9 research outputs found


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    Um Sistema Hipermídia Adaptativo (SHA) define-se como sendo um sistema de visualização em que os conteúdos a apresentar, a sua forma de apresentação e navegação são ajustados de acordo com as características de cada utilizador, com o objetivo de guiá-lo para a informação mais relevante, desviando-o de informação menos interessantes ou que ele não conseguiria entender. A utilização de SHA em processos deEnsino/Aprendizagem (SHAA) torna-se assim bastante eficaz, pela capacidade de oferecer ao aluno os estímulos cognitivos corretos no momento adequado, facilitando o ntrajeto construtivista de aprendizagem. Este estudo debruça-se sobre as características atuais das ferramentas de autoria de SHAA, permitindo determinar as mais adequadas para uma determinada finalidade e, ao mesmo tempo, detectar eventuais fragilidades

    Third international workshop on Authoring of adaptive and adaptable educational hypermedia (A3EH), Amsterdam, 18-22 July, 2005

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    The A3EH follows a successful series of workshops on Adaptive and Adaptable Educational Hypermedia. This workshop focuses on models, design and authoring of AEH, on assessment of AEH, conversion between AEH and evaluation of AEH. The workshop has paper presentations, poster session and panel discussions

    Adaptive intelligent personalised learning (AIPL) environment

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    As individuals the ideal learning scenario would be a learning environment tailored just for how we like to learn, personalised to our requirements. This has previously been almost inconceivable given the complexities of learning, the constraints within the environments in which we teach, and the need for global repositories of knowledge to facilitate this process. Whilst it is still not necessarily achievable in its full sense this research project represents a path towards this ideal.In this thesis, findings from research into the development of a model (the Adaptive Intelligent Personalised Learning (AIPL)), the creation of a prototype implementation of a system designed around this model (the AIPL environment) and the construction of a suite of intelligent algorithms (Personalised Adaptive Filtering System (PAFS)) for personalised learning are presented and evaluated. A mixed methods approach is used in the evaluation of the AIPL environment. The AIPL model is built on the premise of an ideal system being one which does not just consider the individual but also considers groupings of likeminded individuals and their power to influence learner choice. The results show that: (1) There is a positive correlation for using group-learning-paradigms. (2) Using personalisation as a learning aid can help to facilitate individual learning and encourage learning on-line. (3) Using learning styles as a way of identifying and categorising the individuals can improve their on-line learning experience. (4) Using Adaptive Information Retrieval techniques linked to group-learning-paradigms can reduce and improve the problem of mis-matching. A number of approaches for further work to extend and expand upon the work presented are highlighted at the end of the Thesis

    Sistemas hipermédia adaptativa para suporte de ambientes de aprendizagem construtivistas

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    Tese de Doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Personality representation: predicting behaviour for personalised learning support

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    The need for personalised support systems comes from the growing number of students that are being supported within institutions with shrinking resources. Over the last decade the use of computers and the Internet within education has become more predominant. This opens up a range of possibilities in regard to spreading that resource further and more effectively. Previous attempts to create automated systems such as intelligent tutoring systems and learning companions have been criticised for being pedagogically ineffective and relying on large knowledge sources which restrict their domain of application. More recent work on adaptive hypermedia has resolved some of these issues but has been criticised for the lack of support scope, focusing on learning paths and alternative content presentation. The student model used within these systems is also of limited scope and often based on learning history or learning styles.This research examines the potential of using a personality theory as the basis for a personalisation mechanism within an educational support system. The automated support system is designed to utilise a personality based profile to predict student behaviour. This prediction is then used to select the most appropriate feedback from a selection of reflective hints for students performing lab based programming activities. The rationale for the use of personality is simply that this is the concept psychologists use for identifying individual differences and similarities which are expressed in everyday behaviour. Therefore the research has investigated how these characteristics can be modelled in order to provide a fundamental understanding of the student user and thus be able to provide tailored support. As personality is used to describe individuals across many situations and behaviours, the use of such at the core of a personalisation mechanism may overcome the issues of scope experienced by previous methods.This research poses the following question: can a representation of personality be used to predict behaviour within a software system, in such a way, as to be able to personalise support?Putting forward the central claim that it is feasible to capture and represent personality within a software system for the purpose of personalising services.The research uses a mixed methods approach including a number and combination of quantitative and qualitative methods for both investigation and determining the feasibility of this approach.The main contribution of the thesis has been the development of a set of profiling models from psychological theories, which account for both individual differences and group similarities, as a means of personalising services. These are then applied to the development of a prototype system which utilises a personality based profile. The evidence from the evaluation of the developed prototype system has demonstrated an ability to predict student behaviour with limited success and personalise support.The limitations of the evaluation study and implementation difficulties suggest that the approach taken in this research is not feasible. Further research and exploration is required –particularly in the application to a subject area outside that of programming

