8,239 research outputs found

    Global Alignment of Molecular Sequences via Ancestral State Reconstruction

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    Molecular phylogenetic techniques do not generally account for such common evolutionary events as site insertions and deletions (known as indels). Instead tree building algorithms and ancestral state inference procedures typically rely on substitution-only models of sequence evolution. In practice these methods are extended beyond this simplified setting with the use of heuristics that produce global alignments of the input sequences--an important problem which has no rigorous model-based solution. In this paper we consider a new version of the multiple sequence alignment in the context of stochastic indel models. More precisely, we introduce the following {\em trace reconstruction problem on a tree} (TRPT): a binary sequence is broadcast through a tree channel where we allow substitutions, deletions, and insertions; we seek to reconstruct the original sequence from the sequences received at the leaves of the tree. We give a recursive procedure for this problem with strong reconstruction guarantees at low mutation rates, providing also an alignment of the sequences at the leaves of the tree. The TRPT problem without indels has been studied in previous work (Mossel 2004, Daskalakis et al. 2006) as a bootstrapping step towards obtaining optimal phylogenetic reconstruction methods. The present work sets up a framework for extending these works to evolutionary models with indels

    Consensus mutagenesis reveals that non-helical regions influence thermal stability of horseradish peroxidase

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    The enzyme horseradish peroxidase has many uses in biotechnology but a stabilized derivative would have even wider applicability. To enhance thermal stability, we applied consensus mutagenesis (used successfully with other proteins) to recombinant horseradish peroxidase and generated five single-site mutants. Unexpectedly, these mutations had greater effects on steady-state kinetics than on thermal stability. Only two mutants (T102A, T110V) marginally exceeded the wild type's thermal stability (4% and 10% gain in half-life at 50 °C respectively); the others (Q106R, Q107D, I180F) were less stable than wild type. Stability of a five-fold combination mutant matched that of Q106R, the least-stable single mutant. These results were perplexing: the Class III plant peroxidases display wide differences in thermal stability, yet the consensus mutations failed to reflect these natural variations. We examined the sequence content of Class III peroxidases to determine if there are identifiable molecular reasons for the stability differences observed. Bioinformatic analysis validated our choice of sites and mutations and generated an archetypal peroxidase sequence for comparison with extant sequences. It seems that both genetic variation and differences in protein stability are confined to non-helical regions due to the presence of a highly conserved alpha-helical structural scaffold in these enzymes

    Alignment-free phylogenetic reconstruction: Sample complexity via a branching process analysis

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    We present an efficient phylogenetic reconstruction algorithm allowing insertions and deletions which provably achieves a sequence-length requirement (or sample complexity) growing polynomially in the number of taxa. Our algorithm is distance-based, that is, it relies on pairwise sequence comparisons. More importantly, our approach largely bypasses the difficult problem of multiple sequence alignment.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP852 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Coming to America: Multiple Origins of New World Geckos

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    Geckos in the Western Hemisphere provide an excellent model to study faunal assembly at a continental scale. We generated a time-calibrated phylogeny, including exemplars of all New World gecko genera, to produce a biogeographic scenario for the New World geckos. Patterns of New World gecko origins are consistent with almost every biogeographic scenario utilized by a terrestrial vertebrate with different New World lineages showing evidence of vicariance, dispersal via temporary land bridge, overseas dispersal, or anthropogenic introductions. We also recovered a strong relationship between clade age and species diversity, with older New World lineages having more species than more recently arrived lineages. Our data provide the first phylogenetic hypothesis for all New World geckos and highlight the intricate origins and ongoing organization of continental faunas. The phylogenetic and biogeographical hypotheses presented here provide an historical framework to further pursue research on the diversification and assembly of the New World herpetofauna

    Probing entry inhibitors' activity on HIV and development of new fusion inhibitors : integrating evolutionary biology with virology

