188 research outputs found

    Remote sensing studies and morphotectonic investigations in an arid rift setting, Baja California, Mexico

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    The Gulf of California and its surrounding land areas provide a classic example of recently rifted continental lithosphere. The recent tectonic history of eastern Baja California has been dominated by oblique rifting that began at ~12 Ma. Thus, extensional tectonics, bedrock lithology, long-term climatic changes, and evolving surface processes have controlled the tectono-geomorphological evolution of the eastern part of the peninsula since that time. In this study, digital elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) from Baja California were corrected and enhanced by replacing artifacts with real values that were derived using a series of geostatistical techniques. The next step was to generate accurate thematic geologic maps with high resolution (15-m) for the entire eastern coast of Baja California. The main approach that we used to clearly represent all the lithological units in the investigated area was objectoriented classification based on fuzzy logic theory. The area of study was divided into twenty-two blocks; each was classified independently on the basis of its own defined membership function. Overall accuracies were 89.6 %, indicating that this approach was highly recommended over the most conventional classification techniques. The third step of this study was to assess the factors that affected the geomorphologic development along the eastern side of Baja California, where thirty-four drainage basins were extracted from a 15-m-resolution absolute digital elevation model (DEM). Thirty morphometric parameters were extracted; these parameters were then reduced using principal component analysis (PCA). Cluster analysis classification defined four major groups of basins. We extracted stream length-gradient indices, which highlight the differential rock uplift that has occurred along fault escarpments bounding the basins. Also, steepness and concavity indices were extracted for bedrock channels within the thirty-four drainage basins. The results were highly correlated with stream length-gradient indices for each basin. Nine basins, exhibiting steepness index values greater than 0.07, indicated a strong tectonic signature and possible higher uplift rates in these basins. Further, our results indicated that drainage basins in the eastern rift province of Baja California could be classified according to the dominant geomorphologic controlling factors (i.e., faultcontrolled, lithology-controlled, or hybrid basins)

    Representing past and future hydro-climatic variability over multi-decadal periods in poorly-gauged regions: the case of Ecuador

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    Cette thèse évalue des méthodes pour représenter la variabilité spatio-temporelle hydro-climatique passée et future dans les régions peu jaugées. Elle propose une procédure complète et reproductible appliquée à l'Équateur et s'appuyant sur des données hydro-climatiques observées et simulées en vue de représenter la variabilité passée et de projeter l'impact potentiel des changements climatiques sur les écoulements à la fin du 21ème siècle. Un état de l'art a permis d'identifier plusieurs techniques qui ont été intégrées dans une chaîne méthodologique pour obtenir des séries spatio-temporelles continues de température, de précipitation et de débit sur les périodes multi-décennales passées et futures. Trois chapitres centraux sont consacrés à cet objectif selon les thèmes suivants : (1) régionalisation de la température et des précipitations à partir de mesures in situ en comparant des techniques déterministes et géostatistiques avec une prise en compte de corrections orographiques; (2) reconstruction du débit dans différents bassins versants à l'aide de modèles hydrologiques conceptuels utilisés selon une approche multimodèle et multiparamétrique; et (3) projections hydro-climatiques basées sur des simulations de modèles climatiques sous contrainte d'un scénario marqué d'émission de gaz à effet de serre. La régionalisation du climat a révélé l'importance de caler les paramètres de spatialisation et d'évaluer les champs interpolés par rapport à des stations ponctuelles indépendantes et via des analyses de sensibilité hydrologique. La reconstruction des débits a été possible grâce aux simulations combinées de trois modèles hydrologiques évalués dans des conditions climatiques contrastées, et forcés par les variables climatiques régionalisées. Des simulations de changements hydro-climatiques à moyen terme (2040-2070) et à long terme (2070-2100) ont ensuite été analysées avec des intervalles de confiance de 95 %, en utilisant des scénarios de neuf modèles climatiques et en transférant les paramètres hydrologiques calibrés pour la reconstruction des débits. L'analyse de la variabilité hydro-climatique montre une légère augmentation des températures sur la période 1985-2015, tandis que la variabilité des précipitations est liée aux principaux modes des phases El Niño et La Niña à l'échelle inter-annuelle et au déplacement de la zone de convergence inter-tropicale (ZCIT) à l'échelle saisonnière. Une augmentation générale de la température (+4,4 °C) et des précipitations (+17 %) est attendue d'ici à la fin du 21ème siècle, ce qui pourrait entraîner une augmentation de +5 % à +71 % du débit annuel moyen selon les bassins versants. Ces résultats sont discutés en termes d'importance pour la gestion de l'eau, avant de suggérer de futures recherches hydrologiques telles que la régionalisation du débit des cours d'eau, une meilleure quantification des incertitudes et une évaluation de la capacité à satisfaire les futurs besoins en eau.This thesis investigates methods to represent the past and future hydro-climatic variability in space and over time in poorly-gauged regions. It proposes a complete and reproducible procedure applied to the continental Ecuador to deal with observed and simulated hydro-climatic data in order to represent past variability and project the potential impact of climate change on water resources by the end of the 21st century. Up-to-date techniques were identified in a literature review and were integrated in a chain protocol to obtain continuous space-time series of air temperature, precipitation and streamflow over past and future multi-decadal periods. Three central chapters are dedicated to this objective according to the following topics: (1) regionalization of air temperature and precipitation from in situ measurements by comparing deterministic and geostatistical techniques including orographic corrections; (2) streamflow reconstruction in various catchments using conceptual hydrological models in a multi-model, multi-parameter approach; and (3) hydro-climate projections using climate model simulations under a high range emission scenario. Climate regionalization revealed the importance of calibrating parameters and of assessing interpolated fields against independent gauges and via hydrological sensitivity analyses. Streamflow reconstruction was possible with the regionalized climate inputs and the combined simulations of three hydrological models evaluated in contrasting climate conditions. Future medium term (2040-2070) and long term (2070-2100) hydro-climatic changes were analysed with confidence intervals of 95% using scenarios from nine climate models and transferring the model parameters calibrated for streamflow reconstruction. Analysis of hydro-climatic variability over the period 1985-2015 showed a slight increase in temperature, while precipitation variability was linked to the main modes of El Niño and La Niña phases at inter-annual scale and to the displacement of the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) at seasonal scale. Under climate change, a general increase in temperature (+4.4 °C) and precipitation (+17%) is expected by the end of the 21st century, which could lead to between +5% and 71% increase in mean annual streamflow depending on the catchments. These results are discussed in terms of significance for water management before suggesting future hydrological research such as regionalizing streamflow, better quantifying uncertainties and assessing the capacity to meet future water requirements

