5,705 research outputs found

    A Parallel Adaptive P3M code with Hierarchical Particle Reordering

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    We discuss the design and implementation of HYDRA_OMP a parallel implementation of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-Adaptive P3M (SPH-AP3M) code HYDRA. The code is designed primarily for conducting cosmological hydrodynamic simulations and is written in Fortran77+OpenMP. A number of optimizations for RISC processors and SMP-NUMA architectures have been implemented, the most important optimization being hierarchical reordering of particles within chaining cells, which greatly improves data locality thereby removing the cache misses typically associated with linked lists. Parallel scaling is good, with a minimum parallel scaling of 73% achieved on 32 nodes for a variety of modern SMP architectures. We give performance data in terms of the number of particle updates per second, which is a more useful performance metric than raw MFlops. A basic version of the code will be made available to the community in the near future.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication

    Global Optimization for Future Gravitational Wave Detectors' Sites

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    We consider the optimal site selection of future generations of gravitational wave detectors. Previously, Raffai et al. optimized a 2-detector network with a combined figure of merit. This optimization was extended to networks with more than two detectors in a limited way by first fixing the parameters of all other component detectors. In this work we now present a more general optimization that allows the locations of all detectors to be simultaneously chosen. We follow the definition of Raffai et al. on the metric that defines the suitability of a certain detector network. Given the locations of the component detectors in the network, we compute a measure of the network's ability to distinguish the polarization, constrain the sky localization and reconstruct the parameters of a gravitational wave source. We further define the `flexibility index' for a possible site location, by counting the number of multi-detector networks with a sufficiently high Figure of Merit that include that site location. We confirm the conclusion of Raffai et al., that in terms of flexibility index as defined in this work, Australia hosts the best candidate site to build a future generation gravitational wave detector. This conclusion is valid for either a 3-detector network or a 5-detector network. For a 3-detector network site locations in Northern Europe display a comparable flexibility index to sites in Australia. However for a 5-detector network, Australia is found to be a clearly better candidate than any other location.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures, 2 table

    Strong Lensing Reconstruction

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    We present a general linear algorithm for measuring the surface mass density 1-\kappa from the observable reduced shear g=\gamma/(1-\kappa) in the strong lensing regime. We show that in general, the observed polarization field can be decomposed into ``electric'' and ``magnetic'' components, which have independent and redundant solutions, but perfectly orthogonal noise properties. By combining these solutions, one can increase the signal-to-noise ratio by \sqrt{2}. The solutions allow dynamic optimization of signal and noise, both in real and Fourier space (using arbitrary smoothing windows). Boundary conditions have no effect on the reconstructions, apart from its effect on the signal-to-noise. Many existing reconstruction techniques are recovered as special cases of this framework. The magnetic solution has the added benefit of yielding the global and local parity of the reconstruction in a single step.Comment: final accepted version for ApJ

    GRAPESPH with Fully Periodic Boundary Conditions: Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds

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    A method of adapting smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with periodic boundary conditions for use with the special purpose device GRAPE is presented. GRAPE (GRAvity PipE) solves the Poisson and force equations for an N-body system by direct summation on a specially designed chip and in addition returns the neighbour list for each particle. Due to its design, GRAPE cannot treat periodic particle distributions directly. This limitation of GRAPESPH can be overcome by computing a correction force for each particle due to periodicity (Ewald correction) on the host computer using a PM-like method. This scheme is applied to study the fragmentation process in giant molecular clouds. Assuming a pure isothermal model, we follow the dynamical evolution in the interior of a molecular cloud starting from an Gaussian initial density distribution to the formation of selfgravitating clumps until most of the gas is consumed in these dense cores. Despite its simplicity, this model can reproduce some fundamental properties of observed molecular clouds, like a clump mass distribution of the form dN/dmmndN/dm \propto m^n, with n 1.5n ~ -1.5.Comment: 8 pages; LaTeX + 7 PS figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS; also available at http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/MPIA/Projects/THEORY/klessen/Preprints/p5.p

    A New Estimate of the Hubble Time with Improved Modeling of Gravitational Lenses

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    This paper examines free-form modeling of gravitational lenses using Bayesian ensembles of pixelated mass maps. The priors and algorithms from previous work are clarified and significant technical improvements are made. Lens reconstruction and Hubble Time recovery are tested using mock data from simple analytic models and recent galaxy-formation simulations. Finally, using published data, the Hubble Time is inferred through the simultaneous reconstruction of eleven time-delay lenses. The result is H_0^{-1}=13.7^{+1.8}_{-1.0} Gyr.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to Ap

    A simple multigrid scheme for solving the Poisson equation with arbitrary domain boundaries

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    We present a new multigrid scheme for solving the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions on a Cartesian grid with irregular domain boundaries. This scheme was developed in the context of the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) schemes based on a graded-octree data structure. The Poisson equation is solved on a level-by-level basis, using a "one-way interface" scheme in which boundary conditions are interpolated from the previous coarser level solution. Such a scheme is particularly well suited for self-gravitating astrophysical flows requiring an adaptive time stepping strategy. By constructing a multigrid hierarchy covering the active cells of each AMR level, we have designed a memory-efficient algorithm that can benefit fully from the multigrid acceleration. We present a simple method for capturing the boundary conditions across the multigrid hierarchy, based on a second-order accurate reconstruction of the boundaries of the multigrid levels. In case of very complex boundaries, small scale features become smaller than the discretization cell size of coarse multigrid levels and convergence problems arise. We propose a simple solution to address these issues. Using our scheme, the convergence rate usually depends on the grid size for complex grids, but good linear convergence is maintained. The proposed method was successfully implemented on distributed memory architectures in the RAMSES code, for which we present and discuss convergence and accuracy properties as well as timing performances.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Physic

    Altimetry, gravimetry, GPS and viscoelastic modeling data for the joint inversion for glacial isostatic adjustment in Antarctica (ESA STSE Project REGINA)

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    The poorly known correction for the ongoing deformation of the solid Earth caused by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) is a major uncertainty in determining the mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet from measurements of satellite gravimetry and to a lesser extent satellite altimetry. In the past decade, much progress has been made in consistently modeling ice sheet and solid Earth interactions; however, forward-modeling solutions of GIA in Antarctica remain uncertain due to the sparsity of constraints on the ice sheet evolution, as well as the Earth's rheological properties. An alternative approach towards estimating GIA is the joint inversion of multiple satellite data – namely, satellite gravimetry, satellite altimetry and GPS, which reflect, with different sensitivities, trends in recent glacial changes and GIA. Crucial to the success of this approach is the accuracy of the space-geodetic data sets. Here, we present reprocessed rates of surface-ice elevation change (Envisat/Ice, Cloud,and land Elevation Satellite, ICESat; 2003–2009), gravity field change (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE; 2003–2009) and bedrock uplift (GPS; 1995–2013). The data analysis is complemented by the forward modeling of viscoelastic response functions to disc load forcing, allowing us to relate GIA-induced surface displacements with gravity changes for different rheological parameters of the solid Earth. The data and modeling results presented here are available in the PANGAEA database (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.875745). The data sets are the input streams for the joint inversion estimate of present-day ice-mass change and GIA, focusing on Antarctica. However, the methods, code and data provided in this paper can be used to solve other problems, such as volume balances of the Antarctic ice sheet, or can be applied to other geographical regions in the case of the viscoelastic response functions. This paper presents the first of two contributions summarizing the work carried out within a European Space Agency funded study: Regional glacial isostatic adjustment and CryoSat elevation rate corrections in Antarctica (REGINA)