599 research outputs found

    Design, implementation, control, and user evaluations of assiston-arm self-aligning upper-extremity exoskeleton

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    Physical rehabilitation therapy is indispensable for treating neurological disabilities. The use of robotic devices for rehabilitation holds high promise, since these devices can bear the physical burden of rehabilitation exercises during intense therapy sessions, while therapists are employed as decision makers. Robot-assisted rehabilitation devices are advantageous as they can be applied to patients with all levels of impairment, allow for easy tuning of the duration and intensity of therapies and enable customized, interactive treatment protocols. Moreover, since robotic devices are particularly good at repetitive tasks, rehabilitation robots can decrease the physical burden on therapists and enable a single therapist to supervise multiple patients simultaneously; hence, help to lower cost of therapies. While the intensity and quality of manually delivered therapies depend on the skill and fatigue level of therapists, high-intensity robotic therapies can always be delivered with high accuracy. Thanks to their integrated sensors, robotic devices can gather measurements throughout therapies, enable quantitative tracking of patient progress and development of evidence-based personalized rehabilitation programs. In this dissertation, we present the design, control, characterization and user evaluations of AssistOn-Arm, a powered, self-aligning exoskeleton for robotassisted upper-extremity rehabilitation. AssistOn-Arm is designed as a passive back-driveable impedance-type robot such that patients/therapists can move the device transparently, without much interference of the device dynamics on natural movements. Thanks to its novel kinematics and mechanically transparent design, AssistOn-Arm can passively self-align its joint axes to provide an ideal match between human joint axes and the exoskeleton axes, guaranteeing ergonomic movements and comfort throughout physical therapies. The self-aligning property of AssistOn-Arm not only increases the usable range of motion for robot-assisted upper-extremity exercises to cover almost the whole human arm workspace, but also enables the delivery of glenohumeral mobilization (scapular elevation/depression and protraction/retraction) and scapular stabilization exercises, extending the type of therapies that can be administered using upper-extremity exoskeletons. Furthermore, the self-alignment property of AssistOn-Arm signi cantly shortens the setup time required to attach a patient to the exoskeleton. As an impedance-type device with high passive back-driveability, AssistOn- Arm can be force controlled without the need of force sensors; hence, high delity interaction control performance can be achieved with open-loop impedance control. This control architecture not only simpli es implementation, but also enhances safety (coupled stability robustness), since open-loop force control does not su er from the fundamental bandwidth and stability limitations of force-feedback. Experimental characterizations and user studies with healthy volunteers con- rm the transparency, range of motion, and control performance of AssistOn- Ar

    Development and Biomechanical Analysis toward a Mechanically Passive Wearable Shoulder Exoskeleton

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    Shoulder disability is a prevalent health issue associated with various orthopedic and neurological conditions, like rotator cuff tear and peripheral nerve injury. Many individuals with shoulder disability experience mild to moderate impairment and struggle with elevating the shoulder or holding the arm against gravity. To address this clinical need, I have focused my research on developing wearable passive exoskeletons that provide continuous at-home movement assistance. Through a combination of experiments and computational tools, I aim to optimize the design of these exoskeletons. In pursuit of this goal, I have designed, fabricated, and preliminarily evaluated a wearable, passive, cam-driven shoulder exoskeleton prototype. Notably, the exoskeleton features a modular spring-cam-wheel module, allowing customizable assistive force to compensate for different proportions of the shoulder elevation moment due to gravity. The results of my research demonstrated that this exoskeleton, providing modest one-fourth gravity moment compensation at the shoulder, can effectively reduce muscle activity, including deltoid and rotator cuff muscles. One crucial aspect of passive shoulder exoskeleton design is determining the optimal anti-gravity assistance level. I have addressed this challenge using computational tools and found that an assistance level within the range of 20-30% of the maximum gravity torque at the shoulder joint yields superior performance for specific shoulder functional tasks. When facing a new task dynamic, such as wearing a passive shoulder exoskeleton, the human neuro-musculoskeletal system adapts and modulates limb impedance at the end-limb (i.e., hand) to enhance task stability. I have presented development and validation of a realistic neuromusculoskeletal model of the upper limb that can predict stiffness modulation and motor adaptation in response to newly introduced environments and force fields. Future studies will explore the model\u27s applicability in predicting stiffness modulation for 3D movements in novel environments, such as passive assistive devices\u27 force fields

