28 research outputs found

    Adaptive coarse-to-fine quantization for optimizing rate-distortion of progressive mesh compression

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    International audienceWe propose a new connectivity-based progressivecompression approach for triangle meshes. The keyidea is to adapt the quantization precision to the resolutionof each intermediate mesh so as to optimizethe rate-distortion trade-off. This adaptation is automaticallydetermined during the encoding processand the overhead is efficiently encoded using geometricalprediction techniques. We also introducean optimization of the geometry coding by usinga bijective discrete rotation. Results show that ourapproach delivers a better rate-distortion behaviorthan both connectivity-based and geometry-basedcompression state of the art method

    Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Evaluation of 3D Point Cloud Data by the JPEG Committee

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    The SC29/WG1 (JPEG) Committee within ISO/IEC is currently working on developing standards for the storage, compression and transmission of 3D point cloud information. To support the creation of these standards, the committee has created a database of 3D point clouds representing various quality levels and use-cases and examined a range of 2D and 3D objective quality measures. The examined quality measures are correlated with subjective judgments for a number of compression levels. In this paper we describe the database created, tests performed and key observations on the problems of 3D point cloud quality assessment

    Geometric 3D point cloud compression

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    The use of 3D data in mobile robotics applications provides valuable information about the robot’s environment but usually the huge amount of 3D information is unmanageable by the robot storage and computing capabilities. A data compression is necessary to store and manage this information but preserving as much information as possible. In this paper, we propose a 3D lossy compression system based on plane extraction which represent the points of each scene plane as a Delaunay triangulation and a set of points/area information. The compression system can be customized to achieve different data compression or accuracy ratios. It also supports a color segmentation stage to preserve original scene color information and provides a realistic scene reconstruction. The design of the method provides a fast scene reconstruction useful for further visualization or processing tasks.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government DPI2013-40534-R grant

    A practical comparison between two powerful PCC codec’s

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    Recent advances in the consumption of 3D content creates the necessity of efficient ways to visualize and transmit 3D content. As a result, methods to obtain that same content have been evolving, leading to the development of new methods of representations, namely point clouds and light fields. A point cloud represents a set of points with associated Cartesian coordinates associated with each point(x, y, z), as well as being able to contain even more information inside that point (color, material, texture, etc). This kind of representation changes the way on how 3D content in consumed, having a wide range of applications, from videogaming to medical ones. However, since this type of data carries so much information within itself, they are data-heavy, making the storage and transmission of content a daunting task. To resolve this issue, MPEG created a point cloud coding normalization project, giving birth to V-PCC (Video-based Point Cloud Coding) and G-PCC (Geometry-based Point Cloud Coding) for static content. Firstly, a general analysis of point clouds is made, spanning from their possible solutions, to their acquisition. Secondly, point cloud codecs are studied, namely VPCC and G-PCC from MPEG. Then, a state of art study of quality evaluation is performed, namely subjective and objective evaluation. Finally, a report on the JPEG Pleno Point Cloud, in which an active colaboration took place, is made, with the comparative results of the two codecs and used metrics.Os avanços recentes no consumo de conteúdo 3D vêm criar a necessidade de maneiras eficientes de visualizar e transmitir conteúdo 3D. Consequentemente, os métodos de obtenção desse mesmo conteúdo têm vindo a evoluir, levando ao desenvolvimento de novas maneiras de representação, nomeadamente point clouds e lightfields. Um point cloud (núvem de pontos) representa um conjunto de pontos com coordenadas cartesianas associadas a cada ponto (x, y, z), além de poder conter mais informação dentro do mesmo (cor, material, textura, etc). Este tipo de representação abre uma nova janela na maneira como se consome conteúdo 3D, tendo um elevado leque de aplicações, desde videojogos e realidade virtual a aplicações médicas. No entanto, este tipo de dados, ao carregarem com eles tanta informação, tornam-se incrivelmente pesados, tornando o seu armazenamento e transmissão uma tarefa hercúleana. Tendo isto em mente, a MPEG criou um projecto de normalização de codificação de point clouds, dando origem ao V-PCC (Video-based Point Cloud Coding) e G-PCC (Geometry-based Point Cloud Coding) para conteúdo estático. Esta dissertação tem como objectivo uma análise geral sobre os point clouds, indo desde as suas possívei utilizações à sua aquisição. Seguidamente, é efectuado um estudo dos codificadores de point clouds, nomeadamente o V-PCC e o G-PCC da MPEG, o estado da arte da avaliação de qualidade, objectiva e subjectiva, e finalmente, são reportadas as actividades da JPEG Pleno Point Cloud, na qual se teve uma colaboração activa

    3-D Mesh geometry compression with set partitioning in the spectral domain

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    This paper explains the development of a highly efficient progressive 3-D mesh geometry coder based on the region adaptive transform in the spectral mesh compression method. A hierarchical set partitioning technique, originally proposed for the efficient compression of wavelet transform coefficients in high-performance wavelet-based image coding methods, is proposed for the efficient compression of the coefficients of this transform. Experiments confirm that the proposed coder employing such a region adaptive transform has a high compression performance rarely achieved by other state of the art 3-D mesh geometry compression algorithms. A new, high-performance fixed spectral basis method is also proposed for reducing the computational complexity of the transform. Many-to-one mappings are employed to relate the coded irregular mesh region to a regular mesh whose basis is used. To prevent loss of compression performance due to the low-pass nature of such mappings, transitions are made from transform-based coding to spatial coding on a per region basis at high coding rates. Experimental results show the performance advantage of the newly proposed fixed spectral basis method over the original fixed spectral basis method in the literature that employs one-to-one mappings.This work was supported in part by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, and conducted under Project 106E064Publisher's Versio

    Progressive Compression of Triangle Meshes

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    International audienceThis paper details the first publicly available implementation of the progressive mesh compression algorithm described in the paper entitled "Compressed Progressive Meshes" [R. Pajarola and J. Rossignac, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 6 (2000), pp. 79-93]. Our implementation is generic, modular, and includes several improvements in the stopping criteria and final encoding. Given an input 2-manifold triangle mesh, an iterative simplification is performed, involving batches of edge collapse operations guided by an error metric. During this compression step, all the information necessary for the reconstruction (at the decompression step) is recorded and compressed using several key features: geometric quantization, prediction, and spanning tree encoding. Our implementation allowed us to carry out an experimental comparison of several settings for the key parameters of the algorithm: the local error metric, the position type of the resulting vertex (after collapse), and the geometric predictor. Source Code The proposed implementation is publicly available through the MEPP2 platform [20]. The algorithm can be used either as a command-line executable or integrated into the MEPP2 GUI. The source code is written in C++ and is accessible on the IPOL web page of this article 1 , as well as on the GitHub page of MEPP2 (MEPP-team/MEPP2 project 2)