21 research outputs found

    Spoken and embodied interaction in facilitated computer-supported workplace meetings

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    Almost 25 years ago, Clawson, Bostrom, and Anson (1993) drew attention to the fact that the ability to facilitate diverse human and technological interactions will be one of the most essential skills for leading and contributing to all levels of the organization in the future (p. 547). Today, there is an increased interest in studying facilitated meetings, wherein facilitation is most commonly understood as the process of helping groups work effectively to accomplish shared outcomes. Nevertheless, little of the existing research has provided empirically-grounded insights into the practice of facilitation. This thesis aims to close this gap by means of providing a detailed analysis of how facilitators go about doing facilitation work in facilitated computer-supported workplace meetings. The data comprise 53 hours of audio- and video-recorded multi-party interactions among facilitator(s) and participants, occurring during facilitated meetings in a business setting. The data were analysed using conversation analysis to examine the talk and embodied conduct of facilitators and meeting participants, as these unfold sequentially. The first analytic chapter reveals the macro-organization of the facilitated meetings, and it contrasts the practice view with the theoretical approach towards the organization of the facilitated meetings. The second analytic chapter investigates the interactional practices used by the facilitators to unpack participation that has already been elicited, captured, and displayed graphically on the public screen via the use of technology. In the third analytic chapter, I explore how the facilitators use computer software to build visual representations of the participants contributions. In the final analytic chapter, I investigate the practices of decision-making in meeting settings with multiple participants. Overall, this thesis makes innovative contributions to our understanding of the practice of facilitated computer-supported workplace meetings. It challenges existing literature on facilitation by finding that facilitators can orchestrate participant input, questioning the facilitator s role as content-neutral , as proposed by leading practitioners in the field of facilitation (e.g., Kaner et al., 2014). At the same time, it shows how the manipulation of computer software is an accountable action and how the decision-making process occasions or constrains the production of alignment between participant(s) and facilitator(s). The thesis also contributes to conversation analytic research on questioning, as well as the action of unpacking participation. I show that the notion that open-ended questions better elicit participation than interrogatives is generally not supported empirically, at least in this context. The thesis contributes to existing literature on multi-party meeting interaction, showing how the departure from the canonical next-speaker selection technique which involves the use of address terms and address positions in an utterance takes place. Further, it enhances our understanding of how computer software constrains and/or affords progressivity in interaction. In this sense, I enhance our understanding of the concept of agency of artefacts. Finally, I contribute to knowledge on group decision-making, an under-researched yet core activity in facilitated and other types of meetings. Here, I contribute to the body of work on the interplay between deontics and epistemics in interaction. This thesis shows the applicability of conversation analysis to the study of facilitation. By analysing talk and embodied conduct, communicative practices for accomplishing successful facilitated meetings are revealed and these should be of core interest to both professional and novice facilitators

    Reusable rocket engine intelligent control system framework design, phase 2

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    Elements of an advanced functional framework for reusable rocket engine propulsion system control are presented for the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) demonstration case. Functional elements of the baseline functional framework are defined in detail. The SSME failure modes are evaluated and specific failure modes identified for inclusion in the advanced functional framework diagnostic system. Active control of the SSME start transient is investigated, leading to the identification of a promising approach to mitigating start transient excursions. Key elements of the functional framework are simulated and demonstration cases are provided. Finally, the advanced function framework for control of reusable rocket engines is presented

    Étude de l'influence du variant d'histone H2A.Z sur l'organisation des nucléosomes aux enhancers liés par le récepteur alpha de l'oestrogène