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    Tese de doutoramento, FarmĂĄcia (Microbiologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de FarmĂĄcia, 2011The general aims of this thesis were: 1) to examine the C2, V3 and C3 envelope regions ofHIV-1 and HIV-2 at the molecular, evolutionary and structural levels; 2) to compare HIV-1and HIV-2 susceptibility to entry inhibitors and assess their potential value in HIV-2therapy; 3) to produce a new fusion inhibitor peptide using evolutionary biology basedstrategies.In the first study (Chapter 2), HIV-1 and HIV-2 were compared at the molecular,evolutionary and structural levels in the C2, V3 and C3 envelope regions. We identifiedsignificant structural and functional constrains to the diversification and evolution of C2,V3 and C3 in the HIV-2 envelope but not in HIV-1. In particular, we found that V3 in HIV-2is less exposed and more conserved than in HIV-1, suggesting fundamental differences inthe biology and infection of these viruses as well as in their susceptibility to entryinhibitors.In the second study (Chapter 3) we measured the baseline susceptibility of HIV-1 and HIV-2primary isolates to different fusion inhibitors and coreceptor antagonists, includingenfuvirtide (T-20) and maraviroc (MVC). MVC inhibited HIV-2 R5 variants at significantlyhigher IC90 concentrations than HIV-1 variants. Moreover, as previously found in HIV-1,susceptibility of HIV-2 R5 variants to MVC was inversely related with CD4+ T cell counts attime of virus isolation. These results suggest that the structure of the envelope complex ofR5 variants changes along the course of infection. More importantly, the results call fornew clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy of MVC in HIV-2 infection and to determine itsbest therapeutic dosage in early and late stage disease. We also provide definitiveevidence demonstrating that T-20 is not useful for HIV-2 therapy.In the final study (Chapter 4), we designed a new HIV fusion inhibitor peptide (P3) basedon the ancestral sequences of the HIV-2 and SIV envelope genes. P3 has an a-helixstructure as demonstrated by circular dichroism. It has broad antiviral activity at thenanomolar range against HIV-1 and HIV-2 primary isolates, including HIV-1 variantsresistant to T-20. Binding ELISA assays and selection of resistant mutants suggest that P3prevents viral fusion by binding to the transmembrane protein in the HR1 region. Thesestudies provide proof of concept that viable antiviral peptides can be constructed usingevolutionary biology strategies. Such strategies should be explored to enhance theproduction of peptide drugs and vaccines.O VĂ­rus da ImunodeficiĂȘncia Humana do tipo 1 e do tipo 2 (VIH-1 e VIH-2) sĂŁo os agentes etiolĂłgicos do SĂ­ndrome de ImunodeficiĂȘncia Adquirida (SIDA). Embora sejam semelhantes na sua organização estrutural e genĂłmica, estes lentivĂ­rus humanos apresentam caracterĂ­sticas antigĂ©nicas distintas e partilham uma semelhança genĂ©tica de apenas 50%. Enquanto o VIH-1 Ă© responsĂĄvel pela pandemia mundial, a infecção pelo VIH-2 localiza-se sobretudo na África Ocidental, em alguns paĂ­ses europeus como Portugal e França, e na Índia. A infecção pelo VIH-2 tem melhor prognĂłstico, a progressĂŁo para a doença Ă© mais lenta e hĂĄ melhor controlo imunolĂłgico do que na infecção pelo VIH-1. Ao contrĂĄrio do VIH-1, o arsenal terapĂȘutico actualmente disponĂ­vel para tratar a infecção por VIH-2 Ă© reduzido. Os fĂĄrmacos antiretrovirais em uso foram especificamente desenvolvidos para o VIH-1 e, consequentemente, a sua actividade pode ser reduzida ou nula no VIH-2. Este Ă© o caso concreto dos inibidores nĂŁo nucleosĂ­dicos da transcriptase reversa e de alguns inibidores da protease. Neste contexto, os inibidores de entrada poderĂŁo ser Ășteis para tratar a infecção por VIH-2. Contudo, a susceptibilidade dos isolados primĂĄrios de VIH-2 aos inibidores de entrada Ă© actualmente desconhecida. A susceptibilidade do VIH aos inibidores de entrada Ă© determinada pela qualidade da interacção do vĂ­rus com os receptores celulares. O VIH-1 e VIH-2 