29 research outputs found

    Graded Encoding, Variations on a Scheme

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    In this note we provide a more-or-less unified framework to talk about the functionality and security of graded encoding schemes, describe some variations of recent schemes, and discuss their security. In particular we describe schemes that combine elements from both the GGH13 scheme of Garg, Gentry and Halevi (EUROCRYPT 2013) and the GGH15 scheme of Gentry, Gorbunov and Halevi (TCC 2015). On one hand, we show how to use techniques from GGH13 in the GGH15 construction to enable encoding of arbitrary plaintext elements (as opposed to only small ones) and to introduce levels/subsets (e.g., as needed to implement straddling sets). On the other hand, we show how to modify the GGH13 scheme to support graph-induced constraints (either instead of, or in addition to, the levels from GGH13). Turning to security, we describe zeroizing attacks on the GGH15 scheme, similar to those described by Cheon et al. (EUROCRYPT 2015) and Coron et al. (CRYPTO 2015) on the CLT13 and GGH13 constructions. As far as we know, however, these attacks to not break the GGH15 multi-partite key-agreement protocol. We also describe a new multi-partite key-agreement protocol using the GGH13 scheme, which also seems to resist known attacks. That protocol suggests a relatively simple hardness assumption for the GGH13 scheme, that we put forward as a target for cryptanalysis

    Quantum Tokens for Digital Signatures

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    The fisherman caught a quantum fish. "Fisherman, please let me go", begged the fish, "and I will grant you three wishes". The fisherman agreed. The fish gave the fisherman a quantum computer, three quantum signing tokens and his classical public key. The fish explained: "to sign your three wishes, use the tokenized signature scheme on this quantum computer, then show your valid signature to the king, who owes me a favor". The fisherman used one of the signing tokens to sign the document "give me a castle!" and rushed to the palace. The king executed the classical verification algorithm using the fish's public key, and since it was valid, the king complied. The fisherman's wife wanted to sign ten wishes using their two remaining signing tokens. The fisherman did not want to cheat, and secretly sailed to meet the fish. "Fish, my wife wants to sign ten more wishes". But the fish was not worried: "I have learned quantum cryptography following the previous story (The Fisherman and His Wife by the brothers Grimm). The quantum tokens are consumed during the signing. Your polynomial wife cannot even sign four wishes using the three signing tokens I gave you". "How does it work?" wondered the fisherman. "Have you heard of quantum money? These are quantum states which can be easily verified but are hard to copy. This tokenized quantum signature scheme extends Aaronson and Christiano's quantum money scheme, which is why the signing tokens cannot be copied". "Does your scheme have additional fancy properties?" the fisherman asked. "Yes, the scheme has other security guarantees: revocability, testability and everlasting security. Furthermore, if you're at sea and your quantum phone has only classical reception, you can use this scheme to transfer the value of the quantum money to shore", said the fish, and swam away.Comment: Added illustration of the abstract to the ancillary file

    Obfuscating Conjunctions under Entropic Ring LWE

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    We show how to securely obfuscate conjunctions, which are functions f(x[subscript 1], . . . , x[subscript n]) = ∧[subscript i∈I] y[superscript i] where I ⊆ [n] and each literal y[subscript i] is either just x[subscript i] or ÂŹx[subscript i] e.g., f(x[subscript 1], . . . , x_n) = x[subscript 1] ⊆ ÂŹ x[subscript 3] ⊆ ÂŹ x[subscript 7] · · · ⊆ x[subscript n−1]. Whereas prior work of Brakerski and Rothblum (CRYPTO 2013) showed how to achieve this using a non-standard object called cryptographic multilinear maps, our scheme is based on an “entropic” variant of the Ring Learning with Errors (Ring LWE) assumption. As our core tool, we prove that hardness assumptions on the recent multilinear map construction of Gentry, Gorbunov and Halevi (TCC 2015) can be established based on entropic Ring LWE. We view this as a first step towards proving the security of additional multilinear map based constructions, and in particular program obfuscators, under standard assumptions. Our scheme satisfies virtual black box (VBB) security, meaning that the obfuscated program reveals nothing more than black-box access to f as an oracle, at least as long as (essentially) the conjunction is chosen from a distribution having sufficient entropy

    Efficient and Provable White-Box Primitives

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    International audienceIn recent years there have been several attempts to build white-box block ciphers whose implementations aim to be incompress-ible. This includes the weak white-box ASASA construction by Bouil-laguet, Biryukov and Khovratovich from Asiacrypt 2014, and the recent space-hard construction by Bogdanov and Isobe from CCS 2015. In this article we propose the first constructions aiming at the same goal while offering provable security guarantees. Moreover we propose concrete instantiations of our constructions, which prove to be quite efficient and competitive with prior work. Thus provable security comes with a surprisingly low overhead

    Multilinear maps via secret ring

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    Garg, Gentry and Halevi (GGH13) described the first candidate multilinear maps using ideal lattices. However, Hu and Jia recently presented an efficient attack on the GGH13 map, which breaks the multipartite key exchange (MPKE) and witness encryption (WE) based on GGH13. In this work, we describe a new variant of GGH13 using secret ring, which preserves the origin functionality of GGH13. The security of our variant depends upon the following new hardness problem. Given the determinant of the circular matrix of some element in a secret ring, the problem is to find this secret ring and reconstruct this element

