293 research outputs found

    The Hierarchic treatment of marine ecological information from spatial networks of benthic platforms

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    Measuring biodiversity simultaneously in different locations, at different temporal scales, and over wide spatial scales is of strategic importance for the improvement of our understanding of the functioning of marine ecosystems and for the conservation of their biodiversity. Monitoring networks of cabled observatories, along with other docked autonomous systems (e.g., Remotely Operated Vehicles [ROVs], Autonomous Underwater Vehicles [AUVs], and crawlers), are being conceived and established at a spatial scale capable of tracking energy fluxes across benthic and pelagic compartments, as well as across geographic ecotones. At the same time, optoacoustic imaging is sustaining an unprecedented expansion in marine ecological monitoring, enabling the acquisition of new biological and environmental data at an appropriate spatiotemporal scale. At this stage, one of the main problems for an effective application of these technologies is the processing, storage, and treatment of the acquired complex ecological information. Here, we provide a conceptual overview on the technological developments in the multiparametric generation, storage, and automated hierarchic treatment of biological and environmental information required to capture the spatiotemporal complexity of a marine ecosystem. In doing so, we present a pipeline of ecological data acquisition and processing in different steps and prone to automation. We also give an example of population biomass, community richness and biodiversity data computation (as indicators for ecosystem functionality) with an Internet Operated Vehicle (a mobile crawler). Finally, we discuss the software requirements for that automated data processing at the level of cyber-infrastructures with sensor calibration and control, data banking, and ingestion into large data portals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Flexible joint robotic manipulator: Modeling and design of robust control law

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    This paper presents modeling and sophisticated control of a single Degree Of Freedom (DOF) flexible robotic arm. The derived model is based on Euler-Lagrange approach while the first and second order (super twisting) Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is proposed as a non-linear control strategy. The control laws are subjected to various test inputs including step and sinusoids to demonstrate their tracking efficiency by observing transient and steady state behaviours. Both orders of SMC are then compared to characterize the control performance in terms of robustness, handling external disturbances and chattering. Results dictate that the super twisting SMC is more accurate and robust against the external noise and chattering phenomena compared to the first order SMC


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    In this paper, a gripper mechanism is optimized by using bees’ algorithm (BA) to compare with Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm version II (NSGA-II). The procedure of BA is proposed. The superiority of BA is illustrated by using results in figures and tables. A sensitivity analysis using correlation test is executed. The effectiveness coefficients of design variable for the objectives are provided. Consequently, the effectual design variables and the genuine searching method of BA are clearly evaluated and discussed. The BA provides dispersed and the least crowded Pareto Front population for solution in the shortest duration. Therefore, the best solutions are selected based on curve fitting. The closest solutions to the fitted curve are selected as the best in the region

    Offline GA-based optimisation for heterogeneous modular multi-configurable chained micro-robots

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    This paper presents a GA-based optimization procedure for bioinspired heterogeneous modular multiconfigurable chained microrobots. When constructing heterogeneous chained modular robots that are composed of several different drive modules, one must select the type and position of the modules that form the chain. One must also develop new locomotion gaits that combine the different drive modules. These are two new features of heterogeneous modular robots that they do not share with homogeneous modular robots. This paper presents an offline control system that allows the development of new configuration schemes and locomotion gaits for these heterogeneous modular multiconfigurable chained microrobots. The offline control system is based on a simulator that is specifically designed for chained modular robots and allows them to develop and learn new locomotion patterns.This work has been supported by the CAM Project S2009/DPI-1559/ROBOCITY2030 II, developed by the research team RoboticsLab at the University Carlos III of Madrid

    Bacterial Memetic Algorithm Trained Fuzzy System-Based Model of Single Weld Bead Geometry

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    This article presents a fuzzy system-based modeling approach to estimate the weld bead geometry (WBG) from the welding process variables (WPVs) and to achieve a specific weld bead shape. The bacterial memetic algorithm (BMA) is applied to solve these problems in two different roles, as a supervised trainer, and as an optimizer. As a supervised trainer, the BMA is applied to tune two different WBG models. The bead geometry properties (BGP) model follows a traditional approach providing the WBG properties as outputs. The direct profile measurement (DPM) model describes the bead profiles points by a non-linear function realized in the form of fuzzy rules. As an optimizer, the BMA utilizes the developed fuzzy systems to find the solution sets of WPVs to acquire the desired WBG. The best performance is achieved by applying six rules in the BGP model and eleven rules in the DPM model. The results indicate that the normalized root means square error for the validation data set lies in the range of 0:40 - 1:56% for the BGP model and 4:49 - 7:52% for the DPM model. The comparative analysis suggests that the BGP model estimates the BWG in a superior manner when several WPVs are altered. The developed fuzzy systems provide a tool for interpreting the effects of the WPVs. The developed optimizer provides multiple valid set of WPVs to produce the desired WBG, thus supporting the selection of those process variables in applications

    On the control of propagating acoustic waves in sonic crystals: analytical, numerical and optimization techniques

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    El control de las propiedades acústicas de los cristales de sonido (CS) necesita del estudio de la distribución de dispersores en la propia estructura y de las propiedades acústicas intrínsecas de dichos dispersores. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio exhaustivo de diferentes distribuciones, así como el estudio de la mejora de las propiedades acústicas de CS constituidos por dispersores con propiedades absorbentes y/o resonantes. Estos dos procedimientos, tanto independientemente como conjuntamente, introducen posibilidades reales para el control de la propagación de ondas acústicas a través de los CS. Desde el punto de vista teórico, la propagación de ondas a través de estructuras periódicas y quasiperiódicas se ha analizado mediante los métodos de la dispersión múltiple, de la expansión en ondas planas y de los elementos finitos. En este trabajo se presenta una novedosa extensión del método de la expansión en ondas planas que permite obtener las relaciones complejas de dispersión para los CS. Esta técnica complementa la información obtenida por los métodos clásicos y permite conocer el comportamiento evanescente de los modos en el interior de las bandas de propagación prohibida del CS, así como de los modos localizados alrededor de posibles defectos puntuales en CS. La necesidad de medidas precisas de las propiedades acústicas de los CS ha provocado el desarrollo de un novedoso sistema tridimensional que sincroniza el movimiento del receptor y la adquisición de señales temporales. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos en este trabajo muestran una gran similitud con los resultados teóricos. La actuación conjunta de distribuciones de dispersores optimizadas y de las propiedades intrínsecas de éstos, se aplica para la generación de dispositivos que presentan un rango amplio de frecuencias atenuadas. Se presenta una alternativa a las barreras acústicas tradicionales basada en CS donde se puede controlar el paso de ondas a su través. Los resultados ayudan a entender correctamente el funcionamiento de los CS para la localización de sonido, y para el guiado y filtrado de ondas acústicas.Romero García, V. (2010). On the control of propagating acoustic waves in sonic crystals: analytical, numerical and optimization techniques [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8982Palanci

    Optimization of the supplier selection process in prefabrication using BIM

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    Prefabrication offers substantial benefits including reduction in construction waste, material waste, energy use, labor demands, and delivery time, and an improvement in project constructability and cost certainty. As the material cost accounts for nearly 70% of the total cost of the prefabrication project, to select a suitable material supplier plays an important role in such a project. The purpose of this study is to present a method for supporting supplier selection of a prefabrication project. The proposed method consists of three parts. First, a list of assessment criteria was established to evaluate the suitability of supplier alternatives. Second, Building Information Modelling (BIM) was adopted to provide sufficient information about the project requirements and suppliers’ profiles, which facilitates the storage and sharing of information. Finally, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to rank the importance of the assessment criteria and obtain the score of supplier alternatives. The suppliers were ranked based on the total scores. To illustrate how to use the proposed method, it was applied to a real prefabrication project. The proposed method facilitates the supplier selection process by providing sufficient information in an effective way and by improving the understanding of the project requirements

    A Literature Survey on Web Content Mining

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    Web is an accumulation of inter related documents on one or more web servers while web mining implies extricating important data from web databases. Web mining is one of the data mining spaces where data mining methods are utilized for extricating data from the web servers. The web information incorporates site pages, web links, questions on the web and web logs. Web mining is utilized to comprehend the client behavior, assess a specific site in view of the data which is stored in web log documents. Web mining is assessed by utilizing data mining strategies, specifically Association Rules, Classification and Clustering. It has some helpful regions or applications, for example, Electronic trade, E-learning, E-government, E-arrangements, E-majority rules system, Electronic business, security, crime examination and computerized library. Recovering the required web page from the web productively and adequately becomes a challenging task since web is comprised of unstructured information, which conveys the substantial measure of data and increment the unpredictability of managing data from various web service providers. The accumulation of data turns out to be elusive, extract, channel or assess the significant data for the clients. In this paper, we have considered the essential ideas of web mining, classification, procedures and issues. Notwithstanding this, this paper likewise broke down the web mining research challenges

    Robot-Enabled Construction Assembly with Automated Sequence Planning based on ChatGPT: RoboGPT

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    Robot-based assembly in construction has emerged as a promising solution to address numerous challenges such as increasing costs, labor shortages, and the demand for safe and efficient construction processes. One of the main obstacles in realizing the full potential of these robotic systems is the need for effective and efficient sequence planning for construction tasks. Current approaches, including mathematical and heuristic techniques or machine learning methods, face limitations in their adaptability and scalability to dynamic construction environments. To expand the ability of the current robot system in sequential understanding, this paper introduces RoboGPT, a novel system that leverages the advanced reasoning capabilities of ChatGPT, a large language model, for automated sequence planning in robot-based assembly applied to construction tasks. The proposed system adapts ChatGPT for construction sequence planning and demonstrate its feasibility and effectiveness through experimental evaluation including Two case studies and 80 trials about real construction tasks. The results show that RoboGPT-driven robots can handle complex construction operations and adapt to changes on the fly. This paper contributes to the ongoing efforts to enhance the capabilities and performance of robot-based assembly systems in the construction industry, and it paves the way for further integration of large language model technologies in the field of construction robotics.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, submitted to IEEE Acces