sĂŁo substancialmente diferentes a este nĂ­vel. Por exemplo, o VIH-2 pode ligar-se ao co-receptor CCR5 independentemente do receptor CD4 e da regiĂŁo V3 do invĂłlucro. Por outro lado, as regiĂ”es C2, V3 e C3 do VIH-2 sĂŁo substancialmente diferentes do VIH-1 a nĂ­vel antigĂ©nico. Colectivamente, estes dados indicam que a estrutura e conformação das glicoproteĂ­nas de superfĂ­cie do VIH-1 e VIH-2 sĂŁo substancialmente diferentes e sugerem que a susceptibilidade e resistĂȘncia dos dois tipos de vĂ­rus aos inibidores de entrada podem tambĂ©m ser diferentes. Os principais objectivos desta tese foram: 1) analisar as caracterĂ­sticas moleculares, estruturais e evolutivas das regiĂ”es C2, V3 e C3 no VIH-1 e VIH-2; 2) comparar a susceptibilidade do VIH-1 e VIH-2 aos inibidores de entrada e avaliar o seu potencial terapĂȘutico na infecção por VIH-2; 3) produzir um novo inibidor de fusĂŁo para o VIH-2. Para melhor compreender as potenciais diferenças destes dois vĂ­rus na resposta aos inibidores de entrada começåmos por analisar as caracterĂ­sticas moleculares, estruturais e evolutivas da regiĂŁo V3 e as regiĂ”es circundantes C2 e C3, num nĂșmero significativo de vĂ­rus VIH-1 e VIH-2 isolados em Portugal e noutras regiĂ”es do globo, com recurso a diferentes metodologias de biologia evolutiva e computacional (Capitulo 2). Apesar da menor variabilidade das 3 regiĂ”es no VIH-2, verificĂĄmos que a regiĂŁo C3 estĂĄ sob forte selecção positiva e encontra-se exposta Ă  superfĂ­cie sugerindo que, tal como no VIH-1, esta regiĂŁo poderĂĄ constituir um domĂ­nio neutralizante. No entanto, ao contrĂĄrio do VIH-1, a maioria das mutaçÔes adaptativas no VIH-2 sĂŁo prejudiciais e levam Ă  extinção das linhagens virais pelo que o efeito final Ă© um forte constrangimento Ă  variabilidade das regiĂ”es analisadas. Ao contrĂĄrio do VIH-1, verificĂĄmos que a ansa V3 do VIH-2 se encontra oclusa no complexo glicoproteico do invĂłlucro, numa conformação que parece ser estabilizada por interacçÔes que mantĂ©m com alguns resĂ­duos da regiĂ”es C2 e C3. Estes resultados sĂŁo consistentes com o facto de a V3 nĂŁo ser imunodominante no VIH-2, ficando assim mais protegida da resposta imunitĂĄria e das eventuais mutaçÔes que dela resultam. A forte conservação da V3, da C2 e da C3 tambĂ©m Ă© consistente com a sua potencialmente importante actividade imunosupressora. Em conclusĂŁo, este primeiro estudo permitiu caracterizar algumas das caracterĂ­sticas estruturais e funcionais que distinguem as glicoproteĂ­nas do invĂłlucro do VIH-1 e do VIH-2 e que estĂŁo associadas Ă s diferentes caracterĂ­sticas biolĂłgicas e fenotĂ­picas destes dois vĂ­rus. Estes dados podem ter impacto na resposta dos dois vĂ­rus aos inibidores de entrada (analisado no CapĂ­tulo 3) e no desenvolvimento de novas vacinas. No segundo estudo (CapĂ­tulo 3) comparĂĄmos a actividade antiviral dos antagonistas dos coreceptores (AMD3100, TAK-779 e maraviroc) e dos inibidores de fusĂŁo (T-20 e T-1249) entre um grupo de 20 isolados de VIH-2 (19 isolados primĂĄrios + um isolado laboratorial) e nove isolados de VIH-1 (sete isolados primĂĄrios + dois isolados laboratoriais). VerificĂĄmos que a sensibilidade ao AMD3100 e ao TAK-779 Ă© semelhante no VIH-1 e o VIH-2. No entanto, o perfil da curva dose-resposta do maraviroc (MVC) obtido para os isolados R5 foi diferente nos dois tipos de vĂ­rus. No VIH-2 os valores de IC90 foram significativamente mais elevados do que no VIH-1; por outro lado, os declives da curva dose-resposta foram mais baixos no VIH-2 do que no VIH-1. Colectivamente, estes resultados sugerem que poderĂŁo ser necessĂĄrias concentraçÔes mais elevadas de MVC para tratar os doentes infectados pelo VIH-2. Adicionalmente, encontrĂĄmos uma correlação forte e de sentido inverso entre as susceptibilidade do VIH-2 ao MVC e o nĂșmero de cĂ©lulas T CD4+ dos doentes quando os vĂ­rus foram isolados. VĂ­rus isolados em doentes em fase de SIDA foram menos susceptĂ­veis ao MVC do que os vĂ­rus isolados em doentes com uma contagem de cĂ©lulas T CD4+ superior a 200 cĂ©lulas/ul. Ao contrĂĄrio do VIH-1 nĂŁo encontrĂĄmos qualquer correlação