46,291 research outputs found

    A two-dimensional non-equilibrium dynamic model

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    This paper develops a non-equilibrium dynamic model (NEDyM) with Keynesian features (it allows for a disequilibrium between output and demand and it considers a constant marginal propensity to consume), but where production is undertaken under plain neoclassical conditions (a constant returns to scale production function, with the stocks of capital and labor fully employed, is assumed). The model involves only two endogenous / prognostic variables: the stock of physical capital per unit of labor and a goods inventory measure. The two-dimensional system allows for a careful analysis of local and global dynamics. Points of bifurcation and long-term cyclical motion are identified. The main conclusion is that the disequilibrium hypothesis leads to persistent fluctuations generated by intrinsic deterministic factors

    On the Nonlinear Stability of Asymptotically Anti-de Sitter Solutions

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    Despite the recent evidence that anti-de Sitter spacetime is nonlinearly unstable, we argue that many asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions are nonlinearly stable. This includes geons, boson stars, and black holes. As part of our argument, we calculate the frequencies of long-lived gravitational quasinormal modes of AdS black holes in various dimensions. We also discuss a new class of asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions describing noncoalescing black hole binaries.Comment: 26 pages. 5 figure

    Front propagation into unstable states: Universal algebraic convergence towards uniformly translating pulled fronts

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    Fronts that start from a local perturbation and propagate into a linearly unstable state come in two classes: pulled and pushed. ``Pulled'' fronts are ``pulled along'' by the spreading of linear perturbations about the unstable state, so their asymptotic speed v∗v^* equals the spreading speed of linear perturbations of the unstable state. The central result of this paper is that the velocity of pulled fronts converges universally for time t→∞t\to\infty like v(t)=v∗−3/(2λ∗t)+(3π/2)Dλ∗/(Dλ∗2t)3/2+O(1/t2)v(t)=v^*-3/(2\lambda^*t) + (3\sqrt{\pi}/2) D\lambda^*/(D{\lambda^*}^2t)^{3/2}+O(1/t^2). The parameters v∗v^*, λ∗\lambda^*, and DD are determined through a saddle point analysis from the equation of motion linearized about the unstable invaded state. The interior of the front is essentially slaved to the leading edge, and we derive a simple, explicit and universal expression for its relaxation towards ϕ(x,t)=Φ∗(x−v∗t)\phi(x,t)=\Phi^*(x-v^*t). Our result, which can be viewed as a general center manifold result for pulled front propagation, is derived in detail for the well known nonlinear F-KPP diffusion equation, and extended to much more general (sets of) equations (p.d.e.'s, difference equations, integro-differential equations etc.). Our universal result for pulled fronts thus implies independence (i) of the level curve which is used to track the front position, (ii) of the precise nonlinearities, (iii) of the precise form of the linear operators, and (iv) of the precise initial conditions. Our simulations confirm all our analytical predictions in every detail. A consequence of the slow algebraic relaxation is the breakdown of various perturbative schemes due to the absence of adiabatic decoupling.Comment: 76 pages Latex, 15 figures, submitted to Physica D on March 31, 1999 -- revised version from February 25, 200

    Null cone evolution of axisymmetric vacuum spacetimes

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    We present the details of an algorithm for the global evolution of asymptotically flat, axisymmetric spacetimes, based upon a characteristic initial value formulation using null cones as evolution hypersurfaces. We identify a new static solution of the vacuum field equations which provides an important test bed for characteristic evolution codes. We also show how linearized solutions of the Bondi equations can be generated by solutions of the scalar wave equation, thus providing a complete set of test beds in the weak field regime. These tools are used to establish that the algorithm is second order accurate and stable, subject to a Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition. In addition, the numerical versions of the Bondi mass and news function, calculated at scri on a compactified grid, are shown to satisfy the Bondi mass loss equation to second order accuracy. This verifies that numerical evolution preserves the Bianchi identities. Results of numerical evolution confirm the theorem of Christodoulou and Klainerman that in vacuum, weak initial data evolve to a flat spacetime. For the class of asymptotically flat, axisymmetric vacuum spacetimes, for which no nonsingular analytic solutions are known, the algorithm provides highly accurate solutions throughout the regime in which neither caustics nor horizons form.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure
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