28,460 research outputs found

    Coplanar Repeats by Energy Minimization

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    This paper proposes an automated method to detect, group and rectify arbitrarily-arranged coplanar repeated elements via energy minimization. The proposed energy functional combines several features that model how planes with coplanar repeats are projected into images and captures global interactions between different coplanar repeat groups and scene planes. An inference framework based on a recent variant of α\alpha-expansion is described and fast convergence is demonstrated. We compare the proposed method to two widely-used geometric multi-model fitting methods using a new dataset of annotated images containing multiple scene planes with coplanar repeats in varied arrangements. The evaluation shows a significant improvement in the accuracy of rectifications computed from coplanar repeats detected with the proposed method versus those detected with the baseline methods.Comment: 14 pages with supplemental materials attache

    3D Object Discovery and Modeling Using Single RGB-D Images Containing Multiple Object Instances

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    Unsupervised object modeling is important in robotics, especially for handling a large set of objects. We present a method for unsupervised 3D object discovery, reconstruction, and localization that exploits multiple instances of an identical object contained in a single RGB-D image. The proposed method does not rely on segmentation, scene knowledge, or user input, and thus is easily scalable. Our method aims to find recurrent patterns in a single RGB-D image by utilizing appearance and geometry of the salient regions. We extract keypoints and match them in pairs based on their descriptors. We then generate triplets of the keypoints matching with each other using several geometric criteria to minimize false matches. The relative poses of the matched triplets are computed and clustered to discover sets of triplet pairs with similar relative poses. Triplets belonging to the same set are likely to belong to the same object and are used to construct an initial object model. Detection of remaining instances with the initial object model using RANSAC allows to further expand and refine the model. The automatically generated object models are both compact and descriptive. We show quantitative and qualitative results on RGB-D images with various objects including some from the Amazon Picking Challenge. We also demonstrate the use of our method in an object picking scenario with a robotic arm

    Local and global gestalt laws: A neurally based spectral approach

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    A mathematical model of figure-ground articulation is presented, taking into account both local and global gestalt laws. The model is compatible with the functional architecture of the primary visual cortex (V1). Particularly the local gestalt law of good continuity is described by means of suitable connectivity kernels, that are derived from Lie group theory and are neurally implemented in long range connectivity in V1. Different kernels are compatible with the geometric structure of cortical connectivity and they are derived as the fundamental solutions of the Fokker Planck, the Sub-Riemannian Laplacian and the isotropic Laplacian equations. The kernels are used to construct matrices of connectivity among the features present in a visual stimulus. Global gestalt constraints are then introduced in terms of spectral analysis of the connectivity matrix, showing that this processing can be cortically implemented in V1 by mean field neural equations. This analysis performs grouping of local features and individuates perceptual units with the highest saliency. Numerical simulations are performed and results are obtained applying the technique to a number of stimuli.Comment: submitted to Neural Computatio

    Perceptual grouping abilities in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: exploring patterns of ability in relation to grouping type and levels of development

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    This study further investigates findings of impairment in Gestalt, but not global processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) [Brosnan, Scott, Fox, & Pye, 2004]. Nineteen males with ASD and nineteen typically developing (TD) males matched by nonverbal ability, took part in five Gestalt perceptual grouping tasks. Results showed that performance differed according to grouping type. The ASD group showed typical performance for grouping by proximity and by alignment, impairment on low difficulty trials for orientation and luminance similarity, and general impairment for grouping by shape similarity. Group differences were also observed developmentally; for the ASD group, with the exception of grouping by shape similarity, perceptual grouping performance was poorer at lower than higher levels of nonverbal ability. In contrast, no developmental progression was observed in the TD controls

    Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations

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    This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly solve for affine-rectification and radial lens distortion from coplanar repeated patterns. Even with imagery from moderately distorted lenses, plane rectification using the pinhole camera model is inaccurate or invalid. The proposed solvers incorporate lens distortion into the camera model and extend accurate rectification to wide-angle imagery, which is now common from consumer cameras. The solvers are derived from constraints induced by the conjugate translations of an imaged scene plane, which are integrated with the division model for radial lens distortion. The hidden-variable trick with ideal saturation is used to reformulate the constraints so that the solvers generated by the Grobner-basis method are stable, small and fast. Rectification and lens distortion are recovered from either one conjugately translated affine-covariant feature or two independently translated similarity-covariant features. The proposed solvers are used in a \RANSAC-based estimator, which gives accurate rectifications after few iterations. The proposed solvers are evaluated against the state-of-the-art and demonstrate significantly better rectifications on noisy measurements. Qualitative results on diverse imagery demonstrate high-accuracy undistortions and rectifications. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/prittjam/repeats

    Superpixel-based Two-view Deterministic Fitting for Multiple-structure Data

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    This paper proposes a two-view deterministic geometric model fitting method, termed Superpixel-based Deterministic Fitting (SDF), for multiple-structure data. SDF starts from superpixel segmentation, which effectively captures prior information of feature appearances. The feature appearances are beneficial to reduce the computational complexity for deterministic fitting methods. SDF also includes two original elements, i.e., a deterministic sampling algorithm and a novel model selection algorithm. The two algorithms are tightly coupled to boost the performance of SDF in both speed and accuracy. Specifically, the proposed sampling algorithm leverages the grouping cues of superpixels to generate reliable and consistent hypotheses. The proposed model selection algorithm further makes use of desirable properties of the generated hypotheses, to improve the conventional fit-and-remove framework for more efficient and effective performance. The key characteristic of SDF is that it can efficiently and deterministically estimate the parameters of model instances in multi-structure data. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SDF shows superiority over several state-of-the-art fitting methods for real images with single-structure and multiple-structure data.Comment: Accepted by European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV