57 research outputs found


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    Low crude oil prices have impacted the economy of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member countries especially the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Hence it is vital to accelerate the diversification of the economy. Among the many potential diversification avenues, manufacturing is a promising area that could add to the GDP. This work brings out a sustainable and cost-effective method for manufacturing AMCs and expanding their applications. This work deals with the processing and characterization of recycled AMCs manufactured using a novel approach. With the emphasis on sustainable manufacturing, this work aims to use Scrap Aluminum Alloy Wheels (SAAW) of cars as the matrix. SAAW was easily obtained from the scrap wheels of cars. The reinforcement material, Spent Alumina Catalyst (SAC), was sourced from the local oil refineries which is a waste material from crude oil refining. To achieve the objectives of this work, the following steps were followed. Firstly, four AMCs were developed using stir-gravity casting. Four composites were made with different combinations such as LM25+Al₂O₃, SAAW+Al₂O₃, LM25+SAC, and SAAW+SAC. The microstructure analysis showed a nonhomogeneous distribution of reinforcements with a high amount of porosity. Therefore, this method was not used for the optimization and casting of AMCs. Secondly, AMCs were produced using the stir-squeeze casting method. Similar to the previous casts, four composites of LM25+Al₂O₃, SAAW+Al₂O₃, LM25+SAC, and SAAW+SAC were made. The samples from this method exhibited better strength when compared to gravity cast samples. SAAW+Al₂O₃ exhibited an almost uniform distribution of reinforcement particles and superior mechanical properties with the lowest porosity (7.3%), highest hardness (69 VHN), and minimum abrasive wear loss (0.001g), second highest tensile (129 MPa) and compressive (320 MPa) strengths among the four composites. The results also revealed that optimizing the stir squeeze casting process parameters can further contribute to the performance of the recycled AMCs. Thirdly, optimization of casting parameters using the Taguchi method was carried out. Taguchi-Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) was successfully utilized to handle the multi-response objective system for optimizing process parameters in the squeeze casting of AMCs. This method was used to determine the optimized condition with a minimal set of experiments, which is relevant in the stir–squeeze casting process. Taguchi method developed 9 samples (L1-L9) and out of that L5 and L6 exhibited the best mechanical properties. Thus, the optimum levels of process parameters are squeeze pressure of 100MPa, squeeze time of 30 s, die preheat temperature of 250°C and stirrer speed of 525 rpm. Fourthly, the optimized sample (M2) was produced. Taguchi’s confirmation test was run based on the obtained mechanical properties and the L6 method showed an improvement in the GRG value by 12.5%. Based on the confirmation test, the optimized sample M2 was produced using a squeeze pressure of 100 MPa, a squeezed time of 45s, a die preheating temperature of 250°C, and a stirrer speed of 525 rpm. The M2 sample showed the lowest porosity (5.29%) and significantly higher ultimate compression strength (433 MPa) although it exhibited slightly lower hardness and ultimate tensile strength when compared with the L6 and L5 samples, respectively. Fifthly, a hybrid AMC was produced to further enhance the performance. Five casts (1% graphite+ Al₂O₃, 3% graphite+ Al₂O₃, 4% graphite+ Al₂O₃, 3% SiC+Al₂O₃, 6% SiC+ Al₂O₃) were prepared with SAAW as matrix and alumina, graphite and SiC as fillers with different percentage. AMC with 4% graphite along with alumina showed the highest tensile and compressive strength of 250 MPa and 508 MPa respectively, followed by a sample with 3% SiC and alumina. Lastly, Friction Stir Welding (FSW) was carried out to check the weldability. L5, L6, M2, and hybrid AMC samples were successfully welded using a cylindrical tool pin with 4 mm pin depth, tool rotation of 1100 rpm and feed rate of 50 mm/min. Tensile results from the welded zone showed that sample M2 and AMC with 4% graphite exhibited high strength of 185 and 210 MPa respectively. From these results, it can be seen that this approach can easily be scaled up for production in large volumes as well as open avenues for developing AMCs reinforced with other waste materials

    Experimental Studies on Machinability of Inconel Super Alloy during Electro-Discharge Machining: Emphasis on Surface Integrity and Metallurgical Characteristics of the EDMed Work Surface

