9 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation with Shape Growth or Shrinkage Constraint

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    We propose a new method for joint segmentation of monotonously growing or shrinking shapes in a time sequence of noisy images. The task of segmenting the image time series is expressed as an optimization problem using the spatio-temporal graph of pixels, in which we are able to impose the constraint of shape growth or of shrinkage by introducing monodirectional infinite links connecting pixels at the same spatial locations in successive image frames. The globally optimal solution is computed with a graph cut. The performance of the proposed method is validated on three applications: segmentation of melting sea ice floes and of growing burned areas from time series of 2D satellite images, and segmentation of a growing brain tumor from sequences of 3D medical scans. In the latter application, we impose an additional intersequences inclusion constraint by adding directed infinite links between pixels of dependent image structures

    Multi-label segmentation of images with partition trees

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    We propose a new framework for multi-class image segmentation with shape priors using a binary partition tree. In the literature, such trees are used to represent hierarchical partitions of images, and are usually computed in a bottom-up manner based on color similarities, then analyzed to detect objects with a known shape prior. However, not considering shape priors during the construction phase induces mistakes in the later segmentation. This paper proposes a method which uses both color distribution and shape priors to optimize the trees for image segmentation. The method consists in pruning and regrafting tree branches in order to minimize the energy of the best segmentation that can be extracted from the tree. Theoretical guarantees help reducing the search space and make the optimization efficient. Our experiments show that the optimization approach succeeds in incorporating shape information into multi-label segmentation, outperforming the state-of-the-art

    Bottom-up Object Segmentation for Visual Recognition

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    Automatic recognition and segmentation of objects in images is a central open problem in computer vision. Most previous approaches have pursued either sliding-window object detection or dense classification of overlapping local image patches. Differently, the framework introduced in this thesis attempts to identify the spatial extent of objects prior to recognition, using bottom-up computational processes and mid-level selection cues. After a set of plausible object hypotheses is identified, a sequential recognition process is executed, based on continuous estimates of the spatial overlap between the image segment hypotheses and each putative class. The object hypotheses are represented as figure-ground segmentations, and are extracted automatically, without prior knowledge of the properties of individual object classes, by solving a sequence of constrained parametric min-cut problems (CPMC) on a regular image grid. It is show that CPMC significantly outperforms the state of the art for low-level segmentation in the PASCAL VOC 2009 and 2010 datasets. Results beyond the current state of the art for image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation are also demonstrated in a number of challenging datasets including Caltech-101, ETHZ-Shape as well as PASCAL VOC 2009-11. These results suggest that a greater emphasis on grouping and image organization may be valuable for making progress in high-level tasks such as object recognition and scene understanding

    Combinatorial Solutions for Shape Optimization in Computer Vision

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    This thesis aims at solving so-called shape optimization problems, i.e. problems where the shape of some real-world entity is sought, by applying combinatorial algorithms. I present several advances in this field, all of them based on energy minimization. The addressed problems will become more intricate in the course of the thesis, starting from problems that are solved globally, then turning to problems where so far no global solutions are known. The first two chapters treat segmentation problems where the considered grouping criterion is directly derived from the image data. That is, the respective data terms do not involve any parameters to estimate. These problems will be solved globally. The first of these chapters treats the problem of unsupervised image segmentation where apart from the image there is no other user input. Here I will focus on a contour-based method and show how to integrate curvature regularity into a ratio-based optimization framework. The arising optimization problem is reduced to optimizing over the cycles in a product graph. This problem can be solved globally in polynomial, effectively linear time. As a consequence, the method does not depend on initialization and translational invariance is achieved. This is joint work with Daniel Cremers and Simon Masnou. I will then proceed to the integration of shape knowledge into the framework, while keeping translational invariance. This problem is again reduced to cycle-finding in a product graph. Being based on the alignment of shape points, the method actually uses a more sophisticated shape measure than most local approaches and still provides global optima. It readily extends to tracking problems and allows to solve some of them in real-time. I will present an extension to highly deformable shape models which can be included in the global optimization framework. This method simultaneously allows to decompose a shape into a set of deformable parts, based only on the input images. This is joint work with Daniel Cremers. In the second part segmentation is combined with so-called correspondence problems, i.e. the underlying grouping criterion is now based on correspondences that have to be inferred simultaneously. That is, in addition to inferring the shapes of objects, one now also tries to put into correspondence the points in several images. The arising problems become more intricate and are no longer optimized globally. This part is divided into two chapters. The first chapter treats the topic of real-time motion segmentation where objects are identified based on the observations that the respective points in the video will move coherently. Rather than pre-estimating motion, a single energy functional is minimized via alternating optimization. The main novelty lies in the real-time capability, which is achieved by exploiting a fast combinatorial segmentation algorithm. The results are furthermore improved by employing a probabilistic data term. This is joint work with Daniel Cremers. The final chapter presents a method for high resolution motion layer decomposition and was developed in combination with Daniel Cremers and Thomas Pock. Layer decomposition methods support the notion of a scene model, which allows to model occlusion and enforce temporal consistency. The contributions are twofold: from a practical point of view the proposed method allows to recover fine-detailed layer images by minimizing a single energy. This is achieved by integrating a super-resolution method into the layer decomposition framework. From a theoretical viewpoint the proposed method introduces layer-based regularity terms as well as a graph cut-based scheme to solve for the layer domains. The latter is combined with powerful continuous convex optimization techniques into an alternating minimization scheme. Lastly I want to mention that a significant part of this thesis is devoted to the recent trend of exploiting parallel architectures, in particular graphics cards: many combinatorial algorithms are easily parallelized. In Chapter 3 we will see a case where the standard algorithm is hard to parallelize, but easy for the respective problem instances