    A portable elbow exoskeleton for three stages of rehabilitation

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    Patients suffering from stroke need to undergo a standard and intensive rehabilitation therapy. The rehabilitation training consists of three sequential stages: the first stage is controlled joint movement under external actuator, the second stage deals with supporting the movements by providing assistive force, and the last stage provides variety and difficulty to exercises. Most of the exoskeletons developed so far for rehabilitation are restricted to a particular type of activity. Although a few exoskeletons incorporate different modes of rehabilitation, those are software controlled requiring sensory data acquisition and complex control architecture. To bridge this gap, a portable elbow exoskeleton has been developed for delivering three stages of rehabilitation in a single structure without affecting the range of motion and safety features. Use of electric motor and springs have been arranged in the actuation mechanism to minimize the energy consumption. The developed exoskeleton enhances torque to weight ratio compared to existing models, and all the three modes of rehabilitation have been controlled using a single motor

    Design of a passive, iso-elastic upper limb exoskeleton for gravity compensation

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    An additional mechanical mechanism for a passive parallelogram-based exoskeleton arm-support is presented. It consists of several levers and joints and an attached extension coil spring. The additional mechanism has two favourable features. On the one hand it exhibits an almost iso-elastic behaviour whereby the lifting force of the mechanism is constant for a wide working range. Secondly, the value of the supporting force can be varied by a simple linear movement of a supporting joint. Furthermore a standard tension spring can be used to gain the desired behavior. The additional mechanism is a 4-link mechanism affixed to one end of the spring within the parallelogram arm-support. It has several geometrical parameters which influence the overall behaviour. A standard optimisation routine with constraints on the parameters is used to find an optimal set of geometrical parameters. Based on the optimized geometrical parameters a prototype was constructed and tested. It is a lightweight wearable system, with a weight of 1.9 kg. Detailed experiments reveal a difference between measured and calculated forces. These variations can be explained by a 60% higher pre load force of the tension spring and a geometrical offset in the construction

    Development of a haptic mobile industrial lifting aid

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    Elbow exoskeleton mechanism for multistage poststroke rehabilitation.

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    More than three million people are suffering from stroke in England. The process of post-stroke rehabilitation consists of a series of biomechanical exercises- controlled joint movement in acute phase; external assistance in the mid phase; and variable levels of resistance in the last phase. Post-stroke rehabilitation performed by physiotherapist has many limitations including cost, time, repeatability and intensity of exercises. Although a large variety of arm exoskeletons have been developed in the last two decades to substitute the conventional exercises provided by physiotherapist, most of these systems have limitations with structural configuration, sensory data acquisition and control architecture. It is still difficult to facilitate multistage post-stroke rehabilitation to patients sited around hospital bed without expert intervention. To support this, a framework for elbow exoskeleton has been developed that is portable and has the potential to offer all three types of exercises (external force, assistive and resistive) in a single structure. The design enhances torque to weight ratio compared to joint based actuation systems. The structural lengths of the exoskeleton are determined based on the mean anthropometric parameters of healthy users and the lengths of upperarm and forearm are determined to fit a wide range of users. The operation of the exoskeleton is divided into three regions where each type of exercise can be served in a specific way depending on the requirements of users. Electric motor provides power in the first region of operation whereas spring based assistive force is used in the second region and spring based resistive force is applied in the third region. This design concept provides an engineering solution of integrating three phases of post-stroke exercises in a single device. With this strategy, the energy source is only used in the first region to power the motor whereas the other two modes of exercise can work on the stored energy of springs. All these operations are controlled by a single motor and the maximum torque of the motor required is only 5 Nm. However, due to mechanical advantage, the exoskeleton can provide the joint torque up to 10 Nm. To remove the dependency on biosensor, the exoskeleton has been designed with a hardware-based mechanism that can provide assistive and resistive force. All exoskeleton components are integrated into a microcontroller-based circuit for measuring three joint parameters (angle, velocity and torque) and for controlling exercises. A user-friendly, multi-purpose graphical interface has been developed for participants to control the mode of exercise and it can be managed manually or in automatic mode. To validate the conceptual design, a prototype of the exoskeleton has been developed and it has been tested with healthy subjects. The generated assistive torque can be varied up to 0.037 Nm whereas resistive torque can be varied up to 0.057 Nm. The mass of the exoskeleton is approximately 1.8 kg. Two comparative studies have been performed to assess the measurement accuracy of the exoskeleton. In the first study, data collected from two healthy participants after using the exoskeleton and Kinect sensor by keeping Kinect sensor as reference. The mean measurement errors in joint angle are within 5.18 % for participant 1 and 1.66% for participant 2; the errors in torque measurement are within 8.48% and 7.93% respectively. In the next study, the repeatability of joint measurement by exoskeleton is analysed. The exoskeleton has been used by three healthy users in two rotation cycles. It shows a strong correction (correlation coefficient: 0.99) between two consecutive joint angle measurements and standard deviation is calculated to determine the error margin which comes under acceptable range (maximum: 8.897). The research embodied in this thesis presents a design framework of a portable exoskeleton model for providing three modes of exercises, which could provide a potential solution for all stages of post- stroke rehabilitation