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    Inconel alloys are Nickel-Chromium based high temperature super alloys widely applied in aerospace, marine, nuclear power generation; chemical, petrochemical and process industries. Execution of traditional machining operations on Inconel super alloy is quite difficult due to its very low thermal conductivity which increases thermal effects during machining operations. Inconel often exhibits strong work hardening behavior, high adhesion characteristics onto the tool face, and thereby alters cutting process parameters to a remarkable extent. Additionally, Inconel may contain hard abrasive particles and carbides that create excessive tool wear; and, hence, surface integrity of the end product appears disappointing. The extent of tool life is substantially reduced. Thus, Inconel super alloys are included in the category of ‘difficult-to-cut’ materials. In view of the difficulties faced during conventional machining, non-traditional machining routes like Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM), Wire Electro-Discharge Machining (WEDM), micro-machining (micro-electro-discharge drilling) etc. are being attempted for processing of Inconel in order to achieve desired contour and intricate geometry of the end product with reasonably good dimensional accuracy. However, low material removal rate and inferior surface integrity seem to be a challenge. In this context, the present dissertation has aimed at investigating machining and machinability aspects of Inconel super alloys (different grades) during electro-discharge machining. Effects of process control parameters (viz. peak discharge current, pulse-on time, gap voltage, duty factor, and flushing pressure) on influencing EDM performance in terms of Material Removal Rate (MRR), Electrode Wear Rate (EWR) and Surface Roughness (SR) of the EDMed Inconel specimens have been examined. Morphology along with topographical features of the EDMed Inconel work surface have been studied in view of severity of surface cracking and extent of white layer depth. Additionally, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis has been carried out to study metallurgical characteristics of the EDMed work surface of Inconel specimens (viz. phases present and precipitates, extent of grain refinement, crystallite size, and dislocation density etc.) in comparison with that of ‘as received’ parent material. Results, obtained thereof, have been interpreted with relevance to Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis, residual stress and micro-indentation hardness test data. Effort has been made to determine the most appropriate EDM parameters setting to optimize MRR, EWR, along with Ra (roughness average), relative Surface Crack Density (SCD), as well as relative White Layer Thickness (WLT) observed onto the EDMed work surface of Inconel specimens. Moreover, an attempt has been made to examine the ease of electro-discharge machining on Inconel work materials using Deep Cryogenically Treated (DCT) tool/workpiece. A unified attempt has also made to compare surface integrity and metallurgical characteristics of the EDMed Inconel work surface as compared to the EDMed A2 tool steel (SAE 304SS) as well as EDMed Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V)

    Autonomous Navigation of Automated Guided Vehicle Using Monocular Camera

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    This paper presents a hybrid control algorithm for Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) consisting of two independent control loops: Position Based Control (PBC) for global navigation within manufacturing environment and Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) for fine motions needed for accurate steering towards loading/unloading point. The proposed hybrid control separates the initial transportation task into global navigation towards the goal point, and fine motion from the goal point to the loading/unloading point. In this manner, the need for artificial landmarks or accurate map of the environment is bypassed. Initial experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed approach.COBISS.SR-ID 27383808

    Optimization of Operation Sequencing in CAPP Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Approach

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    In any CAPP system, one of the most important process planning functions is selection of the operations and corresponding machines in order to generate the optimal operation sequence. In this paper, the hybrid GA-SA algorithm is used to solve this combinatorial optimization NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial) problem. The network representation is adopted to describe operation and sequencing flexibility in process planning and the mathematical model for process planning is described with the objective of minimizing the production time. Experimental results show effectiveness of the hybrid algorithm that, in comparison with the GA and SA standalone algorithms, gives optimal operation sequence with lesser computational time and lesser number of iterations

    Optimization of Operation Sequencing in CAPP Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Approach

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    In any CAPP system, one of the most important process planning functions is selection of the operations and corresponding machines in order to generate the optimal operation sequence. In this paper, the hybrid GA-SA algorithm is used to solve this combinatorial optimization NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial) problem. The network representation is adopted to describe operation and sequencing flexibility in process planning and the mathematical model for process planning is described with the objective of minimizing the production time. Experimental results show effectiveness of the hybrid algorithm that, in comparison with the GA and SA standalone algorithms, gives optimal operation sequence with lesser computational time and lesser number of iterations

