17 research outputs found

    Graphs with few 3-cliques and 3-anticliques are 3-universal

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    For given integers k, l we ask whether every large graph with a sufficiently small number of k-cliques and k-anticliques must contain an induced copy of every l-vertex graph. Here we prove this claim for k=l=3 with a sharp bound. A similar phenomenon is established as well for tournaments with k=l=4.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Ramsey multiplicity of linear patterns in certain finite abelian groups

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    Towards a characterisation of Sidorenko systems

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    A system of linear forms L={L1,,Lm}L=\{L_1,\ldots,L_m\} over Fq\mathbb{F}_q is said to be Sidorenko if the number of solutions to L=0L=0 in any AFqnA \subseteq \mathbb{F}_{q}^n is asymptotically as nn\to\infty at least the expected number of solutions in a random set of the same density. Work of Saad and Wolf (2017) and of Fox, Pham and Zhao (2019) fully characterises single equations with this property and both sets of authors ask about a characterisation of Sidorenko systems of equations. In this paper, we make progress towards this goal. Firstly, we find a simple necessary condition for a system to be Sidorenko, thus providing a rich family of non-Sidorenko systems. In the opposite direction, we find a large family of structured Sidorenko systems, by utilising the entropy method. We also make significant progress towards a full classification of systems of two equations.Comment: 18 page

    On tripartite common graphs

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    A graph H is common if the number of monochromatic copies of H in a 2-edge-colouring of the complete graph is minimised by the random colouring. Burr and Rosta, extending a famous conjecture by Erdos, conjectured that every graph is common. The conjectures by Erdos and by Burr and Rosta were disproved by Thomason and by Sidorenko, respectively, in the late 1980s. Collecting new examples for common graphs had not seen much progress since then, although very recently, a few more graphs are verified to be common by the flag algebra method or the recent progress on Sidorenko's conjecture. Our contribution here is to give a new class of tripartite common graphs. The first example class is so-called triangle-trees, which generalises two theorems by Sidorenko and answers a question by Jagger, \v{S}\v{t}ov\'i\v{c}ek, and Thomason from 1996. We also prove that, somewhat surprisingly, given any tree T, there exists a triangle-tree such that the graph obtained by adding T as a pendant tree is still common. Furthermore, we show that adding arbitrarily many apex vertices to any connected bipartite graph on at most five vertices give a common graph

    Monochromatic triangles in three-coloured graphs

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    In 1959, Goodman determined the minimum number of monochromatic triangles in a complete graph whose edge set is two-coloured. Goodman also raised the question of proving analogous results for complete graphs whose edge sets are coloured with more than two colours. In this paper, we determine the minimum number of monochromatic triangles and the colourings which achieve this minimum in a sufficiently large three-coloured complete graph.Comment: Some data needed to verify the proof can be found at http://www.math.cmu.edu/users/jcumming/ckpsty

    On uncommon systems of equations

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    A system of linear equations LL over Fq\mathbb{F}_q is common if the number of monochromatic solutions to LL in any two-colouring of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n is asymptotically at least the expected number of monochromatic solutions in a random two-colouring of Fqn\mathbb{F}_q^n. Motivated by existing results for specific systems (such as Schur triples and arithmetic progressions), as well as extensive research on common and Sidorenko graphs, the systematic study of common systems of linear equations was recently initiated by Saad and Wolf. Building upon earlier work of Cameron, Cilleruelo and Serra, as well as Saad and Wolf, common linear equations have recently been fully characterised by Fox, Pham and Zhao, who asked about common \emph{systems} of equations. In this paper we move towards a classification of common systems of two or more linear equations. In particular we prove that any system containing an arithmetic progression of length four is uncommon, confirming a conjecture of Saad and Wolf. This follows from a more general result which allows us to deduce the uncommonness of a general system from certain properties of one- or two-equation subsystems.Comment: 21 page