1,020 research outputs found

    Some results on integer cordial graph

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    An integer cordial labeling of a graph G(V, E) is an injective map f from V to or  as p is even or odd, which induces an edge labeling f*: E → {0, 1} defined by f*(uv) = 1 if f(u) + f(v) ≥ 0 is positive and 0 otherwise such that the number of edges labeled with1and the number of edges labeled with 0 differ atmost by 1. If a graph has integer cordial labeling, then it is called integer cordial graph. In this paper, we introduce the concept of integer cordial labeling and prove that some standard graphs are integer cordial

    A Study on the Benefits of Sustainable Management Practices and its Association with Talent Retention in Star Category Hotels

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    Sustainable management encompasses ideas from sustainability and synthesizes them with the concepts of management. This paper focuses on studying the benefits related to sustainable management practices that are adopted and followed in the hotel industry with specific reference to Star Category Hotels of Pune Region and its association with retention of the talented employees in the organisation.The study had reviewed the practices adopted by star category hotels and its association with retaining the talented bunch of employees. The research design for these factors is then explained further, which is supported by a Chi-Square test as a tool of data interpretation. A structured questionnaire was circulated amongst the managerial level employees in star hotels of the Pune region and responses were collected. The study had revealed that employees do believe that parameters covered under the benefits of the talent retention are mutually beneficial for the organisation as well as the employees

    3-Total Super Sum Cordial Labeling by Applying Operations on some Graphs

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    The sum cordial labeling is a variant of cordial labeling. In this paper, we investigate 3-Total Super Sum Cordial labeling. This labeling is discussed by applying union operation on some of the graphs. A vertex labeling is assigned as a whole number within the range. For each edge of the graph, assign the label, according to some definite rule, defined for the investigated labeling. Any graph which satisfies 3-Total Super Sum Cordial labeling is known as the 3-Total Super Sum Cordial graphs. Here, we prove that some of the graphs like the union of Cycle and Path graphs, the union of Cycle and Complete Bipartite graph and the union of Path and Complete Bipartite graph satisfy the investigated labeling and hence are called the 3-Total Super Sum Cordial graphs

    Betweenness centrality in convex amalgamation of graphs

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    Betweenness centrality measures the potential or power of a node to control the communication over the network under the assumption that information flows primarily over the shortest paths between pair of nodes. The removal of a node with highest betweenness from the network will most disrupt communications between other nodes because it lies on the largest number of paths. A large network can be thought of as inter-connection between smaller networks by means of different graph operations. Thus the structure of a composite graph can be studied by analysing its component graphs. In this paper we present the betweenness centrality of some classes of composite graphs constructed by the graph operation called amalgamation or merging
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