97 research outputs found

    Data-Driven, Data-Informed, Data-Augmented: How Ubisoft’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Live Unit Uses Data for Continuous Product Innovation

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    To stay ahead of the competition, firms must continuously learn from their customers and swiftly adopt those lessons to improve their products. A unit at Ubisoft, a leading game publisher headquartered in Paris, has established a three-pronged approach to drive product innovation based on three practices: data-driven exploration, data-augmented ideation, and data-informed validation. By establishing processes and capabilities for these practices and blending them in a portfolio approach to product design, they maximize the value generation potential of the data at their disposal. Product development in a variety of industries can benefit from the lessons of these data-oriented innovation practices

    Video Games, Influence, and Identification: The Perpetuation of Culture Through Digital Worlds

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    Video games, through their widespread popularity and appeal, transmit meaningful ideas, beliefs, and attitudes via the use of digital worlds, narratives, characters, and play. Play has always held a key role in human life, but the video game medium accentuates and accelerates the reach and impact of play on human users. Jacques Ellul’s philosophy of social propaganda and Kenneth Burke’s rhetorical theory each offer important implications to the persuasiveness of video games; however, when placed in conversation with one another, the union of Ellul and Burke leads to a more complete understanding of how video games have such an effect and what can be done when complications are found. That video games are influential is not troubling, but it is worth exploring the ways in which video games are changing players’ actions, attitudes, and ideals through covert persuasion. Video games have the capacity and potency to transmit and instill prejudicial attitudes in players through covert persuasion, and these attitudes can lead to destructive actions. Many groups suffer from stereotypical depictions in video games, but one particular group under threat from the video game industry in the current political climate of the United States are Hispanic and Latino populations and cultures. If video games have the power to spread prejudice, then they also have the power to correct those problematic attitudes

    The Daily Gamecock, Thursday, March 23, 2017

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    Early Adolescents' Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Gender Representations in Video Games

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    This study investigated adolescents’ perception and attitudes towards gender representation in video game covers, and the degree to which these depictions may influence their notions on gender and identification. Seventeen participants ranging from ages 12 and 13 from an independent boarding and day school in Ontario participated in semi-structured interviews to explore this topic. Data were analyzed using a qualitative approach. The study’s conceptual framework encompassed social cognitive theory, gender schema theory, and cultivation theory. Findings suggest that gender representation in video games does influence the majority of participants’ notions of gender; however, there are differences between how males and females approach, interpret, and respond to this type of media. Findings also showcased that evidence of implicit bias was detected in both male and female participants, demonstrated through inconsistencies in their responses. Finally, the findings revealed a significant lack of identification from the majority of participants with video game characters, as many participants were able to clearly distinguish between simulated and real-life experiences. Through this investigation, the present study aimed to precipitate awareness and to provide better understanding about gender and identity in relation to video game playing

    Debates transmídia e identidades nacionalistas a partir de videogames: teoria e prática

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    Video games should be considered a form of propaganda. In this research, we use participant observation and interpretive analysis to study the role of video game fandom in the construction of nationalist cultures. The results show the audience's active role in the construction of nationalist identities and demonstrate how authoritarian regimes promote them.El videojuego debe considerarse una herramienta más de propaganda; por eso, en este texto estudiaremos el papel del fandom de videojuegos en la construcción de culturas nacionalistas mediante una metodología que parte de la observación participante y el análisis interpretativo. Como resultado, se aprecia el papel activo de las audiencias en la construcción de identidades nacionalistas, mientras se demuestra el impulso de estas por regímenes autoritarios.O videogame deve se considerar como mais uma ferramenta de propaganda; por isso, nesse texto estudaremos o papel do fandom de videogames na construção de culturas nacionalistas mediante uma metodologia baseada na observação participante e na análise interpretativa. Como resultado, percebe-se o papel ativo das audiências na construção das identidades nacionalistas, enquanto se demonstra o impulso delas por regimes autoritários

    What Can Genre Tell Us? Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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    Genre is known to be one of media to communicate between the game designer and game players. Genre could give powerful impact to the game players because it makes the game players familiar with the game with the similar genre to play. Through genre, the game designer and maker could use it to gain the players’ heart so that they can spread their ideas imbued in their games. Metal Gear Solid Game series which was firstly played in 1987 has been promoting the anti-nuclear possession since its release. This paper has a purpose to reveal what makes this last series of Metal Gear Solid game, MGSV: The Phantom Pain, can be accepted widely by game players by observing its genre and this paper also aims to discover how the game designers, through the game, promoted the anti-nuclear war, which becomes a hot issue again nowadays, by using multimodal genre analysis.   Keywords: discourse analysis, genre analysis, MGA, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Anti-nuclear war ideolog

    Playing politics – warfare in virtual worlds

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    Recent academic scholarship has resulted in the production of a broad body of interdisciplinary research that explores the representation of different political and spatial phenomena within popular culture, often focussed upon the analysis of film and television. Whilst video games now rival the popularity of these more established media forms, the different spaces that are represented within this medium have remained comparatively under-explored. This thesis addresses this lacuna and will show that military-themed video games are constitutive of particular spatial and political imaginaries, and that analyses of the medium can be used to illuminate broader critical debates. Such an engagement makes three specific contributions to knowledge. Firstly, a theoretical contribution is made through the increasing imbrication of approaches originating within International Relations and critical geopolitics. Whilst the former field addresses the relationship between political theory and popular culture, critical geopolitical analyses examine the process through which the surrounding world is spatialized. In offering an interdisciplinary perspective, therefore, this analysis highlights not only the production of a form of political power, but also the everyday mechanisms through which the associated assumptions, biases and cultural tropes are reproduced as commonsense spatial “knowledge”. Secondly, a methodological contribution is achieved through the provision of a framework for an object-focussed analysis of the video game medium. This approach, which encompasses both structural and thematic aspects, addresses the limitations that are associated with exclusively ludological or narratological approaches and provides an important middle ground. Finally, an empirical contribution is achieved through the detailed examination of the urban, rural and temporally-inflected forms of spatiality that are represented within military-themed video games. Here, a focus on twelve high-profile video game titles is used to highlight the ways in which the medium can work to produce or preclude different geopolitical imaginaries. The video game world is shown to be a source of political meaning – one which is used to naturalise different claims about the “reality” of our contemporary geopolitical experience, including what the world looks like and what our place within it might be. These analyses are also shown to provide a means by which it is made possible to illuminate – and even destabilise – the foundations of prevailing critical frameworks, offering the potential for introspection and future growth

