440,383 research outputs found


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    In recent years, the use of various social media applications has received growing attention from local government agencies. This is because social media applications have the potential to offer public value to those agencies as well as citizens through enhancing public engagement and public services innovation. Despite the growth in the literature on social media, there is still a limited understanding of how the key stakeholders of local government agencies, around the world in general and Saudi Arabia in particular, can receive public value created through us-ing various social media applications. To address this concern, this proposed study is initiated to develop a model for investigating public value creation using social media applications. The model is influenced by multiple theoretical lenses (e.g. trust in social media, social media capability, public engagement, public services innovation, public value theory, and stakeholder theory). This proposed research is based on a qualitative methodology with several phases of research (e.g. pilot study, multiple-case study and domain expert panel) for the Saudi Arabian local government context. The expected contribution of this research is a model with constructive associations between several variables identified from multiple streams of literature (e.g. social media, information systems literature and public administration literature). Furthermore, a classification of public services innovation associated with four types of public value are proposed. The findings of the study are expected to benefit public managers as well as citizens to better utilise social media for public value creation. Keywords: Trust in social media, social media capability, public engagement, public service innovation, public value, stakeholder theory

    Public value creation using social media applications for the local government context: a pilot case study

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    The use of social media applications is receiving a growing attention from the local government agencies. This is because social media applications have the potential to offer many public values to those agencies as well as benefit citizens through enhancing public engagement and public services innovation. Despite the growth in the literature on social media, there is still limited understanding on how public value created through using various social media applications for local government context. To address this concern, we report on the development of a model to investigate public value creation using social media applications. The model is evaluated using a pilot case study at a large Saudi Arabian municipality. The model and empirical evidence together contribute towards establishing a theoretical foundation for research into the impact of social media applications for public value creation. In addition, council managers can learn useful lessons drawing on our findings

    E-participation with social media in Science, Technology and Innovation: Brazilian States Research Support Foundations case

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    The use of social media has advanced in all social strata with effect on citizen participation in political discussions. In the context of Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) policies, bringing citizens closer together is a challenge for scientific and governmental institutions. The Brazilian States Research Support Foundations (RSF) show interest in promoting this approach to legitimize investments in science. Studies on the effects of social media on the relations between science, society and government are scarce. This research analyzed how e-participation, through social media, promotes citizen participation in the ST&I policies and actions of the RSFs. Nine organizations, including at least one Foundation from each Brazilian region, participated in this study. The main contribution of social media was the ability to intensify the interactions between government, researchers and citizens, using an informal and accessible language

    Living on the water : a social innovation approach to flood adaptation planning in the river basin Eferding, Austria

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    In the summer of 2013, devastating floods caused heavy damage along various streams in central Europe. In the river basin Eferding in Austria, the Danube River reached record water levels and flooded hundreds of homes in the low-lying areas over night. The response of the government to resettle people has been heavily criticized by a local citizen initiative, leading to protests in front of the regional parliament. The demand for alternative solutions and for answers to the many questions to the cause of the extraordinary impact of the flood have been growing. The aim of this study is to analyze people’s attitudes towards social innovation thinking in the context of flood planning and to discuss the benefits of the concept of social innovation in this particular case. In such situations, according to the concept of social innovation, solutions that meet unmet needs of society and create new capabilities and better use of resources can occur. In search for resilient ways to adapt to the risk of floods, through a participatory action research approach, I engage with the local citizens and other stakeholders by simulating the idea creation process of social innovation. In a short video distributed via social media, I introduce a new way of living in the flood area. Subsequently, using a survey I assess people’s reaction towards the innovation presented in the video. The results show a great potential for change: people are highly receptive to rethinking flood adaptation and their way of living in the flood zone. Compassion is strong far beyond the immediately affected citizens, which advocates for more active involvement of many more people in order to shape the innovation to meet all stakeholders’ needs. However, as the topic splits the opinion of locals and the government, politics tends to impede the process. The use of the video and social media has proven highly efficient in breaking down barriers of communication: the complexity of the subject could be presented in an easily understandable way; social media provided a perfect platform for discussion and involving people. The study shows that people perceive innovation thinking rather positively. I therefore advocate for a more active use of the concept in similar complex contexts


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    Aeng dake village has the potential of the poly cracker industry which still needs to be developed by the village government, local government, community, and academics through community service programs. The purpose of learning marketing digitalization in the Yunaf poly cracker industry is to develop MSME marketing by utilizing information technology. Digitalization learning efforts through label design, provision of social media accounts and promotions in product marketing are a manifestation of the achievement of innovation for SMEs crackers poly Yunaf in order to expand marketing, increase production capacity and business income which will later be able to improve the welfare of industry players and the village community of Aeng Dake, Bluto District

    Digital Democracy: Episode IV—A New Hope*: How a Corporation for Public Software Could Transform Digital Engagement for Government and Civil Society

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    Although successive generations of digital technology have become increasingly powerful in the past 20 years, digital democracy has yet to realize its potential for deliberative transformation. The undemocratic exploitation of massive social media systems continued this trend, but it only worsened an existing problem of modern democracies, which were already struggling to develop deliberative infrastructure independent of digital technologies. There have been many creative conceptions of civic tech, but implementation has lagged behind innovation. This article argues for implementing one such vision of digital democracy through the establishment of a public corporation. Modeled on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in the United States, this entity would foster the creation of new digital technology by providing a stable source of funding to nonprofit technologists, interest groups, civic organizations, government, researchers, private companies, and the public. Funded entities would produce and maintain software infrastructure for public benefit. The concluding sections identify what circumstances might create and sustain such an entity

    Pengaruh Inovasi Destinasi Wisata Berbasis E-Government dan Partisipasi Masyarakat terhadap Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Pulau Lusi

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    In practice, sustainable development is still needed on Lusi Island considering that the existence of Lusi Island is not yet known by the wider community and the development plan has not been realized in the form of adding several tourist and educational facilities. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the influence of e-government-based tourist destination innovation and community participation both partially and simultaneously on sustainable development in the field of Lusi Island tourism. Data analysis was performed by multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was a partial and simultaneous influence of e-government-based tourist destination innovation and community participation in sustainable development in the field of Lusi Island tourism. Sidoarjo Regency is expected to maximize the development and promotion of Lusi Island tourism, for example by implementing online ticket purchases and promotions through official social media

    Right-wing immigration narratives in Spain: A study of persuasion on Instagram Stories.

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    Ephemeral media has become a staple of today’s social media ecology. This study advances the first exploratory analysis of Instagram Stories as a format for political communication. Through an initial content analysis of 832 stories in three verified Vox accounts and a secondary content and discourse analysis of 114 stories, we delve into the strategies used by right-wing party Vox in Spain to portray immigration as an issue for ideological positioning. The findings shed light onto the ways in which the representation of migrants is employed as an instrument for anti-migratory policy support, through the construction of a very specific profile of migrant in terms of age and gender and the exclusion of significant migrant populations from the argument. Moreover, the party employs the content creation functionalities of Instagram Stories to construct arguments and storylines where diverse information sources converge, effectively bypassing traditional media and reaching their supporter base directly.This work was supported by 'Alfamed' (Euro-American Research Network), under Grant R+D+I Project (2019-2021), entitled "Youtubers and Intagrammers: Media competence in emerging prosumers", with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the R+D-i Project (2020-2022), entitled "Instagrammers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of instatubers", with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Andalusian Regional Government in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).This work was supported by 'Alfamed' (Euro-American Research Network), under Grant R+D+I Project (2019-2021), entitled "Youtubers and Intagrammers: Media competence in emerging prosumers", with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the R+D-i Project (2020-2022), entitled "Instagrammers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of instatubers", with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Andalusian Regional Government in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)


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    The thesis explores changes in local democracy through an analysis of the challenges for councillors created by the growing phenomenon of social media. New platforms for online dialogue such as Twitter and Facebook offer the potential for more participatory forms of democracy at the local level (Coleman and Blumler, 2009) and it might therefore be expected that councils and councillors would have been using these online platforms to increase engagement with citizens (Xenos and Moy, 2007). The thesis addresses the question of how councils have engaged with the new technologies and adds to current knowledge by building a normative picture of social media use in local government over a three year period. The impact of social media on the everyday roles of elected representatives and on their perceptions of accountabilities in a digitised environment is also examined and analysed using new institutionalist explanations of change (Lowndes and Roberts, 2013). Using rich descriptive case studies of four English local councils the thesis illustrates for the first time how councils’ attempts to constrain councillors’ use of social media are failing as existing control mechanisms weaken. The findings show that councils’ responses to the challenges represented by the unmediated, informal and participatory nature of social media are creating spaces for innovation. The thesis demonstrates that these spaces have been seized by councillors identifying the political opportunities that are offered by social media. Within these spaces, or new arenas for political conversations, councillors are reshaping their roles outside the formal institutional structures. The utility of social media for councillors is seen here to outweigh potential problems and sanctions. The thesis provides a rich account of how councillors have used the political opportunities created by social media in different ways to strengthen the links with citizens, increase transparency and responsiveness and to reinforce their roles as leaders of place. The thesis concludes by drawing out the implications of these findings for institutional design in local government


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    Media activities related to digitalization are present in many aspects of daily life. Since the PSBB was passed on March 15, 2021, the community has been afected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Community activities are forced to be carried out by digital transformation in services, transactions and work, for example the Tangerang City Government. The goal of this study was to ascertain how the Tangerang City Government will manage its digital communication in order to promote an inclusive and long-lasting Economic Recovery in Tangerang. The object of this research is the Tangerang City Government. This study uses the method of Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. possessing the idea of phenomenology as a scientifc approach that does not begin with uncertainty, direction, or the veracity of an experience. This study used observation, interviews, and documentation as data gathering methods. Based on the research results, the Tangerang City Government has benefted from digital innovation, especially in terms of improving communication and providing services to local residents. Instructions for the use of social media for business for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are carried out through trainin
