378 research outputs found

    On the use of voice descriptors for glottal source shape parameter estimation

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    International audienceThis paper summarizes the results of our investigations into estimating the shape of the glottal excitation source from speech signals. We employ the Liljencrants-Fant (LF) model describing the glottal flow and its derivative. The one-dimensional glottal source shape parameter Rd describes the transition in voice quality from a tense to a breathy voice. The parameter Rd has been derived from a statistical regression of the R waveshape parameters which parameterize the LF model. First, we introduce a variant of our recently proposed adaptation and range extension of the Rd parameter regression. Secondly, we discuss in detail the aspects of estimating the glottal source shape parameter Rd using the phase minimization paradigm. Based on the analysis of a large number of speech signals we describe the major conditions that are likely to result in erroneous Rd estimates. Based on these findings we investigate into means to increase the robustness of the Rd parameter estimation. We use Viterbi smoothing to suppress unnatural jumps of the estimated Rd parameter contours within short time segments. Additionally, we propose to steer the Viterbi algorithm by exploiting the covariation of other voice descriptors to improve Viterbi smoothing. The novel Viterbi steering is based on a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) that represents the joint density of the voice descriptors and the Open Quotient (OQ) estimated from corresponding electroglottographic (EGG) signals. A conversion function derived from the mixture model predicts OQ from the voice descriptors. Converted to Rd it defines an additional prior probability to adapt the partial probabilities of the Viterbi algorithm accordingly. Finally, we evaluate the performances of the phase minimization based methods using both variants to adapt and extent the Rd regression on one synthetic test set as well as in combination with Viterbi smoothing and each variant of the novel Viterbi steering on one test set of natural speech. The experimental findings exhibit improvements for both Viterbi approaches

    Methods for speaking style conversion from normal speech to high vocal effort speech

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    This thesis deals with vocal-effort-focused speaking style conversion (SSC). Specifically, we studied two topics on conversion of normal speech to high vocal effort. The first topic involves the conversion of normal speech to shouted speech. We employed this conversion in a speaker recognition system with vocal effort mismatch between test and enrollment utterances (shouted speech vs. normal speech). The mismatch causes a degradation of the system's speaker identification performance. As solution, we proposed a SSC system that included a novel spectral mapping, used along a statistical mapping technique, to transform the mel-frequency spectral energies of normal speech enrollment utterances towards their counterparts in shouted speech. We evaluated the proposed solution by comparing speaker identification rates for a state-of-the-art i-vector-based speaker recognition system, with and without applying SSC to the enrollment utterances. Our results showed that applying the proposed SSC pre-processing to the enrollment data improves considerably the speaker identification rates. The second topic involves a normal-to-Lombard speech conversion. We proposed a vocoder-based parametric SSC system to perform the conversion. This system first extracts speech features using the vocoder. Next, a mapping technique, robust to data scarcity, maps the features. Finally, the vocoder synthesizes the mapped features into speech. We used two vocoders in the conversion system, for comparison: a glottal vocoder and the widely used STRAIGHT. We assessed the converted speech from the two vocoder cases with two subjective listening tests that measured similarity to Lombard speech and naturalness. The similarity subjective test showed that, for both vocoder cases, our proposed SSC system was able to convert normal speech to Lombard speech. The naturalness subjective test showed that the converted samples using the glottal vocoder were clearly more natural than those obtained with STRAIGHT

    Voice source characterization for prosodic and spectral manipulation

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    The objective of this dissertation is to study and develop techniques to decompose the speech signal into its two main components: voice source and vocal tract. Our main efforts are on the glottal pulse analysis and characterization. We want to explore the utility of this model in different areas of speech processing: speech synthesis, voice conversion or emotion detection among others. Thus, we will study different techniques for prosodic and spectral manipulation. One of our requirements is that the methods should be robust enough to work with the large databases typical of speech synthesis. We use a speech production model in which the glottal flow produced by the vibrating vocal folds goes through the vocal (and nasal) tract cavities and its radiated by the lips. Removing the effect of the vocal tract from the speech signal to obtain the glottal pulse is known as inverse filtering. We use a parametric model fo the glottal pulse directly in the source-filter decomposition phase. In order to validate the accuracy of the parametrization algorithm, we designed a synthetic corpus using LF glottal parameters reported in the literature, complemented with our own results from the vowel database. The results show that our method gives satisfactory results in a wide range of glottal configurations and at different levels of SNR. Our method using the whitened residual compared favorably to this reference, achieving high quality ratings (Good-Excellent). Our full parametrized system scored lower than the other two ranking in third place, but still higher than the acceptance threshold (Fair-Good). Next we proposed two methods for prosody modification, one for each of the residual representations explained above. The first method used our full parametrization system and frame interpolation to perform the desired changes in pitch and duration. The second method used resampling on the residual waveform and a frame selection technique to generate a new sequence of frames to be synthesized. The results showed that both methods are rated similarly (Fair-Good) and that more work is needed in order to achieve quality levels similar to the reference methods. As part of this dissertation, we have studied the application of our models in three different areas: voice conversion, voice quality analysis and emotion recognition. We have included our speech production model in a reference voice conversion system, to evaluate the impact of our parametrization in this task. The results showed that the evaluators preferred our method over the original one, rating it with a higher score in the MOS scale. To study the voice quality, we recorded a small database consisting of isolated, sustained Spanish vowels in four different phonations (modal, rough, creaky and falsetto) and were later also used in our study of voice quality. Comparing the results with those reported in the literature, we found them to generally agree with previous findings. Some differences existed, but they could be attributed to the difficulties in comparing voice qualities produced by different speakers. At the same time we conducted experiments in the field of voice quality identification, with very good results. We have also evaluated the performance of an automatic emotion classifier based on GMM using glottal measures. For each emotion, we have trained an specific model using different features, comparing our parametrization to a baseline system using spectral and prosodic characteristics. The results of the test were very satisfactory, showing a relative error reduction of more than 20% with respect to the baseline system. The accuracy of the different emotions detection was also high, improving the results of previously reported works using the same database. Overall, we can conclude that the glottal source parameters extracted using our algorithm have a positive impact in the field of automatic emotion classification