    Exoskeleton energetics: Implications for planetary extravehicular activity

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    Humans first visited another world nearly 50 years ago and are poised to return to the Moon and visit Mars in the coming decade(s). Developing a space suit that supports safe, efficient, and effective exploration despite the extremes of temperature, pressure, radiation, and environmental hazards like dust and topography remains a critical challenge. Space suits impose restrictions on movement that increase metabolic rate and limit the intensity and duration of extravehicular activity. In this study, a lower body exoskeleton was used to test a simple model that predicts the energy cost of locomotion across gait and gravity. Energetic cost and other variables were measured during treadmill locomotion, with and without a lower body exoskeleton, in simulated reduced gravity and in Earth gravity. Six subjects walked and ran at constant Froude numbers, non-dimensional parameters used to characterize gait. The springlike energy recovery of the exoskeleton legs was estimated using energetics data in combination with the model. Model predictions agreed with the observed results (no statistical difference). High spring-like energy recovery of the exoskeleton legs lowered measures of the energetic cost of locomotion. For planetary extravehicular activity, our work reveals potential approaches to optimizing space suits for efficient locomotion, for example, tuning the stiffness and spring-like energy recovery of space suit legs

    A new Constant Pushing Force Device for human walking analysis

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    Walking mechanics has been studied for a long time, being essentially simple but nevertheless including quite tricky aspects. During walking, muscular forces are needed to support body weight and accelerate the body, thereby requiring a metabolic demand. In this paper, a new Constant Pushing Force Device (CPFD) is presented. Based on a novel actuation concept, the device is totally passive and is used to apply a constant force to the pelvis of a subject walking on a treadmill. The device is a serial manipulator featuring springs that provide gravity balancing to the device and exert a constant force regardless of the pelvis motion during walking. This is obtained using only two extension springs and no auxiliary links, unlike existing designs. A first experiment was carried out on a healthy subject to experimentally validate the device and assess the effect of the external force on gait kinematics and timing. Results show that the device was capable of exerting an approximately constant pushing force, whose action affected subject’s cadence and the motion of the hip and ankle joints

    A mechanism for elbow exoskeleton for customised training.

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    It is well proven that repetitive extensive training consisting of active and passive therapy is effective for patients suffering from neuromuscular deficits. The level of difficulty in rehabilitation should be increased with time to improve the neurological muscle functions. A portable elbow exoskeleton has been designed that will meet these requirements and potentially offers superior outcomes than human-assisted training. The proposed exoskeleton can provide both active and passive rehabilitation in a single structure without changing its configuration. The idea is to offer three levels of rehabilitation; namely active, passive and stiffness control in a single device using a single actuator. The mechanism also provides higher torque to weight ratio making it an energy efficient mechanism

    Design and Control of the Rehab-Exos, a Joint Torque-Controlled Upper Limb Exoskeleton †

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    This work presents the design of the Rehab-Exos, a novel upper limb exoskeleton designed for rehabilitation purposes. It is equipped with high-reduction-ratio actuators and compact elastic joints to obtain torque sensors based on strain gauges. In this study, we address the torque sensor performances and the design aspects that could cause unwanted non-axial moment load crosstalk. Moreover, a new full-state feedback torque controller is designed by modeling the multi-DOF, non-linear system dynamics and providing compensation for non-linear effects such as friction and gravity. To assess the proposed upper limb exoskeleton in terms of both control system performances and mechanical structure validation, the full-state feedback controller was compared with two other benchmark-state feedback controllers in both a transparency test—ten subjects, two reference speeds—and a haptic rendering evaluation. Both of the experiments were representative of the intended purpose of the device, i.e., physical interaction with patients affected by limited motion skills. In all experimental conditions, our proposed joint torque controller achieved higher performances, providing transparency to the joints and asserting the feasibility of the exoskeleton for assistive applications
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