309,801 research outputs found

    Curling: Content-ubiquitous resolution and delivery infrastructure for next-generation services

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    CURLING, a Content-Ubiquitous Resolution and Delivery Infrastructure for Next Generation Services, aims to enable a future content-centric Internet that will overcome the current intrinsic constraints by efficiently diffusing media content of massive scale. It entails a holistic approach, supporting content manipulation capabilities that encompass the entire content life cycle, from content publication to content resolution and, finally, to content delivery. CURLING provides to both content providers and customers high flexibility in expressing their location preferences when publishing and requesting content, respectively, thanks to the proposed scoping and filtering functions. Content manipulation operations can be driven by a variety of factors, including business relationships between ISPs, local ISP policies, and specific content provider and customer preferences. Content resolution is also natively coupled with optimized content routing techniques that enable efficient unicast and multicast-based content delivery across the global Internet

    QoE-centric management of advanced multimedia services

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    Over the last years, multimedia content has become more prominent than ever. Particularly, video streaming is responsible for more than a half of the total global bandwidth consumption on the Internet. As the original Internet was not designed to deliver such real-time, bandwidth-consuming applications, a serious challenge is posed on how to efficiently provide the best service to the users. This requires a shift in the classical approach used to deliver multimedia content, from a pure Quality of Service (QoS) to a full Quality of Experience (QoE) perspective. While QoS parameters are mainly related to low-level network aspects, the QoE reflects how the end-users perceive a particular multimedia service. As the relationship between QoS parameters and QoE is far from linear, a classical QoS-centric delivery is not able to fully optimize the quality as perceived by the users. This paper provides an overview of the main challenges this PhD aims to tackle in the field of end-to-end QoE optimization of video streaming services and, more precisely, of HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) solutions, which are quickly becoming the de facto standard for video delivery over the Internet

    Stochastic Dynamic Cache Partitioning for Encrypted Content Delivery

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    In-network caching is an appealing solution to cope with the increasing bandwidth demand of video, audio and data transfer over the Internet. Nonetheless, an increasing share of content delivery services adopt encryption through HTTPS, which is not compatible with traditional ISP-managed approaches like transparent and proxy caching. This raises the need for solutions involving both Internet Service Providers (ISP) and Content Providers (CP): by design, the solution should preserve business-critical CP information (e.g., content popularity, user preferences) on the one hand, while allowing for a deeper integration of caches in the ISP architecture (e.g., in 5G femto-cells) on the other hand. In this paper we address this issue by considering a content-oblivious ISP-operated cache. The ISP allocates the cache storage to various content providers so as to maximize the bandwidth savings provided by the cache: the main novelty lies in the fact that, to protect business-critical information, ISPs only need to measure the aggregated miss rates of the individual CPs and do not need to be aware of the objects that are requested, as in classic caching. We propose a cache allocation algorithm based on a perturbed stochastic subgradient method, and prove that the algorithm converges close to the allocation that maximizes the overall cache hit rate. We use extensive simulations to validate the algorithm and to assess its convergence rate under stationary and non-stationary content popularity. Our results (i) testify the feasibility of content-oblivious caches and (ii) show that the proposed algorithm can achieve within 10\% from the global optimum in our evaluation

    Building Internet caching systems for streaming media delivery

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    The proxy has been widely and successfully used to cache the static Web objects fetched by a client so that the subsequent clients requesting the same Web objects can be served directly from the proxy instead of other sources faraway, thus reducing the server\u27s load, the network traffic and the client response time. However, with the dramatic increase of streaming media objects emerging on the Internet, the existing proxy cannot efficiently deliver them due to their large sizes and client real time requirements.;In this dissertation, we design, implement, and evaluate cost-effective and high performance proxy-based Internet caching systems for streaming media delivery. Addressing the conflicting performance objectives for streaming media delivery, we first propose an efficient segment-based streaming media proxy system model. This model has guided us to design a practical streaming proxy, called Hyper-Proxy, aiming at delivering the streaming media data to clients with minimum playback jitter and a small startup latency, while achieving high caching performance. Second, we have implemented Hyper-Proxy by leveraging the existing Internet infrastructure. Hyper-Proxy enables the streaming service on the common Web servers. The evaluation of Hyper-Proxy on the global Internet environment and the local network environment shows it can provide satisfying streaming performance to clients while maintaining a good cache performance. Finally, to further improve the streaming delivery efficiency, we propose a group of the Shared Running Buffers (SRB) based proxy caching techniques to effectively utilize proxy\u27s memory. SRB algorithms can significantly reduce the media server/proxy\u27s load and network traffic and relieve the bottlenecks of the disk bandwidth and the network bandwidth.;The contributions of this dissertation are threefold: (1) we have studied several critical performance trade-offs and provided insights into Internet media content caching and delivery. Our understanding further leads us to establish an effective streaming system optimization model; (2) we have designed and evaluated several efficient algorithms to support Internet streaming content delivery, including segment caching, segment prefetching, and memory locality exploitation for streaming; (3) having addressed several system challenges, we have successfully implemented a real streaming proxy system and deployed it in a large industrial enterprise

    A machine learning resource allocation solution to improve video quality in remote education

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    The current global pandemic crisis has unquestionably disrupted the higher education sector, forcing educational institutions to rapidly embrace technology-enhanced learning. However, the COVID-19 containment measures that forced people to work or stay at home, have determined a significant increase in the Internet traffic that puts tremendous pressure on the underlying network infrastructure. This affects negatively content delivery and consequently user perceived quality, especially for video-based services. Focusing on this problem, this paper proposes a machine learning-based resource allocation solution that improves the quality of video services for increased number of viewers. The solution is deployed and tested in an educational context, demonstrating its benefit in terms of major quality of service parameters for various video content, in comparison with existing state of the art. Moreover, a discussion on how the technology is helping to mitigate the effects of massively increasing internet traffic on the video quality in an educational context is also presented
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