entre a carga da V3 e a susceptibilidade dos isolados R5 de VIH-2 ao MVC. De um modo geral, os nossos resultados sugerem que sĂŁo necessĂĄrios ensaios clĂ­nicos para avaliar a efectividade do MVC na infecção pelo VIH-2, determinar a dose terapĂȘutica mais adequada e esclarecer se Ă© necessĂĄrio fazer um ajuste de dose de acordo com a fase da doença. Adicionalmente, e uma vez que isolados VIH-2 X4 e populaçÔes duplas/mistas sĂŁo totalmente ou parcialmente resistentes ao MVC, Ă© de extrema importĂąncia o desenvolvimento de um ensaio de tropismo (genotĂ­pico e/ou fenotĂ­pico) para o VIH-2 de modo a determinar o tropismo antes do inĂ­cio da terapia com MVC. Sem o conhecimento prĂ©vio do tropismo viral, o tratamento com MVC poderĂĄ seleccionar espĂ©cies X4 minoritĂĄrias que estĂŁo associadas a maior resistĂȘncia Ă  neutralização e uma progressĂŁo mais rĂĄpida da doença. No que diz respeito aos inibidores de fusĂŁo, verificĂĄmos que o T-20 tem actividade reduzida no VIH-2, confirmando estudos anteriores realizados com dois isolados laboratoriais. Por outro lado, observĂĄmos uma elevada susceptibilidade deste vĂ­rus ao T- 1249, indicando que os inibidores de fusĂŁo sĂŁo potencialmente eficazes na infecção pelo VIH-2. Assim, o desenvolvimento de um novo inibidor de fusĂŁo do VIH-2 foi o objectivo do Ășltimo estudo desta tese (CapĂ­tulo 4). No CapĂ­tulo 4, desenvolvemos novos pĂ©ptidos inibidores de fusĂŁo a partir da reconstrução de sequĂȘncias ancestrais da glicoproteĂ­na gp36 do invĂłlucro de VIH-2 e de VĂ­rus de ImunodeficiĂȘncia dos SĂ­mios (VIS). Com esta abordagem inovadora pretendemos incorporar a histĂłria evolutiva dos vĂ­rus na sequĂȘncia dos pĂ©ptidos e desta forma melhorar a tolerĂąncia destas molĂ©culas aos polimorfismos naturais da sua regiĂŁo alvo bem como Ă s mutaçÔes de resistĂȘncia seleccionadas na sua presença. Obteve-se um pĂ©ptido ancestral (P3) constituĂ­do por 34 aminoĂĄcidos, cuja sequĂȘncia corresponde Ă s posiçÔes homĂłlogas 628 – 661 da proteĂ­na Env do isolado VIH-1 HXB2 (ou 623 – 656 do isolado VIH-2 ROD). A sequĂȘncia do P3 difere em 21 aminoĂĄcidos da sequĂȘncia consenso de VIH-1, 14 aminoĂĄcidos da sequĂȘncia do T-20 e 6 aminoĂĄcidos da sequĂȘncia consenso de VIH-2. Ao contrĂĄrio da natureza nĂŁo-estruturada do T-20, o P3 tem uma conformação tĂ­pica em hĂ©lice-a, o que lhe poderĂĄ conferir maior a estabilidade contra a degradação proteolĂ­tica, bem como maior afinidade para a regiĂŁo alvo. Por outro lado, o P3 foi facilmente solĂșvel em soluçÔes aquosas o que Ă© uma vantagem num futuro desenvolvimento de uma fĂłrmula farmacĂȘutica. O P3 demonstrou ter uma forte actividade antiviral contra isolados primĂĄrios e laboratoriais de VIH-1 e VIH-2 (IC50 mĂ©dio, 11 nM para o HIV-1 e 63.8 nM para o HIV-2), incluindo variantes resistentes ao T-20 (IC50, 0.15 – 11.8 nM). AtravĂ©s da passagem consecutiva de vĂ­rus em cultura na presença do pĂ©ptido, foi seleccionada uma mutação de resistĂȘncia na regiĂŁo HR1 da gp41 (VIH-1), a qual Ă© responsĂĄvel pela redução da susceptibilidade do VIH-1 ao P3 em 120x. Nas mesmas condiçÔes, e apĂłs 60 dias em cultura, nĂŁo foi possĂ­vel seleccionar mutaçÔes de resistĂȘncia ao P3 no VIH-2. Estes resultado, em conjugação com a sua forte ligação Ă  glicoproteĂ­na transmembranar de um isolado de VIH-2, indicam que, tal como outros pĂ©ptidos baseados na regiĂŁo HR2 (T-20, T- 1249), o P3 inibe a entrada do VIH pela interacção com a regiĂŁo HR1 da gp41 e sugerem que a barreira genĂ©tica para a resistĂȘncia ao P3 Ă© significativamente superior no VIH-2 do que no VIH-1. Neste estudo demonstrĂĄmos ainda que o P3 Ă© significativamente menos antigĂ©nico do que o T-20 nos doentes infectados pelo VIH-1 o que poderĂĄ traduzir-se numa maior duração da eficĂĄcia clĂ­nica do P3 em comparação com o T-20. Os resultados obtidos com o P3 demonstram pela primeira vez que Ă© possĂ­vel desenvolver pĂ©ptidos com actividade antiviral significativa utilizando metodologias de biologia evolutiva, pelo que esta abordagem poderĂĄ ser explorada no futuro para a produção de medicamentos peptĂ­dicos e, eventualmente, de vacinas