    Autonomous Navigation of Automated Guided Vehicle Using Monocular Camera

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    This paper presents a hybrid control algorithm for Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) consisting of two independent control loops: Position Based Control (PBC) for global navigation within manufacturing environment and Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) for fine motions needed for accurate steering towards loading/unloading point. The proposed hybrid control separates the initial transportation task into global navigation towards the goal point, and fine motion from the goal point to the loading/unloading point. In this manner, the need for artificial landmarks or accurate map of the environment is bypassed. Initial experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed approach.COBISS.SR-ID 27383808

    A Tracking Review on Non Arc Melting Processes for Improved Surface Properties in Metallic Materials

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    Most metallic materials lack the adequate surface characteristics to satisfactorily perform intended service functions. In such instance, the surface properties are modified by altering the chemistry, structure and/topology of the top surface of the surface via modification techniques. There exists wide options of techniques for modifying the surface properties and these are well documented in the literature. However, these techniques have different scientific underpinnings controlling them such that it is difficult to use a single mechanism to characterize the techniques. Arising from this, it is imperative that a holistic understanding of the various processes is provided. Therefore, in this paper, research status on the wide range of non-melting technique for surface modification is presented. The presentation discusses the investigation conducted on the various non-surface melting techniques and provides a comparison across the techniques. Recent developments in these techniques are equally presented. Existing challenges and emerging trends in the field are also highlighted.  . Keywords: coating composition, coating techniques, metallic materials, substrate, surface properties DOI: 10.7176/CMR/13-2-01 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Structural Functional Surface Design and Manufacture

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    The main purpose of this investigation was to explore the potential benefits of structural functional surfaces using facilities available within the University. The potential benefits were demonstrated by applying functional surfaces to a set of particular engineering applications. The thesis mainly concentrated on improving the frictional performance of a surface structure for hydrodynamic bearing application. This thesis has also included some preliminary investigation into drag-reducing riblet structures but this chapter mainly discusses the development of a novel experimental apparatus which is needed for precise boundary layer profile measurements and also to obtain the actual surface drag for each sample. To be able to assess these surfaces experimentally, they first, have to be manufactured. So, an extensive literature review of current manufacturing technologies was carried out. Each manufacturing method was ranked in its ability to cost-effectively produce surfaces with accuracy and repeatability also being considered. It was concluded that rolling, currently, has the best ability to structure large surface areas with the lowest costs associated. Other manufacturing methods, such as laser surface texturing, provide excellent repeatability and accuracy as well as the ability to create complex surface structures but is incredibly time-consuming for large surface areas. It was suggested that a hybrid of multiple manufacturing technologies would be incredibly useful for structuring surfaces. By combining rolling with more elaborate surface texturing methods (i.e. use a method such as LST to texture the roller surface), it is possible to amplify the productivity of less efficient methods, substantially. Before any journal components were textured, it was decided to test a batch of ground components. These components were finished with an abrasive tape process. The process parameters were varied for each sample and by doing this, a set of components with different roughness characteristics should have been obtained. The components were measured for 2D roughness parameters, 3D roughness parameters and surface energy. The components were tested on a tribometer apparatus in order to obtain a coefficient of friction (COF) for each sample. Correlation coefficients were then generated for the different surface measurements against COF, so that any strong correlations or trends could be identified. The idea was to try and obtain a reliable performance indicator (PI) so that frictional losses could be identified. It was found that the roughness parameters Sc (core void voume), Ssc (mean summit curvature) and Rku/Sku (profile/surface kurtosis) showed promise in the ability to predict the performance of a surface. The next stage was to texture the surface of the journal component. This would done by the application of the type III texturing grinding process, described by Stepien (Surface Engineering, 24: 219-225), to the cylindrical grinding process. Some initial components were manufactured and the textures generated were found to be of an ellipsoidal shape. In order to guarantee the benefits of such surfaces, the configuration of the surface pattern has to be optimised. A python script was developed during this investigation in order to automate a full modelling process. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling used a full 3D Navier-Stokes approximation. This script was used in conjunction with the Taguchi optimisation technique and a best surface configuration was found, resulting in a maximum surface drag reduction of 16.6% at a 3μm clearance. Further grinding trials were performed and the input parameters of the process were designed so that surface patterns were close to the recommendations of the optimisation process. The performance of the textured samples was impressive, with a maximum reduction in COF of 18.4% seen against a non-textured component with similar average roughness (Sa) value. Again, all components were measured for the aforementioned roughness parameters and surface energy. Sku continued to predict the best-performing component, showing promise as PI for both non-textured and textured samples