2,644 research outputs found

    Gnocis: An integrated system for interactive and reproducible analysis and modelling of cis-regulatory elements in Python 3

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    Gene expression is regulated through cis-regulatory elements (CREs), among which are promoters, enhancers, Polycomb/Trithorax Response Elements (PREs), silencers and insulators. Computational prediction of CREs can be achieved using a variety of statistical and machine learning methods combined with different feature space formulations. Although Python packages for DNA sequence feature sets and for machine learning are available, no existing package facilitates the combination of DNA sequence feature sets with machine learning methods for the genome-wide prediction of candidate CREs. We here present Gnocis, a Python package that streamlines the analysis and the modelling of CRE sequences by providing extensible APIs and implementing the glue required for combining feature sets and models for genome-wide prediction. Gnocis implements a variety of base feature sets, including motif pair occurrence frequencies and the k-spectrum mismatch kernel. It integrates with Scikit-learn and TensorFlow for state-of-the-art machine learning. Gnocis additionally implements a broad suite of tools for the handling and preparation of sequence, region and curve data, which can be useful for general DNA bioinformatics in Python. We also present Deep-MOCCA, a neural network architecture inspired by SVM-MOCCA that achieves moderate to high generalization without prior motif knowledge. To demonstrate the use of Gnocis, we applied multiple machine learning methods to the modelling of D. melanogaster PREs, including a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), making this the first study to model PREs with CNNs. The models are readily adapted to new CRE modelling problems and to other organisms. In order to produce a high-performance, compiled package for Python 3, we implemented Gnocis in Cython. Gnocis can be installed using the PyPI package manager by running ‘pip install gnocis’.publishedVersio

    Deep Learning Models For Biomedical Data Analysis

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    The field of biomedical data analysis is a vibrant area of research dedicated to extracting valuable insights from a wide range of biomedical data sources, including biomedical images and genomics data. The emergence of deep learning, an artificial intelligence approach, presents significant prospects for enhancing biomedical data analysis and knowledge discovery. This dissertation focused on exploring innovative deep-learning methods for biomedical image processing and gene data analysis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, biomedical imaging data, including CT scans and chest x-rays, played a pivotal role in identifying COVID-19 cases by categorizing patient chest x-ray outcomes as COVID-19-positive or negative. While supervised deep learning methods have effectively recognized COVID-19 patterns in chest x-ray datasets, the availability of annotated training data remains limited. To address this challenge, the thesis introduced a semi-supervised deep learning model named ssResNet, built upon the Residual Neural Network (ResNet) architecture. The model combines supervised and unsupervised paths, incorporating a weighted supervised loss function to manage data imbalance. The strategies to diminish prediction uncertainty in deep learning models for critical applications like medical image processing is explore. It achieves this through an ensemble deep learning model, integrating bagging deep learning and model calibration techniques. This ensemble model not only boosts biomedical image segmentation accuracy but also reduces prediction uncertainty, as validated on a comprehensive chest x-ray image segmentation dataset. Furthermore, the thesis introduced an ensemble model integrating Proformer and ensemble learning methodologies. This model constructs multiple independent Proformers for predicting gene expression, their predictions are combined through weighted averaging to generate final predictions. Experimental outcomes underscore the efficacy of this ensemble model in enhancing prediction performance across various metrics. In conclusion, this dissertation advances biomedical data analysis by harnessing the potential of deep learning techniques. It devises innovative approaches for processing biomedical images and gene data. By leveraging deep learning\u27s capabilities, this work paves the way for further progress in biomedical data analytics and its applications within clinical contexts. Index Terms- biomedical data analysis, COVID-19, deep learning, ensemble learning, gene data analytics, medical image segmentation, prediction uncertainty, Proformer, Residual Neural Network (ResNet), semi-supervised learning

    Deep learning suggests that gene expression is encoded in all parts of a co-evolving interacting gene regulatory structure

