589 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence in Civil Infrastructure Health Monitoring—historical Perspectives, Current Trends, and Future Visions

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    Over the past 2 decades, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has exponentially increased toward complete automation of structural inspection and assessment tasks. This trend will continue to rise in image processing as unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and the internet of things (IoT) markets are expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 57.5% and 26%, respectively, from 2021 to 2028. This paper aims to catalog the milestone development work, summarize the current research trends, and envision a few future research directions in the innovative application of AI in civil infrastructure health monitoring. A blow-by-blow account of the major technology progression in this research field is provided in a chronological order. Detailed applications, key contributions, and performance measures of each milestone publication are presented. Representative technologies are detailed to demonstrate current research trends. A road map for future research is outlined to address contemporary issues such as explainable and physics-informed AI. This paper will provide readers with a lucid memoir of the historical progress, a good sense of the current trends, and a clear vision for future research

    Structural Material Property Tailoring Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are ushering in a new age of automation, as machines match or outperform human performance. Machine intelligence can enable businesses to improve performance by reducing errors, improving sensitivity, quality and speed, and in some cases achieving outcomes that go beyond current resource capabilities. Relevant applications include new product architecture design, rapid material characterization, and life-cycle management tied with a digital strategy that will enable efficient development of products from cradle to grave. In addition, there are also challenges to overcome that must be addressed through a major, sustained research effort that is based solidly on both inferential and computational principles applied to design tailoring of functionally optimized structures. Current applications of structural materials in the aerospace industry demand the highest quality control of material microstructure, especially for advanced rotational turbomachinery in aircraft engines in order to have the best tailored material property. In this paper, deep convolutional neural networks were developed to accurately predict processing-structure-property relations from materials microstructures images, surpassing current best practices and modeling efforts. The models automatically learn critical features, without the need for manual specification and/or subjective and expensive image analysis. Further, in combination with generative deep learning models, a framework is proposed to enable rapid material design space exploration and property identification and optimization. The implementation must take account of real-time decision cycles and the trade-offs between speed and accuracy

    Crack Detection in Single- and Multi-Light Images of Painted Surfaces using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Cracks represent an imminent danger for painted surfaces that needs to be alerted before degenerating into more severe aging effects, such as color loss. Automatic detection of cracks from painted surfaces' images would be therefore extremely useful for art conservators; however, classical image processing solutions are not effective to detect them, distinguish them from other lines or surface characteristics. A possible solution to improve the quality of crack detection exploits Multi-Light Image Collections (MLIC), that are often acquired in the Cultural Heritage domain thanks to the diffusion of the Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) technique, allowing a low cost and rich digitization of artworks' surfaces. In this paper, we propose a pipeline for the detection of crack on egg-tempera paintings from multi-light image acquisitions and that can be used as well on single images. The method is based on single or multi-light edge detection and on a custom Convolutional Neural Network able to classify image patches around edge points as crack or non-crack, trained on RTI data. The pipeline is able to classify regions with cracks with good accuracy when applied on MLIC. Used on single images, it can give still reasonable results. The analysis of the performances for different lighting directions also reveals optimal lighting directions

    Review on Machine Learning-based Defect Detection of Shield Tunnel Lining

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    At present, machine learning methods are widely used in various industries for their high adaptability, optimization function, and self-learning reserve function. Besides, the world-famous cities have almost built and formed subway networks that promote economic development. This paper presents the art states of Defect detection of Shield Tunnel lining based on Machine learning (DSTM). In addition, the processing method of image data from the shield tunnel is being explored to adapt to its complex environment. Comparison and analysis are used to show the performance of the algorithms in terms of the effects of data set establishment, algorithm selection, and detection devices. Based on the analysis results, Convolutional Neural Network methods show high recognition accuracy and better adaptability to the complexity of the environment in the shield tunnel compared to traditional machine learning methods. The Support Vector Machine algorithms show high recognition performance only for small data sets. To improve detection models and increase detection accuracy, measures such as optimizing features, fusing algorithms, creating a high-quality data set, increasing the sample size, and using devices with high detection accuracy can be recommended. Finally, we analyze the challenges in the field of coupling DSTM, meanwhile, the possible development direction of DSTM is prospected


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    The primary objective of this thesis is to develop innovative techniques for the inspection and maintenance of aircraft structures. We aim to streamline the entire process by utilizing images to detect potential defects in the aircraft body and comparing them to properly functioning images of the aircraft. This enables us to determine whether a specific section of the aircraft is faulty or not. We achieve this by employing image processing to train a model capable of identifying faulty images. The image processing methodology we use involves the use of images of both defective and operational parts of the aircraft\u27s exterior. These images undergo a preprocessing phase that preserves valuable details. During the training period, a new image of the same section of the aircraft is used to validate the model. After processing, the algorithm grades the image as faulty or normal. To facilitate our study, we rely on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) approach. This technique collects distinguishing features from a single patch created by the frame segmentation of a CNN kernel. Furthermore, we use various filters to process the images using the image processing toolbox available in Python. In our initial trials, we observed that the CNN model struggled with the overfitting of the faulty class. To address this, we applied image augmentation by converting a small dataset of 87 images to an augmented dataset of 4000 images. After passing the data through multiple convolutional layers and executing multiple epochs, our proposed model achieved an impressive training accuracy of 98.28%. In addition, we designed a GUI-based interface that allows users to input an image and view the results in terms of faulty or normal. Finally, we propose that the application of this research in the field of robotics would be an ideal area for future work

