrochemical deposition. The structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of the electrodeposited Cu2O were evaluated after optimizing the parameters for Cu2O fabrication. Structural characterization of the deposited thin film was also done via X-Ray Diffractions (XRD) to confirm the existence of Cu2O particles on fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate and to determine the crystalline phases of Cu2O in the sample. The surface morphology of Cu2O thin films were characterized by Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) in order to examine the changes in the surface morphology of the film as the parameter varied. Ultra violet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer was used to study the optical absorption of Cu2O and to determine the band gap of the deposited thin film with further calculation including the thickness values of the thin film measured by surface profiler. The resistivity and sheet resistance of Cu2O thin film were determined via four-point probe measurement test. Lastly, the deposited Cu2O thin film was confirmed as n-type by using the photoelectrochemical cell (PEC) test. The parameters for electrodeposition of Cu2O such as the deposition potential, pH solution, solution temperature, and deposition time were optimized at -0.10 V vs. Ag/AgCl, pH 6.5, 60 °C, and 60 minutes, respectively. The band gap obtained from UV-Vis spectrophotometer was 2.45 eV. The successful fabrication of n-Cu2O will open a new door of Cu2O-based homojunction development for thin film solar cell application