    Modeling of soil weathering on hillslopes : coping with nonlinearity and coupled processes using a data-driven approach

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    Orientadores: Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho, Michael James FriedelTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeociênciasResumo: Esta tese de doutorado tem como objetivo aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as relações das propriedades físico-quimicas do solo com a morfometria do relevo, buscando quantificar essas relações para a construção de modelos conceituais e preditivos. Mapas auto-organizáveis e modelos de sistemas de informação geográfica foram utilizados para investigar as relações não lineares associadas ao intemperismo químico e físico, fatores associados a fenômenos hidrológicos e à evolução dos solos. Três estudos de caso são apresentados: o intemperismo químico de solo no estado do Paraná (22 variáveis e 304 amostras), o transporte físico de sedimentos em Poços de Caldas (9 variáveis e 29 amostras), e hidroquímica de aqüíferos na Formação Serra Geral no Estado do Paraná (27 variáveis e 976 amostras). O método combinando simulação estocástica e mineração de dados permitiu explorar as relações entre relevo, granulometria e geoquímica dos solos. Regiões mais elevadas e com morfometria convexa apresentaram alta denudação de elementos móveis (e.g., Ca) e baixa de elementos pouco móveis (e.g., Al). O mesmo padrão foi observado para granulometria de solos, ou seja, alta proporção de areia em áreas altas e convexas da bacia e altos teores de argila, com baixa condutividade hidráulica, em regiões convexas próximas aos canais de drenagem. O comportamento espacial da hidroquímica das águas do aqüífero Serra Geral apontou áreas de potencial conectividade entre aqüíferos, áreas de recarga recente e de alto tempo de residência. Foram construídos modelos preditivos não tendenciosos das propriedades do solo em subsuperfície partindo da premissa de que o intemperismo e a morfometria se relacionam através de um processo duplamente dependente, onde a denudação física e química atua no delineamento do relevo e a morfometria do terreno é um fator que caracteriza as condições físico-químicas do soloAbstract: This Doctoral thesis aims to explore the relationship between soil physical-chemical properties and relief morphometry, and quantifying these relationships to build conceptual and predictive models. Self-organizing maps and Geographic Information Systems modeling are here used to investigate nonlinear correlations associated with chemical and physical denudation; which are factors connected with hydrological phenomena and soil evolution. Three study cases are presented: soil chemical weathering within the limits of the Parana State, southern Brazil (22 variables and 304 samples), physical transport of sediments in the alkaline intrusive complex of Poços de Caldas, southeastern Brazil (9 variables and 29 samples), and hydrochemistry of Serra Geral aquifers also in the Parana State (27 variables and 976 samples). The method combining stochastic simulation and data mining allows exploring the relationships between topography, soil texture and soil geochemistry. In the Parana State, higher regions and areas with convex morphometry shows, respectively, higher and lower denudation rates of mobile (e.g., Ca) and less mobile (e.g., Al) elements. The same pattern is observed for soil particle size. In this case, high proportion of sand is found in highlands and convex areas inside the basin, and high clay content, with low hydraulic conductivity, occurs in convex regions, near drainage channels. The spatial behavior of the Serra Geral aquifer?s hydrochemistry pointed out to areas with potential connectivity with the Guarani aquifer system, recent recharge areas, and long-standing waters. Predictive, unbiased models are built for soil properties on the premise that weathering and morphology are related through a two-way dependent process, where the physical and chemical denudation delineates the elevations of the land surface, and terrain morphometry is a factor that characterizes the physical-chemical conditions of the soilDoutoradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisDoutor em Ciência