    Crack Analyser: a novel image-based NDT approach for measuring crack severity ​

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    openIn Europa, le infrastrutture civili e di trasporto necessitano di una manutenzione efficace e proattiva per garantire il continuo funzionamento in sicurezza durante l'intero loro ciclo di vita. I paesi europei devono ogni anno stanziare enormi risorse per mantenere il loro livello di funzionalità. Ciò fa sorgere la necessità urgente di adottare approcci di ispezione di monitoraggio più rapidi e affidabili per aiutare ad affrontare questi problemi. Il deterioramento delle strutture è più spesso anticipato dalla formazione di fessure sulla superficie del calcestruzzo. La presenza di fessurazioni può essere sintomo di diverse problematiche quali dilatazioni e ritiri dovuti a sbalzi di temperatura, assestamenti della struttura, copertura impropria fornita in fase di getto, corrosione delle armature in acciaio, carichi pesanti applicati, vibrazioni insufficienti al momento della posa del calcestruzzo o perdite d'acqua per ritiro superficiale del calcestruzzo. Diventa quindi di primaria importanza l'identificazione, la misurazione e il monitoraggio delle fessurazioni sulla superficie del calcestruzzo. I principali metodi di ispezione attualmente adottati si basano su strumenti manuali e righelli: un’attività lunga e ingombrante, soggetta a errori e scarsamente oggettiva sull'analisi quantitativa perché fortemente dipendente dall'esperienza dell'operatore. Secondo la norma UNI EN 1992-1-1:2005, la larghezza massima delle fessure del calcestruzzo ammessa per una generica classe di rischio è di 0,3 mm. Per questo motivo, per misurare in modo accurato e affidabile la dimensione della fessura, è necessario l’impiego di strumenti di misura con caratteristiche metrologiche adeguate (es. precisione e accuratezza almeno un ordine inferiore al valore da misurare). In caso contrario, la severità della fessura potrebbe essere classificata erroneamente. Questo lavoro di tesi propone un nuovo approccio automatico, basato su immagini, in grado di localizzare e misurare fessure su superfici in calcestruzzo rispettando il vincolo metrologico imposto dalla norma UNI EN 1992-1-1:2005. Utilizzando una sola immagine, il metodo sviluppato è in grado di localizzare e misurare automaticamente e rapidamente la larghezza e la lunghezza di una fessura su una superficie. Il sistema di misura sviluppato sfrutta una singola telecamera operante nel campo del visibile per acquisire un'immagine digitalizzata della superficie da ispezionare. Il componente software del sistema riceve in input la singola immagine che inquadra la crepa e fornisce in output un'immagine aumentata dove viene evidenziata la crepa e la sua larghezza e lunghezza media/max. La misura della larghezza della fessura viene eseguita perpendicolarmente alla linea centrale della fessura con una precisione sub-pixel. Il sistema di misurazione è stato implementato su uno smartphone per eseguire ispezioni manuali da parte dell'operatore e su sistemi integrati per l'ispezione remota con robot o velivoli senza pilota (UAV)). Le strategie sviluppate possono essere facilmente estese a qualsiasi altro contesto in cui sia richiesto un controllo di qualità superficiale mirato all'identificazione e misura di eventuali danni o difettosità. ​Europe’s ageing transport infrastructure needs effective and proactive maintenance in order to continue its safe operation during the entire life cycle; European countries have to allocate huge resources for maintaining their service-ability level. This give rise to the necessity of an urgent need to adopt faster and more reliable monitoring inspection approaches to help tackling these issues. The deterioration of structures is most often foreseen by the formation of cracks on concrete surface. The presence of cracks can be a symptom of various problems like expansion and shrinks due to temperature differences, settlement of the structure, improper cover provided during concreting, corrosion of reinforcement steel, heavy load applied, insufficient vibration at the time of laying the concrete or loss of water from concrete surface shrinkage, therefore the identification, measurement and monitoring of cracks on the concrete surface becomes of primary importance. The main currently adopted inspection methods rely on visual marking and rulers, long and cumbersome activity, prone to errors and poorly objective on quantitative analysis because it strongly depends on operator experience. According to UNI EN 1992-1-1:2005 standard , the maximum admitted concrete crack width is 0.3 mm. For this reason, to accurately and reliably measure the target dimension, it is necessary to employ measurement instruments with suitable metrological characteristics (e.g. precision and accuracy at least one order lower than the value to be measured). Otherwise, the crack severity could be misclassified. This thesis work proposes a novel automatic image-based approach able to locate and measure cracks on concrete surfaces respecting the metrological constraint imposed by UNI EN 1992-1-1:2005 standard. Using only one image, the developed method is able to automatically and rapidly locate and measure the average width and length of a crack in an existing concrete structure. The measurement system developed exploits a single camera working in the visible range to acquire a digitized image of the structure being inspected. The software component of the system receives as input the single image framing the crack and gives as output an augmented image where the crack is highlighted as well as its average/max width and length. The measure of the crack width is performed perpendicularly to the crack central line with sub-pixel accuracy. The measurement system has been deployed on a smartphone for operator-based manual inspections as well on embedded systems for remote inspection with robots or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The strategies developed can be easily extended from concrete inspection applications to any other context where a surface quality control targeted to the identification of eventual damages/defects is required. The activity was triggered by an explicit need within the EnDurCrete project. ​INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALEembargoed_20220321Giulietti, Nicol