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    Understanding the genetic regulatory code governing gene expression is an important challenge in molecular biology. However, how individual coding and non-coding regions of the gene regulatory structure interact and contribute to mRNA expression levels remains unclear. Here we apply deep learning on over 20,000 mRNA datasets to examine the genetic regulatory code controlling mRNA abundance in 7 model organisms ranging from bacteria to Human. In all organisms, we can predict mRNA abundance directly from DNA sequence, with up to 82% of the variation of transcript levels encoded in the gene regulatory structure. By searching for DNA regulatory motifs across the gene regulatory structure, we discover that motif interactions could explain the whole dynamic range of mRNA levels.\ua0Co-evolution across coding and non-coding regions suggests that it is not single motifs or regions, but the entire gene regulatory structure and specific combination of regulatory elements that define gene expression levels

    Learning the Regulatory Code of Gene Expression

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    Data-driven machine learning is the method of choice for predicting molecular phenotypes from nucleotide sequence, modeling gene expression events including protein-DNA binding, chromatin states as well as mRNA and protein levels. Deep neural networks automatically learn informative sequence representations and interpreting them enables us to improve our understanding of the regulatory code governing gene expression. Here, we review the latest developments that apply shallow or deep learning to quantify molecular phenotypes and decode the cis-regulatory grammar from prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequencing data. Our approach is to build from the ground up, first focusing on the initiating protein-DNA interactions, then specific coding and non-coding regions, and finally on advances that combine multiple parts of the gene and mRNA regulatory structures, achieving unprecedented performance. We thus provide a quantitative view of gene expression regulation from nucleotide sequence, concluding with an information-centric overview of the central dogma of molecular biology

    Refining interaction search through signed iterative Random Forests

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    Advances in supervised learning have enabled accurate prediction in biological systems governed by complex interactions among biomolecules. However, state-of-the-art predictive algorithms are typically black-boxes, learning statistical interactions that are difficult to translate into testable hypotheses. The iterative Random Forest algorithm took a step towards bridging this gap by providing a computationally tractable procedure to identify the stable, high-order feature interactions that drive the predictive accuracy of Random Forests (RF). Here we refine the interactions identified by iRF to explicitly map responses as a function of interacting features. Our method, signed iRF, describes subsets of rules that frequently occur on RF decision paths. We refer to these rule subsets as signed interactions. Signed interactions share not only the same set of interacting features but also exhibit similar thresholding behavior, and thus describe a consistent functional relationship between interacting features and responses. We describe stable and predictive importance metrics to rank signed interactions. For each SPIM, we define null importance metrics that characterize its expected behavior under known structure. We evaluate our proposed approach in biologically inspired simulations and two case studies: predicting enhancer activity and spatial gene expression patterns. In the case of enhancer activity, s-iRF recovers one of the few experimentally validated high-order interactions and suggests novel enhancer elements where this interaction may be active. In the case of spatial gene expression patterns, s-iRF recovers all 11 reported links in the gap gene network. By refining the process of interaction recovery, our approach has the potential to guide mechanistic inquiry into systems whose scale and complexity is beyond human comprehension

    InPhaDel: integrative shotgun and proximity-ligation sequencing to phase deletions with single nucleotide polymorphisms.

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    Phasing of single nucleotide (SNV), and structural variations into chromosome-wide haplotypes in humans has been challenging, and required either trio sequencing or restricting phasing to population-based haplotypes. Selvaraj et al demonstrated single individual SNV phasing is possible with proximity ligated (HiC) sequencing. Here, we demonstrate HiC can phase structural variants into phased scaffolds of SNVs. Since HiC data is noisy, and SV calling is challenging, we applied a range of supervised classification techniques, including Support Vector Machines and Random Forest, to phase deletions. Our approach was demonstrated on deletion calls and phasings on the NA12878 human genome. We used three NA12878 chromosomes and simulated chromosomes to train model parameters. The remaining NA12878 chromosomes withheld from training were used to evaluate phasing accuracy. Random Forest had the highest accuracy and correctly phased 86% of the deletions with allele-specific read evidence. Allele-specific read evidence was found for 76% of the deletions. HiC provides significant read evidence for accurately phasing 33% of the deletions. Also, eight of eight top ranked deletions phased by only HiC were validated using long range polymerase chain reaction and Sanger. Thus, deletions from a single individual can be accurately phased using a combination of shotgun and proximity ligation sequencing. InPhaDel software is available at: http://l337x911.github.io/inphadel/
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