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Well-Founded Assumptions

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    In this work, we show how to construct indistinguishability obfuscation from subexponential hardness of four well-founded assumptions. We prove: Let τ∈(0,∞),Ύ∈(0,1),ϔ∈(0,1)\tau \in (0,\infty), \delta \in (0,1), \epsilon \in (0,1) be arbitrary constants. Assume sub-exponential security of the following assumptions, where λ\lambda is a security parameter, and the parameters ℓ,k,n\ell,k,n below are large enough polynomials in λ\lambda: - The SXDH assumption on asymmetric bilinear groups of a prime order p=O(2λ)p = O(2^\lambda), - The LWE assumption over Zp\mathbb{Z}_{p} with subexponential modulus-to-noise ratio 2kÏ”2^{k^\epsilon}, where kk is the dimension of the LWE secret, - The LPN assumption over Zp\mathbb{Z}_p with polynomially many LPN samples and error rate 1/ℓή1/\ell^\delta, where ℓ\ell is the dimension of the LPN secret, - The existence of a Boolean PRG in NC0\mathsf{NC}^0 with stretch n1+τn^{1+\tau}, Then, (subexponentially secure) indistinguishability obfuscation for all polynomial-size circuits exists

    Sum-of-Squares Meets Program Obfuscation, Revisited

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    We develop attacks on the security of variants of pseudo-random generators computed by quadratic polynomials. In particular we give a general condition for breaking the one-way property of mappings where every output is a quadratic polynomial (over the reals) of the input. As a corollary, we break the degree-2 candidates for security assumptions recently proposed for constructing indistinguishability obfuscation by Ananth, Jain and Sahai (ePrint 2018) and Agrawal (ePrint 2018). We present conjectures that would imply our attacks extend to a wider variety of instances, and in particular offer experimental evidence that they break assumption of Lin-Matt (ePrint 2018). Our algorithms use semidefinite programming, and in particular, results on low-rank recovery (Recht, Fazel, Parrilo 2007) and matrix completion (Gross 2009)

    Secure obfuscation in a weak multilinear map model: A simple construction secure against all known attacks

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    All known candidate indistinguishibility obfuscation (iO) schemes rely on candidate multilinear maps. Until recently, the strongest proofs of security available for iO candidates were in a generic model that only allows honest use of the multilinear map. Most notably, in this model the zero-test procedure only reveals whether an encoded element is 0, and nothing more. However, this model is inadequate: there have been several attacks on multilinear maps that exploit extra information revealed by the zero-test procedure. In particular, the authors [Crypto’16] recently gave a polynomial-time attack on several iO candidates when instantiated with the multilinear maps of Garg, Gentry, and Halevi [Eurocrypt’13], and also proposed a new weak multilinear map model that captures all known polynomial-time attacks on GGH13. Subsequent to those attacks, Garg, Mukherjee, and Srinivasan [ePrint’16] gave a beautiful new candidate iO construction, using a new variant of the GGH13 multilinear map candidate, and proved its security in the weak multilinear map model assuming an explicit PRF in NC^1. In this work, we give a simpler candidate iO construction, which can be seen as a small modification or generalization of the original iO candidate of Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Sahai, and Waters [FOCS’13], and we prove its security in the weak multilinear map model. Our work has a number of benefits over that of GMS16. ‱ Our construction and analysis are simpler. In particular, the proof of our security theorem is 4 pages, versus 15 pages in GMS16. ‱ We do not require any change to the original GGH13 multilinear map candidate. ‱ We prove the security of our candidate under a more general assumption. One way that our assumption can be true is if there exists a PRF in NC^1. ‱ GMS16 required an explicit PRF in NC^1 to be hard-wired into their obfuscation candidate. In contrast, our scheme does not require any such hard-wiring. In fact, roughly speaking, our obfuscation candidate will depend only on the minimal size of such a PRF, and not on any other details of the PRF

    Multilinear Maps Using a Variant of Ring-LWE

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    GGH13, CLT13 and GGH15 of multilinear maps suffer from zeroizing attacks. In this paper, we present a new construction of multilinear maps using a variant of ring-LWE (vRLWE). Furthermore, we also present two new variants of vRLWE, which respectively support the applications of multipartite key exchange and witness encryption. At the same time, we also present a new variant of GGH13 using matrix form. The security of our construction depends upon new hardness assumptions

    Notes On GGH13 Without The Presence Of Ideals

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    We investigate the merits of altering the Garg, Gentry and Halevi (GGH13) graded encoding scheme to remove the presence of the ideal ⟹g⟩\langle g \rangle. In particular, we show that we can alter the form of encodings so that effectively a new gig_i is used for each source group Gi\mathbb{G}_i, while retaining correctness. This would appear to prevent all known attacks on indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) candidates instantiated using GGH13. However, when analysing security in simplified branching program and obfuscation security models, we present branching program (and thus IO) distinguishing attacks that do not use knowledge of ⟹g⟩\langle g \rangle. This result opens a counterpoint with the work of Halevi (EPRINT 2015) which stated that the core computational hardness problem underpinning GGH13 is computing a basis of this ideal. Our attempts seem to suggest that there is a structural vulnerability in the way that GGH13 encodings are constructed that lies deeper than the presence of ⟹g⟩\langle g \rangle