18,215 research outputs found

    Disjoint forms in graphical user interfaces

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    Forms are parts of a graphical user interface (GUI) that show a set of values and allow the user to update them. The declarative form construction library FunctionalForms is extended with disjoint form combinators to capture some common patterns in which the form structure expresses a choice. We demonstrate that these combinators lead to a better separation of logic and layout

    Accelerated Graphical User Interfaces

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na multiplatformní grafická uživatelské rozhraní a jejich hardwarovou akceleraci. Popisuje, co to uživatelské rozhraní jsou a srovnává nástroje na jejich tvorbu  a způsoby jejich realizace. Hlavním bodem je vlastní návrh a implementace nástroje na tvorbu multiplatformních hardwarově akcelerovaných grafických uživatelských rozhraní. Srovnává vlastní koncept s existujícími řešeními, a uvádí ho do praxe na projektu s externí firmou.This thesis is focused on a multi-platform graphical user interface and its hardware acceleration. It describes what the user interfaces are, it compares the tools used for their creation, and the methods of their realization. The main focus is a custom design and implementation of tools used for creating a cross-platform hardware accelerated graphical user interface. It compares my own concept with existing solutions, and places it into practice on a project with an external company.

    Systems and Methods for Emergency Situation Communications

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    A system for enabling communications during an emergency situation is described. A system may be configured to generate graphical user interfaces including a map displaying a location and a status of the one or more users located at the scene of an emergency situation. The graphical user interfaces may be displayed on a user\u27s portable computing device. The graphical user interfaces may be displayed at a computing device located at a dispatcher site

    Dynamically Testing Graphical User Interfaces

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    Software test generation for GUIs is a hard problem. The goal of this thesis is to investigate different methods for dynamically generating tests for GUIs. We introduce the concept of an event-pair graph, which is used to represent and measure test suites, and show how it can be used to generate tests and measure GUI coverage. Before we can begin generating tests, we first want to determine which is better: a small test suite with a few long tests or a large test suite with many short tests. Therefore, we designed and conducted a study to determine which is more effective. We found that moderate to long tests perform better than short tests. We then move on to discuss seven test generation algorithms. Two are based on random selection, two are based on greedy selection, one is based on Q-Learning, and the last two are based on ant colony optimization. We conducted a study in order to compare the performance of each algorithm. We measured code coverage, GUI coverage, time to run, and faults found. The results show that the greedy algorithms performed the best. Finally, we conducted a study in order to determine if any of the GUI coverage metrics can be used to predict code coverage, and we conducted a study to determine if any of the coverage metrics can be used to predict the faults found. The results show that event pairs are good at predicting code coverage, and that predicting faults is difficult

    Software and graphical user interfaces

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    This Handbook provides a scholarly and comprehensive account of the multiple converging challenges that digital technologies present for intellectual property (IP) rights, from the perspectives of international, EU and US law

    Collective Administration of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) in the Light of the BSA Decision

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    In this paper the author addresses the issue of collective administration of graphical user interfaces according to the impact of the CJEU decision in BSA v. Ministry of Culture on the case-law in one of EU Member states (Czech Republic). The author analyses the decision of the Czech Supreme Court where this Court concluded that visitors of Internet cafés use graphical user interface actively, which represents relevant usage of a copyrighted works within the meaning of Art. 18 the Czech Copyright Act. In this paper, attention is first paid to the definition of graphical user interface, its brief history and possible regimes of intellectual property protection. Subsequently, the author focuses on copyright protection of graphical user interfaces in the Czech law and interprets the BSA decision from the perspective of collective administration of copyright. Although the graphical user interfaces are independent objects of the copyright protection, if they are used while running the computer program the legal regulation of computer programs has priority. Based on conclusions reached by the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic in the BSA case, the author claims that collective administration of graphical user interfaces is neither reasonable nor effective.V článku se autor zabývá otázkou kolektivní správy grafických uživatelských rozhraní v souvislosti s dopady rozhodnutí Soudního dvora EU v případu BSA proti Ministerstvu kultury. Autor analyzuje rozhodnutí Nejvyššího soudu České republiky, v němž tento soud dospěl k závěru, že návštěvníci v internetových kavárnách používají grafická uživatelská rozhraní aktivně, což představuje sdělování díla veřejnosti ve smyslu § 18 českého autorského zákona.In this paper the author addresses the issue of collective administration of graphical user interfaces according to the impact of the CJEU decision in BSA v. Ministry of Culture on the case-law in one of EU Member states (Czech Republic). The author analyses the decision of the Czech Supreme Court where this Court concluded that visitors of Internet cafés use graphical user interface actively, which represents relevant usage of a copyrighted works within the meaning of Art. 18 the Czech Copyright Act. In this paper, attention is first paid to the definition of graphical user interface, its brief history and possible regimes of intellectual property protection. Subsequently, the author focuses on copyright protection of graphical user interfaces in the Czech law and interprets the BSA decision from the perspective of collective administration of copyright. Although the graphical user interfaces are independent objects of the copyright protection, if they are used while running the computer program the legal regulation of computer programs has priority. Based on conclusions reached by the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic in the BSA case, the author claims that collective administration of graphical user interfaces is neither reasonable nor effective