    Refining a Deep Learning-based Formant Tracker using Linear Prediction Methods

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    In this study, formant tracking is investigated by refining the formants tracked by an existing data-driven tracker, DeepFormants, using the formants estimated in a model-driven manner by linear prediction (LP)-based methods. As LP-based formant estimation methods, conventional covariance analysis (LP-COV) and the recently proposed quasi-closed phase forward-backward (QCP-FB) analysis are used. In the proposed refinement approach, the contours of the three lowest formants are first predicted by the data-driven DeepFormants tracker, and the predicted formants are replaced frame-wise with local spectral peaks shown by the model-driven LP-based methods. The refinement procedure can be plugged into the DeepFormants tracker with no need for any new data learning. Two refined DeepFormants trackers were compared with the original DeepFormants and with five known traditional trackers using the popular vocal tract resonance (VTR) corpus. The results indicated that the data-driven DeepFormants trackers outperformed the conventional trackers and that the best performance was obtained by refining the formants predicted by DeepFormants using QCP-FB analysis. In addition, by tracking formants using VTR speech that was corrupted by additive noise, the study showed that the refined DeepFormants trackers were more resilient to noise than the reference trackers. In general, these results suggest that LP-based model-driven approaches, which have traditionally been used in formant estimation, can be combined with a modern data-driven tracker easily with no further training to improve the tracker's performance.Comment: Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 81, Article 101515, June 202

    Fitting a biomechanical model of the folds to high-speed video data through bayesian estimation

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    High-speed video recording of the vocal folds during sustained phonation has become a widespread diagnostic tool, and the development of imaging techniques able to perform automated tracking and analysis of relevant glottal cues, such as folds edge position or glottal area, is an active research field. In this paper, a vocal folds vibration analysis method based on the processing of visual data through a biomechanical model of the layngeal dynamics is proposed. The procedure relies on a Bayesian non-stationary estimation of the biomechanical model parameters and state, to fit the folds edge position extracted from the high-speed video endoscopic data. This finely tuned dynamical model is then used as a state transition model in a Bayesian setting, and it allows to obtain a physiologically motivated estimation of upper and lower vocal folds edge position. Based on model prediction, an hypothesis on the lower fold position can be made even in complete fold occlusion conditions occurring during the end of the closed phase and the beginning of the open phase of the glottal cycle. To demonstrate the suitability of the procedure, the method is assessed on a set of audiovisual recordings featuring high-speed video endoscopic data from healthy subjects producing sustained voiced phonation with different laryngeal settings

    Physiologically-Motivated Feature Extraction Methods for Speaker Recognition

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    Speaker recognition has received a great deal of attention from the speech community, and significant gains in robustness and accuracy have been obtained over the past decade. However, the features used for identification are still primarily representations of overall spectral characteristics, and thus the models are primarily phonetic in nature, differentiating speakers based on overall pronunciation patterns. This creates difficulties in terms of the amount of enrollment data and complexity of the models required to cover the phonetic space, especially in tasks such as identification where enrollment and testing data may not have similar phonetic coverage. This dissertation introduces new features based on vocal source characteristics intended to capture physiological information related to the laryngeal excitation energy of a speaker. These features, including RPCC, GLFCC and TPCC, represent the unique characteristics of speech production not represented in current state-of-the-art speaker identification systems. The proposed features are evaluated through three experimental paradigms including cross-lingual speaker identification, cross song-type avian speaker identification and mono-lingual speaker identification. The experimental results show that the proposed features provide information about speaker characteristics that is significantly different in nature from the phonetically-focused information present in traditional spectral features. The incorporation of the proposed glottal source features offers significant overall improvement to the robustness and accuracy of speaker identification tasks

    Glottal source parametrisation by multi-estimate fusion

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    Glottal source information has been proven useful in many applications such as speech synthesis, speaker characterisation, voice transformation and pathological speech diagnosis. However, currently no single algorithm can extract reliable glottal source estimates across a wide range of speech signals. This thesis describes an investigation into glottal source parametrisation, including studies, proposals and evaluations on glottal waveform extraction, glottal source modelling by Liljencrants-Fant (LF) model fitting and a new multi-estimate fusion framework. As one of the critical steps in voice source parametrisation, glottal waveform extraction techniques are reviewed. A performance study is carried out on three existing glottal inverse filtering approaches and results confirm that no single algorithm consistently outperforms others and provide a reliable and accurate estimate for different speech signals. The next step is modelling the extracted glottal flow. To more accurately estimate the glottal source parameters, a new time-domain LF-model fitting algorithm by extended Kalman filter is proposed. The algorithm is evaluated by comparing it with a standard time-domain method and a spectral approach. Results show the proposed fitting method is superior to existing fitting methods. To obtain accurate glottal source estimates for different speech signals, a multi-estimate (ME) fusion framework is proposed. In the framework different algorithms are applied in parallel to extract multiple sets of LF-model estimates which are then combined by quantitative data fusion. The ME fusion approach is implemented and tested in several ways. The novel fusion framework is shown to be able to give more reliable glottal LF-model estimates than any single algorithm