    Generative AI-based Non-person Character (NPC) For Navigating Virtual Worlds

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    An innovative approach to virtual world interactions through generative AI-based Non-person Characters (NPCs). These AI-driven NPCs significantly advance over traditional, scripted characters by providing more realistic, adaptive, and dynamic interactions in various virtual environments. The work details the development process of these NPCs, from algorithm design to data integration and iterative refinement, ensuring their seamless integration into game environments. Additionally, the poster explores the wide-ranging applications of these AI NPCs, including enhancing gaming experiences, offering realistic training environments, and facilitating personalized virtual learning experiences. This research marks a substantial leap in virtual interaction, pushing the boundaries of immersion and realism in digital spaces.https://commons.und.edu/cs-pp/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Accessibility in PC Action/Adventure Games

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    Segons la Convenció sobre els Drets de les Persones amb Discapacitat, les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació han de ser accessibles. Per això, l'objectiu de l'estudi és avaluar el grau d'accessibilitat de 50 jocs d'acció/aventura per a PC publicats en els últims 10 anys (2010-2022). Per aconseguir-ho, es va crear una llista de comprovació d'opcions d'accessibilitat en conformitat a les normes, lleis i recomanacions, com les directrius per a videojocs i l'estàndard EN 301 549. El jocs es van seleccionar segons la disponibilitat, franquícies amb diversos títols i popularitat. Cada títol es va avaluar per comprovar si es complien les directrius. Es va calcular un percentatge a partir de la divisió del nombre de directrius d'accessibilitat presents entre les directrius possibles i aplicables. Els resultats revelen que el 44% dels jocs segueixen directrius d'accessibilitat, el 81% inclou directrius per a persones amb discapacitats cognitives, el 44% per a motores i de la parla, el 38% per a les auditives i el 25% per a les visuals. Els jocs examinats no són totalment accessibles, però la majoria compleix amb les directrius cognitives i els nivells bàsics d'accessibilitat. Futures vies d'investigació inclouen avaluacions d'accessibilitat multiplataforma de diferents gèneres i estudis.Según la Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones deben ser accesibles. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio fue descubrir el grado de accesibilidad de cincuenta juegos de acción/aventura para PC publicados en los últimos doce años (2010-2022). Para lograrlo, se creó una lista de comprobación de opciones y características conforme a las directrices para videojuegos, leyes y normas vigentes, como EN 301 549 en Europa. Los juegos se seleccionaron según la disponibilidad, franquicias con varios títulos y grado de popularidad. Cada título se evaluó para comprobar si se cumplían las directrices vigentes. Se obtuvo un porcentaje de accesibilidad al dividir el número de directrices disponibles entre las posibles y aplicables a cada título. Los resultados revelan que el 44% de los juegos siguen directrices, el 81% incluyen pautas para personas con discapacidades cognitivas, el 44% para las motoras y del habla, el 38% para las auditivas y el 25% para las visuales. Los juegos examinados no son totalmente accesibles, pero la mayoría cumple con directrices de accesibilidad cognitivas y niveles básicos de accesibilidad. Futuras vías de investigación incluyen evaluaciones de accesibilidad multiplataforma de diferentes géneros y estudios.According to the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) must be accessible. For this reason, the objective of this study was to discover the accessibility level of fifty PC action/adventure games released in the last twelve years (2010-2022). To this aim, a checklist of options and features following current guidelines (Game Accessibility Guidelines (GAG) and Xbox Guidelines), laws (Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 from the United States), and standards (European EN 301 549) was created. The games were selected based on availability, iterations, and popularity. They were reviewed and played to verify if the accessibility features were available. An accessibility percentage was obtained by dividing the number of present GAG by the number of possible GAG applicable to each title. The results revealed that 44% of the titles follow guidelines, 81% include guidelines for people with cognitive disabilities, 44% for motor and speech disabilities, 38% for auditory, and 25% for visual. The examined games are not entirely accessible, but most comply with guidelines addressing the needs of people with cognitive disabilities and basic accessibility levels. Further research lines include multiplatform accessibility assessments from different genres, publishers, and studios

    Gaming and the Metaverse: Trailblazing the Future of Information Systems and Platforms

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    Video games and its industry are leading practice in a variety of digital domains including autonomous design (procedural generation with AI) and real-time user/community engagement mechanisms. The gaming industry has been experimenting with various business and revenue models, pioneering many areas of data-driven design and innovation management, and blurring the lines between work and leisure. With the rising interest in building Metaverses and immersive experience design, many firms look at open-world videogames as the default model. Despite their cultural and digital importance, game environments are rarely the subject of IS research. They still carry stigmas of not being serious business or generalized enough for scholarly consideration. The PDW aims to formulate the effect of games, their artifacts, environments, and business models on the larger IS scholarship and draw a way forward for greater engagement of IS scholarship within the video game industry