    Improving Deep Learning-based Defect Detection on Window Frames with Image Processing Strategies

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    Detecting subtle defects in window frames, including dents and scratches, is vital for upholding product integrity and sustaining a positive brand perception. Conventional machine vision systems often struggle to identify these defects in challenging environments like construction sites. In contrast, modern vision systems leveraging machine and deep learning (DL) are emerging as potent tools, particularly for cosmetic inspections. However, the promise of DL is yet to be fully realized. A few manufacturers have established a clear strategy for AI integration in quality inspection, hindered mainly by issues like scarce clean datasets and environmental changes that compromise model accuracy. Addressing these challenges, our study presents an innovative approach that amplifies defect detection in DL models, even with constrained data resources. The paper proposes a new defect detection pipeline called InspectNet (IPT-enhanced UNET) that includes the best combination of image enhancement and augmentation techniques for pre-processing the dataset and a Unet model tuned for window frame defect detection and segmentation. Experiments were carried out using a Spot Robot doing window frame inspections . 16 variations of the dataset were constructed using different image augmentation settings. Results of the experiments revealed that, on average, across all proposed evaluation measures, Unet outperformed all other algorithms when IPT-enhanced augmentations were applied. In particular, when using the best dataset, the average Intersection over Union (IoU) values achieved were IPT-enhanced Unet, reaching 0.91 of mIoU

    Artificial intelligence in construction asset management: a review of present status, challenges and future opportunities

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    The built environment is responsible for roughly 40% of global greenhouse emissions, making the sector a crucial factor for climate change and sustainability. Meanwhile, other sectors (like manufacturing) adopted Artificial Intelligence (AI) to solve complex, non-linear problems to reduce waste, inefficiency, and pollution. Therefore, many research efforts in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction community have recently tried introducing AI into building asset management (AM) processes. Since AM encompasses a broad set of disciplines, an overview of several AI applications, current research gaps, and trends is needed. In this context, this study conducted the first state-of-the-art research on AI for building asset management. A total of 578 papers were analyzed with bibliometric tools to identify prominent institutions, topics, and journals. The quantitative analysis helped determine the most researched areas of AM and which AI techniques are applied. The areas were furtherly investigated by reading in-depth the 83 most relevant studies selected by screening the articles’ abstracts identified in the bibliometric analysis. The results reveal many applications for Energy Management, Condition assessment, Risk management, and Project management areas. Finally, the literature review identified three main trends that can be a reference point for future studies made by practitioners or researchers: Digital Twin, Generative Adversarial Networks (with synthetic images) for data augmentation, and Deep Reinforcement Learning

    An overview of a leader journal in the field of transport: a bibliometric analysis of “Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering” from 2000 to 2019

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    Computer-Aided Civil And Infrastructure Engineering (CACAIE) is an international journal, and the first documents was published from 1980. This article is to make an overview based on bibliometric analysis to celebrate the 35th anniversary of CACAIE till 2019. At present, 1045 publications can be indexed in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (WoS) from 2000 to 2019, and we explore the characteristics of these publications by bibliometric methods and tools (VOSviewer and CiteSpace). First, the fundamental information of publications is given with the help of some bibliometric indicators, such as the number of citations and h-index. According to high-citing and high-cited publications, we analyse that who pays closer attention to the journal and what the journal most focuses on considering sources, countries/regions, institutions and authors. After that, the influential countries/regions and references are presented, and collaboration networks are given to show the relationship among countries/regions, institutions and authors. In order to understand the development trends and hot topics, co-occurrence analysis and timeline view of keywords are made to be visual. In addition, publications in four fields – Construction & Building Technology; Engineering, Civil; Transportation Science & Technology; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications – that CACAIE refers are summarized, and further discussions are made for the journal and scholars. Finally, some main findings are concluded according to all analysis. This article provides a certain reference for scholars and journals to further research and promote the scientific-technological progress. First published online 6 January 202