412 research outputs found

    Oxygen consumption of animals under conditions of hypokinesia

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    The influence of hypokinesia on the oxygen consumption of rats, dog, and squirrels was investigated. Three periods of gaseous exchange were revealed in rats under conditions of a limited motor activity. During the first 10-15 days O2 consumption displayed a sharp elevation; on the 20th-30th day, it became stabilized at a higher level (in comparison with control) and it sharply rose again on the 40th-100th day. In dogs, hypokinesia produced a reduction of O2 consumption and then a tendency to its elevation was seen. A short period of physical exercises in squirrels after hypokinesia led to increased oxygen consumption at rest

    Bronsåldersinnovationer. En undersökning av serieproduktionens spår i bronsgjutningen under skånsk bronsålder

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    Syftet med min uppsats har varit att söka spår av bronsålderns serieproduktion inom brons-gjutningen i det arkeologiska materialet. Genom att undersöka det fysiska materialet i LUHMs magasin samt skriftliga och digitala källor analyseras tre valda undersökningsgrupper. Vidare görs en källkritik och försök att hitta något mönster i det hela genom att analysera hantverksskicklighet på materialet ur de tre valda kategorierna och därefter analyseras och sammanställs spridningskartor, gjorda av mig. Slutligen diskuteras en alternativ tolkningsmodell för smeders verksamhet i Skåne och görs ett försök att definiera serieproduktionens karaktär för detta område


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    Housing and communal services is one of the leading branches of the municipal economy at the present time, the quality of life of the population directly depends on the effectiveness of its development. Despite the high level of development of many socio-economic entities in the Russian Federation, in the housing and public utilities sector today there is no uniform effective methodology for assessing ongoing activities. Creating a universal methodology for assessing regional authorities in the implementation of measures to reform housing and communal services can be an important element in the information management of the industry. The scientific paper uses mathematical tools to build effective mechanisms for the functioning of programmes for housing and public utilities.The purpose of this study is a theoretical justification, the creation of an effective mechanism to maintain the economic balance in the housing sector.In this case, effective monitoring of management companies is considered as an important element of the economic mechanism of management of housing and public utilities, which will improve the quality of public services and ensure the level of satisfaction of the population.

    Analysis of the securities market of the Republic of Belarus

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    The stock market plays an important role in the development of the national economy of the country, in the system of redistribution of financial resources of the state. An active stock market is essential for the normal functioning of a market economy. The attractiveness of the investment climate of the state depends on the state of development of the stock market. Now the further development of the stock market of the Republic of Belarus is one of the priority tasks the government facing

    Digital banking development trends

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    The article discusses the features of digital banking, its advantages and models. It also suggests ways to improve and develop digitalization in the banking sector

    Digital banking development trends

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    The article discusses the features of digital banking, its advantages and models. It also suggests ways to improve and develop digitalization in the banking sector