    Appraisal of Ancient Quarries and WWII Air Raids as Factors of Subsidence in Rome: A Geomatic Approach

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    Ancient mining and quarrying activities left anthropogenic geomorphologies that have shaped the natural landscape and affected environmental equilibria. The artificial structures and their related effects on the surrounding environment are analyzed here to characterize the quarrying landscape in the southeast area of Rome in terms of its dimensions, typology, state of preservation and interface with the urban environment. The increased occurrence of sinkhole events in urban areas has already been scientifically correlated to ancient cavities under increasing urban pressure. In this scenario, additional interacting anthropogenic factors, such as the aerial bombardments perpetrated during the Second World War, are considered here. These three factors have been investigated by employing a combined geomatic methodology. Information on air raids has been organized in vector archives. A dataset of historical aerial photographs has been processed into Digital Surface Models and orthomosaics to reconstruct the quarry landscape and its evolution, identify typologies of exploitation and forms of collapse and corroborate the discussion concerning the induced historical and recent subsidence phenomena, comparing these outputs with photogrammetric products obtained from recent satellite data. Geological and urbanistic characterization of the study area allowed a better connection between these historical and environmental factors. In light of the information gathered so far, SAR interferometric products allowed a preliminary interpretation of ground instabilities surrounding historical quarries, air raids and recent subsidence events. Various sub-areas of the AOI where the presenceof the considered factors also corresponds to areas in slight subsidence in the SAR velocity maps have been highlighted. Bivariate hotspot analysis allowed substantiating the hypothesis of a spatial correlation between these multiple aspects

    Remote sensing studies and morphotectonic investigations in an arid rift setting, Baja California, Mexico

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    The Gulf of California and its surrounding land areas provide a classic example of recently rifted continental lithosphere. The recent tectonic history of eastern Baja California has been dominated by oblique rifting that began at ~12 Ma. Thus, extensional tectonics, bedrock lithology, long-term climatic changes, and evolving surface processes have controlled the tectono-geomorphological evolution of the eastern part of the peninsula since that time. In this study, digital elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) from Baja California were corrected and enhanced by replacing artifacts with real values that were derived using a series of geostatistical techniques. The next step was to generate accurate thematic geologic maps with high resolution (15-m) for the entire eastern coast of Baja California. The main approach that we used to clearly represent all the lithological units in the investigated area was objectoriented classification based on fuzzy logic theory. The area of study was divided into twenty-two blocks; each was classified independently on the basis of its own defined membership function. Overall accuracies were 89.6 %, indicating that this approach was highly recommended over the most conventional classification techniques. The third step of this study was to assess the factors that affected the geomorphologic development along the eastern side of Baja California, where thirty-four drainage basins were extracted from a 15-m-resolution absolute digital elevation model (DEM). Thirty morphometric parameters were extracted; these parameters were then reduced using principal component analysis (PCA). Cluster analysis classification defined four major groups of basins. We extracted stream length-gradient indices, which highlight the differential rock uplift that has occurred along fault escarpments bounding the basins. Also, steepness and concavity indices were extracted for bedrock channels within the thirty-four drainage basins. The results were highly correlated with stream length-gradient indices for each basin. Nine basins, exhibiting steepness index values greater than 0.07, indicated a strong tectonic signature and possible higher uplift rates in these basins. Further, our results indicated that drainage basins in the eastern rift province of Baja California could be classified according to the dominant geomorphologic controlling factors (i.e., faultcontrolled, lithology-controlled, or hybrid basins)