    From sea to land and beyond : new insights into the evolution of euthyneuran Gastropoda (Mollusca)

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    Background The Euthyneura are considered to be the most successful and diverse group of Gastropoda. Phylogenetically, they are riven with controversy. Previous morphology-based phylogenetic studies have been greatly hampered by rampant parallelism in morphological characters or by incomplete taxon sampling. Based on sequences of nuclear 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA as well as mitochondrial 16S rRNA and COI DNA from 56 taxa, we reconstructed the phylogeny of Euthyneura utilising Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. The evolution of colonization of freshwater and terrestrial habitats by pulmonate Euthyneura, considered crucial in the evolution of this group of Gastropoda, is reconstructed with Bayesian approaches. Results We found several well supported clades within Euthyneura, however, we could not confirm the traditional classification, since Pulmonata are paraphyletic and Opistobranchia are either polyphyletic or paraphyletic with several clades clearly distinguishable. Sacoglossa appear separately from the rest of the Opisthobranchia as sister taxon to basal Pulmonata. Within Pulmonata, Basommatophora are paraphyletic and Hygrophila and Eupulmonata form monophyletic clades. Pyramidelloidea are placed within Euthyneura rendering the Euthyneura paraphyletic. Conclusion Based on the current phylogeny, it can be proposed for the first time that invasion of freshwater by Pulmonata is a unique evolutionary event and has taken place directly from the marine environment via an aquatic pathway. The origin of colonisation of terrestrial habitats is seeded in marginal zones and has probably occurred via estuaries or semi-terrestrial habitats such as mangroves

