7 research outputs found

    Building blocks for the variety of absolute retracts

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    AbstractGiven a graph H with a labelled subgraph G, a retraction of H to G is a homomorphism r:H→G such that r(x)=x for all vertices x in G. We call G a retract of H. While deciding the existence of a retraction to a fixed graph G is NP-complete in general, necessary and sufficient conditions have been provided for certain classes of graphs in terms of holes, see for example Hell and Rival.For any integer k⩾2 we describe a collection of graphs that generate the variety ARk of graphs G with the property that G is a retract of H whenever G is a subgraph of H and no hole in G of size at most k is filled by a vertex of H. We also prove that ARk⊂NUFk+1, where NUFk+1 is the variety of graphs that admit a near unanimity function of arity k+1

    Absolute reflexive retracts and absolute bipartite retracts

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    AbstractIt is a well-known phenomenon in the study of graph retractions that most results about absolute retracts in the class of bipartite (irreflexive) graphs have analogues about absolute retracts in the class of reflexive graphs, and vice versa. In this paper we make some observations that make the connection explicit. We develop four natural transformations between reflexive graphs and bipartite graphs which preserve the property of being an absolute retract, and allow us to derive results about absolute reflexive retracts from similar results about absolute bipartite retracts and conversely. Then we introduce generic notions that specialize to the appropriate concepts in both cases. This paves the way to a unified view of both theories, leading to absolute retracts of general (i.e., partially reflexive) graphs

    Quantified Constraints in Twenty Seventeen

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    I present a survey of recent advances in the algorithmic and computational complexity theory of non-Boolean Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems, incorporating some more modern research directions

    Graphs with edge-preserving majority functions

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