    Web semântica na construção de sistemas de aprendizagem adaptativos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.Esta tese aborda algumas dificuldades que surgiram a partir da utilização da Web na educação a distância, aqui referenciada como Educação Baseada na Web (EBW). Argumenta-se que um dos principais problemas é a lacuna existente entre dois grupos vinculados a ela. Os pesquisadores do primeiro grupo despendem seu tempo e energia estudando o processo de aprendizagem, mas não se preocupam em reduzir os custos e o esforço necessário para desenvolver sistemas educacionais. Por outro lado, os pesquisadores do segundo grupo visam facilitar a construção e a gerência de sistemas e cursos, mas não voltam sua atenção para as questões relacionadas à aprendizagem. Enquanto o primeiro grupo foi responsável pelo surgimento e aprimoramento de tecnologias como Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes (STI) e Sistemas de Hipermídia Adaptativa (SHA), o segundo deu a sua contribuição criando os Sistemas Gerenciadores de Aprendizagem (LMS) e os Objetos de Aprendizagem (LO). Esta divisão nos interesses de pesquisa tem feito com que os STI e SHA ainda sejam vistos como experimentos confinados aos laboratórios, sem uma aplicação prática em larga escala, devido ao custo de seu desenvolvimento. É eminente o predomínio dos LMS e LO devido às facilidades administrativas oferecidas por eles, apesar de não propiciarem condições de aprendizagem tão boas aos alunos. A pesquisa desenvolvida utiliza tecnologias da Web Semântica para auxiliar o desenvolvimento de sistemas que possuam benefícios oriundos das pesquisas dos dois grupos citados. Após identificar os principais problemas da EBW, foram modeladas três ontologias que contemplam informações sobre o domínio do conhecimento a ser ensinado, as teorias de aprendizagem e os alunos que participam de tais cursos. Estas informações são utilizadas para facilitar a construção de cursos para a EBW, possibilitando a reutilização de materiais já prontos e permitindo que aspectos das teorias de aprendizagem sejam considerados. Desta maneira, é possível reduzir os custos e o esforço necessário para construir os cursos e melhorar a aprendizagem dos alunos, atendendo aos objetivos dos pesquisadores dos dois grupos citados. Com o intuito de validar as ontologias desenvolvidas, construiu-se um sistema computacional, que utiliza as informações nelas disponíveis, para auxiliar o usuário na construção de um curso. Este curso é salvo em um pacote que segue o Modelo de Agregação de Conteúdo definido no padrão SCORM. Desta maneira, qualquer LMS com suporte ao referido padrão é capaz de executá-lo. This thesis deals with some difficults that arose from the use of Web in distance learning, referenced here as Web-Based Education (WBE). It argues that one of the main problem is the gap between two groups involved on WBE. The first group have spent their energy and time studying learning processes, although they are not concerned in reducing the costs and the work necessary for the development and management of educational systems. On the other hand, the second group aims at facilitating the construction and management of systems and courses, without turning its efforts towards learning subject. While the first group was responsible for creation and improvement of technologies such as Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS), the second one contribute by creating Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Objects (LO). Such split between researches interests have made that ITS and AHS have still been seen as experiments restricteds to labs. The dominance of LMS and LO over ITS and AHS is evident, due to the facilities offered by them to manage courses and students, despite of not providing so good learning conditions. The research carried out makes use of Semantic Web technologies to aid in the development of systems that possess benefits provided by researches from the two cited groups. After to identify the main WBE problems, three ontology were modeled with information about domain to be taught in the courses, instructional and learning theories, and about students who participate of such courses. This information is used to make easier the construction of courses made available through the Web, making possible the reuse of existent material and considering aspects from instructional and learning theories. That way, a decrease on costs and effort needed to create courses is possible as well as an improvement on students learning, by satisfying the objectives of researchers from both groups. Aiming to validate ontology developed, a computational system that uses their information was built, in order to aid user to create courses. Such courses are saved in a package conformant with Content Aggregation Model defined in SCORM Standard. That way, any LMS conformant with that standard can run them

    Goal Oriented Personalisation with SCORM

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    This paper presents an innovative approach to personalize on-line content to the needs of individual learners. We use a regular educational environment, the Blackboard TM Learning Management System, with a new approach: we add adaptivity and personalization to it by means of authoring the goaloriented material in an Adaptive Hypermedia authoring system, MOT, and delivering it in Blackboard via a conversion to the SCORM specification. This represents the first attempt to connect Adaptive Hypermedia and Learning Management Systems

    Goal oriented personalisation with SCORM

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    This paper presents an innovative approach to personalize on-line content to the needs of individual learners. We use a regular educational environment, the BlackboardTM Learning Management System, with a new approach: we add adaptivity and personalization to it by means of authoring the goaloriented material in an Adaptive Hypermedia authoring system, MOT, and delivering it in Blackboard via a conversion to the SCORM specification. This represents the first attempt to connect Adaptive Hypermedia and Learning Management Systems