194 research outputs found

    Geodesic-Preserving Polygon Simplification

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    Polygons are a paramount data structure in computational geometry. While the complexity of many algorithms on simple polygons or polygons with holes depends on the size of the input polygon, the intrinsic complexity of the problems these algorithms solve is often related to the reflex vertices of the polygon. In this paper, we give an easy-to-describe linear-time method to replace an input polygon P\mathcal{P} by a polygon P′\mathcal{P}' such that (1) P′\mathcal{P}' contains P\mathcal{P}, (2) P′\mathcal{P}' has its reflex vertices at the same positions as P\mathcal{P}, and (3) the number of vertices of P′\mathcal{P}' is linear in the number of reflex vertices. Since the solutions of numerous problems on polygons (including shortest paths, geodesic hulls, separating point sets, and Voronoi diagrams) are equivalent for both P\mathcal{P} and P′\mathcal{P}', our algorithm can be used as a preprocessing step for several algorithms and makes their running time dependent on the number of reflex vertices rather than on the size of P\mathcal{P}

    Convex Hulls in Polygonal Domains

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    We study generalizations of convex hulls to polygonal domains with holes. Convexity in Euclidean space is based on the notion of shortest paths, which are straight-line segments. In a polygonal domain, shortest paths are polygonal paths called geodesics. One possible generalization of convex hulls is based on the "rubber band" conception of the convex hull boundary as a shortest curve that encloses a given set of sites. However, it is NP-hard to compute such a curve in a general polygonal domain. Hence, we focus on a different, more direct generalization of convexity, where a set X is geodesically convex if it contains all geodesics between every pair of points x,y in X. The corresponding geodesic convex hull presents a few surprises, and turns out to behave quite differently compared to the classic Euclidean setting or to the geodesic hull inside a simple polygon. We describe a class of geometric objects that suffice to represent geodesic convex hulls of sets of sites, and characterize which such domains are geodesically convex. Using such a representation we present an algorithm to construct the geodesic convex hull of a set of O(n) sites in a polygonal domain with a total of n vertices and h holes in O(n^3h^{3+epsilon}) time, for any constant epsilon > 0

    A generalized Winternitz Theorem

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    We prove that, for every simple polygon P having k ≥ 1 reflex vertices, there exists a point q ε P such that every half-polygon that contains q contains nearly 1/2(k + 1) times the area of P. We also give a family of examples showing that this result is the best possible

    Entropy, Triangulation, and Point Location in Planar Subdivisions

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    A data structure is presented for point location in connected planar subdivisions when the distribution of queries is known in advance. The data structure has an expected query time that is within a constant factor of optimal. More specifically, an algorithm is presented that preprocesses a connected planar subdivision G of size n and a query distribution D to produce a point location data structure for G. The expected number of point-line comparisons performed by this data structure, when the queries are distributed according to D, is H + O(H^{2/3}+1) where H=H(G,D) is a lower bound on the expected number of point-line comparisons performed by any linear decision tree for point location in G under the query distribution D. The preprocessing algorithm runs in O(n log n) time and produces a data structure of size O(n). These results are obtained by creating a Steiner triangulation of G that has near-minimum entropy.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, lots of formula

    Focus 19

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    Schneider eyeCartoonistMarathonRunningPortfolio27th letterUPI internDining on campus & offSIUE Professor – clownStudio shothttps://spark.siue.edu/focus/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Computing a visibility polygon using few variables

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    We present several algorithms for computing the visibility polygon of a simple polygon PP from a viewpoint inside the polygon, when the polygon resides in read-only memory and only few working variables can be used. The first algorithm uses a constant number of variables, and outputs the vertices of the visibility polygon in O(n\Rout) time, where \Rout denotes the number of reflex vertices of PP that are part of the output. The next two algorithms use O(\log \Rin) variables, and output the visibility polygon in O(n\log \Rin) randomized expected time or O(n\log^2 \Rin) deterministic time, where \Rin is the number of reflex vertices of PP.Comment: 11 pages. Full version of paper in Proceedings of ISAAC 201
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