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    L'identité et la réactivité cellulaires sont établies, maintenues et modulées grâce à l'orchestration de programmes transcriptionnels spécifiques. Les éléments régulateurs, des régions particulières de la chromatine responsables de l'activation ou de la répression des gènes, sont au coeur de cette opération. Ces dernières années, de nombreuses études ont révélé le rôle central des « enhancers » dans ce processus. En effet, des centaines de milliers « enhancers » seraient éparpillés dans le génome humain, majoritairement dans sa portion non-codante, et contrairement au promoteur, leur activation varierait selon le type ou l'état cellulaire ou en réponse à une stimulation physiologique, pathologique ou environnementale. Les « enhancers » sont, en quelque sorte, des carrefours où transitent une multitude de protéines régulées par les signaux intra- et extra-cellulaires et un dialogue s'établit entre ces diverses protéines et la chromatine. L'identification des « enhancers ainsi qu'une compréhension de leur mode de fonctionnement sont donc cruciales, tant au plan fondamental que clinique. La chromatine joue un rôle indéniable dans l'activité des éléments régulateurs, tant par sa composition que par sa structure, en régulant, entre autres, l'accessibilité de l'ADN. En effet, l'ADN des régions régulatrices est bien souvent masqué par un nucléosome occlusif, lequel doit être déplacé ou évincé afin de permettre la liaison des protéines régulatrices, notamment les facteurs de transcription (FTs). Toutefois, la contribution de la composition de la chromatine à ce processus reste incomprise. Le variant d'histone H2A.Z a été identifié comme une composante de la chromatine aux régions accessibles, dont des « enhancers » potentiels. Toutefois son rôle y est inconnu, bien que des études récentes suggèrent qu'il pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la structure de la chromatine à ces régions. Par ailleurs, un lien étroit existe entre H2A.Z et la voie de signalisation des oestrogènes (notamment la 17-[beta]-estradiol (E2)). Ainsi, H2A.Z est essentiel à l'expression de plusieurs gènes cibles de l'E2. Les effets de l'E2 sont en partie exercés par un FT, le récepteur alpha des oestrogènes (ER[alpha]), lequel se lie à l'ADN suite à son activation, et ce majoritairement à des « enhancers », et permet l'établissement d'un programme transcriptionnel spécifique. Cette thèse vise à définir le rôle d'H2A.Z aux « enhancers », et plus particulièrement son influence sur l'organisation des nucléosomes aux « enhancers » liés par ER[alpha]. D'abord, mes travaux effectués à l'échelle du génome ont démontré qu'H2A.Z n'est présent qu'à certains ER[alpha]-« enhancers » actifs. Cette particularité a fait en sorte que nous avons pu comparer directement les « enhancers » actifs occupés par H2A.Z à ceux non-occupés, afin de mettre en évidence sa relation à l'environnement chromatinien. Étonnamment, il est apparu qu'H2A.Z n'introduit pas une organisation unique ou particulière des nucléosomes aux « enhancers ». Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent qu'H2A.Z joue un rôle crucial dans la régulation de l'activité des « enhancers ». En effet, nous avons observé que suite à leur activation par l'E2, les « enhancers » occupés par H2A.Z recrutent l'ARN polymérase II (ARNPII) et produisent un transcrit. Ils recrutent également RAD21, une composante du complexe cohésine impliqué, entre autres, dans des interactions chromosomiques entre « enhancers » et promoteurs. De façon intéressante, nous avons mis en évidence que ces trois évènements, connus pour leur importance dans l'activité des « enhancers », sont dépendants d'H2A.Z. Ainsi, la présence d'H2A.Z à l' « enhancer » pourrait permettre un environnement chromatinien favorable à trois aspects clés de l'activité des « enhancers » : la présence de l'ARNPII, la transcription et la formation d'une boucle d'interaction, et par la suite, de par la proximité « enhancer »-promoteur ainsi créée, augmenter la concentration d'ARNPII à proximité du promoteur favorisant l'expression du gène cible. Un tel rôle central d'H2A.Z dans l'activité d' « enhancers » spécifiques pourrait participer à un mécanisme épigénétique ciblé de la régulation de l'expression des gènes

    Plant Responses to Stress and Environmental Stimulus

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    Plants respond to diverse environmental stimuli such as light, nutrients, temperature, and oxygen, which shape their growth and fate. When these stimuli are suboptimal for adequate plant growth, they cause stress. This book is a collection of research articles providing evidence about plant responses to stresses and environmental stimuli, as well as new methodologies for plant phenotyping

    Biomedical applications of belief networks

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    Biomedicine is an area in which computers have long been expected to play a significant role. Although many of the early claims have proved unrealistic, computers are gradually becoming accepted in the biomedical, clinical and research environment. Within these application areas, expert systems appear to have met with the most resistance, especially when applied to image interpretation.In order to improve the acceptance of computerised decision support systems it is necessary to provide the information needed to make rational judgements concerning the inferences the system has made. This entails an explanation of what inferences were made, how the inferences were made and how the results of the inference are to be interpreted. Furthermore there must be a consistent approach to the combining of information from low level computational processes through to high level expert analyses.nformation from low level computational processes through to high level expert analyses. Until recently ad hoc formalisms were seen as the only tractable approach to reasoning under uncertainty. A review of some of these formalisms suggests that they are less than ideal for the purposes of decision making. Belief networks provide a tractable way of utilising probability theory as an inference formalism by combining the theoretical consistency of probability for inference and decision making, with the ability to use the knowledge of domain experts.nowledge of domain experts. The potential of belief networks in biomedical applications has already been recog¬ nised and there has been substantial research into the use of belief networks for medical diagnosis and methods for handling large, interconnected networks. In this thesis the use of belief networks is extended to include detailed image model matching to show how, in principle, feature measurement can be undertaken in a fully probabilistic way. The belief networks employed are usually cyclic and have strong influences between adjacent nodes, so new techniques for probabilistic updating based on a model of the matching process have been developed.An object-orientated inference shell called FLAPNet has been implemented and used to apply the belief network formalism to two application domains. The first application is model-based matching in fetal ultrasound images. The imaging modality and biological variation in the subject make model matching a highly uncertain process. A dynamic, deformable model, similar to active contour models, is used. A belief network combines constraints derived from local evidence in the image, with global constraints derived from trained models, to control the iterative refinement of an initial model cue.In the second application a belief network is used for the incremental aggregation of evidence occurring during the classification of objects on a cervical smear slide as part of an automated pre-screening system. A belief network provides both an explicit domain model and a mechanism for the incremental aggregation of evidence, two attributes important in pre-screening systems.Overall it is argued that belief networks combine the necessary quantitative features required of a decision support system with desirable qualitative features that will lead to improved acceptability of expert systems in the biomedical domain

    The contribution of conveyed coal to mine heat problems

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    As coal mines get deeper, more mechanised and more productive the heat load on the ventilation system increases. In certain cases to the point where serious environmental problems may arise. To continue mining in these demanding conditions the sources of heat must be identified and evaluated so ameliorative measures may be taken. Due to the trend towards mining at greater rates and further from the shaft, mined coal on the conveyors is being recognised as a heat source of growing importance. This thesis describes its investigation. Reviews of heat sources, psychrometry,heat stress indices and heat transfer are included to provide a background framework. The evaluation of the heat released by conveyed coal itself consists of theoretical treatment and laboratory investigations of heat transfer through broken coal. A model conveyor and its instrumentation constructed in a duct are described along with underground measurements at mines. The information obtained from theoretical, laboratory and on site investigations is analysed and summarised to provide a basis for future prediction

    The contribution of conveyed coal to mine heat problems

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    As coal mines get deeper, more mechanised and more productive the heat load on the ventilation system increases. In certain cases to the point where serious environmental problems may arise. To continue mining in these demanding conditions the sources of heat must be identified and evaluated so ameliorative measures may be taken. Due to the trend towards mining at greater rates and further from the shaft, mined coal on the conveyors is being recognised as a heat source of growing importance. This thesis describes its investigation. Reviews of heat sources, psychrometry,heat stress indices and heat transfer are included to provide a background framework. The evaluation of the heat released by conveyed coal itself consists of theoretical treatment and laboratory investigations of heat transfer through broken coal. A model conveyor and its instrumentation constructed in a duct are described along with underground measurements at mines. The information obtained from theoretical, laboratory and on site investigations is analysed and summarised to provide a basis for future prediction

    Accessory mineral growth histories : implications for granitoid petrogenesis

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    Accessory minerals in granitoids are major repositories of several geochemically-important trace elements and isotopes and in order to quantify the influence that they have over granitoid petrogenesis it is necessary to characterize fully their behaviour. In particular it is necessary to understand accessory mineral/melt partitioning of trace elements and within grain elemental diffusivities, the latter is of relevance when assessing the state of isotopic equilibration between a refractory accessory phase and a contacting melt. In this study the backscattered electron (BSE) imaging technique, coupled with quantitative electron microprobe analysis indicate that granitoid zircons and titanites (mainly taken from Caledonian intrusive complexes) are commonly compositionally zoned. The zoning textures observed in these minerals, namely crystal face-parallel zoning, non-planar compositional zoning (included here are subhedral and anhedral core structures) and compositional sector zoning, indicate that the kinetic factors of crystal growth, i.e. within magma elemental diffusion rates, crystal growth rates, interface kinetics and dissolution kinetics, are largely responsible for the patterns of compositional zoning that have been observed. This fording is in marked contrast to other studies which have assumed that kinetics are not important in crystallizing plutonic granitoid magmas. Accessory mineral growth histories have been studied in a few well constrained samples from the Caledonian-age Strontian Complex of NW Scotland. The zircons from the central intrusion of this composite pluton have abundant inherited cores. The cores contain a variety of zoning structures and have a wide range of composition, which are taken to indicate that the cores had a wide variety of ultimate sources. Titanites from both the outer and inner intrusions have compositional sector zoning and the range of composition shown by the titanites is largely due to this fact. In this pluton magma composition appears to have little influence on titanite chemistry. The REE abundances in both parts to the intrusion are largely controlled by the accessory phases and each of these phases have very different rock-normalised REE distribution patterns. These abundance patterns are dependent on the relative partition coefficients that each phase has for the REE, the accessory mineral assemblage present and the crystallization order of that assemblage. The zircons from the central acid member of the Strontian Complex, which are known to have substantial U-Pb inheritance were extracted and analysed for their Sm-Nd isotopic composition. The results apparently indicate that refractory zircons can also preserve their Sm-Nd isotopic composition, a phenomenon not previously reported. That is diffusion of Sm and Nd (and presumably the other REE) within refractory zircon at elevated temperatures appears to be sufficiently slow that complete isotopic equilibration between a zircon and a contacting melt may not always occur. Such disequilibrium potentially enables granitoid magma provenance to be studied with much greater resolution than hitherto possible