    Prediction of Transportation Index for Urban Patterns in Small and Medium-sized Indian Cities using Hybrid RidgeGAN Model

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    The rapid urbanization trend in most developing countries including India is creating a plethora of civic concerns such as loss of green space, degradation of environmental health, clean water availability, air pollution, traffic congestion leading to delays in vehicular transportation, etc. Transportation and network modeling through transportation indices have been widely used to understand transportation problems in the recent past. This necessitates predicting transportation indices to facilitate sustainable urban planning and traffic management. Recent advancements in deep learning research, in particular, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and their modifications in spatial data analysis such as CityGAN, Conditional GAN, and MetroGAN have enabled urban planners to simulate hyper-realistic urban patterns. These synthetic urban universes mimic global urban patterns and evaluating their landscape structures through spatial pattern analysis can aid in comprehending landscape dynamics, thereby enhancing sustainable urban planning. This research addresses several challenges in predicting the urban transportation index for small and medium-sized Indian cities. A hybrid framework based on Kernel Ridge Regression (KRR) and CityGAN is introduced to predict transportation index using spatial indicators of human settlement patterns. This paper establishes a relationship between the transportation index and human settlement indicators and models it using KRR for the selected 503 Indian cities. The proposed hybrid pipeline, we call it RidgeGAN model, can evaluate the sustainability of urban sprawl associated with infrastructure development and transportation systems in sprawling cities. Experimental results show that the two-step pipeline approach outperforms existing benchmarks based on spatial and statistical measures

    Proceedings of the USDA-ARS workshop "Real world" infiltration

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    Compiled and edited by L.R. Ahuja and Amy Garrison.Includes bibliographical references.Proceedings of the 1996 workshop held on July 22-25, 1996 in Pingree Park, Colorado

    Hydraulics, Morphology, and Energy Dissipation in an Alpine Step-pool Channel

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    To investigate the relationship between hydraulics and channel morphology in step‐pool channels, we combined three‐dimensional velocity measurements with an acoustic Doppler velocimeter and topographic surveys in a steep step‐pool channel, the Rio Cordon, Italy. Measurements were organized around step, pool, and tread units and occurred within a range of 36%–57% of bankfull discharges. As flow moved from steps to their downstream pools in our study reach, an average of approximately two thirds of the total energy was dissipated, as measured by relative head loss through step‐pool sequences. Much of this head loss was achieved by elevation (potential energy) loss rather than velocity reductions. Although an overall, expected pattern of flow acceleration toward step crests and deceleration in pools was present, pool velocities were high, especially where upstream step crests were irregular and where residual pool depths were low. Many steps were porous or “leaky,” with irregular cross‐channel bed and water surface topography, producing high‐velocity jets and less flow resistance than channel‐spanning dammed steps. Longitudinal variations in hydraulics are thus often overshadowed by lateral variations arising from morphologic complexities. Velocity and turbulence characteristics in the Rio Cordon show marked differences from data we have collected in a more stable and wood‐rich channel in the Colorado Rockies, in which “ponded” steps are more prevalent and pools are slower and more turbulent. Comparison of these channels illustrates that step‐pool structure and hydraulics are strongly influenced by flow regime, sediment supply, lithology, time since the last step‐forming flood, and availability of in‐stream wood

    Threats to Soil Quality in Europe

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    During the recent years, there has been a surge of concern and attention in Europe to soil degradation processes. One of the most innovative aspects of the newly proposed Soil Thematic Strategy for the EU is the recognition of the multifunctionality of soils. This report is summarizing the reserch results on the fields of soil degradation and soil quality reserach. Chapters of the report include: Preface Characterisation of soil degradation risk: an overview Soil quality in the European Union Main threats to soil quality in Europe The Natural Susceptibility on European Soils to Compaction Soil Erosion: a main threats to the soils in Europe Soil Erosion risk assessment in the alpine area according to the IPCC scenarios An example of the threat of wind erosion using DSM techniques Updated map of salt affected soils in the European Union A framework to estimate the distribution of heavy metals in European Soils Application of Soil Organic Carbon Status Indicators for policy-decision making in the EU Main threats on soil biodiversity: The case of agricultural activities impacts on soil microarthropods Implications of soil threats on agricultural areas in Europe MEUSIS, a Multi-Scale European Soil Information System (MEUSIS): novel ways to derive soil indicators through UpscalingJRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard