74 research outputs found

    Optimization of p-cycle protection schemes in optical networks

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    La survie des réseaux est un domaine d'étude technique très intéressant ainsi qu'une préoccupation critique dans la conception des réseaux. Compte tenu du fait que de plus en plus de données sont transportées à travers des réseaux de communication, une simple panne peut interrompre des millions d'utilisateurs et engendrer des millions de dollars de pertes de revenu. Les techniques de protection des réseaux consistent à fournir une capacité supplémentaire dans un réseau et à réacheminer les flux automatiquement autour de la panne en utilisant cette disponibilité de capacité. Cette thèse porte sur la conception de réseaux optiques intégrant des techniques de survie qui utilisent des schémas de protection basés sur les p-cycles. Plus précisément, les p-cycles de protection par chemin sont exploités dans le contexte de pannes sur les liens. Notre étude se concentre sur la mise en place de structures de protection par p-cycles, et ce, en supposant que les chemins d'opération pour l'ensemble des requêtes sont définis a priori. La majorité des travaux existants utilisent des heuristiques ou des méthodes de résolution ayant de la difficulté à résoudre des instances de grande taille. L'objectif de cette thèse est double. D'une part, nous proposons des modèles et des méthodes de résolution capables d'aborder des problèmes de plus grande taille que ceux déjà présentés dans la littérature. D'autre part, grâce aux nouveaux algorithmes, nous sommes en mesure de produire des solutions optimales ou quasi-optimales. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur la technique de génération de colonnes, celle-ci étant adéquate pour résoudre des problèmes de programmation linéaire de grande taille. Dans ce projet, la génération de colonnes est utilisée comme une façon intelligente d'énumérer implicitement des cycles prometteurs. Nous proposons d'abord des formulations pour le problème maître et le problème auxiliaire ainsi qu'un premier algorithme de génération de colonnes pour la conception de réseaux protegées par des p-cycles de la protection par chemin. L'algorithme obtient de meilleures solutions, dans un temps raisonnable, que celles obtenues par les méthodes existantes. Par la suite, une formulation plus compacte est proposée pour le problème auxiliaire. De plus, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode de décomposition hiérarchique qui apporte une grande amélioration de l'efficacité globale de l'algorithme. En ce qui concerne les solutions en nombres entiers, nous proposons deux méthodes heurisiques qui arrivent à trouver des bonnes solutions. Nous nous attardons aussi à une comparaison systématique entre les p-cycles et les schémas classiques de protection partagée. Nous effectuons donc une comparaison précise en utilisant des formulations unifiées et basées sur la génération de colonnes pour obtenir des résultats de bonne qualité. Par la suite, nous évaluons empiriquement les versions orientée et non-orientée des p-cycles pour la protection par lien ainsi que pour la protection par chemin, dans des scénarios de trafic asymétrique. Nous montrons quel est le coût de protection additionnel engendré lorsque des systèmes bidirectionnels sont employés dans de tels scénarios. Finalement, nous étudions une formulation de génération de colonnes pour la conception de réseaux avec des p-cycles en présence d'exigences de disponibilité et nous obtenons des premières bornes inférieures pour ce problème.Network survivability is a very interesting area of technical study and a critical concern in network design. As more and more data are carried over communication networks, a single outage can disrupt millions of users and result in millions of dollars of lost revenue. Survivability techniques involve providing some redundant capacity within the network and automatically rerouting traffic around the failure using this redundant capacity. This thesis concerns the design of survivable optical networks using p-cycle based schemes, more particularly, path-protecting p-cycles, in link failure scenarios. Our study focuses on the placement of p-cycle protection structures assuming that the working routes for the set of connection requests are defined a priori. Most existing work carried out on p-cycles concerns heuristic algorithms or methods suffering from critical lack of scalability. Thus, the objective of this thesis is twofold: on the one hand, to propose scalable models and solution methods enabling to approach larger problem instances and on the other hand, to produce optimal or near optimal solutions with mathematically proven optimality gaps. For this, we rely on the column generation technique which is suitable to solve large scale linear programming problems. Here, column generation is used as an intelligent way of implicitly enumerating promising cycles to be part of p-cycle designs. At first, we propose mathematical formulations for the master and the pricing problems as well as the first column generation algorithm for the design of survivable networks based on path-protecting p-cycles. The resulting algorithm obtains better solutions within reasonable running time in comparison with existing methods. Then, a much more compact formulation of the pricing problem is obtained. In addition, we also propose a new hierarchical decomposition method which greatly improves the efficiency of the whole algorithm and allows us to solve larger problem instances. As for integer solutions, two heuristic approaches are proposed to obtain good solutions. Next, we dedicate our attention to a systematic comparison of p-cycles and classical shared protection schemes. We perform an accurate comparison by using a unified column generation framework to find provably good results. Afterwards, our study concerns an empirical evaluation of directed and undirected link- and path-protecting p-cycles under asymmetric traffic scenarios. We show how much additional protection cost results from employing bidirectional systems in such scenarios. Finally, we investigate a column generation formulation for the design of p-cycle networks under availability requirements and obtain the first lower bounds for the problem


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    Transportation systems are critical lifelines for society, but are at risk from natural or human-caused hazards. To prevent significant loss from disaster events caused by such hazards, the transportation system must be resilient, and thus able to cope with disaster impact. It is impractical to reinforce or harden these systems to all types of events. However, options that support quick recovery of these systems and increase the system's resilience to such events may be helpful. To address these challenges, this dissertation provides a general mathematical framework to protect transportation infrastructure systems in the presence of uncertain events with the potential to reduce system capacity/performance. A single, general decision-support optimization model is formulated as a multi-stage stochastic program. The program seeks an optimal sequence of decisions over time based upon the realization of random events in each time stage. This dissertation addresses three problems to demonstrate the application of the proposed mathematical model in different transportation environments with emphasis on system-level resilience: Airport Resilience Problem (ARP), Building Evacuation Design Problem (BEDP), and Travel Time Resilience in Roadways (TTR). These problems aim to measure system performance given the system's topological and operational characteristics and support operational decision-making, mitigation and preparedness planning, and post-event immediate response. Mathematical optimization techniques including, bi-level programming, nonlinear programming, stochastic programming and robust optimization, are employed in the formulation of each problem. Exact (or approximate) solution methodologies based on concepts of primal and dual decomposition (integer L-shaped decomposition, Generalized Benders decomposition, and progressive hedging), disjunctive optimization, scenario simulation, and piecewise linearization methods are presented. Numerical experiments were conducted on network representations of a United States rail-based intermodal container network, the LaGuardia Airport taxiway and runway pavement network, a single-story office building, and a small roadway network

    Half-life syndrome in information.

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    Critical Infrastructures: Enhancing Preparedness & Resilience for the Security of Citizens and Services Supply Continuity: Proceedings of the 52nd ESReDA Seminar Hosted by the Lithuanian Energy Institute & Vytautas Magnus University

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    Critical Infrastructures Preparedness and Resilience is a major societal security issue in modern society. Critical Infrastructures (CIs) provide vital services to modern societies. Some CIs’ disruptions may endanger the security of the citizen, the safety of the strategic assets and even the governance continuity. The European Safety, Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA) as one of the most active EU networks in the field has initiated a project group on the “Critical Infrastructure/Modelling, Simulation and Analysis – Data”. The main focus of the project group is to report on the state of progress in MS&A of the CIs preparedness & resilience with a specific focus on the corresponding data availability and relevance. In order to report on the most recent developments in the field of the CIs preparedness & resilience MS&A and the availability of the relevant data, ESReDA held its 52nd Seminar on the following thematic: “Critical Infrastructures: Enhancing Preparedness & Resilience for the security of citizens and services supply continuity”. The 52nd ESReDA Seminar was a very successful event, which attracted about 50 participants from industry, authorities, operators, research centres, academia and consultancy companies.JRC.G.10-Knowledge for Nuclear Security and Safet

    Innovation Technology

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    Comprise definition of 1500 terms. Innovation from A to Z presents a glossary, including: Terms, older terms whose meanings have changed, acronyms, synonyms, famous names, selected abbreviations, and cross-references. A highly interdisciplinary approach incorporating strategy and entrepreneurship with technology and engineering sciences, economics, marketing, organizational behavior and theory. Ideal for engineers, managers, sales people and economists. Innovation Technology from A to Z Glossary of terms, including acronyms, synonyms, abbreviations, cross-references 1500 terms supplemented by figures and tables that clearly demonstrate the state-of-the-art in Innovation Technolog

    Mastering Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering

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    This open access book reports on innovative methods, technologies and strategies for mastering uncertainty in technical systems. Despite the fact that current research on uncertainty is mainly focusing on uncertainty quantification and analysis, this book gives emphasis to innovative ways to master uncertainty in engineering design, production and product usage alike. It gathers authoritative contributions by more than 30 scientists reporting on years of research in the areas of engineering, applied mathematics and law, thus offering a timely, comprehensive and multidisciplinary account of theories and methods for quantifying data, model and structural uncertainty, and of fundamental strategies for mastering uncertainty. It covers key concepts such as robustness, flexibility and resilience in detail. All the described methods, technologies and strategies have been validated with the help of three technical systems, i.e. the Modular Active Spring-Damper System, the Active Air Spring and the 3D Servo Press, which have been in turn developed and tested during more than ten years of cooperative research. Overall, this book offers a timely, practice-oriented reference guide to graduate students, researchers and professionals dealing with uncertainty in the broad field of mechanical engineering
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