    Defining Domain Language of Graphical User Interfaces

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    Domain-specific languages are computer (programming, modeling, specification) languages devoted to solving problems in a specific domain. The least examined DSL development phases are analysis and design. Various formal methodologies exist, however domain analysis is still done informally most of the time. There are also methodologies of deriving DSLs from existing ontologies but the presumption is to have an ontology for the specific domain. We propose a solution of a user interface driven domain analysis and we focus on how it can be incorporated into the DSL design phase. We will present the preliminary results of the DEAL prototype, which can be used to transform GUIs to DSL grammars incorporating concepts from a domain and thus to help in the preliminary phases of the DSL design

    Intelligent user support in graphical user interfaces

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    1. This paper presents a frontend to an intelligent help system based on plans called InCome (Interaction Control Manager). It visualizes user actions previously executed in a specific application as a graph structure and enables the user to navigate through this structure. A higher level of abstraction on performed user actions shows the dialog history, the interaction context and reachable goals. Finally, the user is able to act on the application via InCome by performing undo mechanisms as well as specifying user goals inferred already by the help system. 2. This paper describes the system PLUS, a plan-based help system for applications offering an object-oriented user interface. Our plan recognition process is based on a predefined static hierarchical plan base, that is modelled using a goal plan language. This language is designed to especially cope with the problems arising when plan recognition is performed in a graphical user interface environment whose interaction is based on a user-directed dialog by means of direct manipulation -- so-called Direct Manipulation User Interfaces. The plan hierarchy is entered using the interactive graphics-oriented plan editor PlanEdit+. The plan recognition module PlanRecognizer+ builds a dynamic plan base by mapping user actions to plans stored in the static plan base. The dynamic plan base contains hypotheses about tasks the user is pursuing at the moment. These plan hypotheses serve as a basis to offer various kinds of assistance to the user. A central component of our graphical help is the module InCome+. InCome+ visualizes user actions previously executed in an application as a graph structure and enables the user to navigate through this structure. A higher level of abstraction on performed actions shows the dialog history, the interaction context, and reachable goals. InCome+ offers special features like task-oriented undo und redo facilities and a context-sensitive tutor. As a substantial extension of the graphical user assistance, we integrate the presentation of animated help within PLUS. Animation sequences are generated in the context of the tasks the user is currently working on

    Augmenting Graphical User Interfaces with Haptic Assistance for Motion-Impaired Operators

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    Haptic assistance is an emerging field of research that is designed to improve human-computer interaction (HCI) by reducing error rates and targeting times through the use of force feedback. Haptic feedback has previously been investigated to assist motion-impaired computer users, however, limitations such as target distracters have hampered its integration with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). In this paper two new haptic assistive techniques are presented that utilise the 3DOF capabilities of the Phantom Omni. These are referred to as deformable haptic cones and deformable virtual switches. The assistance is designed specifically to enable motion-impaired operators to use existing GUIs more effectively. Experiment 1 investigates the performance benefits of the new haptic techniques when used in conjunction with the densely populated Windows on-screen keyboard (OSK). Experiment 2 utilises the ISO 9241-9 point-and-click task to investigate the effects of target size and shape. The results of the study prove that the newly proposed techniques improve interaction rates and can be integrated with existing software without many of the drawbacks of traditional haptic assistance. Deformable haptic cones and deformable virtual switches were shown to reduce the mean number of missed-clicks by at least 75% and reduce targeting times by at least 25%
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