    Evolutionary modes in protein observable space: the case of Thioredoxins

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    In this article, we investigated the structural and dynamical evolutionary behaviour of a set of ten thioredoxin proteins as formed by three extant forms and seven resurrected ones in laboratory. Starting from the crystallographic structures, we performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and compare the trajectories in terms of structural and dynamical properties. Interestingly, the structural properties related to the protein density (i.e. the number of residues divided by the excluded molecular volume) well describe the protein evolutionary behaviour. Our results also suggest that the changes in sequence as occurred during the evolution have affected the protein essential motions, allowing us to discriminate between ancient and extant proteins in terms of their dynamical behaviour. Such results are yet more evident when the bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic thioredoxins are separately analysed

    The inference of gene trees with species trees

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    Molecular phylogeny has focused mainly on improving models for the reconstruction of gene trees based on sequence alignments. Yet, most phylogeneticists seek to reveal the history of species. Although the histories of genes and species are tightly linked, they are seldom identical, because genes duplicate, are lost or horizontally transferred, and because alleles can co-exist in populations for periods that may span several speciation events. Building models describing the relationship between gene and species trees can thus improve the reconstruction of gene trees when a species tree is known, and vice-versa. Several approaches have been proposed to solve the problem in one direction or the other, but in general neither gene trees nor species trees are known. Only a few studies have attempted to jointly infer gene trees and species trees. In this article we review the various models that have been used to describe the relationship between gene trees and species trees. These models account for gene duplication and loss, transfer or incomplete lineage sorting. Some of them consider several types of events together, but none exists currently that considers the full repertoire of processes that generate gene trees along the species tree. Simulations as well as empirical studies on genomic data show that combining gene tree-species tree models with models of sequence evolution improves gene tree reconstruction. In turn, these better gene trees provide a better basis for studying genome evolution or reconstructing ancestral chromosomes and ancestral gene sequences. We predict that gene tree-species tree methods that can deal with genomic data sets will be instrumental to advancing our understanding of genomic evolution.Comment: Review article in relation to the "Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology" conference, Montpellier, 201

    Evolution of microgastropods (Ellobioidea, Carychiidae): integrating taxonomic, phylogenetic and evolutionary hypotheses

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    BACKGROUND: Current biodiversity patterns are considered largely the result of past climatic and tectonic changes. In an integrative approach, we combine taxonomic and phylogenetic hypotheses to analyze temporal and geographic diversification of epigean (Carychium) and subterranean (Zospeum) evolutionary lineages in Carychiidae (Eupulmonata, Ellobioidea). We explicitly test three hypotheses: 1) morphospecies encompass unrecognized evolutionary lineages, 2) limited dispersal results in a close genetic relationship of geographical proximally distributed taxa and 3) major climatic and tectonic events had an impact on lineage diversification within Carychiidae. RESULTS: Initial morphospecies assignments were investigated by different molecular delimitation approaches (threshold, ABGD, GMYC and SP). Despite a conservative delimitation strategy, carychiid morphospecies comprise a great number of unrecognized evolutionary lineages. We attribute this phenomenon to historic underestimation of morphological stasis and phenotypic variability amongst lineages. The first molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the Carychiidae (based on COI, 16S and H3) reveals Carychium and Zospeum to be reciprocally monophyletic. Geographical proximally distributed lineages are often closely related. The temporal diversification of Carychiidae is best described by a constant rate model of diversification. The evolution of Carychiidae is characterized by relatively few (long distance) colonization events. We find support for an Asian origin of Carychium. Zospeum may have arrived in Europe before extant members of Carychium. Distantly related Carychium clades inhabit a wide spectrum of the available bioclimatic niche and demonstrate considerable niche overlap. CONCLUSIONS: Carychiid taxonomy is in dire need of revision. An inferred wide distribution and variable phenotype suggest underestimated diversity in Zospeum. Several Carychium morphospecies are results of past taxonomic lumping. By collecting populations at their type locality, molecular investigations are able to link historic morphospecies assignments to their respective evolutionary lineage. We propose that rare founder populations initially colonized a continent or cave system. Subsequent passive dispersal into adjacent areas led to in situ pan-continental or mountain range diversifications. Major environmental changes did not influence carychiid diversification. However, certain molecular delimitation methods indicated a recent decrease in diversification rate. We attribute this decrease to protracted speciation
